The Boss’s Secret Baby

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The Boss’s Secret Baby Page 24

by Charlize Starr

  “I’m going to change into this new robe now,” she said, looking at him directly. Fedor gulped, nodded and looked away.

  He had come here to check up on her, because as much as he trusted Petrov and Viktor, he didn’t trust them with Sylvia. That was all it was. He didn’t need any more temptation.

  “I’m fine, Fedor. I didn’t need checking up on,” she said and he couldn’t help but turn his face to look.

  The discarded robe was lying bunched up at her seat, but she hadn’t put on the new one either. Instead, she was sitting there with one of the towels in her hand, she was dabbing her damp skin with it. She was naked. Her nipples were puckered in the cold, there were goosebumps on her dark smooth skin. Her brown eyes glowed when she caught him looking.

  “What are you really here for?” she asked him, and Fedor breathed in again. It was too late to pretend like he hadn’t seen.

  She was sitting with her bare legs slightly parted so that he could see her pussy. Where he had slid into her six weeks ago, where he had burst into her.

  “I came to check up on you,” he repeated himself and Sylvia smiled.

  “You thought I was going to kill myself,” she said and Fedor licked his lips.

  “I saw you walking into the water,” he replied and Sylvia laughed.

  “And you immediately decided that I was too depressed to live anymore,” she said and to his surprise, Sylvia stood up from the couch.

  Now she was standing directly in front of him, naked with her legs apart. She was so close to him and yet so far away, too far away to touch. Her breasts were perfect, her head was held high. She was challenging him to control himself. He could feel his dick move in his pants. She saw it too, his growing erection.

  “I wanted to make sure you were safe,” Fedor said and turned away from her.

  “I thought you trusted your friend, you trusted Viktor,” he heard her say, and he clenched his jaw. What did she want from him? Wasn’t it enough that she was torturing him? Did she want him to admit it too?

  “I hope you feel better soon, Sylvia. It was a mistake coming here,” Fedor said and was about to walk towards the door, but she stopped him. Not physically, but with what she said to him.

  “I’m pregnant, Fedor. I’m pregnant with your child,” Sylvia said, and Fedor had no other choice but to whip around and look at her.

  She remained standing naked, her head held high and she challenged him with her eyes. She didn’t need him. She just wanted him to know.

  Chapter Fifteen - Sylvia

  She hadn’t meant to tell him, it just came tumbling out. And now Fedor was looking at her like he didn’t believe a word she had just said.

  “You’re pregnant?” he thundered and rushed towards her, and yet kept his distance. Sylvia turned around and picked up the fresh robe and slid it over her shoulders, but she left it hanging, open so that he could still see a part of her naked.

  “That’s why I’m sick. I’m not depressed. Just pregnant,” Sylvia said as calmly as possible. Fedor’s eyes were a dark blue now, she was witnessing a new side to him.

  “Why didn’t you…” he began to say but she smiled, she knew what he was going to say.

  “Tell you? Why would you want to know? You wanted to have nothing to do with me,” Sylvia said and finally tied the chord around her waist. He was breathing hard, his wide shoulders were shaking as she could see that he was trying to control his rage.

  “If it’s my child, I would want to know,” Fedor said, taking a few threatening steps towards her. She didn’t move away from him, she wasn’t afraid.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway. You don’t have to be a part of my baby’s life,” she said and Fedor suddenly grabbed her by the arms.

  “Why? Because you don’t want a dirty criminal scoundrel to be your child’s father?” he yelled, louder than she had ever heard his voice. Then his hands relaxed on her arms and he let her go. Sylvia breathed in and gave it a few seconds before she spoke.

  “I know you’re not like all the others. You won’t admit it, but you’re not a dirty criminal,” she said, unable to keep the desperation out of her voice. She wanted him to agree, she so badly wanted him to tell her the truth.

  “You saw the tattoos,” he said gruffly.

  “You’ve been to prison, so what? You’re nothing like my father. Nothing like the others,” Sylvia protested, throwing herself against his body. Fedor peeled her away from him and held her at arm’s length, looking her directly into her eyes.

  “I’m in the mob, Sylvia, I’m just like them,” he said and she felt the tears bubbling up. She was in love with him, she was going to be the mother of his child. This was not what she wanted to hear, she knew it wasn’t the truth. She knew Fedor kept away from the rest. He was respected and feared in the mafia, but she had never heard stories of violence involving him. Why was he holding on to his past? Sylvia cried, struggled to be free of his grip but he wasn’t willing to let go.

  “Sylvia, I’ve done things, I’ve seen things. I’m not proud of any of it,” he said, tightening his grip on her arms so that it started to pinch her skin.

  “But that’s in the past,” she said, hopeful again. Fedor let go of her arms.

  “Yes, in the past. But I still have a reputation. People still think the same of me,” he said, taking a few steps away from her.

  “You did it to survive. You were born into this world, you didn’t know any better,” she said, tears still streaming down her cheeks as she watched him stepping away from her. He was going to leave again.

  “A reformed criminal is still a criminal. All my money, all my power comes from the crimes I committed in the past,” he said, and he looked like he was suddenly afraid of himself. Sylvia followed him, walked towards him till his back was against the wall and he had nowhere else to go.

  She was nearly half his size, and yet he was the one inching away from her.

  “I told you before, Fedor, there is so much you can do with what you have. You can give back. Right the wrong. If you really want to,” she said, reaching out her hand to touch his face.

  “I’m going to be a father…Sylvia, will you let me be a father?” he said and she bit down on her lip. She had never thought she would see him again, and here he was, asking her the one question she had wanted to hear all these days.

  “If you want to,” she said and he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up to kiss her.

  This kiss was gentle, giving and he licked her lips slowly.

  “This is wrong. Your father will never forgive me,” he said as he held her up. Sylvia shook her head and smiled.

  “He left me alone with you and I fell for you. We did nothing wrong,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. Fedor Volkov was going to be the father of her child. There was nothing to stop them now. They could finally be together again.

  “I’m sorry Sylvia, for putting you in this position, for sending you away. I didn’t want to lose control of myself again. You are irresistible,” he said and kissed her again. Sylvia kissed him back, running her hand down his large muscular back. She felt safe in his arms, happy with him. This was what she had been yearning for all these days alone in this house, just to be in his arms again.

  “I know why you did it. But I thought you didn’t want me anymore either. Fedor, I wanted you from the moment I walked into your study,” she said laughing, unable to contain her happiness any longer.

  “Are you crazy? How could I possibly not want you anymore?” he said and slid his hand down the front of her robe. Sylvia squealed and was laughing again, till his hand reached her breasts and she couldn’t laugh anymore. He was going to be inside her again.

  Chapter Sixteen - Fedor

  Will knocked on the door of his house, storming in without prior warning.

  “Pyotr! I want to speak to your Boss!” He heard Will’s voice out in the front. Pyotr was probably holding him back.

  Sylvia was lying on the couch in his office, her head was proppe
d up by a cushion and she was reading a magazine held up above her face. She dropped it to the floor and turned her face to look at him. Fedor hung up the phone at the same time.

  “That’s dad. Does he know I’m here?” Sylvia asked, shifting her body to sit up. She had gotten much bigger now, she was in her sixth month. Will hadn’t contacted his daughter in nearly seven months and had still not solved the problem with his rivaling gangs in New York.

  “Someone might have tipped him off,” Fedor said, adjusting the tie at his neck. They had spent the past months in his holiday home in Puerto Rico and Sylvia had had a smooth pregnancy. They had taken the time to get to know each other.

  Now that they were back in Chicago, it was time for him to start winding down his businesses, setting up trust funds and charities. He had made his decision, this life as he knew it was over. It was the beginning of a new phase of his life. He was going to give all this up and move permanently to Puerto Rico with Sylvia and baby. She was bursting with ideas of what to do with all the money he had laundered away to Swiss banks. It was time to give back to the community. It was time to retire.

  “Honey?” Sylvia had walked over to his desk and now stood behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. She was in a tight black lycra dress, and her belly bulged out where his child was. Fedor smiled and placed a hand on her abdomen, he could feel his son kicking. He looked up at Sylvia, at the face of the woman who had made all this possible, who had inspired him to have a new life, and he was thankful. Nothing and nobody was going to keep them apart, especially not her father, no matter how close as friends they once were.

  “I’ll do the talking. I owe him an explanation,” Fedor said, patting her hand on his shoulder and then standing up.

  “I want to be here when you talk to him. I don’t want him accusing you of anything,” Sylvia said and accepted a kiss on the cheek from him. He touched her nose with his forefinger and smiled.

  “Let him in, Pyotr,” Fedor yelled and the doors burst open. Will Stern was standing at the door to his office and couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  “Welcome to our home, father. It’s lovely to see you after so long,” Sylvia said and walked towards him with open arms.

  Will hesitated, then opened his arms and hugged his daughter.



  Secret Baby Sports Romance Collection

  Touchdown Daddy



  I have the best job in the world. I get paid for touching hot men. And not just any hot men: I am the sports therapist for Philly’s professional football team.

  Of course the guys hit on me all the time. But I know their tricks. I’m a professional and never break my rules.

  Until he lands on my massage table. Justin’s the most gorgeous, the most cocky, and the most annoying player on the team. He flirts without trying and offends the hell out of me. So why am I falling for him so hard?

  I need to stay away from this guy, he’ll bring me nothing but trouble. But I can’t. He’s injured and Coach Michaels wants me to treat him.

  Then the guy kisses me one day when I’m trying to work on him and I know I want him. I run after one explosive night together and try to hold my crumbling world together, facing life as a single mother.

  He’s turned my world upside down, but I can’t ever let him know how much our night changed his.


  Every guy wants to be like me. I am the most admired player in the NFL and the most desired one by the ladies. I can talk any woman into my bed. I live for the chase.

  Until I lay eyes on the new sports therapist Jennifer. She’s gorgeous and tough and I know I’ve met my match. Too bad she’s not interested. But I don’t care. I’ll find a way to have her.

  When I finally succeed, she gives me the best night of my life. For the first time, I want a woman to stay in my life.

  She doesn’t.

  I know I’ve fallen for her when the pain doesn’t go away. I need to find her to convince her we need a second chance. But where the hell is she?

  Chapter One

  I was working on the computer in the event planner’s office when I heard someone say my name. I tossed my thick braid over my shoulder and glanced over to see Coach Michaels standing in the doorway. “Here you are, Jennifer. Are you helping Michelle out again?” His face twisted into a frown, one that I suspected meant both sympathy and a bit of worry.

  “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about her having another baby after this. This first trimester is brutal for her, Coach. She was in the bathroom most of the morning before I saw her long enough to send her home,” I remarked with a wrinkled nose as I pictured her pale face in my mind. Poor thing…I never wanted to have kids, but that was probably what most twenty-two-year-old graduates thought. “What’s up?”

  “I’d like you to take a look at one of my guys. He’s dealing with something in his shoulder, and I’d rather be cautious about this.” There was an evident worry in his voice.

  “Sure thing.” I stood and walked into the hallway to the room that was set up for me several feet down near the stadium. “Who is it?”

  “Justin McLeod,” Coach Michaels replied, and I frowned. Even if I weren't in sports therapy, I would know something about Justin. He was gorgeous, and he knew it, but he was also an excellent quarterback. With their leading scores so far this season, I doubted that they were willing to lose him to an injury. “Do you know him?”

  “Who doesn’t?” I asked as I led the way into the room connected to the locker room where all of my stuff was meticulously stored. “Is it an old injury?”

  “It is. He pulled some tendons last year and the kid won’t take care of himself, Jennifer. I want you to take a feel and see what you can tell him that he’ll listen to.” Coach gave me an imploring look with his tired, dark eyes and I smiled and nodded.

  “I will do my best, but stubborn athletes have a hard time with listening.” I saw Coach nod before he ran a hand through his graying hair. He wasn’t just my boss, but also my father’s best friend and lifelong family friend. I graduated from Boston University with a degree in Sports Medicine just a few months ago, and he’d needed a new therapist here in Philadelphia, so here I was. It wasn’t favoritism though I didn’t let it out that we knew each other well, fearful that it might look that way.

  There was no reason to tell him that I doubted that Justin would take my words to heart. He was a wild man who played by nobody’s rules, on or off the field. He’d been spotted by the paparazzi many times at some bar with a woman or two, sometimes three. I doubted that he’d worry about his health and how it might affect the team. It was a shame that he was one of the big talents on the team and that Coach depended on him. “I’ll tell him to come and see you. Practice is over in about an hour. Can you stick around?” His eyes pleaded with me, and I nodded with what I hoped was a relaxed grin.

  I knew how athletes were when they saw a girl in the staff. Not that I was a supermodel by any means, but my strawberry blonde hair was pretty and brought out my deep blue eyes. I kept myself in shape since this job required me to stay active. I could end up treating half the team on any given day and they required strength on my part. My friends thought that I just got this job to check out hot guys but it was more than that. My brothers had played sports when I was younger and whenever they got hurt, it made me realize that I wanted to help others.

  One thing led to another and I found myself in college studying that very subject. I memorized more muscles than I cared to think about as well as the various injuries that could happen to them. I wanted to stay at the top of my field so when the opportunity came to work for a pro football team, I took it.

  I turned on some music as I went through my inventory and waited to see if Justin would listen to Coach and show up. I had casual plans after this to meet friends for dinner. I glanced down at the standard blue pants and tank top in the team colors that I was wearing and wonder
ed what I was going to throw on when I got back to my apartment, only a few blocks away.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” a voice said as I paused and raised an eyebrow. Any woman could appreciate a smooth voice like that, one that reminded me of a good whiskey that slid well down my throat.

  I looked over to see his intense green eyes looking me up and down before they settled on my face with a crooked smile that probably melted panties right off of women in seconds. Justin McLeod was a hot specimen of a man.

  “Hello. My name is Jennifer Collins. I am the new physical therapist for the team. Coach said you’re dealing with some pain?” My voice was nothing but professional as he seemed to frown and try to figure me out.

  “I pulled a muscle. It’s not that big of a deal,” he shrugged before he stripped off his t-shirt and walked over to me.

  “There’s no previous shoulder injury that you should be keeping track of, then?” I knew his type and rolled my eyes as he looked around the room.

  “Where do you want me?” His voice was suggestive as he looked back at me and I stifled a laugh, shaking my head.

  “Sit on the table there. I’ll see what I can find.” He did, and I took a moment to appreciate his muscled torso as I pressed my glossed lips together. “Right or left?”

  “It’s on the right.”

  I took a breath and reached out to press against his skin. He kept the breath that he sucked in subtle. “Yeah, this feels pretty tight. How is it affecting your game?” He tensed as I pushed in and realized that it was more than just a pulled muscle, although probably not career threatening, at least not yet.


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