The Boss’s Secret Baby

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The Boss’s Secret Baby Page 9

by Charlize Starr

  “Heidi,” Steven called out to her, and she turned to face him in the doorway. “Good luck with your bakery. I sincerely hope you’re able to have it up and running soon.” Heidi rolled her eyes.

  She didn’t bother to respond. Barry was waiting outside, looking nervous, and she smiled at him as she walked by him. The people in the cafe fell silent again, watching her walk past the tables. It seemed like a lot of customers had remained to see how the drama played out. Heidi maintained the smile on her face. She wasn’t going to give in to her tears, not yet.

  All eyes were on her, but she didn’t exchange tearful goodbyes with any of her coworkers. She couldn’t be bothered. They were all judging her anyway.

  The door shut behind her, and Heidi walked past the cafe towards the main road. At least there she’d be surrounded by people, traffic sounds, barking dogs and cars whizzing past. It would give her an opportunity to shed a tear in peace if she needed to.

  But the tears didn’t come. Heidi continued walking past the traffic, and yet she couldn’t cry. She was one step behind now in her plan of opening up the bakery. Her three-year plan had taken a step back, and she would have to look for a new job, minus a recommendation. She’d be further back in being able to put down a deposit for a bank loan. Heidi knew all that, she was working it out in her brain, but the tears were just refusing to come.

  She was angry instead. She was pissed off at the world, the absurdity of the situation, the behavior of disgusting men and the lack of honor in the hospitality industry. Nobody stood up for you.

  When she finally snapped out of her thoughts, she realized she had walked herself back to her apartment on pure instinct.

  Heidi took the stairs two at a time and rummaged through her purse for the key. The apartment was as messy as always. She never had time to clean up, especially since she was working seven days a week. Well, now there would be plenty of time, she thought, as she flung her purse over the couch.

  She needed to calm herself down before all this rage came boiling out of her system. She looked around nervously, knowing what she needed to do. It was the only thing she could do to balance her senses.

  She hurried over to the fridge, kicking off her heels in the process. Butter, eggs, bars of cooking chocolate. Sugar and flour from the cabinets. The mixing bowl and rubber spatula were already on the kitchen counter, she hadn’t put them away the last time.

  Cream the butter and the sugar together. Whip the eggs and add them. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Mix it all up. Chop up some hazelnuts. Grate some orange zest in. Pour it all in the cupcake tray, then push it into the oven.

  Heidi finally heaved a sigh of relief. The cupcakes were in the oven and she stood in front of it, wiping her forehead. She felt magically more relaxed now that she could see the cupcakes rising inside the oven. Baking had an intense therapeutic effect on her, ever since she was fifteen years old and her grandmother taught her how to bake the perfect banana bread.

  She could smell it now, her apartment was filled with the scent of gooey chocolate, orange and forest nuts.

  Time for the frosting. Icing sugar, boil water, melt some more chocolate. Dribble the hot chocolate and water into the icing sugar until it starts to coagulate. Stir it so it becomes creamy and frosty, pour it into the icing bag, then fit the right sized nozzle.

  The cupcakes were ready. Heidi put on her oven mitts and pulled out the tray of perfectly-formed treats. Then she iced them.

  She bit down on her lip as she pulled apart the cupcake paper from one of them and then took one large bite. It was delicious and melted in her mouth. Her body nearly shuddered in pleasure. Nothing could give her as much joy as sampling her own baking. Bundt Cake, Monkey Bread, Rainbow birthday cake, strawberry blondie…the list went on and on. Heidi never shied away from a baking challenge and if there was one thing she knew, it was that her bakery would be a huge success. If only she could afford to open it.

  The beeping sound on her cell phone snapped Heidi out of the moment she was having. It was David again. She had forgotten about his invitation. He was wondering where she was, and she sent a quick text to tell him she’d be there in thirty minutes. It was a good thing she had baked cupcakes.

  Chapter Two

  David met her at the door, which was swarmed with people and bouncers trying to keep the crowds back. Heidi hadn’t had much time to change. She’d slipped out of her work clothes into a pair of jeans and the only clean blouse she had. She’d managed to smooth her frizz slightly, and her blonde curls tumbled down around her shoulders. David hugged her tightly, kissed her on the cheeks and then led her to the back towards Declan Xavier’s changing room.

  “What’s this?” he asked, pointing to the plastic box in her hands.

  “Cupcakes. As an apology for turning up this late.” Heidi smiled at her brother, who snatched the box out of her hands.

  “I’ve been dying for some of your cupcakes. It’s been too long. You’re forgiven for the lateness.” David opened the box and picked out a cupcake to eat. The frosting smeared his lips as he wolfed it down, leading her through dark corridors at the same time.

  Heidi could hear Declan on stage. His voice was unmistakable. She’d never met him in person, but his songs were everywhere nowadays, on the radio, on TV, on the internet. She couldn’t avoid them, even though she wasn’t much into music herself.

  David shook hands with some people he crossed paths with, patted some on their backs and introduced Heidi to a few of them until eventually, they arrived at Declan’s door.

  He pushed it open and then held it for Heidi to go in.

  “I didn’t even know you were in town,” Heidi said, as she walked into the changing room. The outside noise died down when the door closed. It was just as she had imagined it, messy, luxurious and smelling of cigarette smoke.

  “Sorry. I didn’t have time earlier to get in touch. Declan manages to keep me on my toes.” David opened up the cupcake box again. Heidi stood, a little awkward now, and looked around the room. There were three guitars leaning against the wall, all of them looked brand new and complicated.

  “Have you ever watched Declan perform?” David asked when he noticed Heidi looking at the guitars. She shook her head and smiled.

  “He’s magic on stage. He has mad guitar skills and his voice is brilliant at the same time,” David said, polishing off another cupcake.

  “So I hear,” Heidi agreed, and looked around the room some more.

  “If you’d arrived sooner, we could have watched from the front row. Front row seats, sis! Now the show’s nearly over unless Declan decides to do an encore.” David still had frosting around his mouth and Heidi laughed at the sight.

  “Maybe next time,” she said and indicated her lips with her fingers. David smiled and wiped his mouth.

  “So how have you b…” he began but was interrupted by the door of the changing room bursting open.

  “The crowd is crazy out there. What a buzz!” Declan’s voice was as smooth as his singing voice. He had entered the room followed by a group of five other people, who stood at the door looking in. Heidi couldn’t be more surprised.

  “Declan!” one of the girls called out, and he whipped around and smiled at her. “You promised that I could hang out here for a while,” she said, a naughty smile on her face. She was in a short, silver-sequined dress and her hair was arranged in carefully cultivated dreadlocks. Her makeup was dark, just like her hair, while her heels were too high for Heidi to ever consider wearing.

  “Sure, babe. Come on in. Just close the door behind you,” Declan said and turned to David. The girl waved her hand at the group of people who were still outside and closed the door.

  “Who were they?” David asked, and Declan laughed.

  “Just some people I’d called up on stage. Which reminds me, where were you?” Declan said, reaching for the box of cupcakes in David’s hands.

  “I was meeting my sister. I thought there were still fifteen minutes l
eft of the show,” David said, following the new girl with his eyes. He had a look of disapproval on his face that Heidi recognized. She could see that her brother wasn’t pleased by the girl’s presence.

  Declan opened up the box, in the meantime, and popped one of the cupcakes into his mouth. He still hadn’t noticed Heidi, who was standing in the corner by a large mirror with light bulbs along its edges.

  “Sister? Oh my fucking Lord! This is so good!” Declan was eating the cupcake and spoke with it in his mouth. His eyes rolled in his head as he lunged for another. David laughed.

  “Yeah, my sister Heidi. She made those, by the way,” David said, taking a few steps towards her. Declan followed David with his eyes until his gaze landed on Heidi and she felt her cheeks blush. What was wrong with her? Was she really being rendered starry-eyed by a rock star? They meant nothing to her.

  “Hello there, David’s sister Heidi.” Declan had a smile on his face that dimpled his cheeks. His hair was dirty blonde and just about grazed his shoulders. It looked tousled and unkempt, adding to that rock star messy charm.

  He walked past David towards Heidi and extended his hand. Heidi shook it, feeling nervous already. He had electric blue eyes that confidently focused on her. She wanted to look away, embarrassed.

  “Declan. She’s my sister.” David cut into their handshake, which had lasted longer than Heidi was comfortable with.

  “Yes, I know, David. I’m just shaking her hand. Your cupcakes are gorgeous. You must be a professional.” Declan was still staring at her, with that same smile on his face. Heidi licked her lips and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Something like that, yeah,” she said and watched as the other girl came over to Declan and whispered something in his ear.

  “Hello. We haven’t met.” David cut into that conversation as well, while the girl giggled and Declan slapped her ass loudly.

  “This is…” Declan started, his voice dying out when he realized he didn’t know her name.

  “Courtney,” the girl supplied, seemingly unfazed by Declan.

  “We just met,” Declan added, and smiled at David.

  “Hello, Courtney. It’s a pleasure to meet you, but I’m afraid you will have to leave.” David moved closer to them and started tugging Courtney’s arm away from where she had wrapped it around Declan.

  “But Declan said I could stay.” Her voice was whiny and she pouted her plump, dark lips.

  Heidi was beginning to grow uncomfortable. This couldn’t possibly be the real world! Did Courtney have no self-respect? Also, why was her brother interfering in Declan’s choices?

  Declan still had a smile on his face, although he looked like he had seen this coming.

  “Declan doesn’t know what’s good for him. C’mon now. You have to go.” David was trying to be as gentle with her as possible, but also firm. He was pulling her towards the door now while she continued to whine.

  “But this isn’t fair. Declan promised I could stay. Declan!” She was kicking at David, who remained patient but opened the door. There were still people waiting outside, whom Declan turned to and waved at.

  “Bye bye now,” David said, then pushed Courtney out and immediately shut the door. Heidi cringed and looked away. This was unbelievable.

  Declan picked out another cupcake and threw himself on one of the leather couches in the room.

  “Declan. Seriously! You know this shouldn’t be happening. How many times do I have to throw girls out of your room after a concert? We’re swarmed by media right now.” David crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at his friend. Declan was licking the cupcake wrapping, unbothered by David’s reprimand.

  “What is the point of all this, if I can’t do what I want?” he finally said, after he was done with the cupcake. Heidi tried to retreat further into the corner, already embarrassed by being a part of this.

  “You won’t have all this if you’re not careful. The media is beginning to treat you like a lost cause now. Your fans are going to start detesting you too.” David was serious, he was glaring at Declan, while Declan turned his eyes on Heidi again.

  “You can’t stop my blood from boiling at the sight of a pretty young thing, David.” Declan smiled at Heidi and she looked away again. She had never felt this intimidated by someone before. There was some devil-may-care attitude in his eyes that told Heidi that the man was capable of anything. He sat with his legs spread wide apart, his arm thrown lazily over the back of the couch. He was in a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt and tight jeans. For a rock star, he had the body of an athlete. Heidi couldn’t help but look.

  “Just keep it in check, Declan. The press shouldn’t get hold of another story like Lisa,” David said. Declan turned from Heidi to throw his friend and manager a sour look.

  “That wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know she was seventeen,” he said. David sighed.

  “You should have known, Declan. If you weren’t drunk out of your senses, you would have known,” David added, shaking his head disapprovingly.

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I asked her her age and she said she was twenty.” Declan sat up straight on his couch. “Show Heidi her photo. Ask her if that girl looks seventeen,” he continued, and both of them turned to Heidi.

  “Don’t get her involved in this.” David shook his head and turned back to Declan.

  “So what are you involved in Heidi?” Declan asked her, and David walked over to block the path of vision between the two of them. Heidi was blushing still. The tension and awkwardness in the room were palpable and too much for her to handle, especially after the day she had had.

  “Declan, you need to get a grip on yourself. You need to get yourself a girlfriend.” David ignored Declan’s question to Heidi. This made Declan snort.

  “Really? Tell me, which precious lady am I supposed to get into a relationship with?” he asked. David rolled his eyes.

  “That’s what you need, though. A picture-perfect steady relationship with a charming, simple girl who will not attract any media dirt. That’s the best we can do to save your reputation,” David said, his voice becoming pleading. Declan shrugged his shoulders and continued to smile.

  “You want me to pretend to be in love with some girl for the media? I don't care about my reputation.” Declan raised his legs onto the coffee table and crossed his feet. His arm dangled behind the couch. Heidi wished she could stealthily walk out of the room. David seemed to have forgotten she was even there.

  “You can kiss your career goodbye, then. The media are sharks. They will destroy you if they smell more blood, Declan. If you want to keep doing this, you have to listen to me. At least for some time, until all this dies down.” David had moved closer to Declan, trying to talk some sense into him, but it was like trying to take candy away from a child. Declan just refused to see it as sensible.

  “And where will we find this simple, charming girl who can pretend to be my girlfriend?” Declan asked, turning lazy, heavy eyes towards David now.

  “I don’t know…I’ll think of something. Give me a few hours.” David was happy. It looked like he had been successful in changing Declan’s mind. This was actually going to work out!

  “I’ll take her.” Declan turned a smiling face to Heidi and she froze. David slowly turned to look at his sister, who stood cowering in the corner. The last thing she wanted was to be a part of this rogue plan.

  David turned back to Declan.

  “Fuck off,” he said.

  Chapter Three

  “What?” Declan smirked and David shook his head.

  “I didn’t mean my sister. I said I’ll find someone for you.” David’s voice was raised while Declan continued to smirk. He reached for a guitar that was lying on the couch next to him and started strumming it.

  “Isn’t this what you wanted?” He sang the words along with a made up tune, and Heidi could see David’s face turning red.

  “Not my sister,” David hissed, and Declan strummed again.

  “But she
’s the one I want,” Declan sang again, and David ran his hands through his hair. Heidi could see the signs, her brother had always been short-tempered: he was about to scream.

  “Declan…I…” David was struggling with his words, while Declan remained unperturbed. Before David could finish that sentence, Heidi spoke up.

  “Shouldn’t both of you consult me first?” she said loudly, almost awkwardly. Declan’s strum on the guitar died as he looked up at her and David turned to her as well.

  “Yes, Heidi, tell us what you want.” Declan planted the guitar between his legs and rested his chin on top of it.

  “You don’t have to do this, Heidi. This is some sort of joke for him,” David said quickly and turned around to his friend again.

  “I’ll do it if it’s a job,” Heidi blurted out before she could stop herself.

  “There you go,” Declan said with a flourish and sat back on the couch. David turned to her again.

  “What are you talking about, Heidi? Don’t you have a job already?” David’s eyes were aghast. He couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “Not anymore,” Heidi said.

  “Well. It’s settled then,” Declan spoke up, and David threw him a threatening look.

  “I can get you a different job if you want one, Heidi.” David turned to his sister with pleading eyes, and Heidi managed to smile at him.

  “I want this one. It sounds easy enough, pretending to be his girlfriend.” She was nervous but tried to keep her voice as casual as possible. Her heart was beating out of her chest in the meantime. She had no idea what madness had overtaken her. At any other time, in any other place, she wouldn’t have even considered this.

  “Declan Xavier is not easy,” David stated through gritted teeth.

  “Oh, c’mon David. I’m easy enough. Ask any of the other girls,” he said with a laugh, seemingly pleased with his own joke. Heidi threw him an indulgent smile. The dimples on his cheeks had deepened, and his eyes glittered like gems in the darkness of the changing room.


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