The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

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The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles Page 26

by Sarah Hite

  Thank you Lang. He looked behind him where Torak was coming over the hill. The prince joined his father and looked over the warriors. He was looking for those who fit the description of Akina’s attacker.

  Father, I can see several who fit his description. He was about to point them out, when Lang interrupted him, drawing their attention to the hill behind. “My Lord, they’re here.”

  The announcement from the queen’s bodyguard intrigued the warriors. They watched as Lang turned to help the queen up the hill. She walked slowly, and stepped carefully, trying to conserve her energy as much as possible. The ordeal she had gone through still showed in her movements. Once she was at the king’s side, she turned to watch as Hana aided a trembling Akina to her mother’s side. The young Forest dragon had returned to her job as the queen’s personal assistant when the army arrived in Sheadod.

  She joined her brother to watch the royal family inspect the warriors. Before leaving the hill, Kym lowered her head and spoke to the princess. Hey, I know this is hard, but you can do it. He will probably give himself away when he makes the connection between you and your father. Be brave, I will help you if I can. Akina slowly nodded. Go, join your father.

  Once she was at his side, and Torak had joined his mother, Kyeon looked down at the frightened child next to him. Projecting his voice to everyone, he asked, How’s your leg?

  She looked up at him. “It hurts, but not as much as before, but I’m kind of tired now.” He nodded; it was understandable. “What are we doing here?”

  Torak has already met the troops, it’s time you did, and they met you. He added, so only she could hear, Besides, it gives you a chance to point him out.

  She nodded, but asked, Then can I go back to the palace?

  He smiled. Yes, then you and your mother can go back to the palace. He glanced at the queen. She’s starting to look rather tired. After a brief pause, he added, Shall we go? She nodded and followed him down the hill, staying close to his side. Hana left her brother to help Kym, while Torak and Lang trailed behind.

  Kyeon knew her ankle might give her trouble on the decent, so he turned to see if she needed help. He watched her for a moment, thinking she was doing fairly well, when she stepped down on a softer section of ground. The dirt and sand shifted, releasing the foot long stone they had been covering. Akina lost her balance. She tripped and fell sideways, rolling down the hill. Akina! Kyeon shouted, running to her; his family and aids were just behind him. Torak reached her at the same time he did. Akina! Akina, are you all right? the king asked.

  She slowly sat up, and with a little help was on her feet again. She nodded, “I…I think so.”

  Kym reached them at the same time Ketowa did. “You’ve taken a couple nasty falls today. Are you sure you’re okay?” She nodded her answer, and looked up at the king. Motion toward the back of the formation caught her attention before she could respond further. She looked over to see him sneak away from the back of the formation. Instead of speaking to the shaman, she looked up at Kyeon. Father! He…he’s trying to sneak away. She slowly backed up toward him, wanting his support.

  Kyeon looked where she had indicated, and saw him disappear into the trees. He sent Lang to tail him. When they knew where he was going, they could have him arrested. Once the commander was gone, he turned his attention back to the child by his side. If you want to go back to the palace, it’s okay. I can have Hana take you there.

  She shook her head. “No, Papa, it’s okay. I want to meet the warriors.” Kym was with them now and helped steady her; she looked to her mate for his decision. He nodded and led them to the first group. Torak stayed close to his sister while they were on the beach, but as they neared the last group, he noticed that she had slowed down, and seamed very tired.

  Father? I think Akina needs to rest. The king looked down at them; realizing the boy was right, he nodded. Hana? Will you take Kym and Akina back to the palace? I’ll join them when I’m done here. The young Forest dragon nodded and helped the two back up the hill. Once they were gone, he turned his attention back to the warriors. He and Torak stayed with them until they were dismissed. A few minutes later, Lang landed near-by. What did you find?

  “He took flight as soon as he could. I followed him to a small alcove east of White Shore. He had found a cavern at the edge of the sea. I don’t think he planned on staying long.”

  Kyeon nodded. How soon until he can be brought back?

  “I would suggest a couple of large breeds apprehend him, as well as another commander being present. I would suggest Madek; he has three daughters between Chekal’s and Akina’s ages. He would understand the severity of the situation, and would not let him get away.”

  The king agreed. Take him and four Fire dragons. Bring him back, under any means necessary. I want him to stand trial.

  “Yes, my Lord. It will be done.” Lang turned away from his leader and sought out the Mountain dragon he had suggested. Pulling him aside, he explained the situation, but left out the identity of the child who was attacked. He agreed and after finding four Fire dragons, they left to bring him in.

  When the father and son returned to the palace, Torak stopped to tell Lukair and Flame what happened. He watched his father enter Kym’s quarters before explaining the situation. Kyeon slowly entered the structure to see Akina curled up in the far corner, fast asleep; Kym looked up when he entered. How is she?

  “She fell asleep as soon as she laid down. I think she will sleep for a while; she’s had a rough day.” He only nodded and laid down with her, waiting for Lang’s return.

  Roughly an hour later, the six dragons landed just passed the palace gates. Kyeon left the Guest Quarters at Lang’s call and went to see the dragon who would dare assault his daughter. He was crouched down in the middle of the Fire dragons, making his heavy set body look even heavier. He glared at the king. Kyeon looked at him and said, I have had you brought here, because you fit the description of someone who recently attacked an adolescent female. I will not tolerate this type of behavior. He turned when he heard someone approach. Kym and Akina had joined them.

  The queen was greeted by the warriors, and they nodded to Akina. She took a step back when she saw him, stumbling on her injured leg. “Mother?”

  Kym wrapped her wing around the child and pulled her closer to her side. “This is your daughter?” Madek asked; he had been checking on one of his wounded warriors and had not seen her earlier. Kyeon nodded and Lang saw the sudden look of fear in the perpetrator’s eyes.

  Sire, he’s afraid, Lang revealed. Kyeon went to him and stood in front of the warrior. He spoke to the big dragon, but projected his voice so the others could hear. Are you afraid, soldier? You should be. I don’t know how you think you can assault young girls and get away with it, especially my daughter. You’re lucky I don’t kill you myself, right now, but I don’t have time for that. Get him out of here! Lang told the Fire dragons to take him into custody. They were given orders to take the prisoner to the Nahor Mountains, where he would be placed in the Stonewell prison, awaiting trial.

  The Cost of Protection

  Lukair rode his horse down the beach. He was looking for a particular dragon. Most of the two councils were by the water, with the exception of Moon, Seoung, and Lyong. The old general had been moved to the Guest House not long after his arrival, as had the young shaman. Kei-ata had not been thrilled when he saw his son, but was relieved to find out that he would be all right. When Alamine had told him what happened, he just shook his head and made sure the youth was comfortable before joining the other shaman.

  Most of the Middle Kingdom dragons acknowledged the young man as he made his way through the crowd. He found Chieftain Kuda and asked if he knew where to find the council. He was told they were at White Shore, the cove where Alani had been found a few months earlier. It was secluded and worked well for their private meetings. Since Lukair had been there before, he knew the way and reached it in about a half hour.

  As he entered the cove,
he heard Alani ask, “How is Moon? I heard she had been injured.”

  Kyeon nodded and asked Lang to tell them what happened. “Princess Saydene had gone hunting early in the morning a little over two weeks ago. When she did not return, I was sent to find her and heard rumors of unrest at the Keep. I decided to go there and see what was going on. I learned that a particular group of dragons was attempting to divide the clan and take control away from the royal family.

  “Moon had been found while hunting and was asked to help settle the dispute. She managed to regain control and arrange a group to help keep the conspirators under control. Before she was able to leave, she was cornered by the Council of Elders. They threatened her, saying that if she did not return to her son by the end of the week, the boy would be taken away from her and made a fosterling. They did this knowing that she would never make it back by the deadline. After she was called to the Keep, she was asked to go to Cloudtop, in the northern Namori Mountains. Apparently there was a riot and she was asked to help the chieftain and his council settle that as well. Her efforts resulted in a challenge; she won, but was badly injured. She refused to be cared for by their shaman, knowing it would be weeks before they let her return, and she feared the Elders’ threat.”

  “That is horrible. Can they do that?” Alani asked.

  “No. The threat was completely deceptive and fraudulent. They knew from the beginning that she wouldn’t make it back in time, no matter how hard she tried,” Elder pointed out.

  “They couldn’t take the boy, even if they wanted. Their threat stated that if she was not back by a certain time, and Kwan had not returned, then the boy would be taken from her and she would be cast out for abandonment, but you got back before the deadline. Kwan now looks after him, and I know he won’t let the Council of Elders anywhere near him,” Lang said, continuing.

  “The Council of Elders has been out to get my sister since the Nesting Cavern incident. They will stop at nothing to throw Moon out, and are the biggest supporters of keeping Shaelynn from coming home,” Kyeon added. His voice was hoarse and a little strained. He had not spoken out loud for over a month.

  Lukair dismounted and waited for an opening in the conversation. “It seems the children are going to be the topic of the day, so be it. Has there been any news of their parents?” Alani asked.

  Aarto nodded. “I have received word that the clans from the smaller islands had been evacuated long before we reached the Eastern Caverns. We have been told that most have sought refuge in the southern Nahor Mountains range to the east. One of the reports said there is an Ocean dragon and two Pebblines looking for their children. I asked for more information on the parents and have come to the conclusion that Javi’s father, and Eira’s parents are there. With Shanni’s father found, and Neela, Nori, and Eika having already been reunited with their parents, only Daro, Tomel, and Zema are left. Palo has returned to his father and is helping the shaman, and Akio will stay with me, and help look after the children during the day.”

  I have talked with Alamine, and we have decided to take Tomel and Zema in if their parents are not found, Kero told them.

  “Thank you Kero. How is Alamine? I thought she was coming today,” Alani replied.

  She had planned on it, but at the last second she changed her mind. I am not sure why, he said.

  Alani looked down at the Pebbline. He had chosen to perch on one of the larger boulders where he would be more eye to eye with the larger breeds. I am sure everything is all right, she said to reassure him. He nodded but did not seem convinced.

  Lukair could not hear the small dragon, but his body language was enough to tell him the dragon had stopped speaking. He thought this would be a good moment to interrupt. “Your Majesties, I apologize for interrupting your meeting, but Elder’s presence is requested at the palace.” Kyeon nodded to the elderly dragon, dismissing him, and the old dragon left the beach.

  After they were well away from the council, Elder looked down at the young man and asked, “Do you know what this is about?”

  Lukair smiled, “Ania asked to see you.”

  He laughed when the dragon’s face fell. “I can only imagine why,” Elder said sarcastically. “How mad is she?”

  “You might not want to keep her waiting.” Elder nodded and spread his wings. He took fight, circling low over the land.

  Elder landed in the courtyard a few minutes later, and looked around for Ania. He did not see her and went to the Queen’s Quarters to talk to Kym. She met him at the entrance. “Looking for Ania?” He nodded. “She came out to see me a few minutes ago, but Flame called her back inside. She said she would come back to see me in a few minutes.” He sat with her until Ania returned. She was not alone either; both Thorin and Nealson were with her. He sighed and stood up, knowing he was in trouble. Ania stepped inside, but her father and grandfather did not. “I’ll leave you two alone,” Kym said standing. She left and closed the door behind her.

  Ania stared at him and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed. She said nothing for several long minutes, but continued to stare at him. He sighed and sat back down. “If you’re going to yell at me, just do it already.”

  A smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. “Why? You already know what I would say. You know I would say that I was angry, and upset…” she paused only a second before adding, “… and hurt! If you were anyone else…

  She did not finish, but was clearly upset with him. She curled her fist tightly, until her knuckles turned white. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Finally, she released her grip and exhaled, long and hard. “Do you know what it’s like, to grow up without your parents, for your whole life, how hard it is, not being able to talk about them, because you don’t know anything about them? How do you think I felt, to find out that my father was still alive, and that I had known him for three years? How do you think he felt, knowing who I was, but not being able to tell me?”

  She looked up at him and saw the sad look in his eyes. She knew he felt bad about what he had done, and she really did not blame him. In order to save them both, he had done the only thing possible. He had saved her father, but in order to save her he had to separate them, and not allow them to contact each other. She sighed again. “I know you did it to save us both, and I understand that, but I’m still mad at you, and I will be for a long time.”

  She pushed herself off the door and turned to leave. She placed her hand on the door to push it open, and paused when he spoke, very softly, softer than she thought dragons could. “Ania, I do know… how it is to grow up without your parents.” There was a pain, deeper than what deliberately separating a child from their parents could cause. It was almost as if, he had been through it as well. She looked at him once more, then pushed the door open and left.

  He laid down and curled up; now he was not just ashamed of himself for keeping them apart, but he hated himself for it. Kym came back in and saw how sad he seemed. She had never before seen him like this. She slowly settled down next to him and offered her companionship, but said nothing. After a while he spoke; his voice betrayed his feelings. She’s right. I deserve her anger.

  Kym answered him softly. It’ll be alright. She may be angry with you for a while, but it won’t last.

  It’s not just that. I have come to realize, only just in the last few minutes, that I have done the exact same thing to them, that my father did to me. He closed his eyes and was gone, vanishing into the dim lighting of the Queen’s Quarters; he did not even see the confused look on her face. Layon opened the door to check the eggs a few minutes later, and Kym was sure that the clan elder had left.


  Seoung landed on the cliff top. He looked around and saw the group of dralics heading west. The female was still holding Shaelynn. Shae, can you hear me?

  Uncle Seoung? Where are you? She sounded uneasy, scared.

  Close, I’m following the dralics. I’ll get you back to your parents.

  But Uncle, they’ll kill you

  No they won’t. I made your father a promise, and I intend to keep it. He launched himself off the cliff and glided behind them. He hoped they would stop soon; he was getting tired. He had been invisible for the last several hours and was nearing his limit. Luckily, his wish came true. The dralics landed at the edge of a clearing. They were near the water’s edge, next to a tall cliff. The prince realized that this was Deep Tide, the Southern Kingdom’s capital.

  He watched as the dralics joined a cluster of them at the clan’s main entrance. It was obvious to Seoung that the dralic Shaelynn had talked to was their leader, and he knew that the best chance his plan had to succeed, was to get that dralic alone. They did not enter the clan, but settled down at the entrance, Mordag in the middle. His daughter carefully set Shaelynn down and curled up around her. She glared at the other dralics when they brought up the child.

  Leave her be. Her emotions had caused her to become attached to the child.

  I still think she should have killed it, one of the larger dralics said. She glared at him.

  Enough, where is Shanti? Mordag asked.

  Sir, she and two other females were captured by the dragons. We have not been able to find them. It was the same youth Seoung and Kyeon had fought at the lake.

  If you had followed my commands, they would not have been taken, the other big dralic growled.

  Caegain! Enough. It is because of your commands that we are here. If you had listened to me none of this would have happened. The big male lowered his head in submission, but glared angrily at him. Mordag turned back to the female. Kuyvu, you must learn to keep your emotions under control.


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