Thrilling Heaven (Room 103)

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Thrilling Heaven (Room 103) Page 11

by Sidebottom, D H

  “It’s not Bulk, Ethan. It’s… I’m just worried about… what Kyle will do when he finds out. It just feels like we’re stepping into the mouth of the unknown, ya’ know.”

  I flicked her a soft smile and squeezed her thigh before shifting gears and replacing it. “Jen, don’t worry. It’ll be over soon, I promise.”

  “It’ll never be over, Ethan. He’ll never stop hunting us” she said despondently and my heart broke for her.

  How the hell my parents had parted with such an evil bastard was beyond me. I had turned out okay, pretty nice if I could say that without it sounding arrogant, but yeah, I was a good person.

  That thought suddenly shattered in my mind when a little voice told me I had ordered a hit on my own brother, but I pushed that away. Jen would always mean more and come before Kyle.

  He was no brother of mine, not the way he had treated Jen for years. I didn’t want any association with a person like that.

  We were done, simple.

  “It will be fine, baby. I promise. You need to listen to me, Jen. Don’t forget I have super powers and those include a premonition that soon, very soon, me and you will be walking down an aisle under moonlight. One covered in soft pink rose petals, whilst E sings softly beside us. Our friends smiling widely as they watch us. You dressed in a delicate white gown, as I watch your beautiful face smile down that aisle at me with so much happiness, it will be blinding.”

  She slowly turned towards me, her eyes wide, her lips parted and her breathing heavy and unsteady.

  Her throat bobbed rapidly and my stomach clenched as I realised she didn’t want that, she was appalled that I would even mention marriage, I could see it in her eyes.

  “Are you… are you asking me to marry you?” she stammered as her fingers curled into her thigh, the opposite one to which I was still clung to, my own fingers digging painfully into her soft flesh now that devastation flowed through me.

  “I, uhh…” I gulped away the damn threat of tears that were trying to force their way up my throat.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I had barely ever shed a fucking tear in my life. The last time I had cried had been nine years ago, when the person triggering the tears now, had walked out of my life.

  She reached into me, her warm breath whispering against my cheek and I tried my damn hardest to concentrate on the road as her lips brushed my skin. “Yes” she whispered in my ear, “Fuck, yes!”

  My throat suddenly released a funny murmur as her words hit each of the lobes in my brain and exploded into a stunning clarity that this woman, this fucking woman who I loved more than life, more than the chuffing galaxy, wanted to marry me.

  She wanted to fucking marry me.


  “Holy Fuck” I wheezed out and she laughed loudly as she planted a huge smacker on my cheek.

  “God damn, I love you, Ethan Hart!” she cried and I laughed with her, both of us hyper with emotion as we pulled up at Bulk’s huge iron gates and I tapped in the code, opening the gates for us.

  I screeched to a halt outside his house before I pulled her across the console and onto my knee. “Do you know how crazy I am about you, Jen?”

  She nodded as her eyes sparkled wildly, “I know because I feel the exact same way about you.”

  She leaned into me slowly, her eyes never leaving me as her lips brushed over mine so tenderly it hitched my breath.

  She didn’t move any further, just held me close with her gaze as I held her just as close, both of us saying so much without uttering a single word.

  I could see her heart beating wildly through the reflection in her eyes, her own beautiful soul reaching out to me as she gave me everything she was.

  All of her. She was mine, all mine; after eleven years of loving her so deeply there had been no escape from my own tortured soul.

  But now, at long last, I had her… I fucking had her!

  A tear slid down her cheek and she smiled so exquisitely with a vast happiness in her eyes as she palmed my cheek.

  “Thank you” she whispered before she brought her mouth to mine and kissed me.

  Fuck, it was a kiss of pure sweet, adoration and I echoed it as I took her lips beneath mine and demanded control as I worshipped her soft mouth with my tongue, exploring every fragment of her mouth as I showed her just how much I loved her in return.

  Her hands slipped behind my head and she slipped the band from my hair before she grabbed a hand full, triggering a moan from deep inside me as my blood roared south.

  We both jumped when someone banged on the roof of the car and Bulk’s face appeared at the window with a huge smile.

  “You coming in? Or you just gonna hump each other out here?”

  We looked at each other and deliberated before we both beamed back at him and unfolded ourselves out of the small interior.

  “Hey, little lady” Bulk smiled softly at Jen as he pulled her in for a hug.

  “We were hoping to stay here for a while, Bulk. Just while the arsehole’s still about.” I told him as I grabbed Jen’s hand and pulled her back to me, smiling widely at Bulk.

  “Sure.” He nodded with a smile as we all walked in his ginormous house.

  What am I saying, house; it was a bloody castle!


  Jen grinned as I backed her into the bedroom, my hard chest against the soft fullness of her breasts.

  Her hands came up to my ribcage as I kicked the door shut behind us and I could feel the heat of her through the thin material of my t-shirt. She gripped the hem and pulled it forward and over my head before she inhaled deeply and skittered her fingertips across my pecs and over my stomach.

  “You were made in heaven, you know that?” she whispered as her mouth targeted my nipples and I murmured a reply as she grazed her teeth over one.

  Her thumbs curved the outline of my abs so softly I swallowed against the sensation.


  I’d had my fair share of women over the years since Jen, but none, not a single one, had ever made me feel like I did right now.

  Her fingers left a trail of sparks in their wake, each tiny jolt shooting through my veins and into my brain. Her soft lips shadowed so much heat that I felt like I was on fire and her tongue, Jesus her tongue, it tasted, licked and sketched each contour of my muscles lighting every nerve it tracked over.

  She edged around me, her tongue and fingers working a path slowly to my back where she continued her worship of me.

  “Jen…” I breathed as she licked a line down my spine and across the edge of my waistband as she settled on her knees behind me.

  Her hands came around me and popped the button on my shorts before she gripped the sides and pulled them slowly over my arse with my shorts.

  Her gasp made me cringe when I had forgotten about my new tattoo.


  Her voice sounded strangled and I bit my lip in mortification as she peeled off the protective film. “E made me get it. What’s it like? I haven’t seen it yet. Why I had to have a damn care bear is beyond me. She’s just mean.”

  She was silent and I closed my eyes as she continued to stare at my backside. “Who did it?” she choked out and I narrowed my eyes, sure I could hear the faintest laugh in her voice.


  I sensed her nod slowly and heard her swallow deeply. “A care bear,” she said somewhat strangely.


  She cleared her throat and coughed slightly as she stood upright and came round the front of me.

  I could see the humour on her face along with the desperation she had at fighting the urge to laugh as her eyes held a bright sparkle.

  “You ought to look, baby. You should be able to see it in the mirror.” She closed her eyes as her throat dipped rapidly and her teeth sank into her lower lip.

  I just knew it was the damn pink care bear from the look on Jen’s face and I stalked rather grumpily over to the mirror and twisted my head to look.

  My jaw dropped and
my heart beat sped up as I viewed what was tattooed on my right butt cheek and Jen’s laughter finally erupted.



  Chapter 17

  I lay watching her as the sun began to stream through the blinds, marking the new day and the start to the rest of my life.

  She was so stunning; her soft chestnut hair fanned out delicately over the pillow as her chest moved rhythmically with each of her relaxed breaths, the warm wisps of her life whispering my face as I lay studying her.

  Her plump pink lips were parted slightly and her nose twitched frequently whilst she slept with a look of utter peacefulness.

  In all our eleven years together, fair be a little on and a lot off, this had been the first night we had ever spent as one, and I had relished every bloody second of it, barely sleeping in my relentless mission to just watch and cherish her as I held her tiny body against mine.

  She had eventually calmed down after the tattoo episode and had then resumed to idolise my body, her thorough adulation with her tongue, hands and eyes, had seen my cock harder than it had ever been in my life and when she had finally given herself over to me, I had to bring her to orgasm with my fingers and mouth because I had lasted all of thirty seconds.

  Don’t laugh, it’s not funny!

  Her eyes flickered and I whispered her name to stir her. “Baby, you need to wake up,” I breathed against her nose as I planted a gentle kiss on it.

  “Mmmm” She murmured sleepily and I smiled as she wiggled her nose like that woman in ‘Bewitched’.

  “Jen, we need to make a start, baby. I have plans for you today.”

  He lips lifted into a beam even though her eyes were still shut, “I think I like the sound of that.”

  I rolled my eyes and nuzzled her neck, “You’re insatiable, Jen.”

  “Uh-huh…” She inhaled me as I gently worked my mouth around to hers, “…and your point is?” she smirked as she opened an eye and squinted at me.

  “The point is, as much as I would love to rock you up the bed, baby. We need to make a start.”

  Both of her eyes opened now as she regarded me with a frown. “Why, what are we doing?”

  She rolled onto her back and stretched her arms high as she yawned and my eyes dropped to her god damn stunning tits and yes, my dick twitched at the sight of her.

  Christ, Boss, rein it in.

  I rolled over and jumped off the bed, as I fixed my eyes on her face. The knowing smirk she gave me had my eyes narrowing on her. “Stop it, Jen.”

  She lowered her hands and swept them over her breasts, her fingers caressing her nipples as they puckered beneath her touch.

  She cocked her head and lifted a corner of her lips with an eyebrow “But, baby. I’m hot and horny. I want you to do bad things to me.”

  I made a step towards her, giving in to her as usual but as I palmed the mattress to climb over her, she pushed me aside, jumped off the bed and sprinted into the bathroom.

  My stomach clenched as I heard her throw up.

  Eugh! God damn. I could do wind, piss, spunk and every other bodily function but sick was just a huge No!

  “You okay?” I shouted across the room and received a garbled ‘mmm’ in reply as she erupted again and my guts churned with her in sympathy.

  “Okay, baby. I’m gonna go make coffee” I told her as I scurried from the room and made my escape.


  She appeared in the kitchen nearly an hour later, her face pale and sweaty as she trembled slightly.

  I patted my knee and she climbed on my lap and curled against me, pushing her arms behind me and hugging me as her head nestled under my chin.

  “You okay?” I asked gently as I brushed away a lock of hair that was plastered to her heated forehead.

  She nodded slightly and Bulk frowned at her. “You okay, Jen?”

  She nodded again but didn’t speak and I kissed her cheek, “You want a drink?”

  She nodded yet again and I fought the urge to laugh. I didn’t think she would appreciate me chuckling at her poor state and she was currently residing over my dick and I treasured him still attached to my sac.

  “Water, coffee, juice?”

  She nodded again. “All three?”

  “Yeah.” She managed to croak and I stroked her hair tenderly as I lifted her and planted her on the chair.

  Her arms crossed on the table and she rested her forehead against them and groaned loudly. “Goddd” she mumbled and Bulk reached out and patted her arm.

  “You sick, little lady?” he asked gently as he cocked his head and observed her.

  She nodded and pointed at me. “It’s his fault.”

  Bulk stared at me with narrow eyes, “Did you cook again?”

  Jen let out a bark of laughter and I smiled at the sudden mood shift before I glared at Bulk. “No, I did not.”

  “Do your super powers not stretch to cooking?” she smirked at me, the twinkle working its way back into her eyes.

  “Baby – God made ladies. I don’t need to say more.”

  Her jaw dropped as her eyes widened and I gave her my killer smile until she laughed and rested her head back down.

  I placed all three drinks in front of her and stared as she downed the water first, then the whole glass of juice disappeared down her throat before she started to sip on her coffee. “Better?” Bulk asked in amazement.

  I had seen grown men down a pint slower than she did.

  I settled in the seat beside her and slid my hand across the table to her. She smiled softly at me as she laced her fingers with mine and reflected my wide beam.

  “Good God,” Bulk laughed as he rose from the table and rinsed his cup before placing it in the dishwasher and turned back to us with his back against the counter, “any news from Kyle?”

  We both shook our head in unison but I caught Bulk casting a glance at me and I shook my head faintly at his silent question.

  He nodded, “You can stay here as long as you need.” He pushed off the counter and placed a gentle kiss on Jen’s head.

  “Thank you.” she smiled warmly at him and he nodded before leaving the room.

  I patted her thigh and stood, “Come on, you up to a trip?”

  She nodded and pushed herself up. “Yeah, I’m good now.”

  I scooped her in my arms and twirled her nose with the tip of mine. “By the way…”

  “I love you.” She finished for me before she kissed me gently, her eyes locked on mine and the love displayed in them made my heart swell and my pulse race.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she pulled back and placed her own dishes in the machine.

  “Surprise” I told her as she reached to me for my mug and I handed it to her.

  “I just have to grab some stuff and I’ll meet you at the car.”

  She nodded in confirmation as she loaded up the other pots and I slipped into the pantry and stealthily grabbed the things I needed before she saw.

  I was excited at our day trip, hopefully she would be too when she realised where we were going.

  To be honest, I didn’t give a shit if we stayed in bed all day but I thought the excursion would do her good and get her mind off her husband for a while.

  I cast another quick glance at her beauty before I hurried to the car before she got there.


  Chapter 18

  Ethan grinned at me as I skipped through the tracks on his iPod before I found one I liked. “Still enjoy track hopping then?” he smiled as he shook his head.

  It was a habit of mine. Skipping through tracks before they finished and it had always drove Ethan mad.

  I grinned widely at him as I settled for a Hinders album and replaced his iPod in the dock so I wasn’t tempted.

  Glancing at the road signs beside the motorway, I realised we were approaching Sheffield and my heart soared when I knew exactly where we were going.

  Ethan’s eyes caught mine and he grinned as he realised I had cottone
d on to his plans. “Why, Mr Hart. I do believe you know how to show a girl a good time.”

  He laughed loudly, his whole face lighting up as he remembered my words to him when he had pulled down my knickers in the middle of the field and taken me for the first time.

  “Well, Miss Linkin, I’m gonna show you in about three seconds, just how much of a good time I’m gonna give you,” he replied with the words he had done all those years ago.

  I smiled in delight as my blood heated at the memory of the most special moment in my life. “Well put your damn foot down” I ordered giddily.

  “Desperate to get in my pants, Jen?”

  I reached over and palmed his already growing cock, squeezing it gently forcing a low groan from him. “Always, baby. It’s those super powers of yours. They make me come fast and hard.”

  It was my turn to groan now when a deep guttural growl fired from Ethan’s chest as he took the junction off the motorway and headed towards our old stomping ground.

  My pregnancy hormones were making me insatiable and I was desperate for him; desperate to feel his hard length inside me; stretching me, filling me, pleasuring me. All of them at once in a sensory overload and my sex flooded with my arousal as my lips latched onto his neck.

  His hand slipped against my thigh and brushed the material of my cotton summer dress up my thighs. Luckily I’d left some clothes at Bulk’s from my last stay.

  He ran a finger along the wet crotch of my knickers. “Fuck, baby. You’re soaked.”

  I nodded as I sucked the flesh under his ear that bared his tattoo, ‘Room 103’.


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