Sheltering Emma (Police and Fire: Operation Alpha): Finding Shelter #1

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Sheltering Emma (Police and Fire: Operation Alpha): Finding Shelter #1 Page 4

by Drake, Aspen

  His thumb glides over my shoulder, sending a shiver down my spine. “Come on. Just one drink.”

  He’s watching me so intently that I feel anxious about what he might see in my reaction. Will he think I’m being a bitch? Will he think I’m interested? Does he just feel sorry for me? I’ve had too many drinks tonight to be able to ponder his motives, so while I’m about to say no, my head bobs up and down. Before I can correct the misdirected nod, the gorgeous man graces me with a brilliant smile.

  Damn. How can I say no to that?

  Clearly, I can’t. So, when his hand slides down my bicep, and he gives me a gentle tug toward his chest, I fall right into him. Loving every second of it.

  “I have a table over here.” There are small booths tucked into corners throughout the club. Apparently, he has one reserved.

  I follow him to a table and slide in when he steps aside. It’s U-shaped, so I slide all the way to the back, assuming he’ll sit at the edge and we’ll be at a ninety-degree angle from each other.

  He doesn’t.

  He slides in too, his thigh pressing against mine and his long arm brushing my shoulder blades as he rests it on the cushion behind my back. “What are you drinking?”

  I shrug. “At this point, Diet Coke is probably my best bet.”

  He smirks as if I’m joking. “Do you like champagne?”

  What kind of question is that? “Yeah, of course.”

  He pulls his eyes off me and signals with his hand to someone in the distance.

  I follow his gaze, and I’m able to narrow down the recipient of his message to either the bartender or some punk-looking kid staring right at him. I assume he was talking to the bartender.

  “You’re here with friends tonight?” he asks, obviously referencing the scene he witnessed earlier.

  I nod and turn toward him but stop when I realize how very close he is to me. With this stranger leaning into me, I can smell the liquor on his breath and feel the warm air puffing against my cheek as he speaks. I shift my weight and pull my left knee up onto the cushion so there’s not only some space between us, but so I can look into his eyes as we speak. “Yeah, a friend of a friend is having a bachelorette party.”

  He doesn’t take his eyes off me. “The friend you were sitting with earlier?”

  I smile as I imagine what we must have looked like with Hilary curled up around me.

  “No, that was the bride. My friend hooked up with some guy and is probably still out on the dance floor.”

  He looks out into the ocean of people as if he’s going to recognize someone he’s never met. “You didn’t find anyone to dance with tonight?”

  I’m surprised by his question, and as soon as I open my mouth to speak, two champagne flutes are placed in front of us. A server fills our glasses then leaves a bucket of ice at the end of the table to keep the rest of the bottle chilled. The man reaches for his glass and looks at me expectantly until I grab mine. Even though it’s filled almost to the brim, he tilts it slightly in my direction and waits for me to do the same. “To meeting new people.”

  “Cheers,” I say quietly while my brain processes his words.

  As I take a sip from the glass, I realize he might not know who I am. He’s really only seen me the one time, and I’m sure he doesn’t make a habit of paying attention to delivery people, but it still stings. It’s very possible he has no idea I’m the same woman he listened to whining in an elevator then gave a bunch of money to.

  A new level of mortification sinks in as I take another drink of my champagne, downing almost half the glass in one gulp.

  He’s watching me closely, and a soft smile tugs at his lips. “You like it?”

  I can’t look him in the eye, so I whisper that I do and begin to twirl the glass on the table between my fingers.

  “I’m Hunter,” he says, confirming my suspicions that he doesn’t remember me.

  I take a deep breath and glance at him. “Emma.”

  “That’s a beautiful name, Emma. Is it short for something?”

  He shocks me once again. “Yeah, actually, it is. But no one ever asks me that.”

  His eyes hold me in their grip, and even though part of me wants to look away so he doesn’t have the chance to recognize me, I just can’t do it. “What is it short for?”

  Ugh. I hate telling people my full name. “It’s silly, and I hate it.”

  His smile grows. “Now I’m really intrigued. Please tell me.”

  I take a deep breath and force my eyes to the napkin on the table. “Gemma.”

  His eyebrows rise at my response. “What’s wrong with Gemma? I think that’s a beautiful name.”

  “I don’t know. I never liked it. When I was little, there were these dolls that all my friends played with and one was named Gemma. For a while, it was a cool name to have. But as soon as we outgrew the dolls, it was just embarrassing.”

  “Kids can be cruel,” he says before taking another drink. “Parents too. Where did yours come up with the name Gemma?”

  Wow, he knows how to ask all the right questions. “My mom’s a bit of a…gypsy.” I hold in a laugh when he frowns. “Not a real gypsy…like ethnically or whatever. But she has that transient spirit. She never stays in one place for long, and she’s always got some hustle or another going. I think when she named me, it was an homage to jewelry gods who would bring her wealth or some bullshit like that.” I take another sip from my glass, and my cheeks heat from admitting such a lame story about my mother. I never tell people about her crazy.

  Because they might not say it to my face, but I know everyone wonders if and when my crazy will truly start to show.

  Any remnants of amusement disappear from Hunter’s face, and I see a tic in his jaw that almost makes him look angry. Or is that disappointment? He empties his glass into his mouth then turns to me. “Do you need a ride home?”

  Okay, not exactly what I was expecting, but it’s probably a good idea for me to get out of here. “No. I’ll just call an Uber.”

  He shakes his head and reaches for my hand. “I’ll have my driver drop you off.” He’s already sliding out of the booth and dragging me behind him before I can protest. I vaguely notice him on his phone before sliding it back into his pocket.

  “You have a driver?”

  He practically glares at me before looking straight ahead as we maneuver through the crowd.



  Her mom is a hustler. I don’t really know how to process that information. I should drop Emma off and go my separate way, but I’m pretty sure she’s into me. And I definitely wouldn’t mind having a go with her. The tension is high in the back seat as we drive down the quiet streets toward her place. Emma has her hands tucked in her lap, trying to take up as little space as possible in the Bentley.

  Gentry isn’t my full-time driver, but I use him on occasion when I know I’m going to need a ride. This was one of my father’s cars, but I gave it to Gentry as a gift. I wouldn’t be caught dead driving this monstrosity, and it was his baby since the day it was delivered from the dealership.

  “This is me.” Emma points to a run-down apartment complex on the bad side of town. When Gentry is close to the curb, Emma turns to me and holds out her hand to shake. “Thanks for the ride.”

  I grab her hand with my right one then lean across her body and open the door with my left. “I’ll walk you up.”

  She scoots out of the car, and I follow her, closing the door behind me. She stills on the sidewalk and puts her hand on my chest. “That’s not necessary. I’m just right upstairs.”

  Ignoring her, I place my hand on the small of her back and urge her forward. “This door?”

  “Yeah.” She digs through her purse until she finds a key to open the outer lobby entrance. I’m disappointed by the low security but not shocked based on the condition of the building.

  When we get inside, Emma tries to send me on my way again, but I’m not having it. “I’ll get you to your door.�

  She rolls her eyes, but not before I glimpse a spark of interest that sets my cock at attention.

  I’m surprised the elevator works and am grateful for the mirrored walls within it. They come in handy as I lean against the back with my eyes glued to Emma’s reflection. She shifts her weight as if feeling uncomfortable, but when I look at her eyes, I can see she’s watching me too. But not my face. Her eyes are directed south, right where my growing cock is pressing against the fabric of my pants.

  I flex my ab and groin muscles and make my dick twitch in my pants. Her eyes light up, confirming that she’s staring. When her eyes meet mine, she knows she’s been caught. The door opens on her floor, and she rushes out, hurrying down the hallway to apartment 505.

  When she gets there, she turns to me and leans back against the door.

  I know exactly what she’s going to say, and I don’t want to hear it. I take a step forward so we’re chest-to-chest with my palms planted on the door just outside her biceps. She’s caged in beneath me. I feel her shudder at my proximity, and she swallows hard before pulling her gaze from my mouth up to my eyes.

  “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you around.”

  My gaze darts to her mouth, and when her tongue sticks out to moisten her lower lip, I give up any shred of self-control and press my mouth to hers, kissing her hard. Her hands move to my waist then fist around my shirt, holding me in place. That’s all the permission I need. My tongue slides against her lip, asking for entrance. When she grants it, I don’t waste any time diving in. Her taste is sweet like the champagne with a floral hint. When she tilts her pelvis so she’s rubbing against my shaft, I know it’s time to take things inside. I wrap my hand around her arm and slowly drag it down until I feel the keys she’s still clenching beside my shirt.

  As soon as I have the keys, I pull away from Emma’s mouth so I can get the door open. The door is barely closed before she flings herself into my arms again. Instinctively, I lift her by her ass, and she wraps her legs around my waist, riding me as I stumble toward the hallway.

  There’s a low light on in the back room, so I head in that direction. The bedroom is small, but it’s perfect for our purposes. I place Emma gently onto the bed and hover over her, rubbing my hard cock against her center as she writhes beneath me.

  “Oh god, that feels so good.”

  “Do you want to feel me inside you, Emma?” She moans and reaches for the hem of her dress, quickly shimmying it over her head and onto the floor.

  I stand between her parted knees and just take in how beautiful she is. Her black bra is lacy and only covers the lower half of her breasts, allowing her nipples to peek out over the cups. Her pink panties have little hearts along the border of each hip. I can’t remember the last time I was with a woman who wasn’t wearing a matching bra and pantie set, but I find it fucking adorable.

  And real.

  I pull my shirt over my head and toss it on a chair in the corner then drop to my knees. Emma lifts up on her elbows and watches as I place soft kisses on the inside of her left knee. I slowly kiss a trail along her upper thigh as I get closer to her center. She squirms and murmurs, even trying to scoot lower to make my journey faster, but I splay one hand across her belly and hold her in place. I’ll get there when I get there.

  When I reach one of the embroidered hearts, I wrap my teeth around it and gently tug, releasing it about an inch away from her skin so it snaps back at her. She gasps and sticks her fingers into my hair, pulling me to the side. I shoot a glance up to her eyes and give her just a slight shake of my head. She immediately releases her fingers and moves them back onto her comforter.

  Good girl.

  To reward her for paying attention to what I want, I press my nose against the satin of her panties and move down between her legs then back up the other side. The fabric covering her pussy is wet, and she smells amazing. I want to spend more time buried in that moisture, but not yet. I continue my journey down her right thigh until I reach her ankle. When I look up at her again, her eyes are screwed shut and her fists are balled at her hips.

  Okay, enough torture for one night. I slip two fingers underneath the sides of her panties and wait for her to look at me before I slowly pull them down, revealing my prize. She’s almost completely shaved, except for a small tuft of hair that marks the spot I’m ready to taste. As I lean forward on the bed, I slide my palms beneath her ass and spread her wide, tilting her in such a way that she’s completely on display for me.

  She’s perfect.

  Planting my tongue at the bottom of her opening, I lap up her juices before diving in, circling her clit with my tongue before she presses firmly against my mouth.

  “Yes, Hunter. Right there.”

  I kiss and suck and lick until I know she’s at her breaking point. And then I pull off. The first time she comes, I want to be inside her. She can come in my mouth on round two.

  “No.” She reaches out as if to stop me from leaving, but I just smirk and shake my head again.

  Her hand falls from the air as if controlled by my mind. When I reach for my belt and release it, she relaxes on the bed and just watches me get undressed. Before my pants fall to the ground, I take out my wallet and retrieve the condom tucked inside. And those blue eyes don’t leave my cock as I open the foil package and proceed to roll the rubber down my length.

  The hungry look in her eyes makes me want to come right on the spot. I climb over Emma and press my mouth to hers in a heated kiss as I slide my arm under her back and lift her several inches higher on the bed. Once she’s in a more comfortable position, I slip one hand between her thighs and hitch it up so she’s wide open for me. While showering her mouth with kisses, I position my head at her opening and gently push in.

  “God!” Emma thrusts her hips up and pulls me fully inside her. Then she fucks me as I hold myself in place above her. She’s using my body to chase her pleasure, and I fucking love it.

  I grant Emma the control for a few minutes, just basking in her warmth as I kiss across her shoulders and down to her breasts. I draw a trail up and over the fabric of her bra, nipping lightly at the tips as I go. She moans and arches into me even more frantically. I can’t hold back anymore, so I finally begin to thrust in and out of her.

  “Yes. Like that.” She pants, and her fingers comb through my hair before curling into a fist and holding me in place. I’m relieved when I realize her bra fastens at the front, so it only takes a second for me to release her beautiful tits. A sheen of sweat glistens across her light skin, and it’s obvious that even though her body has a light bronze color, she doesn’t hit the beaches topless.

  As if reacting to the pull of a magnet, my lips immediately close on her hard nipple, sucking it and licking the texture. With my free hand, I pinch her other nipple, hearing her squeal as she bucks even harder on my cock.

  “Fuck, Emma. You’re so tight.”

  Her fingernails dig into my skin, creating a spike of pleasure from the pain as I climb closer to my climax. Emma is definitely not a passive lover. Her whole body is invested in her pleasure and mine. Her tongue caresses the shell of my ear as she moans against me. Her hot breath is like a flame igniting my insides, forcing my release to bubble out like a volcano. I lift off the bed and curl her in such a way that my cock is getting even deeper than before. I have one hand holding her thigh to the side and the other tweaking her nipples when Emma explodes around me, covering my cock in her juices.

  Her muscles contract around me, milking my own climax to the surface directly from my balls. I press in harder, holding her against me as I find my release within her tight walls. She clings to me as she falls over the precipice of her pleasure.

  And I love it.

  If this is the only time we have together, I want it to last as long as possible.

  I expect her to relax against the mattress and pull away as soon as her body finally stops shaking. But she doesn’t. She turns to me and finds my mouth with hers, claiming me all over ag
ain. I cover her mouth with kisses while I carefully pull out and remove the condom. When I roll off her to drop the tied-off condom on the floor, she rolls with me, chasing my body until she’s straddling me. Her mouth stays on mine for a few more seconds before inching down my body the way I did to her.

  “You have an amazing body,” she murmurs against my skin.

  I can’t help but smile. “That’s usually my line.”

  Her eyes meet mine, and she winks then continues down my body until her tongue is teasing the base of my cock. My eyes don’t stray as she rubs her nose in the shorthairs at the base of my dick. She inhales deeply, and a visible shudder passes through her before she moves lower and sucks my whole cock into her mouth.

  I can count on one hand the number of women who have been willing to suck my dick after it’s been inside a condom, and they were all paid. The fact that Emma is willing to do it on her own is sexy as hell.

  Emma pulls me to the back of her throat enthusiastically, seeming to fully enjoy her task. And I’m already rock-hard when she swallows against the head of my dick, taking me even deeper.

  “God, yes. Fuck!” I rake my fingers through her hair, resisting the instinct to grab on and fuck her face. When she hums against me, half my self-control completely disappears, and I push into her. She seems to struggle for just a second, but she doesn’t pull away. She surprises me by pushing down even farther. The tips of her fingers masterfully play with my balls and then poke around to tease my ass. Normally, I wouldn’t allow myself to come twice if my partner has only come once, but it feels too good to stop.

  So, I don’t.

  Instead, I focus on Emma’s big blue eyes as she watches me.

  She moans, and her eyes roll up as if she’s eating a piece of gourmet chocolate. If that’s not permission, I don’t know what is. I stop thinking about anything else and just allow myself to unload in her mouth. She pulls off far enough that she can swallow, but not an inch farther than necessary. A few drops dribble out the side of her mouth, and I want to come all over again.


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