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Unconventional Page 12

by Isabel Love

  I open my mouth to correct her—he was their son-in-law. Was being the operative word.

  But then an idea comes to mind.

  “If I come to dinner, can I bring a friend?”

  “Of course.”

  “Okay, see you Sunday.”

  I’m going to see if Charlie will return the favor and come with me—that should put a smile on my parents’ and Reid’s faces. I snicker at the thought of sticking it to Reid.

  Getting out of bed, I throw on some painting clothes then lose myself in my work.

  You can pay me back with orgasms.

  I WAKE UP ON Friday with a spring in my step. Usually when I’m out of town for work, I’m depressed to go home, especially when I visit New York City, but not this time. I scan the hotel room. My bag is packed and waiting by the door. No chargers left in the plugs. No toiletries in the bathroom. My cell beeps with an incoming text to tell me my ride to the airport is waiting downstairs, and I’m 30 minutes early.

  I never run early.

  Also, not sure I’m proud to admit this, but I’ve never come to New York and not found a willing woman to keep me company during my stay.

  Guess there’s a first time for everything.

  Waiting on my phone is a queue of videos to be sent to Quinn. I had my own Tumblr session last night—for research purposes, of course—and man, did I find some great ideas. I scroll through the list and hit share on the first one, careful to type Quinn’s name in the to field. This is not something I want to accidentally send to my mom or sister.

  I hope she’s still in bed when she gets this. I imagine her naked and tangled up in her sheets, getting so horny from watching the porn I just sent her that she has to rub one out before she gets out of bed. My pants get tight at the thought. The video shows a woman positioned on all fours sideways on a bed with one man behind her, getting ready to fuck her, and one man at the foot of the bed, watching. She stares at the observer as he unzips his pants and pulls out his erection. Then, she stares at his erection, licking her lips. Once the man starts to fuck her in earnest, she begs the observer to fuck her mouth. He holds back, making her so desperate, then finally gives in and comes down her throat while the other man comes inside of her.

  As predicted, her response arrives in exactly five minutes and six seconds. How did I know it would take that long? Because the video is five minutes and six seconds long.

  Red: Fuck, that was hot.

  Me: I thought so too.

  Red: That was a great start to my day, thank you.

  Me: You’re going to have a great end to your day, so I thought it made sense that you have a good start.

  Red: What if it doesn’t work out with Tobias?

  Me: Meh. Then I’ll take you to my place. We can put some of these videos on the big screen TV in my living room and have a Tumblr session together.

  Red: I like the sound of that.

  Me: I’m headed to the airport.

  Red: Okay, see you at 9?

  Me: That’s the plan, but keep your phone on you…

  Red: ?

  Me: You’ll see.

  Nine PM seems like an eternity from now, but by the time my plane lands, it’s already noon. I have to stop at the office to give my boss an update on my trip, and on the way, I send Quinn the next video I saved. This one has the woman on her knees with two men standing in front of her. She holds both cocks, taking turns licking and sucking them, until the men get impatient. When she has the first one in her mouth, the second man pulls her face away, her saliva leaving a wet trail hanging from the tip of his dick to her face. He stuffs her full of his erection until the other man returns the favor, pulling her mouth back to him. She goes back and forth between them until they shift closer together so their dicks are almost touching and she can lick both of them simultaneously. When she attempts to wrap her lips around them both at the same time, they groan and come together on her pretty lips.

  Red: I’m in a perpetual state of horniness, thanks to you.

  Me: Ditto.

  Finally, after I leave my office, I head home. Traveling is always so draining, and I want to take a catnap so I can be fresh for tonight. Before I collapse on my bed, I send the third video on my list to Quinn.

  This one crosses a line I haven’t crossed with Quinn yet—anal sex—but I want to go there. In the video, one man devours the woman’s pussy with his mouth while the other man fucks her ass. The woman has a look of pure bliss, drunk on pleasure. They make her come several times before coming themselves.

  Red: Do you want my pussy rubbed raw before tonight?

  Me: Did you make yourself come with every video?

  Red: Yes.

  Me: Are you still horny?

  Red: Yes.

  Me: I want you so horny you can’t think straight.

  Red: Mission accomplished.

  CHARLIE HAS BEEN TORTURING me with these videos all day. I need to ask him about Sunday. I’m sure he’ll come with me if he’s available, but I need to get this request out of the way so we don’t have to talk about it tonight.

  Me: Okay, time-out from the naughty videos for one minute. I have a favor to ask you.

  Charlie: What’s up?

  Me: My family is having a get-together on Sunday, and they invited my ex-husband.

  Charlie: Seriously? Want me to come with?

  Me: Can you?

  Charlie: No problem. This Sunday?

  Me: Yes.

  Charlie: I’m free.

  Me: Thank you, I’ll owe you one.

  Charlie: You can pay me back with orgasms.

  Me: Deal.

  Charlie: See you soon. I’ll be there at nine.

  Me: I’ll be ready.

  An eternity later—or only four hours—after I finish the work I had planned for today, shower, primp, and change, I hear a knock at the door. My heart races and my stomach flutters with nervous anticipation. I want Charlie and Tobias to get along. I think they will, as they’re both fun, laid-back guys, but I’m worried Charlie will be surprised that Tobias is bisexual. I haven’t told him on purpose, because I don’t want to freak him out—not that I think Charlie is homophobic or anything. I just don’t want him to think Tobias is going to try to get in Charlie’s pants instead of mine.

  That said, the thought of Tobias getting into Charlie’s pants shoots a thrill of excitement through my nervous system. Watching gay porn is my guilty pleasure. The sight of masculine bodies, rough hands tugging at hard cocks, watching cum land on stubble…unf. Let’s just say I won’t complain if the boys want to play with each other, too.

  But, first things first, I have to get the door. I find Charlie leaning up against the doorjamb. He scans me from head to toe, a slow smile curving his lips.

  “Red.” His eyes gleam as he takes in my obvious excitement.

  “Charlie.” I bite my lip in an effort to play it cool, but it’s no use. My smile slips through, and at the sight of it, his dimples appear. Those dimples.

  He leans forward and wraps his arms around me in a bear hug. I realize this is the first time I’ve seen him since the night he told me about Anna, and I’m so glad he’s back to his normal self. I melt into his embrace, breathing him in, holding on a couple beats longer than I usually do.

  “Any cold feet? It’s not too late to change your mind.” His expression grows serious with concern, and I love that he wants to make sure I’m comfortable.

  “My feet are nice and toasty, what about yours?”

  “Also toasty. You ready?”

  “All set.” I slip into my jacket and grab my purse then lock the door.

  Charlie takes my hand as we walk to his car, and he opens the door for me. There are those date-like manners again. What an odd date this is—he’s taking me out to watch another man give me orgasms.

  A giggle erupts from my throat at the thought.

  “What’s so funny?” He grins over at me as he starts up the car and pulls out into the street.

I can’t believe I’m doing this. I never thought I was this kind of woman.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “What kind of woman?”

  “The…you know…threesome kind, or whatever this is.” I wave my hand in front of me.

  “The kind of woman that likes to explore her sexuality? The kind of woman that likes to try new things? The kind of woman that doesn’t let society dictate the way she leads her life?”

  Hmm. I don’t mind being that kind of woman. I feel his stare at the stoplight.


  My mirth dies and my smile fades at his serious tone. I meet his blue eyes and raise my eyebrows in question.

  “You listen to me: I think you’re fucking amazing—strong, beautiful, talented, sexy as fuck. If doing this is going to change your opinion of yourself, let’s not.”

  My chest squeezes at his sincerity and I feel so much better about tonight. Despite my excitement, a small part of me wondered what he’ll think of me after tonight; if his opinion of me would change. Now he’s worried about what I’ll think of myself, and that alone makes me square my shoulders, raise my chin, and reassure him.

  “I want this, Charlie, really want it. I promise I won’t regret it later.”

  He leans forward, smiling, and places a soft kiss on my lips. “That’s more like it.”

  The light turns green and at the blast of the horn behind us, Charlie steps on the gas and focuses on the road.

  “So tell me more about Tobias,” he requests.

  “Let’s see…I told you the basics. He works at the gallery with me and he’s so talented. His pieces always sell out because they’re so different.”

  “And you guys used to hook up?”

  I’m looking for jealousy, but Charlie just looks curious. Do I want him to be jealous? I don’t know the answer to that question. “Yes. After my divorce, he took me out for a drink and showed me how much fun it can be to be single and unattached.”

  “You ever want more with him?”

  “No.” I haven’t wanted more with anyone since Reid. “I wouldn’t even consider Tobias a close friend. He’s a sexy acquaintance that is always up for a good time, nothing more, nothing less. I know he’s trustworthy because I work with him, but it’s not like we talk on the phone or hang out frequently,” I explain. I don’t want Charlie to think he’s walking into some kind of unrequited love situation.

  “Well, okay then,” he says as he parks the car and turns off the ignition. “Let’s go meet him.”

  Now is the time for hot sex.

  I TAKE QUINN’S HAND in mine as we navigate the lobby of Hamilton House, a swanky hotel downtown. Friday night means it’s busy, and as people bump into us, I pull her into my side and wrap my arm around her waist. Sapphire is a popular bar connected to the hotel, and as the name suggests, all the lights are blue, casting its occupants in an azure haze. We stop at the coat check then claim a newly abandoned high-top table by the front window.

  I’m assuming Tobias isn’t here yet, though I wouldn’t know if he was.

  A server approaches the table as Quinn looks around. “What can I get you to drink?” he asks, indicating the laminated list of specials in the middle of the table.

  A laugh bubbles out of her at the first name on the list. “I’ll take a voyeur, please.”

  “I’ll have a Maker’s Mark on the rocks, please.”

  The server smiles politely, nods, and then retreats to place our order at the bar.

  “So tell me about your trip,” she suggests.

  “Really? We’re going to try to talk about something right now?” I’m so distracted, I’m not sure normal conversation is possible. The semi in my pants twitches, threatening to become a full-blown erection with the direction my thoughts are headed.

  “What do you suggest? We just sit here and stare at each other while we wait?”

  I sigh. She has a point. “Okay. Tell me something I don’t know about you, something weird.”

  She thinks for a moment then her eyes light up. “I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.”

  “No way! I need to see that.”

  “You don’t believe my tongue is talented?” She blinks innocently.

  “Oh, I know your tongue is talented, I’ve just never seen someone do that before.”

  “When the server comes back with our drinks, we’ll ask him for a cherry and I’ll show you.” She smirks sexily, totally confident she’ll be able to do it. “Okay, your turn.”

  “Hmm, let me think…I’ve never broken a bone before. Both Dom and Tabby broke bones when we were kids, but I never did. I wanted to, though.”

  She laughs. “You wanted to break a bone?”

  “Yeah. They got to miss school to get their casts then all their friends signed the casts. I was jealous.”

  “Well, let me tell you, I broke my arm when I was 12 while I was skiing, and it sucked, so consider yourself lucky.”

  “I guess.” I shrug.

  The server comes back to our table with our drinks, and conveniently enough, Quinn’s drink is topped with two cherries.

  “Ready to watch my talented tongue?”

  “Fuck yes, show me.” I lean forward, following her every move. She holds the cherry in front of her mouth, giving me a wicked grin, and plucks the cherry off the stem with her teeth. She chews and swallows quickly, then puts the two-inch stem in her mouth. Her lips are closed, but her jaw works, opening and wiggling from side to side. I wish I could see what is happening inside her mouth. There’s no way she can tie that thing into a knot with just her tongue.

  Less than a minute passes before she holds it up for me to see.

  “Holy shit! You did it!” The stem now has a loose knot in the middle. “Do it again.”

  She laughs and grabs the second cherry, repeating the act, and then holds that one up proudly, too.

  “That’s amazing! How can you do that?”

  She grins. “Oh, just a result of being bored and drunk a lot in college.”

  “Well, I was already impressed with your tongue, but now I’m extra impressed.” I lean forward to kiss her, needing to touch her tongue with mine. Her mouth is sweet, like the cherries she just ate, and I can’t get enough of her taste. I deepen the kiss, rubbing my tongue against hers, and hold her face in my hands, keeping her head right where I want it—until I sense someone standing right next to Quinn. We pull apart and I find a tall man with long black hair, bright green eyes, and an amused grin.

  “You guys decide to start without me?” he asks.

  “Tobias, there you are!” Quinn turns to him but doesn’t move out of my hold, and I realize my hands are still on her face. I drop them but lower one arm to the small of her back and she does the same, crossing her arm over mine so her hand is on my back, too. “Tobias, meet Charlie. Charlie, this is Tobias.”

  He sets his beer on the table. “Nice to meet you, Charlie.” He smiles and shakes my hand. It’s a good handshake—firm, but not challenging.

  “You too.”

  “Thanks for inviting me out tonight, you guys.”

  “I’m glad you could make it,” Quinn says as she leans into him to give him a side hug. I watch closely, testing myself to see if I have any feelings of jealousy, but her arm stays linked over mine, and while I can see a flush in her cheeks from either excitement or anxiety, her eyes don’t light up when she greets him like they do when she sees me.

  There’s a moment of silence that could push thing into an awkward, uncomfortable vibe, but that’s the last thing I want.

  “So, Tobias, did you know Quinn can tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue?” I ask him.

  He chuckles, eyes widening with surprise. “Really?” He looks at her for confirmation. She holds up the two knotted cherry stems as proof, smiling proudly. “I knew your tongue was talented.”

  “That’s what I said, too.”

  “We were just sharing weird things about ourselves. You want to take a turn?”

e scratches the dark stubble on his face and thinks. “Weird facts, huh? Let me see.” His fingers drum on the table as he tries to come up with something to share. “I’m incredibly flexible. I don’t know why—it isn’t something I’ve worked on or anything—but when I was 15 and masturbating three times a day, I decided to test out how flexible I was.” He smiles devilishly. “By sucking myself off.”

  I choke mid-sip and start laughing. “Did you succeed?”

  “Yep. I was just getting into the groove when my mom barged in with clean laundry.”

  “No way!” Quinn splutters.

  “Oh shit! You didn’t lock the door?” I ask him.

  “I thought I had locked the door, but evidently it didn’t catch. She was so startled, she dropped the laundry basket and screamed, which prompted me to jerk out of the precarious position I was in and fall off my bed.”

  “Oh my God!” Quinn laughs. “I can’t believe that happened to you.”

  “To make matters worse, I knocked over my nightstand in the process and broke my toe.”

  “Your toe? Do you get a cast for a broken toe?”

  “Depends on the break, but mine didn’t need one, it just got wrapped to the toe next to it for a few weeks. But, it was enough to take me out of track for a month, and everyone kept asking me how I broke my toe.”

  “Oh man, that’s quite a story,” I say, chuckling. “What did you tell everyone?”

  “The truth—that I broke it while masturbating.” He shrugs. “No one believed me.”

  “I bet not,” Quinn busts up. “But that is quite a nifty trick. Can you still do it?” Her eyes dance with amusement.

  Tobias’s lips twist in a crooked grin. “Last I tried, I could still do it.”

  “Charlie was able to get this one girl to lick her own nipples. I wish I could do that.”

  “Sounds pretty hot. Were you there?”

  Quinn looks over at me with heat in her expression. “I was.”

  Tobias bites his lower lip and gives us a sexy grin. “And tonight you want to watch, is that right?” he asks me.


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