Bright Day, Hot Night [Sequel to Dark Day, Bright Night] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Bright Day, Hot Night [Sequel to Dark Day, Bright Night] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by JC Szot

  * * * *

  He gave Meg a little slack, allowing her to think she was winning. Her naked body was sinfully soft. It brushed over his skin like wet petals. Just as she thought she had the advantage and Sean felt her muscles loosen, he catapulted out of the water. He spun and took her again. She was so agile and light, he could bench press her. Her pebbled nipples scraped across his chest as he lifted her, spearing her through the air like a torpedo. Her body dove back into the water. Sean chuckled, biting back his mounting urge, swallowing it down like bad liquor. A milky light from a hidden moon broke through the cloud cover. The water gleamed like tin foil.

  “You guys are giving me a workout.” He huffed, brushing the hair out of his eyes. His cock was as hard as a jackhammer. It bobbed against his navel. He tipped his head into the heavens, thankful that the water and the darkness kept him concealed. This was dangerous territory. They seemed to be okay with it, but there was a fine line. He knew it was there, and he knew he couldn’t cross it.

  Meg stepped out of the water. Her skin glittered in the moonlight. Sean’s eyes soaked her up, his pores drinking her uninhibited nature. This is not helping. He swatted at his cock, which continued to rear its ugly head, bobbing in the water. His body was ablaze like a fireball on water. He glanced back at Zane, who was swimming through the water, gazing up at the nighttime sky.

  She turned, the light hitting her as if drawing in all of the delectable lean lines of her body. He’d seen her once before. Tonight surpassed his last surveillance, though watching Zane pleasure her had been beyond hot. Meg ran a towel across her head. Her breasts lifted, her ribs rising beneath her flesh, accentuating her beauty. Sean’s hand dipped into the water, squeezing his prick. He slowly walked toward the bank, the water receding from his body. The night air cooled on his skin. Meg’s head turned, her glossy eyes finding his. Sean suddenly had the desire to be seen. She’d let him see her. Meg had let him touch her naked flesh. He’d match her move for move, and follow their lead. The slight hesitation that lingered with this choice came rushing to his aid, softening his cock just enough.

  The shine of her eyes did wander. Her roving gaze excited him, heating his blood. Before all hell broke loose again, he reached for his towel, hiding his physical lust. The thoughts that consumed his mind could be hidden, but his body was out there for all to see. He turned away from her, her stare burning at his back. Zane’s voice echoed over the water.

  “I guess we’re calling it a night, huh?”

  Chapter Seven

  “You’re sure you’ll be okay?” Nora stopped stocking and looked at Meg. “It’s only two days, and if it’s not busy, close early. I have no issue with it.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Meg glanced up from the counter. She counted out the till, labeled the receipts, and closed up. Nora wanted to go visit her sister. She’d been flexible when Meg moved, and again when they’d decided to go camping. It was the least she could do.

  “Well, then let’s get out of here. I’ll go with you to make the deposit, and then I’ll be on my way.” Nora walked to the back to lock up and engage the alarm. Meg put everything inside the deposit bag and grabbed her purse.

  * * * *

  Meg pulled in the driveway and got out of the car. She heard the guys out back on the deck. She made her way across the side yard. Their hushed voices moved through the quiet, humid air. Zane’s words had her stopping dead in her tracks.

  “So…I’m taking that it didn’t go well?”

  “I’m tired of shallow women. I can’t tell who’s genuine anymore.” Sean’s words were clipped. It was so quiet Meg could hear the aggravated sigh slip from Sean’s lips. Lighting bugs flickered in the dark woods. Summer’s chorus of crickets filled their conversational lull. She breathed in the dewy evening air. Sean’s sarcastic laughter resonated through the darkness. “You’re one lucky fucker. You know that, right?” Meg heard the edge in his voice.

  Meg leaned up against the side of the house. She tipped her head, gazing into the darkened dome above. Sean was such a nice guy. She didn’t understand it. These last two weeks he’d had several dates. He seemed to be dating every girl who either came into the Ink Well or the Red Bone. His mission seemed almost desperate. Meg hoped Sean didn’t feel that she and Zane were flaunting their relationship.

  “I want what you got,” Sean admitted, his tone wavering.

  “If I can find it, you can.” Zane’s voice was soft, empathizing. “If it weren’t for you giving me the rash of shit you did, I wouldn’t have what I have now.”

  Meg’s feet moved through the grass. Had Sean hammered Zane about her prior to the start of their relationship? Had he been rooting for her from the beginning? She recalled the night Sean had asked her out for a drink. Zane had just gone into remission. Sean had kissed her that night. His kiss had spoken volumes, words that he may have thought would’ve been premature to voice at the time. Meg had politely declined his physical overture. He’d been a good sport and had taken it like a man. Sean knew her heart was consumed with Zane, but Sean had all the qualities a girl could ever ask for. Meg could never be the cause of any type of rift or distance between the two men. She could feel Sean’s need for companionship, the easy exchange of affections. His discouragement seeped into her, pulling her heart to her feet. Someone moved. The patio furniture creaked. Meg saw a glimmer of light flicker off the deck. An aged-smelling aroma swirled through the air like a mythical mist. Sean must’ve been smoking again. He was one of those on-off smokers. He definitely killed the theory that nicotine was as addictive as heroin. He could drop it, stay away from it for weeks, then pick it up again. Zane once told her he could always tell when Sean was stressed, the cigarettes being a telltale sign.

  She really didn’t want to eavesdrop. She walked back into the garage and decided to make her entrance onto the deck through the back door off the kitchen. She dropped her purse on the table and opened the screen door.

  “Hey, baby.” Zane got up and gripped her hand, pulling her into him. She kissed him, wanting to keep the greeting brief, but when Zane sat and pulled her into his lap, she couldn’t ignore Sean’s steady gaze.

  “What’re you two up to?” Meg shifted her weight. She met the pain in Sean’s heavy stare. Loneliness swam in his glossy eyes. He jerked the shaggy strands of blond hair out of his eyes, smiling weakly. Sean’s presence was a bit more intense since their camping trip. Something that had been hidden before now seemed to be unveiling itself, moving to the forefront. Shedding their clothes together at the lake had opened a new avenue in their friendship. The candidness that was between them before had transformed into something else. Meg just wasn’t sure what to call it.

  “Not much, just some guy talk.” Zane drained his O’Doul’s.

  Sean’s voice broke through the darkness. “You want anything, Meg?”

  She shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m beat. Nora’s going away for two days so I’m gonna have my hands full.”

  “I’m on a full schedule, too.” Sean tilted his head, gazing into the night sky. “The Rolling Thunder Bike Club is actually rolling through tomorrow.” He chuckled. “I’ve got about twenty guys who might want ink.”

  “Too bad you can’t help with that.” Meg ran her fingers through Zane’s hair.

  “Two more weeks.” Zane beamed. “I called the doc today.”

  “You got clearance?” Meg sat back to see his elated face.

  “Yup, can’t fucking wait.” Zane brushed his lips over her cheek. She felt him, his cock coming to life, nuzzling her ass through the thin cotton of her shorts. Zane’s hips slowly rolled under her, awakening her.

  “That’ll be good for you.” Meg turned to Sean.

  “Oh yeah.” He laughed. “I’m looking forward to a little downtime. It’s all good, though.” Sean stood. “We made it through, didn’t we, buddy?” Zane glanced up at him.

  “Fucking right,” Zane agreed. They nudged knuckles.

  “I’m heading up, folks. Meg, if you want
a lift tomorrow…garden boy’s staying home to work on the yard.”

  “Hey,” Zane growled. “Once I’m back to inking, you can do it.”

  “I just might take you up on it, but, Meg, if you want a lift, I won’t take the bike because they’re calling for showers tomorrow night.”

  “Maybe I will. It makes sense because I’ve got to close.”

  “We’ll talk in the morning.” Sean walked inside, sliding the screen door closed behind him. Meg spun around, straddling Zane’s lap in the chair. She found his lips despite the shadows. His tongue slid over the seam of her mouth. The yeasty taste of beer hit her tongue. His hands slipped under her, kneading her ass cheeks. The muggy summer air settled on their skin. Meg’s lips left his. She buried her face into his neck. She breathed him in, lapping at his sticky, salty skin. Zane’s mouth moved near her ear, his words raw and husky.

  “Let’s take a shower. We can fuck and clean up in one shot.” Meg’s hand moved over his body, delighting in all the hard slopes and creases. She ground into him. His cock was straining against the weight of his jeans. She moved again, able to rub her clit right over his zipper. “Come on, Meg, let’s fuck, nice and hard, right under the pelting water.” She couldn’t help but laugh. Zane’s face was tight and set with a demanding seriousness.

  “You’re such a romantic.”

  Zane pulled away, searching for her eyes. She helped him, steering his heated gaze to hers. His eyes flashed, his brows raised. “Come on.” He thrust into her again. “This is romance, our romance.” She stood up, taking his hand.

  “I suppose it is.” She waggled her brows. Zane’s fingers tightened in hers. He halted their steps.

  “Disappointed?” He canted his head in question. Meg cupped his balls. A whimpered moan slipped from Zane’s lips.

  “I’ll show you how I feel when we get into the shower,” Meg said, her words choked whispers.

  Chapter Eight

  “That’s real nice, Meg.” Zane’s voice bounced off the tiles. Steam rose, circling them in a swirling fog of heat and vapor. Zane arched into her, raising his ass, reaching for her touch. Meg pressed her breasts against his back. Their wet skin slid together, raising the tactile level another notch. Her hands were coated with frothy lather. She glided them down his back. His spine shifted beneath her fingers. Suds rained over his skin. Meg nudged a knee between his thighs. She dipped a finger into the seam of his ass. She felt bold tonight. She lightly rubbed the knotted skin of his hole, pressing lightly. Zane’s head fell back, resting against her shoulder.

  “Wow, man.” His breaths heaved. Meg leaned into him, her mouth at his ear.

  “You like that?” The soap slicked over his ass, making everything deliciously accessible. Zane’s thighs trembled under her touch. Her pussy was throbbing. It excited her so to have him crumbling with pleasure, and right in the palm of her hand. Meg pushed a little more, her moves riding on his responses. Her finger joined his heat. His soft insides opened then closed, cradling her every stroke. Her free hand smoothed over his nipple. It beaded into a stiff peak.

  “Yeah,” Zane sighed. “I don’t know if I should”—he laughed lightly—“but I do.” Meg’s hand skated over his skin.

  “It’s our pleasure. It’s all about us.” She spoke to him over the endless stream of water. His cock sprang forth, greeting her open palm. She strummed his cock slowly as her finger sank deeper into his internal heat. The rhythm of her two hands had Zane under her full control. His voice broke, echoing through the bathroom.

  “Fuck, Meg. I’m gonna come. Wait, I wanna make love, gotta be in you,” he wailed. She eased her finger out of him, petting his slick ass. Zane spun around. Water ran in tracks down his face. His eyes sparked. He grabbed her. His thumbs dug into her cheeks.

  “I love you.” His mouth crushed into hers. His passion took her breath away, melting her bones into dust. His tongue lashed at hers before slowing into an artful brush and stroke through her mouth. Zane released her, spinning her toward the wall. The mossy green tiles filled her eyes.

  Zane’s fingers stroked over her clit. He moved her feet apart with his. The air grew thick and hazy with desire and need, a want that never seemed to be met between them. Meg arched back into him, lifting her ass, needing to feel his cock. The head pushed through her thighs, seeking her soaked opening.

  “That’s the way, baby, ass out.” Zane pressed into her. Lust and love ignited, exploding around them. His mouth latched on to her shoulder. His teeth bit down hard on her moist skin. Her body jumped. Zane grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head. His body rode hers hard. Meg’s breasts met the cool tiles. She turned her head. The water battered her cheek. Exquisite pain burned through her. Zane’s roughened cheek scraped against hers, the friction tantalizing.

  “I love you more than any man could.” His hips pushed her into the slick tiles. Her breasts were so swollen they ached. She rubbed her nipples against the tiles, loving the feel of the gritty grout on her skin.

  “I love you.” Meg battled for air. “God, it’s so good.” Zane laughed, riding on the feeling.

  “You like the way I’m fucking you?” His teeth scraped over her shoulder again.

  “Yes. I’m gonna come,” she gasped. “Help me.”

  “I’ve got you, honey. If you could see how hot you look. Fuck yeah!”

  His fingers threaded through hers. His hips pounded into her. The way he felt inside her body, the way he cut through her, and so deep. He owned her now. His body touched places inside of hers that she never knew existed.

  * * * *

  The morning was somewhat slow. A mix of regulars and two women who’d stopped in looking for the latest diet fad. Meg tried to talk to them about a more balanced diet with supplements and organic eating. She’d spent most of the afternoon in the back. Sean still had a crowd to contend with down at the Ink Well, so she kept herself busy in the back.

  Nora tended to be a bit disorganized, so Meg spent the rest of the afternoon into the evening straightening out the storeroom. She’d left the back door open to remind herself to take out the trash before she locked up. It was a warm evening. She could smell the dampness of a pending rain.

  When the buzzer on the door sounded, she was surprised to see that the sun had lowered over the storefront windows when she emerged from the Nora’s office. The shop was bathed in dusky shadows. It was almost time to close up and walk down to the Ink Well and wait for Sean. She heard a rustling in one of the aisles. She moved past a display of vitamin carriers and was greeted with a pair of electric blue eyes. A black ski cap lowered over his brows. It seemed too warm for a hat and a sweatshirt. His clothes hung on his stalky frame. The front of his sweatshirt was soiled with brown spots, spilled coffee maybe? Her eyes dropped to a pair of tattered blue sneakers.

  “Can I help you find something?” Meg stepped back, pretending to straighten something on the shelf. Uneasiness raced through her like a trapped rodent. This guy seems “off.” Before another thought careened through her mind, he grabbed her wrist, twisting her skin in his grasp. Her head spun, his face now close to hers. His breath was hot and sour, his lack of oral hygiene evident.

  “You most certainly can, and you’re gonna do it nice and easy.” His verbal orders were gritty and harsh.

  Every joint tightened. Her stomach tipped. The acidity from her lunch crept back up her throat. His fingers dug, clawing at her skin. Nora’s voice of warning rang in her ears like a fire alarm. Always give them what they want. Nothing is worth losing a life over. Meg quickly glanced at the front door.

  “Don’t even think about screaming. You wouldn’t want this nice skin all scarred up, would ya?” A blade rose, skimming along her cheek, the steel cold on her skin. It glinted in her periphery under the fluorescent lights. Meg felt her eyes widen, unblinking. Fear tried to freeze her. Her chest fought for air, her pulse drumming in her ears.

  “I’ll give you whatever you want,” she said, her words jittery.

ly?” His laughter was dark and deep. “Does that include you?” The silence was deafening. The traffic out in the street moved by, the evening routine of others unfolding around her with a normalcy she suddenly craved. “Nah, never mind,” he shook his head. “I ain’t gonna waste my time. Where’s your stash? Give me all you got in the register, and I’ll be on my way.”

  Meg tried to move. The floor sank under her feet, pulling her under. His hand constricted around her wrist again. “Better be only you here.” His eyes narrowed into two slits. Meg swallowed, her words hurried. Sean’s only a few doors down. Should I pull the alarm? No, he might cut me.

  “Yes, yes, just me,” she chirped. “Now if you let me go I can get you want you want.” He released her, shoving her back.

  “The money, and no bullshit,” he growled.

  Meg stepped backward, in line with the register, not wanting to turn her back on him.

  “Go!” he yelled. Her body jolted to attention, quickly darting behind the counter. Her bowels turned to liquid, a polluted river of panic. She punched in the code on the register and the drawer popped open.

  * * * *

  Sean dumped the last of his trash into the dumpster. He’d already locked up. He walked through the rear parking lot, seeing that the back door to the Holistic Hut was open. Hopefully Meg was ready to go. He was exhausted. He’d done fourteen tats today. A light mist began to fall, dotting his skin. When he went to walk into the rear entrance of the store, he saw Meg behind the counter handing over a wad of cash. Sean ducked behind the dumpster. His breaths quickened. He slowly inched around the corner, taking in the scene again.


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