Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  What he did not say was, Dragon Beard Needle, within Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation, ranked the eighth, and also, this was still not the most ruthless of needle type hidden weapons. After all, as long as Dragon Beard Needle did not shoot at vital points, it was unable to cause a person’s death.

  Part 4

  In Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation annotations was this kind of description of Dragon Beard Needle: ‘expert in breaking big dipper tail qi, requiring enough internal strength to launch, attacking the enemy off guard, giving the enemy immense suffering. Only the material is difficult to obtain, internal strength consumption also large, requiring sufficient internal energy to first support continuous effect.’

  With Tang San’s current internal strength, he could only guarantee Dragon Beard Needle’s attack potential within three metres range. Beyond three metres, Dragon Beard needle before hitting the enemy could shrink back because of lacking internal strength. And as the attack distance increased, the internal strength requirement would also be higher and higher. This kind of astonishingly powerful and one hundred percent overbearing hidden weapon, could not be so easy to use.

  But in the end a ranked in the top ten of inner sect hidden weapons, Tang San was confident that within a certain distance, even if it was Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Vajra Transformation it would still be unable to resist Dragon Beard Needle’s piercing.

  Tang San’s fingernails were not at all long, but concealing a Dragon Beard Needle within each fingernail was absolutely no problem, in a short range fight, this was a killer of killers.

  Of course, Dragon Beard Needle still was not the hidden weapon he yearned for the most, ranked in the top three of Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation hidden weapons, all required Mysterious Heaven skill attaining the seventh tier or higher to be able to use, this still required long term effort for cultivation.

  “Little San, do you know what I’m thinking?”

  Xiao Wu’s big eyes blinked, seeing Tang San a little flustered.

  “Thinking what?”

  Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

  “I’m thinking, whether to abandon my spirit power, and study your hidden weapons. These things of yours are fantastic oddities of every description, truly are amusing.”

  Tang San was speechless, ‘amusing’, those could all be killing weapons. Tang sect’s hidden weapons, how was the word ‘amusing’ able to describe them.

  Seeing Tang San’s helpless expression, Xiao Wu giggling, said:

  “Ge, put away your sour face, I am making fun of you. I could not give up my painstakingly cultivated spirit power.”

  “Painstaking? You?”

  Tang San looked Xiao Wu up and down as if discovering a new continent.

  Xiao Wu resentfully said:

  “What are you looking for? Don’t tell me I don’t try hard at cultivation? You just haven’t paid attention, that’s all.”

  Looking at her adorable appearance, Tang San couldn’t help but laugh loudly. Obtaining a precious plate crystal, thereby possessing the first internal strength level hidden weapon, made his current mood very good.

  Early the second day, the two left Rose Hotel after staying for two days, and from Suotuo City’s southern gate, heading towards their destination.

  The impression Rose Hotel gave Tang San’s was still pretty good, only the price was actually somewhat expensive. As he and Xiao Wu left the hotel, the damage in the hotel hall had already completed repairs.

  Regarding Shrek Academy, Tang San and Xiao Wu did not have any understanding, Grandmaster only told Tang San, asked him to come here to proceed with studying, all without saying more. But judging by Grandmaster’s expression at that time, Tang San was able to vaguely feel that the relationship between this Academy and Grandmaster seemed somewhat uncommon.

  Going by age, Tang San and Xiao Wu should go to intermediate spirit master academy, but with their current strength, let alone intermediate, even if it was advanced spirit master academy the distance to graduation still would not be far. If this Shrek Academy only was an intermediate spirit master academy, then was it still necessary to come here?

  Tang San believed, Grandmaster absolutely would not do pointless matters, since he asked him to come here, certainly Grandmaster had reasons.

  “Little San, you know where Shrek Academy is?”

  Out of Suotuo City, following the road straight southward, on both sides of the official road was a wide expanse of farmland, Suotuo City being famous for acting as Balak Kingdom’s granary could not be more clearly said.

  But, besides the wide expanse of farmland, as far as the eye could see, within the reach of eyesight, certainly was not any building resembling an academy.

  The address Grandmaster gave Tang San, was outside Suotuo City south gate would see Shrek Academy not far away.

  “I also am not too clear on the specifics, we continue southward, we’ll always find it. Since that Dai Mubai was a Shrek Academy student, proves this Academy indeed exists.”


  Xiao Wu suddenly softly called out.

  Tang San seemed to understand her meaning very well, helplessly saying:

  “You are also a grown up, still without walking will not get anywhere.”

  Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

  “No matter, who asked you to be my Ge.”

  While speaking, with a run-up, suddenly pounced at Tang San.

  Tang San was long ago accustomed to her actions, both hands supporting, upper body slightly bent forward, already carrying Xiao Wu on his back.

  Xiao Wu’s body was very light, to Tang San she basically would not be any burden. But Xiao Wu’s cultivation was not second to Tang San, naturally would not feel exhausted because of walking, but she still never tired of happily having Tang San carry her. Happy and content on Tang San’s back and gesticulating at the surroundings, laughter bringing to mind silver bells in the air.

  Whenever this happened, in Tang San’s heart would bubble up a kind of warmth, which was a kind category of family warmth. Bodies touching, gave a kind of feeling hearts being close, he would feel his heart was very rich, at least this proved, he was not all alone.

  In the past six years, since the first time leaving Holy Spirit Village for Nuoding primary spirit master academy to study until now, Tang San had not seen his father again. Tang Hao left for these six years, not only without returning, but also completely without letters.

  Whenever in the dead of night Tang San thought of his father, his heart would ache dully. Even though he was a person of two worlds, regarding family love he still had an uncomparable thirst.

  But Xiao Wu in Tang San’s heart, was equivalent to filling the gap left by Tang Hao. Regarding Xiao Wu, Tang San was extremely doting, like she was his flesh and blood little sister. Before when at Nuoding, Tang San’s only way of resting was watching Xiao Wu. Whatever she did, he all along silently watched her, enjoying that warmth in his heart.

  Xiao Wu’s happy smile brimming with sunshine, happiness coming from the heart, always infected Tang San’s heart. Even if cultivation again was dull, as long as he saw Xiao Wu’s smile, any fretting in Tang San’s heart immediately disappeared.

  Part 5

  “Ge, look at the village over there.”

  When Xiao Wu was carried by Tang San was also when she was the sweetest, this moment she was sure to call Tang San ‘big brother’, and not just ‘little San’.

  Tang San followed the direction of Xiao Wu’s finger with his eyes, but only saw approximately one li ahead, had a small village. Relying on Purple Demon Eye’s eyesight, he was able to clearly make it out, that village was about a hundred households or so, compared to Holy Spirit village’s scale it was a bit smaller. Surrounding the village was a wooden fence, seemingly used to guard against wild animals. At the village entrance there seemed to be good deal of people gathered, for some unknown purpose.

  Tang San slightly smiled, saying:

  “For our previous qu
estion, perhaps the people of this village will know where Shrek Academy is. A spirit master academy should be very famous, right.”

  Xiao Wu pointed ahead, laughingly saying:

  “Ge, go faster.”

  Grumpily Tang San lightly swatted her bottom with the back of his hand once, underfoot slightly exerting himself, rapidly advancing in the direction of that village.

  Coming near, Tang San and Xiao Wu both discovered something abnormal, at the village entrance indeed a lot of people were gathered, the majority youngsters similar to their age, among them a large portion followed by parents.

  At the village entrance was arranged a desk, behind the desk sat a sixty-something old man, making Tang San and Xiao Wu dumbstruck was, over the arched village entrance made using logs was suspended a seemingly somewhat worn-out board, on it was simply engraved two words, ‘Shrek Academy’[ Originally of course “five characters, Shi Lai Ke Xue Yuan”]. Above these two words was also a green portrait, looking similar to a kind of humanoid monster’s head. Bright green, a little cute. On the chest of the old man behind that table, also wore a similar green round emblem. It should be Shrek Academy’s crest.

  “No way.”

  Xiao Wu hopped down from Tang San’s back, staring shocked at the board, again turning her head to look at Tang San, the two in their hearts both somewhat stunned.

  Even Nuoding primary spirit master academy’s scale would be much bigger compared to this, and also, this clearly looked like a common little village, the entrance’s arched door was not only wooden, but also still not even a third as large as Nuoding Academy’s. Could this still be called a spirit master academy?

  “Ge, wasn’t Grandmaster mistaken? However I look, I still do not think this is like an academy. Probably wouldn’t be a scam, right.”

  Tang San said with a wry smile:

  “Come on, have a look before saying so again.”

  Right now, lined up ahead of them, were approximately less than a hundred applicants, among them were not a few people with wrinkled brows, clearly in their hearts holding a similar opinion as Xiao Wu.

  Ahead of Tang San and Xiao Wu in the line was a youngster followed by parents at his side, they just heard that youngster’s mother say:

  “Isn’t this a mistake, this spirit master academy, possesses the reputation that on graduating the academy one can successfully become an imperial viscount?”

  The youngster’s father somewhat uncertainly said:

  “This is what Spirit Hall’s people said, should not be a mistake. But this academy truly is a bit worn down.”

  The youngster said:

  “Dad, I mustn’t study here, it’s too shameful. I still could go to Suotuo intermediate spirit master academy, right. How to say, at junior academy I was also considered a talent.”

  The youngster’s father frowned, saying:

  “Since we’ve already come, let’s wait a minute, right, maybe this is a kind of test. The genuine academy not here at all.”

  Similar dialogue was absolutely not rare in the lined up crowd, the majority of the faces of the youngsters and parents displayed a strong disappointment.

  Tang San’s gaze did not stay on these applicants for too long, his gaze looked ahead of the queue, to the application place. Eyesight and hearing promoted under the effect of Mysterious Heaven skill, he was vaguely able to hear the dialogue there.

  The old man sitting behind the desk accepting applications looked to have a lazy appearance, to speak a bit pleasantly about his clothes they were simple and unadorned, what he saw, was like an elderly villager, even without the lively look of Holy Spirit village’s old Jack.

  At this moment, a youngster came before the table to apply. The old man lazily said:

  “Application fee is ten gold spirit coins, put it in that chest.”

  The parents following the youngster hastily fished out ten gold spirit coins and placed them in the nailed together wooden chest to the side.

  “Extend just a hand.”

  The youngster as told extended his hand before the old man, the old man kneaded the hand a little while, shaking his head towards him, saying:

  “Your age is wrong, you can leave.”

  The youngster was stunned a moment, turning his head to look at his parents, more than ten years old children as precocious as Tang San could be not many.

  His father hastily fixed a smile saying:

  “Teacher, my son has only recently passed his thirteenth birthday, you see, couldn’t you be flexible once?”

  The old man a bit impatiently said:

  “Don’t affect later people. Do you not know the Academy’s rules? Our place only accepts children under thirteen years old. Exceeding thirteen years of age, without exception are not accepted. You can leave.”

  The youngster’s father said:

  “Then our application fee……”

  The old man without a trace of politeness said:

  “An application is generally not refunded.”

  A clay figurine still was three tenths a warrior, the youngster’s father could not help but angrily say:

  “This clearly is a swindle for money. Withdraw our application fee, if not we will not leave. Had I known earlier this Shrek Academy was this rotten, we should not have come.”

  The old man shot him a glance, indifferently saying:

  “Mubai, someone wants their application fee back, you handle it at once.”

  On the ground to the side, a person’s figure suddenly leapt up,

  “Wanting the application fee back, after beating me, the whole amount is returned.”

  This person was exactly Dai Mubai, before because of sitting to the side, obstructed by the crowd, Tang San had not seen him. From that day when Tang San with Xiao Wu met him he was somewhat different, right now his expression was rather grudging.

  Dai Mubai also did not speak nonsense, directly using his spirit power, releasing two hundred year and one thousand year altogether three spirit rings. Surging spirit power radiated out intangible pressure in the air, in the evil eyes a cold light continuously flashing, regarding that father and son.

  * * *

  [1] (发晶) Literally “Hair Crystal”, is a naturally occurring crystal with needle or hair like filaments of mineral embedded. It’s generally a translation for rutile quartz, but could also refer to other similar mineral formations like actinolite quartz. Supposed to have energizing properties.

  [2] (板晶) Google Translate has this as “platelet”, and apparently platelet crystal is sort of a thin only different, but a Chinese search only gives fiction and pictures of really dense rutilated quartz.

  [3] 3寸 = 10 cm

  [4] Long Xu Zhen (龙须针) alternatively “Dragon Mustache Stitch”.

  [5] Originally of course “five characters, Shi Lai Ke Xue Yuan”

  Chapter 017: Academy Only For Monsters

  Part 1

  Between spirit masters, spirit rings were eternally the best word of authority, seeing that one thousand year spirit ring among three spirit rings on Dai Mubai’s body, the youngster’s father’s complexion changed greatly, and leaving behind a sentence regarding ‘our bad luck’, pulled his son and quickly left.

  Dai Mubai returned to his seat, evil eyes sweeping over the youngsters and parents there for signing up, threatening meaning abundantly clear. The oppressive force produced by the three spirit rings could not be endured by ordinary people. The current him was no longer like a wealthy spendthrift, but on the contrary like a hired thug.

  After this scene, the lined up waiting people immediately reduced by a third, who still wanted to spend money in vain, let alone, when this Shrek Academy exterior before them made people not dare compliment.

  Again an applicant youngster came before the old man, he was followed by both parents, his mother full with confidence placing ten gold coins in the wooden chest, the youngster smartly extending a hand.

  The old man kneaded his hand, faintly yellow gaze looking at the yo
ungster, saying:

  “Exactly twelve years old. Release your spirit, let me have a look.”

  The youngster nodded, faint green spirit power releasing from within his body, a hundred year spirit ring rhythmically hovering up and down his body.

  The hundred year spirit ring’s atmosphere was not weak, spirit appearing, a crude long vine spiralling around his body.

  This spirit somewhat resembled Tang San’s blue silver grass, only, his spirit was not a grass, but directly was a vine, similar to Tang San’s second spirit ring’s ghost vine, merely lacking the ghost vine’s poison.

  The old man shook his head, saying:

  “Not qualified, you can leave.”

  The youngster’s parents’ originally filled with confidence expressions, hearing the old man say their child was not qualified, the expressions on their faces immediately froze, his mother couldn’t help but ask:

  “Why? My son in primary spirit academy was a student of great ability. Did you not see his spirit ring is a hundred year? Spirit masters possessing a hundred year spirit ring can not be many.”

  The old man indifferently said:

  “The first spirit ring being a hundred year spirit ring is naturally pretty good, only, he is only an ordinary person.”

  The youngster’s father frowning said:

  “I do not get your meaning.”

  The old man somewhat impatiently got up from behind the desk, not only facing the youngster’s parents before him, but simultaneously also towards the applicants lining up behind them saying:

  “Coming to our Shrek Academy, you should first be clear on the regulations. Without being clear and coming here, you are only delivering the registration fee in vain, nothing more. Right now there is still time to regret. Do you not know the meaning of ‘Shrek’ in our Shrek Academy?”

  The majority of the applicants on hearing the old man’s words had blank expressions.

  The old man coldly said:

  “Shrek is a kind of monster, even among spirit beasts it is still an odd existence. Our Shrek Academy’s meaning, is an academy only for monsters. One could also say, we only accept monsters, do not accept ordinary people. If age surpasses thirteen years of age, or spirit power does not reach over the twentieth rank, need not waste time here.”


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