The Stolen Prince (Blood for Blood Book 1)

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The Stolen Prince (Blood for Blood Book 1) Page 1

by K. L. Gee


  The loud night unsettled King Arden. The entire city of Atmen was celebrating. The king had declared a holiday in his new son’s honor, and the people took the declaration to heart. The music from the village festival was loud enough to be heard inside the citadel, and it was making the king nervous. If one of the coastal kingdoms were to attack Atmen and vie for Arden’s throne, tonight would be the perfect night. Half the city was drunk.

  King Arden had made sure at least two soldiers were stationed outside every nobleman’s home. He was watchful over his restless court—they weren’t past betraying him. He rubbed his hand across his forehead, tracing the edges of the conspicuous tattoo that marked him king and royal heir to Atmen and all its land eastward. It was similar to the tattoo that his son now bore, with its familiar blood–red ribbons gathered around the edge of his hairline like a crown. When the boy came of age, the red ribbons would be flourished with patterns of black and gold, to one day make him the highest above all other Alem. The most favored of the Master, creator of all.

  King Arden did not feel most favored tonight. The coastal kingdoms to the west, beyond the Glacier Mountains, were growing and therefore impatient for more power and resources. But now that he had an heir, fortune was finally favoring the Arden family line. The king rubbed his royal tattoo again and looked out the window, over the city and villages. The usual clouds of fog that shrouded the citadel were clear tonight, but even Arden’s eyesight could have pierced the cloak of mist. The king’s power to zip gave him especially good eyesight, and he could see beyond the city into the hills where the villages dotted the landscape.

  He turned again, wandering down the hallway where Queen Sabola and the baby slept. This was his fourth pass of the night. The king inspected his night guards. Among his regular Alem guards, there were Su. The Su men were characterized by their blue eyes and webbed hands. The king respected them as a reliable servant class as they were a race without egos. No one had moved, and all the guards stood at attention. Everything was in order.

  The king didn’t understand why he was so nervous.

  Still, he stepped into the queen’s room and stared at his sleeping wife. She had some sense of foresight, like the Keepers of the Future, and she had sensed that nothing would be amiss tonight. How else could she be sleeping so peacefully? Arden comforted himself with these thoughts as he moved toward the small bed where Prince Hakon slept. His tattoo was fresh. Tiny tears of pain pooled around his eyes and glistened in the candlelight. The king’s heart ached for his young child, but he knew the momentary pain was necessary. Now, no one could mistake the child for anyone other than a prince, for the tattoo was impossible to duplicate. It was small now, just the royal crest at the top of his head. When he became a man, the rest would be filled in, making a crown along his brow.

  But that was many years off.

  Arden sighed again, scolding himself for his paranoia. He turned to go back to his own chambers, kissing Queen Sabola on her head as he left. He found his way easily. He had been careful not to drink anything, though his generals had insisted everything was all right. He turned into his own room and shut the window, blocking out the sounds of dancers and laughter throughout the citadel and down in the village. He decided to stay dressed in his full regalia, cape and all. He lay down upon the bed, fully clothed, his short sword next to him and his dagger underneath his pillow. Then, finally, he closed his eyes.


  Bolwin was thinking very little when he heard the noise. He had been imagining sneaking a sip from the banquet hall or dropping by an open pub when his guard detail was over. His benign thoughts had been interrupted when he had heard a clanking sound across the long gallery hallway. He squinted into the darkness just past the torches’ light. If someone was making a racket, and the royal family was awakened, he didn’t want to be considered responsible. He was about to investigate when the source of the sound came abruptly into view. It was a single helmet rolling and bouncing down the hall. He noticed the red plume of an officer immediately. He turned to shout an alarm, but his view was blocked suddenly by a mass of persons appearing in the middle of the large gallery.

  “Porters!” he shouted. “Porters in the gallery!”

  He heard an inhuman voice, a low growl that rasped, “Speed, brother. Speed is the key.” He saw a flash of movement, and now there was only empty space where one of the invaders had stood. These invaders had the power to port, but who were they?

  The voice and accent were unlike anything Bolwin had encountered. The shapes started to form in the shadows, and Bolwin’s mind struggled to believe what he saw. They were the creatures from childhood horror stories. Creatures with claws for nails, fangs for teeth.

  The Terra.

  But the Terra had been driven deep into the Desolate Forest a hundred years ago. They had been destroyed, defeated, and made a thing of legend. How could they be here now when they didn’t exist?

  Bolwin struggled to find his voice as the creatures advanced toward him.

  “Intruders!” he called out. Soldiers in the distance were responding, and he dimly heard another voice shout orders to protect the king. Bolwin reached for his sword as several invaders attacked him at once. They fought with daggers and stones. Through the flurry of swinging and spinning blades, Bolwin could see five or six of the strange foreigners holding back, surrounding and protecting one of their own. Bolwin didn’t know what the creatures were planning, but he knew that the one at the center was important. He gave a shout and charged to break the line, throwing a dagger at the figure. The dagger struck the Terra in the neck, and he gave a shriek like a wounded animal. Two attackers were upon Bolwin instantly. He could only parry desperately as two blades struck in succession, one through his abdomen and another right into his heart.


  King Arden had his dagger and sword at the ready as he burst through his door and toward the tumult. He had been right to worry. One of the kingdoms had taken advantage of his celebration and decided to attack. I am ready for them, Arden thought. He was a trained air zipper and dueler. If they intended to kill him, they were up for quite a challenge.

  The king was surprised when it wasn’t other Alem in the hallway. His guards were fighting men he had only seen in paintings from his history lessons.

  Terra. With eyes brown like dirt, hands that tapered into claws, and souls as wild and deadly as the beasts that lived in the Desolate Forest. One such Terra now faced Arden. He held a dagger in one hand and a stone in another. Arden zipped toward him, cutting off the space that lay between where he stood and where the Terra was.

  The Terra was suddenly gone. Arden blinked in surprise. Did the Terra have the ability to zip and vanish? He looked around him in disbelief. No other Terra moved toward him. Where had his attacker gone? Surely they had come to assassinate him, the king.

  Arden looked around, surveying the attack. The beasts were fighting fiercely, with no fear of death, but they were gathered around one man, protecting him even though he seemed to be fatally wounded in the neck. They were not going toward the king or his chambers, or even trying to break the line of soldiers. They remained in the gallery, luring more and more soldiers away from the hallways.

  As if it were a distraction.

  Arden turned toward the queen’s chambers. No soldiers were protecting her door. He ran, then zipped as far as he could see, reaching her door quickly. The door was ajar. Pushing it open all the way, he saw Sabola standing over the small prince’s bed. She turned back, her face cold.

  “I didn’t see him come in or leave. I only heard the sounds of fighting, and then…”

>   Arden looked past Sabola, searching for his son. The bed was empty.

  He was out in the hallway, zipping toward the gallery, shouting, “My son! Look for my son!”

  The gallery had gone quiet. The fighting was over, and the dead lay in a heap beneath the portraits of past kings and queens in the main gallery. There were more then twenty Terra, all dead, lying among a few dead and wounded Su and Alem soldiers. The king’s men raked through the bodies, searching for any sign of the prince. No one had seen him.

  “Search again!” the king ordered. As they picked through the dead, Arden tried to find the man that had attacked him or the one who had been bleeding from the neck. It was hard to tell the difference among them, but he saw no one with a deep wound in his neck. The Terra beast had disappeared. Vanished.

  “Sir,” a kind voice said at his left shoulder. It was Rangi, his most trusted Su advisor. His clear blue eyes looked solemnly at the king. “They must have had a vanisher and a zipper who worked in tandem. The zipper stole the prince while the others distracted the soldiers, and the vanisher took them both out of the citadel.” Rangi pointed to an indention in the walls of the gallery, where the vanisher must have used the rock as a source of energy to port his son away from Atmen.

  The king touched the indent in the rock. “But why? After all these years of absence, why would they take my son?” Rangi shook his head, his eyes full of pity. Sabola was standing stone–faced over one of the Terra men. She looked up at Arden desperately.

  Inside, King Arden’s grief and shock began to churn into a boiling hatred. He turned to Rangi. “Call for my council. Fetch the generals.” He looked at the blood below him, which was seeping onto the gallery floor. The code demanded his men be avenged. That his son be found. “At dawn, we go to war.”



  18 years later

  On his rock, about thirty spears high in the air, Hakon felt as if he could see the entire world. At least the world within his knowledge. He held a meditation pose, legs folded and feet crossed upward, his arms resting gently in his lap. The stone pillar on which he sat was just wide enough for him to sit, but still narrow enough that his knees extended out over the edge. It gave him the illusion that he was sitting suspended in air itself. He was facing east, his back to the west and his home. He hoped to catch the first rays of the sunrise and watch it turn the shadowed black forest below him a vibrant green. As he looked north, he could see where the hazy violet mountains of the Desolate Forest, called The Drums, crested and dropped off into cliffs over the seas. They were already turning orange with daybreak light. Hakon had never made it as far as the sea. It was still bird spans away. Between here and the small, thin blue and yellow line on the horizon, there wasn’t a solid place to land. Pillar’s Rock was the last landmark he could safely zip to.

  What lies beyond those seas? Hakon wondered. What had caused the Alem, his people, to leave their own lands and traverse the vast and endless ocean? Why had they come so far, only to do so much harm? Gage had taught Hakon that it was the Master’s will. To humble the Terra, who had grown too confident, too prideful. Just as the Master had allowed the people who ported with fire to destroy themselves so long ago. The fire people were only legend now.

  But that isn’t true, Hakon thought. Perhaps the other Terra found comfort believing their Master had allowed the Alem to arrive, rather than believe they had suffered at the hands of the Alem for nothing.

  He couldn’t understand it—the missing piece of his history etched into his forehead—no matter how many times he sat here. He resisted touching his unmistakable tattoo and instead turned his head to swallow the landscape with his eyes. Everywhere he looked, his gaze swam through green. Stretching around him was the Desolate Forest, thick with plant life and unseen predators. Fortunately, he was high enough up here that even if a leopard or wolf wanted to attack him by zipping up to him, it would risk falling. Even the beasts had instincts smart enough to avoid such a foolish move. Hakon was safe up here, which was one of the reasons he liked it so much.

  This place was his secret. Not even his adopted brother Skeet knew of Hakon’s sanctuary. He liked it better that way.

  He turned his head back toward home. Kaldin. Deep in the thick forest was his boyhood home, and yet all his life he had been taught this isn’t your true home. He looked beyond that, turning his body fully now, trying to see where the Desolate Forest ended and the Great Plains began. They were a wisp of yellow against the green—the color of ripe fields where summer was beginning. That had been Terra land once, but now anything beyond the forest was controlled by the tyrant, King Arden.

  My own father.

  The familiar, sick bitterness swelled up inside of him. His guardian, Gage, had never kept his identity a secret. He had always been raised knowing where he came from—how could they keep it from him? He looked down at his hands. They were smooth, no matter how he toiled or fought. They did not have the claws and calluses that all his brothers and sisters had. These were the markers of the Terra, earth people. He had dull, blunt nails and smooth hands. His eyes were gray, almost light silver… when everyone he knew had deep brown eyes.

  Not to mention the obvious tattoo on his forehead. Marking him forever as Hakon, prince of the Alem and the heir to Atmen, the city of breath.

  No, keeping his identity a secret would have been worthless. Hakon would have found out he was different sooner or later.

  A bird sounded in the forest—a loud cry, followed by the steady echo of a drum. It was distant, but Hakon had learned to recognize the sounds of the forest. It was the call of his tribe. There were dozens of tribes scattered about in the forest. They had been warring with each other for the past few centuries, too busy trying to survive in the death trap of the mountains than to concern themselves with the real enemy. But things were changing. Hakon didn’t want to think how a great deal of those changes had to do with him.

  The call came again. Skeet would be leading the latest raid on an Alem village. They would all be waiting for him.

  He closed his eyes, focusing on meditation. Clearing all the images of far off places he only dreamed of. With his eyes closed, he adjusted his skins, making sure no portion of his body was exposed, except, of course, his left hand and his feet. He had taken off his cloak to feel the wind—so rarely did he feel the wind. His skin seemed to breathe it in whenever he could feel it. But now he placed the cloak and hood back on his head. He put his dagger in his gloved right hand, and, by tradition, though it was useless to him, a rock in his ungloved left hand.

  He breathed in and out, clearing his mind.

  His eyes snapped open, and he fixated on a tree ahead of him. A sturdy branch with clear footing. He saw it, let it overtake his mind, and then, by some strange power he barely understood, he was at the tree. He was barely winded, as if he had been standing on the branch all along. He quickly grabbed the trunk of the tree so he didn’t lose his footing and looked back. The pillar of rock rose high into the sky, far in the distance behind him.

  Hakon turned toward Kaldin and jumped. He landed gracefully on the dense forest floor. He faced west, toward home, and ran.


  Hakon focused on a rivet before him. He repainted what he saw as a picture in his mind, and then he was there. Focal point after focal point, Hakon moved through the forest, leaping over rocks and roots as he went. He could only move stone throws at a time, since the density of the forest was so thick. It took a window between trees for him to get a good sighting. He was careful to avoid the poisonous trees—poplars with their thick sap that seeped out and could cause a man to go into shocks. His feet were careful to stay on branch roots, for the snapping grass could bloody a foot badly. The forest did its best to drive out anything foreign, and that included anything human. That was one reason why the Alem drove the Terra into it over a hundred years ago—they thought it would destroy them.

  But instead, it made them stronger, Hakon thought. He took
his sights on another tree and zipped to it, careful to avoid the dark bush at its roots. A dark bush could paralyze a man for days—long enough for a wild beast to devour him alive. Hakon spotted another tree and zipped to it before his feet even touched the earth. Hakon didn’t have to touch the earth like his Terra brothers. While the Terra drew their power to port from the earth, Hakon’s energy source was all around him, in the air. The advantage of being an air zipper, freak that I am, Hakon thought. Up ahead, he could hear the Kaldin River. He was almost home.

  As Hakon came around the tree, he felt a sudden grip on his thigh. He spun around and saw a full–grown belly tiger clinging to his leg. Fortunately, his skins and furs were thick enough to defend against a swipe of its sharp claws.

  The tiger took another swipe, this time aiming for his head. Hakon ducked, raising his dagger up and aiming for the exposed underbelly of the tiger. He could feel claws rip through the back of his cloak. He thrust the dagger into the wildcat’s soft belly.

  The tiger howled but didn’t let go. Jaws closed around his left arm, and a searing pain shot through Hakon. He jabbed again, digging the dagger, blade and hilt, deep into the belly. Hot blood and muscle swallowed his hand.

  He tried twisting out from under the tiger and ripping his arm and neck free. But before he could break free, Hakon was under water.

  The tiger was a portling, an animal that could zip or vanish. And a clever one, Hakon thought. He couldn’t assess whether the tiger was a zipper or vanisher. Either way, the beast had ported the both of them to the river, destroying Hakon’s ability to see clearly. Since Hakon couldn’t see, he couldn’t zip. The tiger had the advantage. Hakon had little time to admire the tiger’s intelligence. Jaws were closing around the hood at his neck, and sharp claws ripped through his pants to tear at the soft flesh below.

  Hakon screamed, taking in a mouthful of blood and water. Hakon tried to lift up his rock hand to bash the tiger—it was a land instinct, useless under water. He struggled to pull the dagger upward as the tiger yanked harder at his neck. Fortunately, the water prevented the tiger from snapping Hakon’s neck.


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