Outcast: A Corporation Novel (The Corporation)

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Outcast: A Corporation Novel (The Corporation) Page 11

by RaeLynn Fry

  “When you come through on your end, we'll come through on ours.”

  “I need something from Akin before I finish all of this. Can’t I see them? Only for a moment.”

  The Guard presses his big frame into Raj's space. “You ask that question again, and the deal is off.”

  “You don't have that authority!”

  “The only ones who know what goes on out here between you and me, is me, and I can make it be whatever I want it to be back in Dahn. Remember that.” He straightens up. “Now go to the meeting, if you’re too late, it will look suspicious.”

  Raj says something under his breath but turns and heads towards the entrance over at the cobbler's place. The Guard shakes his head and says, “Pathetic” before turning away, heading up the street. Who do I follow? Raj will be easy enough to see again—I know where he's going—so I opt for the Guard.

  I cross the street as quickly and quietly as I can and jump up onto the pitted sidewalk. The toe of my boot kicks a chunk of rubble and it goes skittering into the side of a building. I suck in my breath and look for somewhere to hide. There's an overturned and broken hand cart, so I duck down behind that. The Guard's boots stop and I hear a scrape as his heel swivels on the cement.

  “I said, get back to the—”

  There's silence for three breaths, then the steady beat of his boots again.

  I close my eyes for one heartbeat, then hurry to catch up. I round a corner and stop short, skittering back and pressing my spine up against the wall. He's at a Comm Station, his back to me.

  “It's Tucker. Raj says tonight is the night. I don't know if he'll come through or not, but I've certainly given him the motivation to.” He chuckles, but must get reprimanded because he snaps his body up so that he's standing at attention. “Yes, sir. Understood, sir. It won't happen again. Yes, he's going to give the proposal to Ethan at tonight's meeting. Yes, I'll fill you in when I get more information. Good night, sir.” He hangs up with a loud clamp of the receiver on the base. “Stale old windbag,” he curses.

  I wait for him to walk away before I think about moving again. He heads off in the direction he was going, disappearing into the night. I count to ten and head back towards where I came from. Ethan won't be happy with me, but being late is better than not showing up at all. Especially when I give him this bit of news.

  As I near The Tavern, I see people filtering out at the different entry and exit points. The meeting is over already? That makes me anxious, it couldn't have gone well. I'm nervous for Ethan, I want to know what Raj wants with him and what he was going to corner him with tonight.


  I see it in his eyes, first. Then the set of his jaw and the lines of tension in his face. “I'm sorry I'm late. It's a valid reason.”

  “So, what, all the other reasons you’ve given me weren't?”

  I clench my teeth together. Now is not the time to fight. “I saw something you need to know about.”

  “What?” He sounds so tired and worn out.

  “I was late because I was spying on Raj who was out talking with a Guard.”

  He looks interested. “What were they talking about?”

  I shake my head and look down at my hands, frustrated with the lack of information I actually have for him. “I'm not sure, I couldn't hear it all. They were talking about you, though, and some sort of trap or plan they have.” I look up. I know he can see the concern in my face. I place my hand on his arm, trying to channel my sincerity and love through all this tension surrounding us all the time. “Please, be safe. I don't trust him; and if something ever happened to you...” I can't bring myself to finish the thought.

  He squeezes my hand. “I know. You should head on back. I'll finish up here.”

  “You sure?”

  “I'm sure,” he says.

  “Be careful.”

  “I will.” He grabs for me and pulls me close, more out of habit than anything else, I think. But once I’m in his arms, close to his body, our actions become so much more than just routine. I lean in as he sweeps the hair out of my face and he whispers, “I love you.”

  My eyes warm and a smile spreads easily across my face, and for a moment, it's like nothing's changed. Our kiss is slow and simple, and a shiver sweeps over my body. I can tell the action has the same effect on him. My fingers dig into his back with my hug before I pull away. Even in the tenderness we just shared, I feel the shift that's happening between us, and I can't stop it. What makes me sicker, is that I'm not sure I want to.

  “I'll see you later,” I say.


  I watch her leave and my heart aches a little. As soon as the door shuts, Raj comes out of the shadows.

  “That was disgustingly tender,” he says with a sneer, “and almost believable.”

  “What do you want?” I bark out, stacking the last of the chairs around the perimeter of the room.

  “You get quite the turnout for these little things.”

  I despise small talk. Especially from a man like Raj.

  “Forgive me,” he lets out a small chuckle. “I need to introduce myself. I'm Raj Verna.”

  “I know who you are. And who you work for.” I'm tired of playing around.

  “Of course you do.” The smile slips from his face, replaced by the sneer from earlier.

  “What do you want?”

  “A man of business, just like your father.”

  I try not to bristle.

  “The people of Neech demand some sort of proof from you—”

  “At your urging.”

  “Regardless, they demand it before they risk their lives.”

  “And let me guess, you have this proof? And at an exorbitantly outlandish price?”

  “No, but I know where you can get it.”

  “Not interested. You went missing from Neech in the company of Guards and you've probably been with my father this entire time. You can't be trusted. You've probably already told him everything about our meetings.”

  “I haven't told him anything he didn't already know.”

  I clench my teeth. “No, thanks. I'll do this on my own.”

  “You don't have a choice.”

  I bark out a laugh. “You think you can force me to do something? Please.”

  Raj's nostrils flare as he takes an angry breath. “What you need is out in the Further. You're going to go out there and you're going to take me. And you'll bring that oaf, Dhevan, with us.”

  I stare at him for a moment in unguarded shock. This is the last thing I was expecting. “What in the world could possibly make you think I would go anywhere with you, let alone out to in the Further?” The fact that he specifically requests Dhevan to go with us makes me even more nervous. I may not have the softest spot for the farmer, but I don't want him in danger, either. But him being requested to come means he's in already in danger.

  I look Raj over. He's too clean for Neech. His clothes are too new, barely worn. His face has an extra layer of fat the other citizens of the Outer City haven't had in years.

  “Karis has told me all about you. How the Corporation came in the middle of the night and dragged you away. But not before they killed your wife and little girl.”

  He stiffens and his eyes go dark before he speaks again. “You're going to take me with you because I know your secrets. I know why you’re really here in Neech, and what brought you through the wall to begin with.”

  “You're nothing but a crazy man,” I say, and dismiss him with a turn of my back.

  His fingers dig into my arm as he tries to spin me around. “I know the truth of what led you to Karis.”

  “And so do I. And so does Karis.”

  “Karis knows your father’s special interest in her?” He gets a little less sure of himself, like the last few seconds were a shield that’s been knocked away.

  “We found a file he had on her.” I don’t like where this is going.

  “Yes, but you’d already seen that file. The information contained there w
as put there by yourself. And watching Karis was only part of the deal with your father.”

  I still for a moment, my breath caught in my throat, trying not to let my eyes widen as much as they want to. There's no way he could know the truth. No way he could have found it out on his own.

  “Get off me.” I shake his hand from my arm. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

  “What will Karis think when I tell her she isn't the only one making deals with Akin? That you don't truly love her?”

  My head snaps around so quick, I feel a burning down near my shoulders. “What did you say?” I don’t even realize my hand has shot up to his neck until the strained pulse of his heartbeat thuds under my tight fingers and I have his back slammed up against the wall.

  “I said,” he pulls my hand from his throat, “that I know about your little deal with Akin, and if you don't go with me, I'm going to tell Karis all about it.”

  My heart hits harder behind my ribs. “She'd never believe you.”

  “Which is why I would show her proof.”

  “There is no proof because you're lying.”

  “If you're willing to take that chance, then don’t go.”

  The thing is, I'm not willing to take the chance. Because what he's saying isn't a lie. And Karis can't find out the truth. She wouldn't understand.

  “I don’t think that would make your father very happy, though,” he says.


  “Akin said to mention something about a little note he sent you, should you be resistant at the idea of traveling together.”

  I don’t feel any better about going with Raj, especially knowing it’s at my father’s bidding. I clench my jaw and squeeze my fists. My back is against a wall and there is no choice for me, except for the one my father is making me choose. I am going to the Further with Raj and Dhevan.

  “Tomorrow night, just past curfew. Karis’ house. That way I know you’ll show up.” I take a step back, wishing for more air and space between me and this parasite.

  There's a creak that echoes through the room and my head spins towards the back of the small space. The swinging door that leads back to the kitchen has residue of movement clinging to it, and I swear I see a flash of someone getting out of the way.

  “Who's there?” I pause for a minute, then, “I said, come out!”

  “You're paranoid already,” Raj says with a laugh.

  I grind out my next words. “It's just going to be you and me, Raj. I'm not bringing Dhevan into this.”

  “He's into this more than you are, already. The farmer comes. That's not negotiable. So you'd better convince him that it's in his best interest. I don't want anything to have to happen to that beautiful Pair of his.”

  “Get out of my face.” I shove past him and storm across the room, pushing through the swinging door towards the back entrance of The Tavern.


  As soon as I get outside, I realize that I left my bag of filters hanging against the back of my chair. I turn around to fetch it. My hand is on the door, ready to push through, when I stop myself. Through the cloudy round window in the door, I see Raj and Ethan talking to each other, much in the same fashion as Raj and the Guard, earlier.

  Ethan's face is red and I can see spit flying from his lips. Raj stands there, a slight smile spreading across his face. I risk pushing the door open far enough, I hope, to hear what it is they're talking about. All that comes through is a muffled conversation; I'm not able to make out many words. Ethan sounds annoyed than anything. Then he starts to get upset and both of their voices rise. Making out words becomes a lot easier.

  “I know the truth...why you're in Neech.” I can hear the almost sing-song quality to Raj's words.

  “You're crazy,” Ethan says and grabs the front of Raj's shirt and shoves him back into the wall, hard. My breath catches in my throat, and for a second, I forget it's Ethan I'm watching. I didn't think he was the kind of person to react that impulsively and aggressively.

  Raj grabs on to Ethan's wrists but doesn't push him away. “You have no choice!” His voice has no real bravado to it, but he knows that his words will save him. Whatever he's told Ethan, that's where his strength is coming from.

  The floor creaks as I shift my weight. The men snap their heads in my direction and I slam my back up against the wall and squeeze my eyes shut.

  “Who's there?” Ethan calls out. “I said come out!”

  I hold my breath and make a decision. I run through the back of The Tavern as quickly and quietly as I can. When I burst through the back door, I look around frantically. There's no way I'll be able to get off this street before Ethan gets here. I need to hide. There's a dumpster to my left and I dart behind it, crouching down and trying to quiet my breathing.

  Ethan bursts out into the night shortly after I do, cursing up a storm. He kicks at the ground and lets out a yell before heading in the direction of Eta’s house.


  I can't remember the last time I've been this angry. I strongly dislike being forced to do something, and the fact that someone like Raj is the puppet master infuriates me even more. He knows more than he should, and I can't do anything about it. I need him for answers on what my father knows. More importantly, I can't let him tell Karis what he thinks he knows. She wouldn't understand. The thought of getting rid of him crosses my mind. I shake it away. I am not that kind of person. I am not.

  “Aghh!” I kick at a discarded box sitting on the sidewalk in front of me. Its contents go flying through the air before hitting the side of a building, paper fluttering through the crisp air.

  This is going to ruin everything. I can't risk going with Raj, but I don't see any other way. I could easily explain away the information that Raj has found, but I don't want to have to. Taken out of context, it sounds bad, and it isn't who I am, now.

  Karis won't understand me leaving, and she'll understand even less why I'm taking Raj with me. She doesn't trust him, and neither do I. She'll be mad, but, that's been the status quo of late. I should be able to go with it pretty well.

  Damn it!


  “How did the meeting go?' Eta asks when I walk through the door, but she seems distracted, like I do.

  “As I expected it to, with a little unexpected business at the tail end.” I sit down heavily in a chair.

  “Oh?” Her voice piques.

  “I'm going out into the Further.”

  She glances up at me. “And how is Karis dealing with all of this?”

  “I'm sure she’ll be none too happy about it. When she finds out.”

  “Ethan William Hughes!” Eta slaps her hands down on her knees. “You mean to tell me that you have not told that girl that you are going out into the Further?”

  “It was a last minute decision. I haven't had the chance to tell her about it yet.”

  “And who have you found the time to tell about it, besides myself?”

  “Raj Verna.”

  “Och!” She throws her hands up in disgust. “Of all people!”

  I hang my head and rub at my temples. “Please don't say anything to her about it. I have to recruit one other person before she can.”

  “What is this nonsense you're speaking?” I have never seen Eta this upset. Her words are coherent, but they're not collected, like she's having to scramble through her emotions to pick the right ones. “Who do you possibly need to recruit before you can tell the woman you love that you're leaving her behind?”

  “Dhevan has to go with us. Raj says there's no option.”

  She stills at this bit of news. “This smells foul.”

  “That it does. But Raj said if Dhevan doesn't come, he'll make something happen to Journey.”

  She nods. “And what does he have hanging over your head that's making you go?”

  “Truth he thinks he knows. And if he tells it, it could hurt a lot of people.”

  She doesn't ask me to say any more. Her next question blindsides me, though. “
Ethan, what is really going on between you and Karis? Why are you pulling away from her?”

  “It's not just me, Eta. She's pulling away from me, too. I think she's hiding something from me.”

  “Like you're hiding something from her?”

  “It seems like we're constantly keeping secrets from each other. I thought that when you loved someone—truly loved someone—that you were honest with them, about everything. But our relationship has been like this from the beginning. She lied to me about her Mark, I lied to her about who my father was. Now this. I don't like how it makes me feel. I don't like where it leaves us.”

  “And you don't think she feels the same way?” She doesn’t sound angry, she sounds disappointed. Which is worse. It's always worse. “She's going to be heart-broken when you tell her. Which you will do.”

  “I was planning tomorrow night, when we’re all together for the Pairing dinner,” I say. “Since we’ll be leaving right afterwards.”

  She sighs. “You'd better start packing. I'll gather up what I can spare.”


  My packing is interrupted by a soft tap on the frame of my door. I look over my shoulder. Eta’s demeanor is off, she's...soft. Something that she’s normally not, on her own. It snatches my attention and I put my pack down.

  “What is it?”

  “I need to show you something before you leave.”

  “Okay,” I say.

  “Meet me in the kitchen when you're through.”

  I don't have much to take, so I'm pretty much done as soon as I start. I pack the only other pair of socks I own and an extra mask that Eta took from her medical bag—a sacrifice that doesn't go ignored.

  Pulled from a trunk that was tucked in the back of a closet, Eta gave me a couple extra pairs of pants, a shirt, and a light jacket. She had given me two bottles of water, which was completely miraculous. Who has that much extra water to be giving away? Along with a small bag of sturdy biscuits and a few things from her garden, that's the only nutrition I'll have for my journey. It will be up to us to find whatever else we may need. She put together a traveling medical kit for me—herbs for different ailments, bandages, a few medical tools, and of course a small supply of the tea. It was a monumental sacrifice for her to do, which made it my most cherished item.


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