The Revelation

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The Revelation Page 6

by Anil John

  With so much of positive energy around him, the respect paid to him by all the monks present in the hall plus the serenity he seemed to abide in, it was clearly evident that the old man was an enlightened soul.

  I bowed before him in respect and when he looked at me, a look of disappointment seemed to cross his face. As he turned to walk away, in flash he swung back around with his staff swinging toward me. In confusion, I raised my arm to block the blow, just as quickly he lowered the motion of the swing and before I was able to counter the move he had knocked me off my feet.

  Huge roars of laughter spread the hall. Here was this hundred years plus old man who had easily knocked me to the ground and I know he must have been saying to himself “Under the protection of Buddha? My foot”

  On the contrary, he smiled and extended the end of his staff to pull me up, which I took. He then strode out of the monastery and back into the mountains.

  There was something about the old man that would not just let go. Finally, I took my backpack and followed him to the higher mountains. I sought the old man out to his stone piled hut along the edge of a stream.

  This time when I came before his presence, there was no swinging staff, only a sweeping open palm hand offering to join him for tea.

  Several hours passed by and we did not converse a word. However, in the afternoon, before I was to leave, he grabbed at my sleeve if only for a second.

  When I turned to see what he wanted, he reached deep down into his pocket on the side of his robe and pulled out a small cloth pouch. Inside the small pouch, was a necklace made of string. Hanging on the string was what appeared to be an exact replica of the medallion, I wore around my neck.

  Though we were unable to communicate verbally because of not knowing each other’s languages, there was a great non verbal understanding between the two of us. When he showed me that he too had a medallion just like the one I wore around my neck, through hand gestures and drawings on the dirt with a small stick, he tried to express something.

  After a few minutes of brainstorming on his hand gestures and dirt drawings, I figured out that he intended to teach me Zen. I explained to him with my hand gestures that I will be able to stay with him for just another day and day after tomorrow, I will have to return to my family by flight in the evening.

  He nodded in agreement and smiled.

  I bowed down and touched his feet in respect and he lifted me up for a compassionate hug.

  Chapter 13

  Day 9: I woke up to the poke of his staff inside his stone piled house. I removed the layer of the old heavy blanket which was probably made of Yak wool. It did not smell nice but it kept me warm and cozy whole night.

  I looked around and it was still dark outside the window. He asked me with his graceful gestures to get up and freshen up near the stream and join him soon.

  I looked at my wrist watch and it was thirty past three in the morning. It seemed like he woke up an hour earlier and his face was looking radiant in the fluttering light of the lamp.

  It was the time for dawn amidst the mountains and the aura was mystical and enchanting. I came back from the stream and dried myself. He was not in and around his stone house. I searched for him and then I spotted him sitting on a big rock facing the valley on the other side of the mountain, from where the sun was about to arise and shine.

  I bowed and stood before the Zen master in humility and gratitude.

  It felt good to notice that the master was wearing the medallion around his neck and I was carrying a similar one around mine.

  It was pin drop silence and I could only hear the sound of the breeze whispering through the pine trees on the mountains. He opened his eyes after a while and gestured to me to sit on the green pasture in front of him.

  He gestured to illustrate that the seated meditation is like water in a container, leave the dirty water to sit quietly and eventually the dirt will sink and settle down.

  He showed me to sit with legs folded and to put either foot on the top of the opposite thigh and place the other foot on the ground underneath the other thigh for a seated meditation. He instructed that the posture of the upper half has to be straight, keeping the body upright and well balanced. No trying to lean in any direction, neither right nor left, neither forward nor backward.

  I kept on following each of his move and instructions riveting my total attention on him.

  He then demonstrated to put the left hand on the right one and both the palms turned towards the sky over one another to make an oval by touching the tips of the thumbs with each other and form a somewhat straight line. Both the wrists to rest on the thighs and the edge of both the hands to rest against the belly and to keep shoulders relaxed.

  He got up and gestured to direct my vision about one meter in front of me on the ground, without focusing on anything in particular.

  He then came closer and asked me to breathe quietly and slowly through the nose and to keep my mouth closed. He further advised me to focus on exhalation of every breath while inhalation was done naturally.

  I realized while directing my vision about one meter in front of me on the ground, without focusing on anything in particular, made my eyes come naturally to rest to a position where my eyelids were half open and half closed.

  I was feeling lighter with every minute passing by and I could see nothing around me except for a void feeling in and around my soul with every breath I took.

  The Zen master held my face gently with both his palms, placed his index fingers and middle fingers on the temple on both sides of my head next to my eyes. He placed both his thumbs one over the other, on the middle of my forehead, resting them on the bridge of my nose and pressed his thumbs gently above the junction of my eyebrows.

  I sensed a feeling of warmth on my forehead underneath his thumbs and then I could see myself projected and standing up, elevated above the ground and my body was still in the posture of seated meditation.

  Being out of my body was even more graphic than an ordinary experience.

  It was so evocative that I could see my body seated below, I could see the mountains, valleys, the stone piled house, the stream, the monastery at a distance but I could not see the Zen master.

  There was a magnificent light shining upon me. I turned towards the light. The light was splendid and breathtaking. The light was tangible,

  I could feel it. The light kept changing into different figures like angels, archetypal images and symbols.

  The light was so admirable that I wanted to go to it like I would want to go to my ideal father’s arms. In a fraction of the moment, the elevated self of mine was travelling into the light and I could see the astral realms in the universe.

  In an experience so mystical and breathtaking, I saw an angel dressed in a shiny white robe, carrying a scroll in his hands, flapping his mighty wings and standing over the void in the universe, waiting for me.

  Before I could speak anything, I heard his voice deep inside me;

  “I am Uriel. I am an arch angel and I serve the creator of all life in the universe. I am the angel of wisdom. I have been shining the light of God’s truth onto the darkness of confusion among the mankind.

  I have been a source of guidance and wisdom to the mankind since the times of Noah.

  Like others in the Holy Community, I am an Ally of Humanity.

  We are in the presence of the creator, who oversees the events and developments of life both within your world and throughout the other worlds in the universe.

  We from the Holy Community, do not travel to your world to cast our influence over humanity,

  We do not abduct humans against their will,

  We do not abduct your animals or take away your plants either,

  We do not influence your governments or political leaders,

  We do not seek to breed with humanity in order to gain control over your world.

  We are the Allies of Humanity and we do not seek to manipulate human destiny.

  The Holy Communi
ty in the Universe watches your world from afar and we send ambassadors such as ourselves to give counsel, guidance, encouragement and even protection when it becomes necessary for the betterment of humanity.

  To know the truth about the extraterrestrials or the aliens as you call them, you must face the truth without the filter of your beliefs, fear or dogmas, however respectable they may be in your world.

  Neither your scientists nor your religious leaders, neither your political representatives nor your financial gurus, neither your military officials nor your media, speak knowledgeably about the unexplained aerial or celestial events that mankind has witnessed for ages. Unfortunately, only a bit of truth is distributed among you all.

  Your world is being visited by several extraterrestrial races from other worlds in the universe.

  There have been such visitations throughout the human history but we have recently witnessed a great volume of such extraterrestrial visitations in your world.

  The existence of these extraterrestrial visitors is a reality but the majority of you do not perceive it yet because they remain invisible to your senses and technologies.

  For you live on the plains of your world and cannot see the phenomenon that surrounds your planet.

  Nor can you see clearly the visitation that is occurring in your world at any given time or what these visitations have to do with the future of mankind.

  The mankind should never forget that whatever in your human history seemed amusing or improbable has later become viable and have occurred as a reality.

  It may be difficult for humans to accept the truth at first because you cannot yet value and respect your world.

  You are still ignorant of how much your planet possesses and what a rare creation it is among the barren worlds and void space in the universe.

  The other worlds in the universe that are inhabited by other races now have been populated and their technology has made this possible

  The world like yours, where life has evolved naturally and humans evolved without the aid of technology, is rare more than you might discover.

  The extraterrestrials have taken great notice of your world and its evolution. The natural resources of your world have been used by them for ages.

  The evolution of human culture, the invention and development of nuclear weapons and the ongoing deterioration of the natural resources in your world have caused the extraterrestrial intervention into your world.

  The extraterrestrial races from other worlds in the universe who are visiting your world today represent several different alliances. These alliances are not united in their efforts but are amalgamated for a purpose.

  The purpose of gaining access to your world’s natural resources and maintain their access in the times to come.

  This creates a challenge for mankind because these visitors not only have advanced technology than yours but also have strong social solidarity unlike humans and they are even able to influence the thoughts of your people in their mental domain.

  Mankind have lived a satisfying control of its decisions until recent times but it losing control of its own destiny and are slowly but surely losing their exceptional capacity to make their life desirable in your world. The human capability to recover from the difficulties will decrease with times and because of their own will. Such technologies exist with these extraterrestrial visitors that can affect your body and mind.

  People in your world do not comprehend the modus operandi of such extraterrestrial visitors and do not try to understand the virtues and moralities of such races from the other worlds in cosmos. Your people think that the visitors are either angels or demons. In reality, these races are very much like you in their necessity.

  A human being as an individual having so many exceptional capabilities cannot exercise them with regality for reasons that are essentially geopolitical in your world.

  There are billions of you but the health and education of your children, your living standards, the conditions of flora and fauna in your world are always under the thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and religious representatives in your world.

  Your thoughts and beliefs are being molded by your representatives in your world for their selfish interests and for the interests of their allied extraterrestrial partners, while at the same time, giving you all the feeling that you all are in total control of your destiny, but there is long way between your wish and the real facts because the rules of this game at your hand are unknown to mankind.

  The extraterrestrial visitors have strategically devised a four step action plan, in order to gain control over your world.

  They have devised these four step action plan after closely watching humanity and your natural evolution on your planet. Human thoughts, human behaviors, human physiology and most importantly, human religions, have been intensively examined and studied by these races from the different worlds in the universe.

  The first step is to influence individuals in positions of power, authority and control across your world. The visitors will seek to gain influence over those whom they perceive to be in positions of power, within your governments and religions.

  They will seek contact with such individuals who qualify in their parameters based on their age old study on mankind.

  The extraterrestrial races will give commitments of greater power, advanced technologies and world domination and will convince many selfish individuals in positions of power, authority and control in your governments and religion. This is how the extraterrestrial visitors will establish their first liaison in your world.

  The second step is the manipulation of religious values and impulses of mankind. These extraterrestrial races understand that humanity’s greatest abilities also represent humanity’s greatest weaknesses.

  The people in your world longing for individual redemption represents one of the greatest assets, the mankind has to offer, even to the creator of the universe. It is these religious ideals and impulses of mankind that will be manipulated and used to divide and reign over your world.

  The third step would be to make the mankind become accustomed to their aerial visits and at times, their presence on your soil. They will seek humanity to become accustomed to their effect on human mental domain. To accomplish this, the extraterrestrial visitors will create their establishments and facility in your world in association with your representatives in power, authority and control, with whom they will make a liaison in your world.

  Their facilities will be hidden in your world with entries prohibited for the common mankind and in such facilities , the visitors will shelter their war ships, hi-tech military equipments, personnel of their race, facilitating training and preparations for a war like situation if the mankind rebels against them.

  The influential people in positions of power, authority and control in your governments, religious establishments and media will safeguard and classify the presence of such extraterrestrial races, their hidden activities and their hidden facilities as confidential or may even refute them as rumors or hoax.

  The fourth and the last step of these extraterrestrials races to establish themselves in your world will be through cross breeding. These visitors cannot live in the environment of your planet, so they will need your genes and your reproductive abilities. They will seek to bond and breed with humans because they understand that this will create human loyalty for them in your world. The offspring of such a program will have blood relationships in your world and yet loyal to the extraterrestrial races who seek to gain control over your world and its natural resources.

  Before the mankind emerges as a greater community of intelligent life in the universe, the need to prepare is the greatest need in your world today.

  The phase of extraterrestrials is your phase of evolution to emerge into a greater community of intelligent life.

  It will happen, whether you are prepared or not. The evolution is destined to occur.

  Preparation becomes the key. Understand
ing and clarity about such celestial events are things that are necessary and most needed in your world at this time. People across your world have great spiritual gifts that can enable them to see and to know this phase of evolution. These spiritual gifts are much needed now. People should recognize, employ and share such spiritual gifts to enlightenment freely now. It should not be merely up to an enlightened teacher or a saint in your world to do so but it must be practiced by more and more people at individual levels.

  I, the angel of wisdom on behalf of the Holy Community in the universe, revealed these events, so that the mankind can make choices wisely and never to lose hope because the enlightened ones among you, will have allies in the Holy Community to guide, to strengthen, to prepare and to protect them in the times to come.

  The revelation is just a part of human preparation. The revelation is being sent into your world through you now. It does not come from us; it comes from the Creator of all life in the universe. The revelation comes at just the right time. This is the time for humanity to become strong, wise and united.

  You can always count on us, just the way, we are counting on you.

  I opened my eyes with a spell of greater than usual calmness within myself. I looked at my wrist watch and it was three in the afternoon.

  I was feeling blissfully happy as if I was rewired all over again and a new connection was made between the neurons inside me.

  I was feeling no pride and excitement but to the contrary, I was feeling calm, happy, content and liberated.


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