The Slaver Wars: Endgame

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The Slaver Wars: Endgame Page 7

by Raymond L. Weil

  “What about Admiral Strong?’ Janice asked as they came to a stop next to some towels they had laid on a bench earlier. “Have we heard anything from him?”

  “No,” answered Hedon, shaking his head worriedly as he picked up one of the towels. “Fourth Fleet should have contacted us by now; they’re two weeks overdue.” Hedon was really starting to get worried about Fourth Fleet, though he hadn’t revealed his growing fears to anyone else except Janice.

  “They have a full squadron of Alton battlecruisers with them,” Janice said thoughtfully. “Their mission was highly dangerous trying to get the Alton science ship so close to the black hole. It may have taken them longer than expected. We have no idea how many AI ships are at the galactic center.”

  Hedon wiped the sweat off his arms and forehead as he thought about what Janice had said. It was nice to be able to speak with someone about his fears and worries. While he'd told Janice a lot, he hadn’t told her everything about what the AIs might be building at the galactic center. He was still hoping the Alton scientists were wrong with their theories. He sat down on the bench and motioned for Janice to sit beside him.

  “Admiral Strong will complete the mission,” Hedon said, taking Janice’s hand. “He doesn’t know how to fail; look at what he accomplished at Careth.”

  “Speaking of Careth, I understand that Grayseth is due to arrive shortly with his new fleet and mobile shipyard.” Janice was glad that the gym was empty. The crew generally stayed out when she and the admiral were running.

  “Yes,” Hedon replied with a pleased smile. The Carethians were turning out to be great allies for the Federation. “Grayseth felt there was a need to be able to repair ships far from one of our shipyards. The mobile dock he's constructed can handle any ship up to battleship size though a battleship would have to dock to the outside for repairs. We have our own ship repair vessels but nothing like what Grayseth has built.”

  “He'll be disappointed if Admiral Strong isn’t here,” Janice pointed out, knowing how close the young admiral and Grayseth were.

  “Hopefully, we will soon hear from Admiral Strong,” Hedon responded with a sigh. It would be a severe blow to the Federation’s war plan against the Hocklyns and the AIs if Jeremy’s fleet had been lost. Hedon also didn’t want to admit to Janice just how concerned he actually was.


  Jeremy let out a long held breath as the Avenger exited hyperspace and he looked around at the anxious faces in the Command Center. They had spent two days effecting emergency repairs to the fleet in a discreet star system when a fleet of AIs had jumped in. Fortunately, Fourth Fleet and the Alton Fleet had been able to jump out before being engaged by the AIs. Since then the AIs had relentlessly pursued them making an appearance shortly after each hyperspace jump. It was obvious that the AIs had perfected some type of sensor that could detect a jump and determine its ultimate destination.

  “Sensors are coming online,” Kevin reported as the static began to clear from the multiple viewscreens and data began appearing in the tactical holograms.

  Kevin felt exhausted from the frequency of jumps the fleet was making. They were making shorter jumps trying to shake the AIs. Jeremy was worried if they attempted a longer jump the AIs might be waiting for them when they exited hyperspace.

  “No immediate enemy contacts,” Commander Kyla Malen reported as she gazed inquisitively at the information coming up on the screens. “What do you want to do, Admiral?”

  Jeremy steeled himself for what he was about to say. For two weeks, they'd been jumping across space in an attempt to lose the AIs. He hadn’t wanted to lead them back to Federation occupied space as it might endanger numerous worlds. Many former Hocklyn slave planets had been freed though they had no orbital defenses. Jeremy knew that a single AI ship could annihilate a world from orbit in just a matter of a few minutes.

  “I’m tired of running,” he said, looking at the expectant faces in the Command Center. They all looked tired and haggard. “When the AIs show up, we’ll go on the offensive. We’ll leave their shattered remains in this system.”

  Commander Malen nodded her approval. Nothing left a worse taste in her mouth than running from an enemy. “How do you want to do this?” There were forty-eight AI ships in pursuit of the fleet. It was going to be costly to take them out, but they couldn’t take the chance of them following them all the way back to New Providence.

  “I have a plan,” responded Jeremy, shifting his eyes to Commander Malen. He'd been thinking hard during the last jump. There was no way to set a trap for the AIs. The battle would have to be ship-to-ship at close range.

  Jeremy spent a few minutes on the mini-com telling his ship commanders what he wanted. He also contacted Admiral Cleeteus to ensure the Alton was willing to commit his battlecruisers to the plan. Jeremy’s plan was quite simple. He was dividing the fleet to preserve his lighter units from the soon to be expected AIs. His heavier units, all of which could take on an AI, plus the Alton battlecruisers would engage the enemy as soon as they put in an appearance. Rear Admiral Marks and her battlecarriers would stay back with all of the light cruisers and her heavier Monarch cruisers as protection.

  “We’re going to take some losses,” stated Commander Malen, crossing her arms over her chest. “The AIs have strengthened their shields over the last several years, and they don’t come down as easily as they used to. Even the Alton particle beams take a while to pass through the energy shields now.”

  Jeremy nodded, glancing over at Navigation and wishing Kelsey were here. It was hard being on the Avenger without Kelsey and Katie present.

  “Jeremy, I can take command of several of the other battleships and use them against the AI’s,” Ariel suggested her dark eyes focusing on the admiral. “With three battleships I can crush the AIs!” Ariel was standing to Jeremy’s left and slightly behind him, which was her customary position.

  Jeremy hesitated, not sure what to do. He was certain that the AIs believed they had destroyed both Ariel and Clarissa when they'd infected them with their viruses. It might be a better course of action to keep their reactivation a secret. Both AIs might be needed when the Federation and the Altons eventually attacked the AIs at the galactic center.

  “No,” Jeremy said after a moment. He instantly saw the crestfallen look on Ariel’s face. He knew she really enjoyed commanding a group of ships in battle. “I think it’s more important we keep your existence a secret from the AIs, Ariel. We might need you against them when we come back to attack their installations.”

  Ariel nodded, disappointed she wouldn’t be able to take on a greater role in the coming battle. She glanced over at the main computer station, seeing the young officer sitting there. Ariel really wanted to get back to New Providence so she could speak to Katie and Clarissa. She missed both of them as well as Kelsey.

  “Contacts!” Kevin called out as a warning alarm sounded on his sensor console. He watched his three computer screens as they began inputting data on the large sensor screen above his head and then into the four tactical holograms. “Detecting forty-eight AI ships dropping out of hyperspace. Range is two hundred thousand kilometers.”

  On the main viewscreens, Jeremy could see numerous white spatial vortexes collapsing, leaving fifteen hundred-meter AI spheres in their wake. It was the same fleet that had been hounding them for the last few weeks.

  “All ships, set Condition One!” he ordered over his mini-com in a commanding voice. “All weapons prepare to fire. Antimatter missiles and Devastator Threes are fully authorized. All ships prepare for engagement!”

  The fleet rapidly formed up into their attack formation with the Alton battlecruisers intermixed with the Fourth Fleet ships. Energy shields snapped into existence and weapon systems were powered up. Tracking systems reached out and began locking on to the inbound AI ships.


  “Human ships are moving to engage us,” the AI at Sensors reported. It moved several of its metal tentacles over the computer screens on its conso
le. “Alton battlecruisers are mixed in with the Humans.”

  “Our orders are to destroy this fleet to ensure that any data it may have on the Great Project does not make it back to their leaders,” the command AI spoke in a steady voice almost devoid of emotion.

  “That may be difficult,” the AI at Tactical reported with a slight hint of concern in its voice. “The Humans are advancing with their more powerful warships. We will be slightly outnumbered.”

  “Nevertheless, we will obey AI Command. Target the Human and Alton ships and open fire.”


  The forty-eight AI war spheres all fired at the same time. Massive white energy beams and sublight antimatter missiles leaped out to smite the shields of the approaching Human and Alton ships. Several shields wavered and AI energy beams flashed through the weakened screens, blasting huge glowing craters in the hulls. A strikecruiser faltered and its energy screen seemed to flicker, and then it failed completely. Four AI antimatter missiles struck the vulnerable ship, blowing it apart. The ship and crew died instantly. Only four small, fading suns marked the death of the ship.


  “Strikecruiser Bounty is down,” Kevin said in a low voice, knowing it wouldn’t be the last. He mentally braced himself for what was coming.

  “Power beams are firing,” Lieutenant Preston reported. “Antimatter missiles and Devastator Threes are launching.”

  On the screens, violet power beams flashed out to impact AI screens. The crew in the Command Center were quiet as they monitored the battle and the ship. Everyone was tense with concern on their faces as they worked at their consoles.

  “AIs are holding formation,” Ariel commented from just behind Jeremy. She was focused on the ship’s sensors and weapon systems, ensuring that every weapon hit its target.

  The Avenger shuddered slightly as an AI energy beam smashed into the ship’s screen. Jeremy’s eyes shifted to the damage control console, noting with relief that no red or amber lights had come on.


  In space, the battle between the two fleets intensified. Massive explosions of light indicated the detonation of antimatter and Devastator Three missiles. White AI energy beams were prevalent as well as the violet power beams of the Humans and the bright blue particle beams of the Altons. Occasionally a ship’s screen would fail and it would be instantly annihilated by the other side. In the AI formation, four AI spheres were rapidly blown apart under the heavy and incessant fire of the Federation and Alton ships. A number of others were showing damage.

  In the Federation Fleet, a Human battleship was under a concentrated attack from ten AIs as its shield was gradually battered down. In a stupendous explosion, the battleship blew apart as numerous AI weapons smashed into the armored hull. The bow of a battlecruiser vanished as an antimatter missile vaporized it, knocking the ship out of formation. An Alton battlecruiser died in a blaze of light as six AI energy beams penetrated its weakened energy screen, compromising its fusion power plant.


  Jeremy winced as all the viewscreens dimmed as bright light washed across them. Damage reports were coming in nonstop as the two fleets closed to pointblank range.

  “Battleship Ranger is down,” Kevin uttered as he watched the large friendly green icon swell up and vanish from his screen. “Battlecruiser Firebolt is down; strikecruisers Rainier and Sentry are down. Alton battlecruisers’ Maltee and Shorlton are down.”

  “Continue to close the range,” Jeremy said softly as his eyes focused intently on one of the tactical holograms, which showed the two battling fleets.

  He was determined to end this here and now. The AIs were not going to pursue his fleet any longer! The icons in the hologram were nearly touching as they had closed to just a few hundred kilometers apart. At this range, very few weapons from either side would miss. The Avenger was shaking almost constantly now from weapons fire impacting the ship’s energy screen. Occasionally, the ship would shake violently for a brief period and an amber or red light would appear on the damage control console.

  “We’re winning,” Ariel said in a calm voice as she analyzed the battle. “The AIs are losing ships at a rate of three to two. The Alton battlecruisers’ particle beams, along with our missile barrage, are wearing down the AIs’ energy screens.”

  Jeremy nodded. Even though all the Human ships possessed particle beam cannons, they were not as powerful as the Altons. The Human ships, though, had a huge advantage in missile tubes. Jeremy was using that advantage to pummel the AI fleet. “Keep firing,” he ordered as he gripped the armrests of his command chair tightly. He felt pain inside every time a green icon in one of the tactical displays faded and went away. People were dying under his command and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  The Avenger shuddered violently and the lights dimmed briefly. A computer console exploded in a shower of sparks, causing several damage control people to rush over to turn off the console. Smoke filled the Command Center, but it was rapidly removed by the ventilation system. On the damage control console, more lights turned amber and red.

  “Two antimatter warheads detonated against our energy screen,” Commander Malen reported breathlessly as she listened to the damage reports coming in from different sections of the ship. “An AI energy beam hit us just forward of Engineering. We have a large hole in our hull that extends down about ten decks and we’re streaming atmosphere. Doctor Ruyl is reporting numerous casualties have been brought to the med bay with more on the way.”

  Jeremy grimaced at the casualty report. If they had decks open to space then a number of the crew had lost their lives. “What’s the status of our energy screen and weapons?”

  “Energy screen is holding at sixty percent,” Ariel responded as she scanned the ship’s damage. “A number of power couplings have been destroyed. I’m rerouting and should have full power restored within two minutes. We lost a power beam turret, four railgun batteries, and three defensive laser batteries. Some power for the weapons has been diverted to the energy screen until I can make the necessary power adjustments.”

  It was at times like this that Jeremy was extremely thankful he had Ariel on the Avenger. She could scan the ship’s systems and conduct necessary adjustments thousands of times faster than a Human.

  “Admiral Cleeteus is recommending that the Avenger pull back,” Angela reported as she listened to a message over her com system.

  “Tell Admiral Cleeteus thanks for his concern, but our shield will shortly be restored to full power and we still have our weapons. We’re going in!”

  Angela nodded. Jeremy’s answer wasn’t a surprise. She quickly passed on the message to Admiral Cleeteus, who acknowledged it. Looking around the Command Center, Angela couldn’t help but notice the determined looks upon the faces of the crew. They would do anything for Jeremy.


  The command AI watched as the damage to the AI fleet continued to mount. On several viewscreens, AI ships could be seen losing large sections of their armored hulls as Human and Alton weapons blasted them lose. Glowing red gashes were plainly visible and secondary explosions were going off as crucial systems inside the ships were compromised. Even as the command AI watched, two ships blew apart as their self-destructs initiated.

  “We’ve lost sixteen ships,” the AI at the main computer terminal reported. The Humans and the Altons have lost twelve.”

  “We must withdraw,” the AI at Tactical suggested as another Human battlecruiser died under the powerful weapons being targeted upon it. “Many of our ships have suffered major damage and their weapons systems have been seriously degraded.”

  “Probability of Human victory is at ninety-four percent,” the AI at the main computer console added, the globe of energy it used for a head glowing brighter.

  The command AI stared long and hard at the viewscreens that showed the battle around the AI command ship. Space was lit up with the fury of the ongoing clash. Even as he watched, another AI ship died under the heavy fire of an Alton battlecruiser.
“Very well,” the AI replied. If the AIs remained, the entire fleet would be lost. “All ships are ordered to withdraw; we will return to the galactic center and report to AI Command that we failed to stop the Federation ships from returning to their base.”


  “AIs are beginning to withdraw,” Kevin yelled jubilantly as large white spatial vortexes began forming near the AI ships.

  “Continue to hit them hard!” ordered Jeremy, wanting to inflict as much damage upon the AIs as possible to ensure they didn’t return. He grimaced as another strikecruiser exploded on a viewscreen when several antimatter missiles detonated against the ship’s armored hull. This victory was going to have a heavy cost in ships and lives.

  “Several of the AIs are too heavily damaged to escape into hyperspace,” Ariel reported as she studied the ship’s sensors, which were focused on the retreating AIs. Even as she watched, the two AIs exploded as their nuclear self-destructs initiated.

  “AIs are gone,” Kevin reported with great relief in his voice. He let out a deep breath and looked over at Jeremy. “We won!”

  “We have a lot of ships reporting damage,” Commander Malen stated as she continued to monitor the numerous messages coming in from fleet ships. “We’re going to need some serious repair time.”

  Jeremy nodded. “We need to make a hyper jump to put a little distance between us and this system in case the AIs decide to return. Once we’ve done that we can take the time we need to effect repairs.”

  “It'll be several hours before the fleet can jump,” Malen informed Jeremy, shaking her head at all the damage the fleet had suffered. Many of the ships were going to require major yard time when they made it back to New Providence.

  “What did we lose?” Jeremy asked, looking over at Kevin. He braced himself for the bad news, knowing a lot of Federation personnel as well as Altons had died in the battle.

  “It’s not good,” Kevin said as he checked the information on one of his computer screens. “We lost two of our battleships, three battlecruisers, and eight strikecruisers. The Altons also lost four more of their ships.”


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