Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders

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Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders Page 18

by Ramsey, William

  Bly: A big white house, at least about a 8 to 10 room house, it's a huge house.

  Allen: Does anybody keep it up or anything?

  Bly: No sir, they just keep it locked up, we..., we had a window fixed so we could go through the window and then open the doors.

  Allen: Okay, at this meeting at Stonehenge you recall who was there?

  Bly: No right off hand, I know all those boys were there, Christy she was there, Christy McNichols.

  Allen: Christy McNichols?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: She lives out at Lakeshore?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Okay.

  Bly: She was there and, uh the Baldwin boy.

  Allen: Can you shut that door over there.

  Bly: It's just real hard for me to remember names at all.

  Allen: Your son was he at a lot of these meetings?

  Bly: He was at one meeting?

  Allen: He was at one meeting.

  Bly: Yes sir, just one meeting.

  Allen: How long ago has that been?

  Bly: He couldn't he wouldn't drink the blood.

  Allen: Okay.

  Bly: So we..., we were scared of him.

  Allen: Okay, now getting back to you said Christy McNichols was there at this last meeting where they talk about sacrificing?

  Bly: Yes sir, the Powers boy.

  Allen: Powers.

  Bly: Jamie..., Jamie Powers

  Allen: How old is this Jamie Powers?

  Bly: About 18.

  Allen: Do you know where he may live?

  Bly: He lives at Lakeshore. On the last row. The guy that, he lives next door to the guy that messes with all the Volkswagens.

  Allen: out at Lakeshore.

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Okay, uh, anyone else you can think of?

  Bly: Not right off hand.

  Allen: And you said the three boys, now you were referring to these?

  Bly: They were always there.

  Allen: These?

  Bly: Misskelley, Baldwin, Damien---they was always there.

  Allen: Okay, and this was always on a Sunday night?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: What did you say about the significance, the significance of the 6 O'clock?

  Bly: It just was in the book so we went by the book.

  Allen: What did you call the book?

  Allen: Any particular name?

  Bly: Just the Devil book. It told you how to sacrifice, it tell you when the best time of the month. We didn't do it your suppose to have a sacrifice every full moon.

  Allen: Every full moon?

  Bly: Yes sir, even if it was during the week you were supposed to have it on that.

  Allen: On a full moon?

  Bly: Yes sir. But that you know it's hard for some of the young boys to get away from their mama's and stuff because of that, so we would just always have it on a Sunday.

  Allen: Was there any significance with the younger the younger boys and, and having it at 6 o'clock which would be earlier in the evening than later in the evening?

  Bly: No, not really.

  Allen: I mean 6 o'clock supposed to be the time?

  Bly: 6 o'clock supposed to be the time, that's what was in the book, and we went by the book.

  Allen: Who normally kept this book?

  Bly: Misskelley.

  Allen: Do you know did..., did he keep it in anything particular or did he just carry it with him?

  Bly: He just carried it with him. We would all meet up there, must the other boys they had bicycles--they had to ride out there and I would drive out there.

  Allen: Okay, must of them ride bicycles?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Okay, did anybody else drive out there other than you?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Who?

  Bly: (iinaudible) I'll have to take time, I'll make you a list of all who was out there, it take me a little while, but I can remember of them.

  Allen: Okay, well this, when your talking about, your talking about one of these meetings how long before the boys were killed that one of these meetings take place where they talked about ?

  Bly: About a month.

  Allen: about a month.

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: How did, how did that conversation get brought up?

  Bly: It was in the book.

  Allen: It was in the book?

  Bly: We had just got to that part.

  Allen: Okay, what..., what exactly do you recall the book said?

  Bly: (inaudible) Well it said it had to be, to make a sacrifice of a human they had to be 8 years old or younger.

  Allen: 8 years old or younger?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Okay, um, what else did it say?

  Bly: Sir, it said the same thing like you did the dogs, your suppose hang, your suppose hang them up and beat them to death and cut the heart out and cut their peter off suppose to bite it off. It said in the book that the Devil would gnash his teeth together after he circumcised witches by biting their peter off. Like I say after they ..they done raped that girl and they come over there I got out of it cause I.., I was scared, cause I know you can go to jail over something like that, it's always found out.

  Allen: Okay, now I'm not particular asking you to..., to as far as any, any of these activities or any of these cult related meetings or what ever these sacrifices that they had---was there any sex involved at all?

  Bly: Just that one time that I remember.

  Allen: Just that one time.

  Bly: Yes sir, that girl, that 16 year old girl.

  Allen: Was there any..., any sex other than, I mean I'm not talking about for... force... forceful rape or anything like that, was there?

  Bly: There was corn holing out there.

  Allen: Okay, when your talking about corn holing what are you talking about?

  Bly: Fucking in the rectum.

  Allen: Okay, who would do this?

  Bly: Different ones. This Damien is the main one.

  Allen: Who?

  Bly: Damien

  Allen: Damien

  Bly: Yea

  Allen: Who would he do this to?

  Bly: Sir, there was a couple of small boys were in there he would get one of them.

  Allen: Okay, when your talking about small boys how old were these boys?

  Bly: About 10.

  Allen: About 10, where would they be from?

  Bly: They from Lakeshore

  Allen: Their from Lakeshore?

  Bly: One of them lives in the third house from the store.

  Allen: Do you recall what his name was?

  Bly: No sir, say it's going to take me a while but I can get all the names for you.

  Allen: Okay.

  Bly: I'm on that medicine right now and I feel looped.

  Allen: Okay, what kind of uh, it might be difficult for you to answer this, but what..., what exactly are you, are you in jail for right now?

  Bly: For rape.

  Allen: What..., exactly.

  Bly: I'm charge with corn holing a 8 year old girl.

  Allen: Okay, was this girl...

  Bly: Stepdaughter.

  Allen: Stepdaughter okay

  Bly: But I didn't it

  Allen: But you didn't do it?

  Bly: No sir, I fumbled with a 14 year old but I didn't do it to the 8.

  Allen: Okay.

  Bly: I don't want no pussy that ain't got hair on it.

  Allen: Okay, this um, this activity that your talking that um, where would this occur? Was this part of any type of ceremony that would been...

  Bly: Yes sir, it was part ceremony.

  Allen: Was there anything written as far as in the book about this or was this just something?

  Bly: Yes sir, no it was written in the book

  Allen: It was written in the book?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Okay, do you remember what..., what book, what the book recall an
ything about the book as far as what um, what exactly was this, I mean was this any, do you remember anything was this part of?

  Bly: It was just part of the ritual.

  Allen: Part of the ritual.

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Was it at every ritual.

  Bly: No correct that at the full moon.

  Allen: At the full moon ritual?

  Bly: Yes sir, we would kill a dog then on full moon.

  Allen: Was there ever any um, oral sex performed at any of these?

  Bly: Yes.

  Allen: Okay, would this be woman, would there be woman involved in this?

  Bly: Yes sir, head jobs.

  Allen: Would there be man involved in this?

  Bly: Yes sir, the men that were gay---there was a couple of gay people in there.

  Allen: Do you recall any of the gay people that were in this?

  Bly: I don't remember names right off hand. I say I will get them for you though. I want to get everything out, I want to get my life back straight. Psychiatrist they trying to help me, She's probably back by now.

  Allen: I've got this list here um, uh this is just I'm going, I'm going to carry you back to the county jail here in just a few minutes.

  Bly: Yea.

  Allen: And on the way if you don't mind uh, I would like um,

  Bly: I'll show you the houses I can do that.

  Allen: Okay, show me some of the houses where some of the members lived?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  This is one of this, I'll get the one on north 14th street or north 14th south of Barton a list, but this is a list of the North Rich Road addresses um, you say you might recall the person name?

  Bly: Yes sir

  Allen: Okay, I don't have any kind of list from Lakeshore utilities, just a utilities check. Look down through there and see if recall, or can remember that persons name that was, the person on North Rich road that had it sometimes at his house. Did he ever go out there with you all?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Would he go often?

  Bly: He tried, he tried to work his in to being the leader, Lea... leader but Misskelley wouldn't let him. I don't see it, I don't recognize no names there. No sir, I don't see it on there. Can I try to call Betty again?

  Allen: Can I get you too, this yellow piece of paper that I've got here um, how you drew out a um, a red picture of a knife and then down there you drew, I ask you to draw a better picture of the blade and this pentagram or whatever can I just get you to put your name on this piece of paper?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: So, and put today's date of 6-29 of 93 and put the time now is 12:15 pm, put pm behind that please and it's my understanding that you, that you J.C. brought you up here this morning and your giving this statement on free will?

  Bly: Own free will cause, I was to get everything out, get out in the open and get clear of this deal. I'm getting psychiatrist help now and I want get where I don't see the Devil no more. I figure if do this it would another way to get rid of him.

  Allen: Now I just want to get this cleared up as far as this tape goes uh, today's the first day that I have ever seen you before as far...

  Bly: Yes sir, I've been telling them

  Allen: And any police officers you have been telling people about this?

  Bly: Yes, sir.

  Allen: Now did any police officers at the county jail or anything offer you anything any..., any leniency on your charge or anything

  Bly: No no

  Allen: To come up here and talk to us?

  Bly: No sir

  Allen: Okay

  Bly: I was telling J.C. about hit while ago, and he wanted to know did I want to tell somebody? And I said yes sir I would like to get it out in the open, get everything, get everything truthful.

  Allen: Okay, your talking about J.C. Shelton?

  Bly: Yes sir

  Allen: Well, all I got to say is, I would like to on the way up there or whatever

  Bly: Go by some of the houses

  Allen: To let you point out you know a couple of places or whatever

  Bly: Okay

  Allen: And I may, I may in up um, maybe tomorrow um may need to talk to you again uh.

  Bly: Okay, I'll be trying to remember some of the names

  Allen: This book, do you know if this book come from a library, local library?

  Bly: That's where he told me he got it from the library so that's the only thing I know, I believe he would have got it from Marion Library.

  Allen: From the Marion Library.

  Bly: I'm just guessing you know, cause that's where he's from over there, at Marion.

  Allen: Okay, your recognize the book if you, if I...

  Bly: Oh yes sir, yes sir it's no doubt it's a hard back book , like I say and it's got, like I say it looks like a goat body with hooves and then it comes up kinda like a dragon on his head and everything with round horns.

  Allen: Okay

  Bly: It's easy, you know, to recognize.

  Allen: Okay, I'm going to conclude this interview the time is now 12:17 pm.123

  Reports of Damien's cruelty to animals accumulated at the West Memphis Police Station. On May 31, 1993, Garrett Schwarting and Murray Farris told police they had talked with Damien Echols in Farris’s home two weeks after the murders, where the strange teen told them some incredible stories. Echols once placed gasoline on a cat, put a bottle rocket up its rear end, then lit it. He also maintained a collection of animal skulls and occult paraphernalia. Schwarting and Farris also told police Echols once placed a young boy in a noose until the boy turned blue and nearly passed out.

  July 9th, 1993

  Chris Littrell

  Second Investigative Report

  Chris Littrell returned to the West Memphis Police Department and explained the structure of the coven to investigators. Titled the Order of the Divine Light, he said the group adhered to the Wiccan rede---”do whatever you want and harm no one.” He stated that Deanna Jane Holcomb, Echols girlfriend before Domini Teer, was the coven’s Priestess. Also in the group was Murray Jay Ferris, Damien Echols and David McCarthy. They used Raymond Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft as the reference manual for the coven. Bound and blindfolded, Chris Littrell was initiated in Murray Ferris’s backyard with his hands tied with rope behind his back. The coven adhered to rituals taking place in conjunction with phases of the moon, and they celebrated the four major Wiccan Sabbaths.

  September 6th, 1993

  John Earl Pershke, Jr.

  Police Statement

  Said in early 1992, that Jason Baldwin, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Buddy Lucas beat him, with Misskelley holding a knife to his throat and said “would you like to dead?”124

  September 6th, 1993

  Melissa Flesher

  Handwritten Statement

  Milissa Flesher provided a handwritten statement to West Memphis Police concerning the beating of John Perschka. Jessie Misskelley pulled a knife and threatened to cut John Perschka’s throat if he did not stop his relationship with another girl. Instead of stabbing Perschka, Misskelley severely assaulted him, causing him to cough up blood. Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin witnessed the assault and laughed about it.125

  September 7th, 1993

  John Dudley Boals III

  Handwritten Statement

  Shannon Way told him he heard Damien bragging about killing the boys on May 7th, 1993.126

  September 7th, 1993

  Shannon Boals

  Handwritten Statement

  I was at the Girls Club in West Memphis at my softball game and this girl name Michelle Carter told me that Damien Echols came up to her and said that he killed those boys and I just said really and she said yes. Then I got question by my Aunt Diane. Then she called Michelle and Michelle called me and asked me if I was questioned then I was never called or talked to by the police since then but then Sept. 7th, 93, I was question again.127

  September 10th, 1993

  Pamela Hutchinson

  Gitchell and Fogleman,

  Interview Damien Echol’s mother

  Sections of the interview with Damien’s mother, Pamela Hutchinson, are included below. Prosecutor Fogleman asks her about Damien’s interest in witchcraft. In my opinion, she denies that she ever saw books or literature in her sons hands, when Damien stated he read for hours each day.

  Fogleman- Now I understand that Damien says that he's a Wicca. W-i-c-c-a.

  Pam-Yes, sir.

  Fogleman- When did he first become interested, to your knowledge, in this witchcraft, or the occult or whatever it is? When were you first aware of it?

  Pam- Before I left here to go to Oregon, so probably a year and a half.

  Fogleman- Okay. Do you know how he got started in it?

  Pam- Not for a fact, I don't know, but my understanding is that the young lady he was seeing at the time, before he was hospitalized....

  Fogleman- Is that Deanna Holcomb?

  Pam- ...Was the one that introduced him to it.

  Fogleman- Alright. Did he ever have any literature or anything like that about this....

  Pam- I never saw any. I never saw any literature. Until over here at South Grove, and then I saw a little pamphlet.

  Fogleman- Okay, what kind of pamphlet was it?

  Pam- Um, it was a little pamphlet from a bookstore over in Memphis that told what kind of books you could get.

  Fogleman- Okay. Do you remember the name of the bookstore?

  Pam- No, I sure don't....

  Again, Pamela Hutchison provides an alibi for her son:

  Fogleman- Okay, and then after you left the pharmacy, where did you go?

  Pam- Home.

  Fogleman- Home? Alright, and about what time did you get home?

  Pam- Um, around 5, I guess it was around 5 when we got home.

  Fogleman- Alright. And what did you do when you got home?

  Pam- Fixed supper.

  Fogleman- Okay, and....

  Pam- And watched a little bit of T.V.


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