Death by Betrayal (Book #10 in the Caribbean Murder series)

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Death by Betrayal (Book #10 in the Caribbean Murder series) Page 1

by Jaden Skye

  D E A T H B Y B E T R A Y A L

  (book #10 in the CARIBBEAN MURDER SERIES)

  Jaden Skye

  Also by Jaden Skye













  Copyright © 2014 by Jaden Skye

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the author.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 1

  Cindy boarded the plane home from Anguilla alone. She didn’t want Sean accompanying her back now, it was too much. Someday, maybe? She also realized that Mattheus had to remain in the Caribbean with his daughter and her mother to keep them safe. How long would that last? No one knew. The time had come to make important decisions and Cindy wanted to make them alone. She was through with being influenced by circumstances or passing emotions.

  Dressed casually in khaki slacks and an azure blue sweater, her long, auburn hair hanging loosely over her shoulders, Cindy stepped onto the plane. She walked down the aisle, found her seat and then she placed her old familiar carryon bag in the overhead compartment. It was hard to believe this moment had actually come. She and Mattheus were actually separated. He would be staying with Andrea, his daughter and Petra, the mother and former girlfriend. Even though Mattheus had said Petra was just a friend now, the three of them were still a family. And where did Cindy fit in? She really wasn’t sure. How in the world would she explain this turn of events to her sister, Ann? Ann would be waiting for Cindy in the airport as usual to pick her up. Undoubtedly, Ann would barrage Cindy with questions about her relationship with Mattheus right away.

  Cindy took her seat at the window, put her head back and closed her eyes. A thousand thoughts toppled over one another, each demanding attention. This visit back to the States was going to be different from the others. Cindy’s life had come to a shifting point. This was a definite juncture in the road and Cindy wasn’t sure which direction to take. Should she hit the pause button on her work as a detective and take the cushy job waiting for her as a crime reporter on a top paper in New York? It was an amazing opportunity and Cindy realized it. Yet, calls to solve murder cases kept coming in, and each call stirred her, made her feel alive. By now Cindy knew the Caribbean like the back of her hand. She had developed rare skills in sniffing out killers wherever they hid. When she was on a case she felt was needed and wanted. She was able to get justice in cases that would otherwise go cold and protect innocent people who’d been falsely accused. That made her feel wonderful. But could she take on these cases alone? Would she and Mattheus ever work together as a team again? These questions hung in the air like smoke.

  Cindy’s thoughts were rudely interrupted as the flight attendant began announcing instructions for takeoff. Cindy pulled the seat belt on around her and smiled. She was ready for takeoff, ready to go home. She definitely needed something new.


  The flight went easily and to her surprise, Cindy slept lightly through the trip. There would be plenty of time for thrashing things out when she got home. She wanted to feel fresh and rested when she landed. It was important to start off on the right foot.

  As they’d arranged, Ann was right there at the airport waiting when Cindy walked off the plane. As they ran to each other and embraced Cindy wondered how she would ever have gotten along all these years without her wonderful sister. It made such a difference to be welcomed home, to know there was somebody waiting for her who really cared.

  “I can’t thank you enough for being here,” Cindy said to Ann as they started walking towards baggage claim. “You’re always here for me, don’t miss a thing. You’re an angel, Ann.”

  Ann grimaced slightly, “Hardly an angel,” she replied. Then she sighed and looked at Cindy out of the corner of her eye. “What choice do I have, anyway? You’re my little sister, you’re important to me.”

  Cindy knew it was so.

  “I’m hoping that maybe this time you’ll stay for a while,” Ann continued, “that we won’t have to keep meeting at airports like this.”

  Cindy smiled. “I’m sorry,” she said softly, looking over at Ann. Ann looked more tired than usual, as if she’d been under a strain. “I’m afraid I’ve become a bit of a burden.”

  “Of course you haven’t,” Ann replied quickly. “I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that this visit is a bit different. Believe it or not, I have to go back to the airport tonight. I’m leaving on the seven p.m. plane for Bermuda.”

  Cindy was surprised. Ann hadn’t mentioned a thing about trip before. “Really?” Cindy said, “how come?”

  Ann shrugged lightly, “Frank and I are taking a much needed vacation. He’s been promising me one forever, as you know. This one was actually planned very recently. It’s a spur of the moment thing.”

  “Lovely,” said Cindy. Spur of the moment vacations were not like Ann, but it was a good thing, thought Cindy. Everyone needed their time in the sun.


  Both Cindy and Ann fell silent driving home to Oyster Bay in the cab. Cindy waited for Ann to start asking about Mattheus, but, to Cindy’s surprise, she didn’t.

  Ann finally broke the silence lightly. “Glad to be coming home?” she asked.

  “Very,” said Cindy so definitively that Ann looked up at her, surprised.

  “Good,” Ann remarked, “very good. I hope you take the job, Cindy. It’s still waiting for you.”

  “I know it is,” said Cindy.

  “I hope you stay, plant a root, build a new life, either in Oyster Bay or in Manhattan,” Ann continued. “I know Clint’s family wants you to sell the house to them. What’s so bad about that? It’ll force you to make a new start.”

  “I plan to keep the house,” Cindy replied.

  “You plan to stay and live here?” Ann jumped in.

  “I didn’t sa
y that,” said Cindy. “But this house is important to me. I’m not ready to part with it.”

  “Keep it if you want to then,” Ann replied, “but don’t keep running back to the Caribbean. Don’t keep running after Mattheus.”

  Cindy felt stung. “I’m not running after Mattheus. We’re a team – we work together. I go back to solve cases.”

  “I know all that,” said Ann, her voice dipping down, wearily. “I’ve heard it over and over. It’s true and it’s not. I’ve always believed it’s Mattheus that draws you back down there. You run down there to be with him.”

  “That’s insulting, Ann,” Cindy replied. “It invalidates the work I do.”

  “I have no desire to invalidate the work you,” Ann replied wearily. “Just do it here, help crime victims in a big way. Write about them in the paper, take the bad guys down. Don’t go running around in the Caribbean, putting yourself in constant danger. You deserve more, Cindy. You really do.”

  Cindy didn’t want to get into a fight about this now, especially after Ann had gone to the trouble to come to New York and prepare her home for her. Ann arrived a couple of days early, aired the place out, filled the cabinets and fridge with food, and taken the trouble come to the airport to pick Cindy up, even though Ann herself had a flight to board tonight. Cindy knew Ann only wanted the best for her. What Ann never understood though was how wonderful it felt to solve a case, the meaning and power it brought to Cindy’s life. Sure there was danger in the Caribbean, thought Cindy. But there are all kinds of dangers in life, the danger of not doing what you’re meant to do, the danger of taking the easy way out, just marking time instead of really living.

  “I’ve arranged for a few people to drop in tomorrow afternoon to see you,” Ann changed the topic as the cab took the familiar exit off the highway and turned towards the street Cindy’s home was on. “I let some folks in town know you were returning and they’re excited to come by and say hello. I prepared finger sandwiches and cookies for them and plenty of fresh lemonade.”

  There was never a detail that Ann overlooked. Cindy hadn’t expected her sister to be gone so quickly though after she came home. It would be nice to have a few visitors then come over the next day. Ann was right, being with others would help Cindy acclimate to her new environment.

  The cab pulled up to the cottage Cindy had lived in with Clint. It was always there, a haven to return to. Now Clint’s family suddenly wanted to buy it from her, or claim it as their own. But as Cindy got out of the cab and walked up to the front door, she knew the place belonged to her. It always would. Clint’s spirit was there and would always welcome her, give her a place to call home.


  A cool breeze greeted Cindy as she entered and looked around the fresh, cheerful space she so loved. As soon as they entered Ann went into the kitchen to prepare something to eat and Cindy brought her bags to her room. It was early spring and Ann had opened Cindy’s bedroom windows and placed a fresh bunch of daffodils in a slim blue vase on a table beside her bed. It was good to be here, better than she’d imagined. Ann was probably right about everything. Cindy should probably settle awhile and take this opportunity to start again.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Ann called from the kitchen.

  It was only four o’clock in the afternoon, but Cindy was hungry, hadn’t eaten a thing on the plane.

  “Coming,” Cindy called back, going to the familiar, pine wood kitchen.

  Ann had placed two egg salad sandwiches and small bowls of salad on the rectangular table, along with glasses of fresh lemonade.

  Cindy sat down, surprised. Usually there was a warm dinner waiting.

  “It’s all I had time for today,” said Ann, noticing Cindy’s reaction. “It’s been so hectic getting ready for the Bermuda trip.”

  “Of course, of course,” Cindy suddenly remembered. “Where’s Frank? Is he meeting you down there?”

  “Yes,” Ann replied. “Frank goes down to Bermuda from time to time these days to do a little business. So he got down there a day or two earlier and I’m going to meet him tonight.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Cindy was happy for her sister. “It’s good to get away.”

  “It’s crucial,” Ann echoed as she bit into her crunchy sandwich.

  “Yup,” Cindy agreed, biting into her sandwich as well. “Crucial to go and also crucial to come home again.”


  They ate quickly and Cindy cleaned up, to free her sister to get ready to leave. Suddenly, Cindy felt upset by her sister’s departure. “I have an idea,” she said, as Ann rolled her suitcase into the living room. “Why don’t I drive you to the airport?”

  “There’s no reason for it,” Ann seemed touched. “You’ve just taken a long trip yourself.”

  “But I’d really like to,” Cindy objected. Ann had driven her so many times, she wanted to return the kindness.

  “Thanks, sweetheart,” Ann replied, “but I’ve ordered a car to take me. It’s simpler.”

  It was simpler, and it made perfect sense, but Cindy felt sad at the thought of her sister leaving so abruptly. They usually had more time together to catch up on things. Cindy needed those few extra moments.

  “I’ll do it anyway,” Cindy insisted.

  “No, really, it’s better this way,” Ann repeated. “I’ll feel better thinking of you settling back down, unwinding, taking the time you need. You run around too much as it is already.”

  Cindy couldn’t bring herself to tell her sister that she just wanted a little more time with her now.

  “And besides,” Ann said in a lighter tone, “Frank and I can stop back in New York after our trip on our way home. He always enjoys being here. It will round out the vacation. You and I can catch up then.”

  “That sounds good,” Cindy agreed and hugged Ann as the car arrived. Ann spotted it through the window and waved at the driver. Then she turned around, blew Cindy a kiss and rolled her suitcase out the front door.


  After Ann left the house felt strangely silent and empty. Cindy unpacked slowly, looking at the photos of her and Clint that were still up on the walls. Their arms were around each other, they were happy, carefree, looking forward to a bright life together. It was as if no time had passed, as if everything stayed the same forever, the way you had hoped it would be.

  Chapter 2

  Cindy slept lightly, waking early. She wanted to get a walk on the beach before the guests started arriving. She always felt balanced and centered when she was near water, as though she knew where she was, and what was coming next.

  Cindy dressed quickly in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and took along a rain slicker, as the day was becoming cloudy and overcast. Then she jumped into her old car which was parked in the garage and drove to the town beach, just a few minutes away.

  Cindy loved this beach, a little inlet on the Long Island Sound, which was almost always empty. It had both wonderful rock jutties to sit on and soft white sand. She parked the car under a tree nearby and then made her way there on foot.

  As soon as she arrived at the water, Cindy lifted her face into the cool air and broke into a slow run along the water’s edge. As she jogged along the coastline, images of both Mattheus and Sean drifted across her mind. Cindy shook her head to brush the pictures away, as if dissolving cobwebs. There was no point in thinking about Mattheus. He was with Petra and Andrea now in St. Croix. It was obvious that Petra wanted to resume a relationship with him. She was a beautiful woman and could easily use their daughter as bait to do so. Would she weave a web around Mattheus that he couldn’t break away from? Cindy realized it was entirely possible.

  Cindy picked up her speed and ran faster to break into the chain of memories that tried to bind her. Images of Sean arose as well. He was interesting to Cindy, both a cop and lawyer that she’d just met in Anguilla. Sean had wanted so badly to return to New York with her to help. Not only was it unnecessary, Cindy had no true idea about who Sean was, or her real feelings towards him. He’d
been a wonderful support on the last case, someone she’d truly needed at the time. But, one’s needs became skewed when hunting for a murderer. Strong feelings developed that had little to do with normal times. And, what about now? Cindy was about to enter a new world. If she took the job at the paper, she would have different needs and there would be different kinds of people to interact with. Sean was essentially a wanderer, life in the States could feel confining to him. In the same way, life here would certainly be confining to Mattheus, Cindy thought.

  Cindy ran faster, trying to wipe away these relentless thoughts. She couldn’t though. Being a detective was wonderful but also unsettling. As soon as one case was over, the next was right over the hill. These cases had a way of drawing you in, too. It was hard to think of anything else while tracking down a killer. It became an obsession until justice had been served. Being on the hunt like that snatched away both your time and personal concerns. Cindy thought of Mattheus now absorbed in protecting his daughter and her mother from danger. In a situation like that, how could he possibly have time to think about her?

  Cindy realized it was time to take a new direction. It was time for her to develop new skills, become a voice to be contended with, a person of influence. Cindy had never seen herself that way, but somehow she felt ready for it now. If she took the job at the paper and settled down, she could easily find someone stable to remarry and build the family she’d always wanted so much. Then she could also spend more time with her family, and build friendships she could count upon. It seemed a smart direction to go in.

  Cindy reached the end of the coastline, turned around and began to run back. An older man with a lame dog was walking towards her along the water’s edge. Cindy jogged past him, not meeting his

  eyes. Who exactly was coming to visit her this afternoon, she wondered? Probably the women from the book club Cindy had known when she lived in town. Cindy didn’t expect or want to see Clint’s family again right now.


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