Break Her Fall

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Break Her Fall Page 23

by JoAnna Grace

“Hurts like a bitch, but I think that’s because I haven’t exactly been sitting still all day.”

  Conall chuckled and quirked up one side of his mouth. “Wait until he catches that scent all over you. He’s going to suggest sedation. I would.”

  Ami punched his shoulder but smiled at him. “Shut the front door; is it that bad, really?”

  “Not so bad out here. Your room smells like a sex bomb went off in a floral shop. Nasty.” He waved his hand in front of his nose.

  Amilynn narrowed her eyes at his teasing. She stuck a finger in his ribs. “You watch your tongue, Conall, you’re next.”

  “Nah. I’ve lost the only two women who’ve ever mattered to me. My lion is in for a life of bachelorhood.” His words were casual, could have been thought of as a joke, had they not been built on a foundation of painful truth.

  “Conall . . .” Ami whispered and put a hand on her chest. “You haven’t lost me or Vivian. You’ve gained our mates. We’ll always be your family.”

  Conall stared at her for a moment before he reached up and tapped her nose. “Yeah, but it won’t ever be the same between us.”

  Ami studied her cuticles to avoid his eyes. “Well, no, I guess it won’t. But that doesn’t mean you’re any less needed or wanted or loved.”

  The side of his mouth pulled up, but the ghost of a smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah.” He pulled Ami to his side and they watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory until Bianca came in with an armload of groceries. Conall, being the gentleman he was, dashed to help her.

  “You cooking for the whole Pack, B?” he teased. Ami loved that he extended the one-letter nickname to Bianca.

  “I might as well be. You men eat enough for a small village.” The affection in her voice couldn’t be missed. Bianca had a soft spot for the gentle giant.

  “Aw, Bianca.” Conall held up a package of steaks for Ami to see. “You really do love us.”

  “Score.” Ami whooped from the couch, making Bianca laugh.

  “Of course I love you.” Bianca reached high and patted Conall’s cheek. “You’re my favorite lion.” She was crazy petite compared to him . . . then again, everyone was petite compared to Conall.

  “I’m your only lion,” Conall said dryly.

  “Then you don’t have to worry about the competition sneaking in, huh?”

  Conall chuckled and shook his head. “Yes, ma’am, I suppose so.”

  Ami didn’t know what was going on in Conall’s head. It worried her to see him so down and melancholy. Conall had never been a chipper person by any stretch of the imagination. He was more the content and quiet type. Not creepy quiet, like Tyrone could be. Conall simply didn’t feel the need to mortar the voids with needless conversation. Amilynn liked that about him. But even in his quiet times, he was always optimistic. Conall was the man with a plan. He thought about things, studied a situation from various angles. For him to voice his worry over not being needed was out of character. Ami worried for her friend.

  Vivian and Kasey emerged from their suite all giggles and afterglow. Kasey tugged her shirt and pulled her in for a kiss. Amilynn looked away and smiled. Damn, it was great to see Vivian so in love. She deserved it.

  Once Kasey was done plastering his lips on her, Vivian flopped down on the couch. The scent of their union hung on her skin. Ami raised a brow.

  Vivian mirrored her expression and they stared each other down before matching grins stretched their faces. Vivian leaned in and whispered, “How did you have sex with your leg like that? Seriously.”

  Ami shrugged a shoulder and gave V a haughty air kiss. “I’m just that good.”

  Vivian laughed out loud before covering her mouth and closing her eyes. “Oh my God.”

  “I take it you and alpha-man took a tumble?”

  Vivian blushed. Ami hadn’t seen that in a while. “He’s so fucking hot when he pulls that alpha wolf attitude on me. I don’t obey a word he says, but man, it’s sexy.”

  “Must run in the family,” Amilynn muttered under her breath. Vivian elbowed her. Ami looped her arm around Vivian’s and leaned her head on her shoulder. Her leopard craved the attention of the tiger. “You still mad at me?”

  With a heavy exhale, Vivian leaned her head on Ami’s. “No. I guess not. I know Myra was a risk. No doubt she’d already figured out how to escape. She was biding her time. God only knows what kind of mass murdering spree she would’ve gone on.”

  “I couldn’t risk it.”

  “I know.”

  “Does Kasey?”

  “I think so. I told Kasey I was going after Trace. He shit a brick.”

  Ami’s head popped up and she gawked at Vivian. “Alone?” The worst-case scenarios came to mind. Vivian captured, tortured, and shipped back to Kasey in pieces. “You can’t.”

  Vivian rolled her eyes and waved off Ami’s concern. “Don’t get your tail in a twist. He shut me down.”

  “Good! This isn’t a solo mission anymore, V. We’re all in this together. You go after Trace, you bet your ass I’m going with you.”

  “Oh really?” Vivian huffed. “You going to decapitate him with your crutches? Mow him down with a wheelchair?”

  “Not. Funny.” Amilynn glared at her best friend. “I’ll be on my feet in a couple days and you know it. You’d better not do anything stupid.”

  “This coming from the woman who blew Myra’s brains out this morning? Can you scent a hypocrite? I can.” Vivian pursed her lips. Her expression begged Amilynn to argue.

  Amilynn was most definitely the definition of a hypocrite. Trace was Vivian’s nemesis just like Brian was hers. If Brian showed his face around here, she would take off on a solo run in a heartbeat. Anything to keep her family safe. Not that she would ever admit that to Vivian.

  “Did you see her?” Ami said in a quiet tone. They both shivered, knowing what horror it took to push Myra to that point. “She was cracked wide open. Brian really did a number on her.”

  Vivian put her arms around Ami and hugged her close. “I’m so glad we got you out of there before he did that to you. I can’t imagine you not being you; the funny, happy, pain in my ass you are now.”

  Ami hugged her back. “Life would lose its shine without me, admit it.”

  “It would.” Vivian, being more affectionate than Ami had seen her in a long time, didn’t let go immediately. Instead, the girls stayed cuddled up for a moment, allowing the tiger and the leopard to feel their connection as alpha and beta.

  Ezekiel arrived back home about ten minutes before Doc Charles showed up. He took something to her bedroom before joining Ami and the doctor in the living area.

  “Your leg looks so much better than this morning,” Charles said, poking and examining her thigh. “Felines must heal faster than canines. Our race is fast, but this is,” he blew out a breath, “—incredible. How’s the pain?”

  “I want to chop it off with a butter knife, thanks for asking,” Ami admitted. She purposely did not look at Ezekiel. His eyes bore steaming rays of aggravation into her skull. He would be pissed to know their lovemaking had put her in pain. “Other than that, I’m great.”

  “Oh, I can tell,” Charles muttered, and Ami slapped his hand. “I’m going to say the pain is mainly caused from your body’s rapid healing process, not the actual injury. When a body has to work as hard as yours is to repair the damage, there are going to be consequences. I can give you a few doses of painkillers to last you until tomorrow. Leave the bandage off tonight, let it air out. Clean it good in the morning.” He scratched at his salt and pepper hair. “You might just be able to walk on it tomorrow, Amilynn. I’ve never seen anyone heal this fast. The pain might be too much, but I say give it a try.”

  “Awesome.” Amilynn smiled.

  “Do you mind if I take some blood? I’d really like to study your genes. Do you think your brother’s . . . whatever that was . . . helped?”

  Amilynn smiled widely, but she held the doctor’s eyes. “It doesn’t work like that, Charles. Ty
rone manipulates energy. That’s all.”

  The wizened old doctor leaned in and squinted his gray eyes. “That man did more than manipulate energy. I saw it. He stopped the blood flow in your body. He paused your bodily functions, suspended the air in your lungs, and sent you into a frozen state. You should’ve bled out in that chopper, Amilynn. Vivian should’ve bled out in that ambulance. Both of you lived. I have no explanation. My mind can’t wrap around what it takes to produce such results.”

  Ami mimicked his serious tone and leaned her head down towards his. “I bet that really chaps your ass, doesn’t it, Doc?”

  Charles let out an exhausted sigh that deflated his shoulders. “You’re not going to give me anything, are you?”

  Amilynn lifted her shoulders and drew her lips into a thin line. “Nope.”

  “Fine, fine.” He put his hands up in the air. “Keep your secrets. I’m a smart man. I’ll figure this out.”

  “You’re like a dog with a bone. Really.” She shook her head. “Some questions are better left unanswered.”

  “I try to save lives, Amilynn. It’s what I do.”

  And I end them. It’s what I do. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t say them.

  Kasey entered the living area, shook the doctor’s hand, and invited him to stay for dinner. Charles happily agreed, since he was unmated and had nothing waiting at home besides a frozen microwave meal. Ami had asked Bianca why such a good-hearted man like Charles wasn’t married with a litter. Bianca said that he lost his mate very early on and his wolf had never connected with any other females in the Pack. He had the occasional date, scratched the itch with one female who was in a similar situation, but nothing serious. Amilynn felt bad for him. The thought of losing Ezekiel left her raw inside.

  “His work saved him,” Bianca had told her. “Caring for the people of the Pack is his entire life. You’d never know it, because he’s so opinionated, but Charles is a submissive wolf.”

  The fact had shocked Amilynn. Charles didn’t have any damn problems chewing her a new one. On the other hand, it made sense. Caring for others was a trait of submissives.

  Amilynn stayed seated on the couch while her family prepared for their dinner by setting the table, bringing out the food, and filling glasses with ice. Ezekiel kissed her temple and helped his mother grill the steaks.

  Kasey took this opportunity to sit on the ottoman in front of her, his elbows on his knees, a stern expression on his face.

  “I need to make something abundantly clear.” The wolf surfaced. His eyes turned a deeper shade of grayish-blue and his voice held power that alerted her cat to pay attention.

  Ami lifted her chin and narrowed her eyes.

  “There will be no solo missions. Not for Conall, not for you, and damn sure not for Vivian. You are a part of my Pack, you are under my protection, and whatever happens, you will act under my instruction as a member of our team. Is that clear?”

  “Or what?” Ami should’ve known better than to be defiant, but really, like he didn’t see that coming.

  “Or I will publicly have to punish you. If you disobey my commands, the system fails. I have a responsibility to my people, Amilynn. If they see Pride members openly defying me, they will think that behavior is acceptable. And. It’s. Not.”

  A ripple of Kasey’s alpha power danced over her skin, giving her goose bumps. She crossed her arms over her chest, but her leopard bowed down to the higher power. “It’s not like I could take off after anyone right now anyway.”

  “Wrong answer. Try again.”

  “Fine. No solo missions . . . unless it’s unavoidable.”

  Kasey growled at her and the leopard hissed. She couldn’t ignore his power. Kasey was alpha; strong and dominant to the point that her animal had to submit.

  “No solo missions. Whatever.” She rolled her eyes and looked away.

  Kasey leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to her hair, then whispered in her ear, “I can’t have anything happening to my niece.” He gripped her chin, not hard, but enough to get her attention. “You’re the only one I have. I won’t lose you.”

  His affection crumbled her defenses, as if her stubbornness was only as solid as smoke and easily cleared away with a breeze. Kasey then helped her up and over to the dining room, pulled out her chair, and seated her properly at the end of the table. He pulled up another chair to her right so she could prop up her leg.

  That was what made him a good alpha. Iron-clad commands delivered with kind finesse.

  Nate took the chair on her left, slipping in there before Ezekiel could. Her mate took the chair in front of her, Tom to his right next to Doc Charles. Conversations flowed, their table filled with voices and laughter. Tom grilled Charles on medical information. Hearing them talk, she realized that Tom, too, was a submissive wolf. They had much in common.

  Amilynn winked at her sexy mate when she caught him staring. She tried to brush off the fact that his return smile made her entire body blush with a deep need to be with him again. It scared her. Only a week ago, she wanted to remove his balls with a dull blade. The cosmic shift in their relationship hung heavy in her chest, a knot that made it hard to breathe. Was this normal? To fall for someone so fast, so completely? Her pulse kicked up and she took a drink of her water.

  Vivian’s warning stuck in her head. Take it slow. Don’t rush into anything like Kasey and I did. If he’s your mate, let nature take its course, take your time. But what had she done? Why had she jumped right off the cliff and onto Ezekiel’s cock? Naturally. Perhaps Vivian’s advice needed to be altered a bit. It was Amilynn’s nature to rush into sex, and she’d definitely let nature take its course on that front. Maybe she needed to slow things down. The thought of pushing Ezekiel away had her leopard aggravated.

  A gasp at the end of the table caught her attention and Ami turned to Bianca.

  “Oh, goodness. Charles, I’ve forgotten all about Madelyn. I’m so glad you asked. She’s out there in the woods, all alone. We need to go out there, pull her closer for the time being. If we were attacked, she’d be defenseless.”

  “Who’s Madelyn?” Ami asked.

  “She’s a widow,” Charles said. “She’s a bear who lives up in the mountains.”

  “Sampson and I take turns with another family bringing her supplies and visiting with her. It’s our month and I’ve completely forgotten.” She touched her forehead, shaking her head. “I feel terrible. We need to get out there.”

  “I want her brought to the alpha house,” Kasey said, earning nods from Sampson and Bianca. “She can’t be out there alone when things are up in the air like this. She’s too vulnerable.”

  Sampson exhaled a deep breath. “I don’t know how we can get away right now, honey. I’m working up new field training—”

  “I’ll go,” Conall said, not bothering to look up from his dinner plate. He cut into his bloody steak and put a chunk in his mouth. When everyone went quiet, he looked up and shrugged. “What?”

  Bianca turned to Sampson and held out a hand as if to ask his opinion.

  “There’s not a road that goes all the way to her house. You’d have to drive part of the way and pull a cart the rest of the way to her cabin. It’s every minute of a two-hour hike, uphill.”

  Conall shrugged his massive shoulders. “Okay. What’s so hard about that?”

  “Conall,” Bianca said with a kind smile, “Maddi is, well, she’s different. She might not want to come back here.”

  “You might find this hard to believe,” Conall swallowed his bite, “but I think I can sweet-talk an old widow woman into coming down off the mountain.”

  Nate scoffed. “Old widow woman? Maddi’s a ha—”

  “Nate.” Sampson snapped his fingers and Nate closed his mouth with an audible pop.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Charles said, wiping his mouth with his napkin.

  Conall sat back in his chair. “Well, I’d like to get out of the house. No offense, but all
you mated people are giving me a complex. I think a hike could do me some good.”

  “What happens when he scares the hell out of Maddi and she refuses to be escorted to safety?” Charles asked.

  “I got this,” Conall said, waving him off. “Give me a map and whatever else you think I’ll need. I’ll be back in a day. Two at the most. I’d like some fresh air anyway.” Conall gave Amilynn a side-glance and Melissa giggled. Heat flared up Ami’s neck to her cheeks. Jerk.

  Bianca wrung out her hands. “Well, I guess it would be okay. You can take the supplies she needs for winter, just in case. Maybe she’ll comply if you come bearing gifts.”

  “Done. When can I leave?” Conall’s eyes lit up.

  “As soon as possible,” Sampson said. “We’ll need you back here.”

  “Tomorrow morning it is.” Conall nodded and chomped another piece of his steak.

  Maybe spending a few days in the fresh air was the distraction he needed.

  “HEY, DOUBLE-MINT?” EZEKIEL called to his brothers and nodded to follow him into Ami’s bedroom. They snuck in there and looked at him expectantly. “I have a surprise for Ami.” He opened a television hutch and retrieved a box of decorated cupcakes.

  “Cupcakes?” Tom asked with the tilt of his head.

  “She’ll love it. Trust me. Nate, go wheel her in here.” Ezekiel set the plate down on the side table and he and Tom took a seat.

  “What are you guys—aw!” Ami clapped her hands. Her gorgeous face lit up like a Christmas tree and her evergreen eyes sparkled. “It’s cake!” She examined the tray of delights with childlike enthusiasm.

  “It’s every flavor the baker had. I think I’m officially their best customer.”

  Ami smiled widely. “That’s awesome.” She stared at him for a moment and she didn’t need to say anything. He could read her emotions. Joy overflowed her heart and ran into him.

  The four of them ate cupcakes until Ezekiel thought he would be sick. They cut every single one into fourths and tasted the flavors. Lemon, cherry, chocolate, vanilla, mocha, carrot cake, and even peanut butter. He still couldn’t buy into the fascination with cake, but to see that addicting happiness that glowed around his Amilynn, he’d eat that shit all day long.


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