Beautiful Things Evil People Do

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Beautiful Things Evil People Do Page 40

by Kailee Reese Samuels

  Four Weeks Later




  On an overcast day, she sits out on the back porch, tied to a wooden chair as I pace barefooted in jeans. I wouldn’t have answered the call, but work has taken on a new urgency. I have lots of days off, only to end up working for a week straight with little sleep.

  The job is spastic.

  And I love it.

  I run my finger along the red binding that I’ve got to silence her crowing. She has been biting the fabric for over two hours. “We’ll come over tonight for dinner to discuss it further.” Her big hazel eyes stare with anticipation, excited that I might actually get off the phone, so I can finish what we started. “Yep, seven o’clock. I remember where it is and I’ll tell Axel to get his ass over there too. Later, bro.”

  She wildly blinks and groans as I untie her mouth. “Oh, my God…can I have a drink?”

  “You were such a good girl!” I praise petting her ratty blonde hair and giving her a drink of my water. She gulps, and water spills out the sides of her mouth. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Whew!” she sighs. “That was a long one.”

  “Are you ready?”

  She licks her lips as I stare at her pretty fall dress. “Yeah, I am ready.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “Your fat cock in one of my holes.”

  “We’re going,” I reply, flicking open the blade and pressing the shiny metal to her cheek. “What do you want?”

  “Please, don’t hurt me!” she begs, turning on the tears. “I’ll do anything you want!”

  I lower the razor-sharp blade and pop a button off her dress.

  “Are you aware of how much this one costs?”

  I smirk. “You seem to think I care, Abs.”

  “Good thing I ordered two.”

  “Can we get back to this? We have a dinner date in four hours and I need to come inside of you.”

  “Yes, sorry!” Her watering eyes return as she struggles against the thick rope binding. “Please let me go! I promise I won’t ever tell anyone what a creep you are!”

  I can’t find my mojo.

  I shake my head, laughing, and dropping to my knees. I put my head in her lap. My arms wrap around her legs, and my fingers grip her butt. “A creep, really? Give me something better than that!”

  She spits at me. “Fuck me, asshole.”

  “You want to get mad about it?”

  She grins as I sit back on my heels and stare at how beautiful she is. “How many takes of this scene do we need?” I tuck the blade under the ropes and carefully sever them from her body. “Run, bitch, run!”

  “Old man!” she baits, hopping up and dashing past me. “You’ll never catch me!”

  From the outdoor kitchen cabinet, I grab and fire off the gun toward the target—yes, I really did set it up that close to the house for this express purpose—and tuck my feet in the running shoes before slipping on the ski mask. Good scenes take some forethought.

  “Like hell, girl.”

  We’re running fast.

  She’s a good distance ahead and darting into the thick of the trees. She’ll head for the creek because that is what she always does. We’ve done this same scenario, minus the phone call, about a half dozen times. The gloomy day serves as the perfect backdrop for an assault in the deep woods.

  God, I love this woman.

  I veer around the thicket of wild blackberries—I made that mistake one time. By the time I found her, I was scratched all to hell and bleeding.

  Good times.

  Scaling down the hill, I stop suddenly at the sight of her. She’s at the water with a young doe just on the other side. I’m surprised she didn’t run off with the gunshot. They’re acclimating to my wayward choreography.

  Echo glances over, pressing her finger to her lips, and smiles as the doe takes a drink from the swollen creek. I pull off the ski mask and quietly walk closer. She is watching the doe, and I am watching the golden light pour from her kindhearted soul.

  We cannot plan for every outcome.

  “You’re beautiful, Mama.”

  I grin and touch her hand. “So are you.”

  A noise in the woods distracts the doe, and she runs off. “We aren’t done, fucker.”

  I chuckle and touch her cheek. “I spent a good twenty years being wild and you tamed me.”

  “I swear if you do not shove your cock in me soon, I’m going to be the assailant. And I’m a nasty fucking girl who is not afraid to take what I fucking want, dickhead.”

  My eyes drift off to the side as I consider that idea and raise a brow. “I would so be down for that.”

  “Jynx!” She swats at me, and I grab her hands.

  I stick out my tongue. “Do you want me to corrupt your light?”

  “Yes! I do!” She pivots to run, but I grab her arm and force her to the ground. We do not play gently anymore. “God! No!”

  “You’re getting my dick, bitch.”

  She swings punching and clawing. Our battles have inched up a few notches. I’ll take her blows because of the love she brings. With my weight on top of her, there is no way she can escape.

  I hastily unzip and lift her skirt before grabbing my cock and thrusting inside. She screams, and a chill runs through my spine. I cover her mouth with my palm, and she bites me hard. I rip her motherfucking dress open, tug her bra down, and latch my mouth to her tit. I suck and bite at her nipple as she pushes against me.


  “Take my big cock in that tight, wet pussy.”

  “Harder!” she bellows, shifting gears again. I follow—this time. “Give it to me harder!”

  I pin her hands down in the leaves with one of mine and wrap the other around her delicate neck as I buck my hips fast. “You like it rough, Darlin’?”

  “Choke me, Jynx…Choke me harder!”

  “I’m going to come soon, baby.” I tighten my grip and let her hands go so she can pull against my strangulation. It’s so good. I’m so hard. And she is so fucking wet. “Shit…I don’t want to go yet…”

  Her hips jet up, taking me. “Come inside of me,” she musters out. “We’ll do it again in the shower.”

  “… You promise?”

  “Swear,” she says through gritted teeth as her moves tantalize the beast in me. “Give me your milk.”

  “My dick is giving your pussy a sloppy, wet kiss.” I continue thrusting, taking us to the edge. We fly as I tighten my chokehold and come with a roar. I shoot my load deep inside of her shelter—my secret hideout. She moans in ecstasy beneath me, and I hover on my forearms as we wait for the collision of loving waves in her passage. “I’m crazy in love with you, Echo.”

  “I love you too, my filthy fucking gentleman.”

  “God, that was so damned incredible. You were so wet.” I fall out of her and sit back, looking at my blood coated dick. “Honey, you finally got your period.”

  I dip the tip of my finger in her and smear blood on my cheeks. “Am I the kill and you’re the hunter, now?”

  “Sure,” I snicker, licking my cum and blood covered finger. “Tasty!”

  “You’re so bad, Jynx Monroe.”

  “And you love me this way.”

  Ms. Samuels Notes #30


  Thank you so much for reading Jynx and Echo’s story. I hope you love it as much as I do. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with these characters for the last eighteen months. If you have the time, please consider leaving a review.

  I could talk for hours about this book and how much it meant to me. However, I think I will leave those conversations in a more private setting over a bottle of wine.

  I have written 30 “dark romances”—for lack of a more specific genre. I don’t believe every story needs a happily ever after with a bow on it, so I push the boundaries a little with the “romance” part of that equation needing to end with a HEA/HFN. I tend to be on the other side where you ca
n have a romance, and it ends, but the book is still a romance.

  I get the general public does not agree with this.

  We’re socially married to rainbows and unicorns.

  I’m not.

  I won’t ever be.

  I want black, gray, and white rainbows and flaming icy pegicorns (pegasus + unicorn).

  A story is still valid as a romance even if one or hell, both, of the H/h, dies. We can grieve “dark” and still have love “romance.” I’ll argue that with anyone. Even in death, a romance can yet exist—as long as one keeps the flame lit.

  So, I started thinking about these two words we toss together quite frequently—dark romance. And I examined what they meant to me. My thoughts traversed to a somewhat dangerous place because I realized that so much of what we consider dark romance, even some of my work in the standalone pieces — She/He and Poppy — have centered-around this oppression and subsequent elevation of women.

  And well, I couldn’t do that again.

  I might…at some point, but not within BTEPD.

  I don’t discriminate on beating characters—male or female—up. Fling them against the wall to see if they bounce or cry. Sounds silly, but sometimes, it’s the truth.

  I wanted to break dark romance into two words—

  dark + romance.

  So, we have dark, twisting elements spiraling around, but at the core of that, we have this romance, which skirts close to a sweet romance at different points in the book.

  I wanted the elements—dark + romance—separated—isolated, if you will—so the shadows of light and dark magnified. That was the hope.

  I never know what the response will be, but ultimately I wanted to give you, Dear Reader, three things in BTEPD—dark + romance + a helluva lot of fun.

  I’ve written some pretty dark shit. I didn’t want this to be so dark that you capsized or felt the need to set it aside—those books have their time and place—but I needed BTEPD to bring a whole lot of love and enjoyment into the current gloomy climate.

  I’m not trying to change the world;

  I just want to give you a couple of hours to

  breathe and be you.

  I always aim to do that—I am an entertainer, an artist, a writer—but I also accept that the sex + violence in my mafia series, TAT— a Tomb of Ashen Tears, can be intense. And I love TAT for that very reason, but at the same token, I wanted BTEPD to ease up from that level of grim.

  Various monochromatic hues in my dark prism.

  As for the characters, I was blessed to have Jynx and Echo because I am acutely aware after three million words that you don’t always receive complete characters in a package that are ready to talk. Sometimes, I have to dig, and that’s okay, but it’s a blessing when they come pre-assembled and ready to go.

  Jynx Monroe was a complete asshole to me in the beginning, but for the most part, he ended up being exactly what she wanted—a filthy fucking gentleman.

  Echo Maines stood out in my studio/laboratory/cage as possessing a unique strength. She was one of the rare characters, tapping on my shoulder and saying, “Write me, please. Make time for me. Let me audition!”

  Of course, I rolled my eyes.

  Go away and come back in five years.

  Well, the pesky little thing wouldn’t hear of that.

  And finally, S & D said, “Let’s see what she has to say.”

  I’m like whatever. I’m on your journey. This isn’t mine. I gave up years ago trying to understand how we end up where we go or why.

  I don’t write meek women, but damn Ekky brought spunk I didn’t expect for a character so young on my canvas. She delivered a strength that I more than once compared to Iris during the composition process. Echo was truly a gift to me.

  I’m glad the boys gave her a shot. ;)

  I was compelled by their story, falling into my hands, eighteen months ago.

  BTEPD genuinely started with just a simple idea—what if a girl posted this ad?

  And I won’t debate that here—for right or wrong, that was what was handed to me. I could’ve taken this in a very dark, seedy direction, but I didn’t want to do that because of this whole oppression thing I had running in my head. I wanted to uplift and twist it into something obscure—what if he wants to save her?

  What kind of guy would do that?

  Turns out—a pretty fucked up one who practices chivalry.

  The whole process has taught me so much about myself. I have said, writing Jynx changed me. And he did. He closed the blinds and we had some long ass heart to hearts. I’m not ready to talk about those changes yet, but they’re coming.

  Blame Jynx. Blame Sal. Blame Deacon.


  I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it, Sir.

  Words, Sir.

  I will deliver your words.

  Specifically to my TAT girls, #RANIEROFANGIRLS, I would like to mention the timeline on this story coordinates, or should, with TAT7 during the summer of 2020.

  While bringing some of our current real-life issues into the mix with TAT, I have intentionally chosen not to do such in BTEPD because I wanted the primary focus to remain on Jynx and Echo.

  To preserve their atmosphere’s integrity, I captured this romance in an idyllic setting—without the proper safety protocol that has been needed in 2020.

  Yes, Sal will be wearing nothing but a mask soon. Woo! :D

  I tease, I tease.

  I would never have done this book without a much-needed push from some extraordinary people in my life. You know who you are, and I love you all immensely. Your encouragement, notes, words—sometimes my words you repeat back to me—your teasers, the LOVE that you give me MEANS the world to me, and I cannot thank you enough.

  YOU are why I hit publish.

  I scribble the words, writing every book like it’s my last book—every time.

  And I will continue to do such for YOU.

  Because YOU deserve my best.

  Thank you again.

  Peace. Love. & Sal.

  @ the farmhouse,

  kailee xx

  December 4, 2020

  P.S. Thank you for the trip! South Carolina was lovely, and I learned so much in the darkest hours. I’m headed back home to Sal and Cruz in Sugargove for Forbidden Sins (TAT6). I must be going before I’m late. The keeper of tomes is waiting for me. xx

  Join Kailee for water, wine, or whiskey at


  Dark Mafia Romance

  a Tomb of Ashen Tears (TAT Series)

  He’s the son of a mafia boss

  fighting against a legacy.

  I’m the tension relief specialist hired to kill him.

  Sal Raniero is my target, but his asset is me.

  I am Iris Nakamura Kettles.

  And this is our love story of lies, betrayal, and lust.

  a Tomb of Ashen Tears is a dark mafia romance saga focusing on Iris and Sal’s sweeping epic journey to love. TAT Books are intense, addictive, and not for the faint of heart. Not to mention long—very long.

  Kinky Sex. Violent Revenge. Intense Love. MMF.

  Need More SAL?



  Bad Girl




  Beautiful Things Evil People Do

  a Tomb of Ashen Tears

  Salt Kissed Love

  Famous Last Words

  Every Minute I Love You

  Diary of a Submissive

  A Dark Place

  Pre-Order Forbidden Sins (3.9.21)


  Son of Saint

  Son of Angel

  Son of Cirque

  Sal Raniero Thrillers

  Unspoken (Prequel to Hey Pretty)

  Sal Raniero’s Little Black Book

  Prequel (The Contract)

  Sal Raniero’s Little Black Book 1

  The Story of Salvatore

bsp; The Initiation

  Tea for Two







  The JULIET Collection


  Kinky Sex Magic


  A Shimmering Dream

  The Red Shoes

  Playlists for all of the books are available on Spotify.


  keep in touch with kailee

  The Dollhouse (Kailee’s FB Reader Group)

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