Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders

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Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders Page 14

by Ramsey, William

  Jason Baldwin’s girlfriend Heather Cliett confirmed to investigators that Damien and Jason were best friends, and told the police that Damien once told her “he stuck a stick in a dog’s eye and then jumped on it and then burned it.”92

  June 7th, 1993

  Shari Gilbert

  Handwritten Statement to Police

  Shari Gilbert provides a handwritten statement to police stating her nephew William Jones told her that Damien, Jason and another unknown boy were responsible for the murders.93

  June 7th, 1993

  Jodee Medford

  Handwritten Statement

  About 2 weeks ago I was at the Girls Club softball field. And I heard Damien say "I killed the three little boys and before I turn myself in I am going to kill two more and I already have one picked out.” I overheard him say this to a group of people when I was walking by him. I don't know him. I just know of him. And Jason Baldwin and his girlfriend Heather were standing by him. I was with my sister Jackee and her friend Christi Vanvickle. That was the first time I had ever seen Damien and the next night he was there too.94

  June 7th, 1993

  Donna Medford

  Investigative Report

  The week of May 24th when my two girls Jodee & Jackee Medford and Christi Vanvickle got in the car they started all talking at once telling me about what the weird black haired boy had said that night. The all said they heard him say that he had killed those 3 little boys. Jodee said she heard him say "He had killed the boys and before he got caught or turned himself in he was gonna kill 2 more and already had one picked out." I told them he was just nuts and to stay away from him. Katie Hendrix was also with me that night & repeated the same story. She also told me he had said he was going to bite her titties off. When he left she yelled 'Did you really kill those 3 boys & he yelled 'yes'.95

  June 8th, 1993

  Jason Crosby

  Investigative Report

  Jason Crosby repeated much of the information already given to his school principal John Heath on June 4th back to police in this June 8th interview. He restated he knew the arrested boys for over a year while living in Lakeshore Trailer Park. He would sleep over with Damien and Jason at times. He told police that sometime in the last year (1992), Damien and Jason wanted to catch a bum under the overpass and torture him just to see what it was like. Jason C. (Crosby) told him he was crazy, and said that he was just kidding. Crosby said that Misskelley punched him in the face twice at different times---once over a girl and once over a stolen bike.96

  June 9th, 1993

  Michele Carter

  Handwritten Statement

  About 2 weeks ago at my ballgame at the Girls Club I was told by Shannon Boals from Marion that there was a boy named Damien that said he killed the boys and he didn't cut their thing off he bite it off. Shannon showed him to me and pointed him out to me. Shelley Wolf from Marion also told me that she cut herself one day and he ask her if he could suck her blood. Later on more of my friends Tara Cupples, Cory Catt, and Shannon Boals were standing with me in front on the concession stand and we decided to go over and sit with her brother Trey Boals and a bunch of his other friends I am not sure what their names are. We all sat down and as we sat behind the bleachers we saw Damien sitting beside us. We tried not to look at him so we moved over a little. He never talked to me except he asked who we were I told him Michele Carter he never said another word to me. Cory Catt and Tara Cupples left and it was me, Shannon Boals and Trey Boals sitting on the grass still and I just happened to hear Damien say something about him and the Devil so I decided to get up. Right before my game started Shannon Boals also told me that he wanted to kill two more people and he knew one of them was his ex-girlfriend. Shannon Boals said her brother Trey Boals knew more and that it was his friend Shawn something that told him. I think that was his name. I never saw him after that.97

  June 9th, 1993

  Jerry Driver

  Police Report

  On June 8, 1993, at approximately 10:00 A.M., I received a call from Steve Jones at my office. Mr. Jones requested that I meet him at a location near Lakeshore Trailer Park. The location was under the I-55 overpass that crosses the railroad tracks. Mr. Jones advised me that he had an informant involved with certain individuals in the area who were participating in ritualistic animal sacrifices. He took me to an area at the north end of the I-55 overpass where we discovered the carcass of a cat and the bones of another animal as well as the carcasses of 10-15 pigeons in a pile. We also found evidence of small bonfires at the same location. We then moved to a location along the railroad tracks where we observed a lot of grafitti. At this time, Mr. Jones observed a knife in the dirt on the south side of the tracks south of the retaining wall. I noticed that it had a blade with a serrated edge and called for CID from the CCSO.98

  June 9th, 1993

  Dennis Carter

  Police Report

  States that he has known and been friends with Jesse Misskelley all of his life. The last time he saw Jesse was the day before he was arrested. States that he did not know Damien or Jason---knew who they were but was not friends with them.

  Rick Delcor told Dennis about some Devil worshipers that met at Stone Hedge [Stonehenge]. Does not think Rick was ever there -- just heard about it. States that Rick told him that he heard that they would cut a dogs head off and would eat the meat from the leg. Rick said that Damien was the leader. States that about 6 months ago Jesse told him that Damien was a Devil worshiper and that he ate the right leg of dogs. Jesse said that this happened in the woods located behind Elite lamp.

  Dennis states that he has been in those woods hunting and observed Devil worshiping symbols on trees and KKK on trees.

  Dennis states that Jesse liked to fight and alot of times he would even start it. About 2 months ago Jesse was fighting a boy named Eric in Lakeshore when this girl named Tiffany (13 y.o.) Eric's girlfriend -- went over to try and stop him -- states Jesse turned around and hit her as hard as he could in the ear with his fist. States that Jesse had to go to Juvenile Court over that.

  States that about 4 or 5 months ago in Highland Trailer Park there was a little girl -- 5 or 6 yrs old -- that was throwing rocks -- one accidentally hit Jesse -- Jesse chased the little girl and threw a rock and hit her in the head. The little girl was crying and Jesse was laughing. Her name was Paula -- they don't live in Highland anymore -- they moved about 1 month ago...States that he does not like his Jesse’s stepmother (Lee) at all -- states that she stays drunk all of the time and so does Jesse's dad.

  Dennis states that Jesse drank alot and smoked pot when he could get it -- thinks the guys name is Josh 17 yrs old and lives in Highland Trailer Park.99

  June 10th, 1993

  Investigative Report

  Karen McAteer

  Karen McAteer called and stated approximately two months ago at her home, 515 Belvedere St, her daughter Jessica Bryant and a friend Heather Smith were waiting to go to Church about 10:00 A.M. on Sunday. The two girls were outside and ran in the house and told Mrs. McAteer that a guy was taking their picture. Mrs. McAteer went to the door and saw Damien Echols run from her property-he was dressed in black. Mrs. McAteer and her husband drove around trying to find him but could not. One of the neighbors told McAteer that Damien was living on Balfour with a family.100

  Damien Echols and Domini TeerWest Memphis skating rink


  June 10th, 1993

  Jennifer Lynn Ball

  Police Statement

  Jennifer Ball, who made a police report on March 1st concerning terroristic threats to harm her, provided a statement to police, and expanded upon the events of March 1st:

  The first contact I had with Damien Echols was when he was at my window (March 1 93). I had heard about him and heard that he was into devil worshipping. Me and Micahel Beshires had been fighting. So was Michael [Damien] & Amanda Lancaster. Well Michael had told her that he was going to blow my house up & stay away from me. Well she didn't
believe him & we continued to be friends. Well, he called her one day & told her to watch out that he had Mark Beshires & Damien Echols watching us. All this was happening in March. About March 1st, I was on three-way with Amanda Lancaster & Jack Held. It was storming that day. I kept on hearing something but I thought that it was just the rain. Well, I was in the kitchen. I was looking out the window & somebody jumped in front of it shouting "you bitch, I'll get you, I'm gonna kill you. You're gonna die." I started screaming & hollering---I didn't know what to do. I dropped down in the corner of the kitchen. Amanda was hollering at me "Jennifer what is wrong. Jennifer what is going on." I told her that someone was at my window & it looked like Damien. She told me stay where I was & she was going to call me right back. I hung up the phone. I looked out the window to see if he (Damien) was still there. He was. He just glared at me & said "you're dead bitch" & ran off. I was so scared. Amanda called me back & I was crying. I told her what Damien had said. She just sat their like, "oh my god." About 5 minutes later she said "Jennifer, Jennifer was Damien wearing pure black & a black trench coat?" I said "Yes. Why?" she said "He's walking down the street and eyeing my house." She got really scared & started crying & then her house alarm went off. She was screaming & crying. I didn't know what to do. I had a feeling that Damien was going to be watching us & after us. When my mom, Teresa Woodson, got home from work that day, I told her what happened. She didn't know what to do. She waited for my stepdad, Don Woodson, to get home. She told him about it. He really didn't know what to do either. Me & my mom were talking & she asked me to describe Damien. I told her that he had black hair. & these eyes that looked black. He was dressed in a black shirt, black jeans & a black trench coat. She asked me if he was tall. I told her yes. She said she remembers seeing him in Wal-Mart. This was about 10 minutes after he had done passed by Amanda's house & came up to mine. She decided to call the police. Officer Reese came to our house. She asked me to describe Damien. I did She (Officer Reese) asked me if I was sure it was Damien. I told her no. I was scared that if Damien found out I told, he would definitely kill me. So the person at my window was left blank (ed. note--on the police report).Well about a month ago I was in Kroger. I had left my mother to go get something. While I was looking I noticed that somebody kept passing by & looking at me. When I looked up, I discovered that it was Damien. I just ran off. I didn't tell my mom because I didn't want her to worry so I let it slide by.

  About 3 weekends ago I went skating with Amanda Lancaster. We were having a good ol time until Damien walked in. I looked at Amanda & pointed. She just said oh my god. I told her I was going to go call my mom. She told me to just ignore him. (She had told Amy Allison when the 3 boys first got murdered that Damien & some boy named Jason had murdered them. Amy just ignored her.) Well, me & Amanda were walking around the skating rink. We decided to sit down & get something to drink. We were about 2 tables over from Damien, Jason Baldwin & his girlfriend Heather. I don't know her last name. Well, we were all singing & having a good time. I noticed that Damien kept on staring at me. I just ignored it or at least I tried to. I looked up & noticed that him & Jason were whispering to each other & pointing at me. Damien whispered something to Jason & Jason looked over at me & said I don't know. Then Jason whispered something to Damien & Damien looked at me. He looked me up & down & said Yep. Then Damien started saying something & Jason kept on saying "No man. No" Well, we finally left that table & went walking around. We went to the back of the skating rink. I noticed that Damien had followed us. Not w/his body w/his eyes. It was really starting to freak me out! My best friend Shannon Sanders was up there. She noticed that I had been acting paranoyed. She kept on asking me what was wrong. I told her I was just tired. (Finally on Sunday I told her what was the matter). I had lost Amanda & was trying to find her. I went to the bathroom to see if she had walked in there. When I came out Damien was standing there against the wall. I bumped into him. I didn't realize who it was until I looked up. When I looked into his eyes its like I froze. I just stood there. Its like something clicked & I came back to reality & I ran off. His eyes followed me all the way to the back. I didn't really say anything to Amanda because I didn't want to get her scared. We stayed at the back for about 10 minutes & decided to go back up to the front. Well, some girl, I can't remember her name I really didn't know her, asked me to go buy her some candy & a coke. When I went to give it to her, I noticed she was at Damien's table. I just ran over there handed it to her & walked off. I could feel his eyes following me. Well, I later found out that he was asking some people who I was. Some girl that I don't know told him I was Jennifer Ball. He sat there for a minute & then said "Jennifer Ball, Jennifer Ball, I know her, I really really know her" & had this evil look on his face. Then he started asking around what Amanda's phone number was & where she lived. No one would tell him. While we were walking out of the Blue Amanda started saying “shut up shut up.” I looked at her & asked her what was wrong. She said that she could hear Damien in her mind saying "Bitch you're gonna die, you know to much." (Last year Amanda had P.E. w/Damien. She said he would sit there & enter her mind. It really freaked her out.) Well, it was finally time for us to leave & I was glad. Damien watched us as we went out the building. Ever since then it feels like someone is watching me. Friday after everyone had found out who murdered the little boys I got a phone call. I answered the phone & someone asked who this was. I said Jennifer. They said well you & your friend Amanda were the next to die by Damien & hung up. I was really freaked. I didn't say anything to Amanda about the phone call. I had heard that Damien was going to kill 2 more girls his girlfriend & Jason Baldwin's girlfriend. Well, Jason's girlfriend is a girl named Heather whom is Amanda Lancaster's cousin. I don't know her last name. Amanda kept on saying Friday I know those two girls where me & you I knew they were. I just told her not to jump to conclusions - even though after the phone call I was certain it was us. After Amanda read that statement in the Commercial Appeal she kept on saying, "I have a feeling our picture is in that briefcase. I have the weirdest feeling." I just wish somebody would find out. Then yesterday some woman that had come swimming w/my aunt told my mom that she heard Damien was going to sacrafice 2 virgins next. I told my mom about the mysterious phone call. She asked me how come I hadn't told her. I told her I thought it was a prank, but now I'm really not for sure. It's just really scary. Know I feel like every where I go I'm being followed. I haven't had any phone calls since Friday.101

  June 10th, 1993

  Teresa Woodson

  Written Statement

  Teresa Woodson, mother of Jennifer Ball, said that upon her return from work in March of 1993, her daughter said that Damien Echols was at her backyard window, yelling he was going to kill her daughter. She said she called the police immediately, who took a statement. Traumatized by the event, she said her daughter thought she and her friend could be sacrificed. She told the police that a local boy said “I will have Damien to kill you, because he Damien is a member of a cult.” Her daughter would get weird phone calls at all times of the night. In one call, her daughter was told she would be next to die. Her daughter felt that someone was always watching her. Teresa Woodson said that Michael Bishers was a member of the cult and he and Damien would get her daughter.102

  June 10th, 1993

  J’Nevelyn Blackmon

  Handwritten Statement

  On the 10th of June, police interviewed J’Nevelyn Blackmon. Domini Teer lived for a time at the same apartment complex. She said Jason Baldwin was almost always at Damien’s side. Damien was often with LG Hollingsworth. She was told Damien worshipped Satan, and that he had drawn an anarchy sign by one of the apartment doors. She heard that two virgins were to be sacrificed among other rumors.103

  June 10th, 1993

  Amanda Lancaster

  Police Statement

  Heather Cliett had told me that Damien had been asking me question's about me, about where I live & my phone number.

  Jennifer Harrison had said that she thoug
ht Damien had done it cause he knew way too much, and he went around Horseshoe the same day the murders had happened, and had dog intestines around his neck.

  At the skating rink, he watched me and stuff. He would follow me around, he would like just watch me. He would really scare me, and someone had told me that I was next, me and Jennifer Ball were next. I was on the phone with Jennifer Ball when Damean apparently was at her window.104

  June 11th, 1993

  Katie LaFoy

  Police Statement

  I heard Damien Echols talking to a bunch of girls, one was a Jody Medford. I heard him say "Yea that I'm going to do it to some more people too." She stated that she heard enough of the conversation that she knew they were talking about the murders of the three boys. I heard some of the group talking about the murders of the boys and that is the reason he made the statement that she heard. She also heard Damien say that the person that he was talking to had better not say anything to anybody or that he would see what was coming next. Jason Baldwin was with Damien at the Ball Park when Damien made the statement.105

  June 11th, 1993

  Jason Frazier

  Investigative Report

  Jason Frazier heard from Garrett Schwarting that Baldwin and Echols committed the murders:

  Ridge - About two weeks after the murders took place, you had a conversation with Garrett.

  Jason - Yes, sir.

  Ridge - Okay, what did he tell you.

  Jason - He said that uh, that he was studying to be a psychic and he knew this and him and this guy was studying it, and that uh, he said that uh, Damien and uh Jason did it, but Jessie's name wasn't involved, so uh they was practicing their Witchcraft and, he didn't say how the boys got there, or anything, he just said, they did it and that's where they practiced their witch, their Satan stuff.


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