Gabe's Revenge

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Gabe's Revenge Page 10

by Doris O'Connor

  “Relax, just keep a straight course, while I change out of this monkey suit, and rustle us up some food.”

  “What?” Lissandra let go of the wheel, and the yacht lurched to the right. Instantly Gabe was behind her, taking her hands and placing them back where they ought to be.

  “Shit, I can’t do—ouch.”

  The unexpected swat to her backside really stung and catapulted her whole body forward with the force behind it.

  “I’ll not have foul language coming out of that sweet mouth of yours, and I wouldn’t let you do this, if I didn’t think you could.” He grasped hold of her chin, and she swallowed hard at the steely determination edged into the lines of his face. A far too visible reminder of their age difference, not that she cared about that one iota. What she did care about was not earning his displeasure and she hastily murmured her apology.

  “Sorry, I just panicked.”

  The harsh lines of his face softened, and his dark eyes blazed in unmistakable lust.

  “We’ll see how sorry you really are, when you’re over my knee, taking your punishment, girl.” He smiled at her sharp intake of breath, and leaning down, planted a hard kiss on her lips. As brief as the contact was, she felt the sheer force behind it down to her toes, and she was grateful beyond belief that she’d kicked off her heels earlier. Otherwise she’d have been in danger of swooning on the spot, and he wanted her to hold the yacht steady and on course.

  He tapped her nose and pointed to the compass in front of her.

  “You know what to do. Don’t let me down.” With that he turned sharply and left her to it. Panic gripped her in a stranglehold, threatening to overwhelm her, but she forced the feelings down. She could do this. He wouldn’t let her otherwise. The door to the cabin banged shut, yet she still felt his presence. Her skin tingled under his silent scrutiny, and when she risked a quick look over her shoulder, it was to see him indeed watching her from the inside of the cabin. A small smile played around his lips, as he gestured back to the expanse of the English Channel stretching out in front of her and twirled his finger in an unspoken command for her to turn her attention to what she was doing.

  Lissandra loosened the death grip she still had on the wheel, took another breath in, and forced herself to concentrate on the task. Slowly, but surely the sheer magic of being at sea seeped into her bones. She’d all but forgotten how exhilarating it was to be here on deck, with the sea breeze whipping her hair around, the taste of salt on her lips, and the ability to go almost anywhere.

  Mama had taken regular trips out to sea with a small Lissandra tucked away in the stern. Her love of painting had been born out here, watching Mama take them far out to sea before she dropped anchor and started to paint. Tears clouded her vision, but these were happy ones. She could almost feel Mama’s spirit wrap around her, cradle her in her arms, as her whispers carried in the cool breeze.

  “It will all be okay, Lissa, you’ll see.”

  Chapter Nine

  The crackle of the radio pulled Gabe’s attention away from the vision that was his new wife at the helm of the yacht. He’d hoped that taking her on board ship would relax her, and seeing her now, a smile on her face as she raised her head into the sea breeze, he knew his idea had worked.

  There was something surreal in seeing her on the deck, small feet bare, wearing nothing but her wedding dress and the life vest. He smiled, recalling her outraged surprise at his insistence that she wear it above deck. There was no chance in hell he would risk her safety, however. While the Channel was calm, visibility good, and not a cloud on the horizon, the weather could and frequently did change on a whim. Plus, should the unthinkable happen, she would float, enabling him to get to her.

  “Boss, you’re there?”

  Stone’s insistent voice, distorted by the radio, forced him to abandon his watchful post, and he crossed the short distance to his desk.

  “Of course, I’m here. Where else would I be? Take it no one followed us?”

  “No, you’re all clear.” Stone’s sigh made Gabe grin.

  “You sound almost disappointed at that.”

  A short laugh, and Gabe could almost see the younger man’s sheepish grin. He would have run his hand over his shaved head, and shrugged.

  “Well, I’d love to take them out, that’s for sure.”

  Gabe sighed and focused his attention back on his new wife.

  “Wouldn’t we all, but I fear there’s more at play here. Keep in touch and your eyes open. I’ll be going off radar for a while.”

  Stone’s grunt of annoyance came through loud and clear, but he didn’t contradict him.

  “Aye, boss, can’t say I blame you, just be careful out there. We need you back in one piece.”

  Gabe didn’t bother to respond and switched off communications. Keeping one eye on Lissa, he raided the freezer, and shoved the Mavis-made lasagna into the oven to heat up, before he joined her back on deck. The sea was starting to froth as the wind picked up, and he needed to be back in command of the yacht.

  Lissa breathed an audible sigh of relief when he stepped up behind her and put his large hands over hers.

  “Here, let me take over. It’s getting rough out here, and Christ, girl, you’re frozen. Get your ass back below deck and warm up.”

  Lissa shook her head and pressed back against him.

  “No, please. I’m all right. Besides, you’re so warm, and I want to stay up here with you, please?”

  Gabe swallowed his instant denial, because, in truth, she felt far too fucking good in his arms, as she leaned her head back on his chest, and smiled up at him.

  It loosened that knot of worry in his gut that the interchange with Stone had left behind. Like his second in command, he wished Ollivanti would play his hand already, so that he could deal with the threat. He forced a smile on his lips for Lissandra’s benefit, and they spent the next half an hour in companionable silence, until the French coastline came into view.

  “Is that France? Are we here?” The excitement in her voice and her bouncing up and up and down on the deck were contagious, and Gabe relaxed further. If they stayed away from the main tourist attractions, they ought to be safe from detection.

  “Almost, little one. There’s a little secluded cove I know not far up the coast from Cherbourg. We can drop anchor there. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry, and Mavis’s lasagna ought to be ready by now.”

  Another happy bounce from his new wife.

  “Lasagna? That’s my favorite!”

  One hand on the wheel, he wrapped his free arm around Lissandra’s waist and pulled her flush into his body, while he dropped a kiss on her hair.

  “I know, baby girl. The freezer is full of your favs. Mavis has outdone herself. We sure won’t have to worry about food.”

  Lissandra giggled, a full blown happy belly laugh, which lit up her features and made her eyes dance in merriment.

  “What’s so amusing about that?” Gabe grumbled his question, but her laughter was too infectious to not at least smile, and he swore to himself there and then that he would do his utmost to hear more of that delightful sound. She was his now, come what may, and he wanted to protect and spoil her, like she should have been growing up.

  “Oh nothing. I just had visions of either of us trying to cook and burning the yacht down in the process, which…” She sobered and frowned. “Wouldn’t be all that funny. I sure can’t cook.”

  Gabe shook his head and, releasing her, tapped her ass a few times in quick succession, before his attention was taken up negotiating the rising cliff face, behind which lay the cove he was looking for.

  Lissandra squealed, rubbed her butt, and mock pouted her annoyance, even as she leaned into his side.

  “What was that for?”

  “That, little girl, was for making assumptions about me again. For all you know I could be a gourmet chef in the making.” A quick glance at her showed her openmouthed expression, and warmth spread through his chest as she appeared
to mull this over.

  “Are you?” she finally asked, just as he was rounding the cliffs and the tiny cove came into view, and he dropped the anchor. The heavy object reeled out of its casing and splashed into the water. Lissandra hung her head over the rails, watching its descent, and laughed. “Wow, you’d never know that was here. It would be beautiful if the weather was nicer.”

  Gabe nodded his approval and shrugged.

  “That’s the Normandy coast for you. I intend to make our way to warmer climates over the next few days, but this will do for now.” He held out his hand, and something unfurled in his chest when she took his proffered digits without any hesitation. Gabe yanked her to him, and his dick surged to life with renewed vigor when all of her delicious curves collided with his hard frame. Dipping his head, he claimed her mouth in a harsh, quick kiss.

  Or at least that had been his intention, but when she opened to him, he had to take that kiss deeper. When she kissed him back, he was lost to pleasure. Kissing his wife proved as addictive as it was arousing, stirring the caveman inside of him, which wanted her tied to his bed, naked and begging for mercy.

  He forced himself to pull away, and to release his hold on her.

  “You heard me, baby girl. Scoot below deck. I’m hungry.”

  Lissa pouted but one raised eyebrow from him and she complied with a murmured, “Yes, Daddy.”

  Fuck him six ways ‘til next Sunday, he would never grow tired of hearing her call him that, especially in that breathy, “come fuck me” voice. He watched her descend in front of him and groaned under his breath as he adjusted his dick.

  Dinner proved to be a most uncomfortable affair for him, because watching Lissa enjoy the lasagna was sheer torture. The little noises she made, as she bit into her first mouthful … an auditory orgasm all by themselves.

  To distract himself from his growing carnal desire for his wife, he wolfed his own food down and then started to ask her about her work.

  “So, have you thought about where you might want to exhibit?”

  The lasagna-laden fork stopped halfway to her bow lipped mouth, and her eyes lit up in excitement.

  “Not really. I mean I’ve set up a website for the work I’m happy with so far, and I’ve had a few orders, so that’s a start, right?”

  Gabe smiled at her over his wineglass and nodded.

  He’d put quite a few orders in himself, not that she needed to know that. Several of her paintings were in his private office, and he intended to get more for the casino.

  “I know. You’re very talented, baby girl.”

  Heat blossomed across her cheeks at his praise, and her expressive eyes lit up even more.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “Jesus, girl. Don’t call me that unless you want me to act on it.” Gabe groaned and readjusted himself for the umpteenth time since they sat down to dinner. The little minx noticed, and before he could grasp her intent, she pushed her chair away and approached him. The effortless way she slid to her knees in front of him and her coy smile told their own story.

  “What if I am, Daddy?”

  Gabe, too, pushed his chair back and angled himself to face her. Her gaze dropped to his groin, and her eyes widened. She licked her lips, and Gabe closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.

  “You’re playing with fire, baby girl.”

  “Maybe I like getting burned.” She grinned up at him and slowly slid her hands up his legs. As innocent as that contact was it meant his dick jerked, and Gabe grasped the sides of the chair to stop himself from burying his hands in Lissa’s hair and demand that she suck him off.

  She was new to this, he had to remember that, and, besides, he wanted to see what she would do next. The slow, torturous progress up his legs grew more hesitant the closer she came to his groin and stopped completely when her fingertips traced the outline of his erection. His cock jumped, Gabe groaned, and Lissa looked up at him, clearly startled by his reaction.

  “Don’t fucking stop now, girl.” The words came out much harsher than he intended them to, but, fuck him, her hesitant exploration was doing him in.

  Lissa bit her lip, her brows drawing together in a frown, but she mercifully continued the far too arousing movements of her questing digits.

  Gabe hissed through his teeth, and she stopped a second time.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She looked so earnest in her response that Gabe swallowed the laugh bubbling up at the back of his throat and shook his head.

  “Then don’t stop. Do what you want to do and get on with it, or you won’t like the consequences.”

  Her breath hitched at that statement, and clearly emboldened by his words, she scooted closer still and proceeded to slowly free his aching cock. Her gasp when she pulled his underwear down and his dick sprang free was fucking music to his ears. The chair creaked under the stranglehold Gabe had on it, and he had to clear his throat several times to get the words out.

  “Now, you’ve got Daddy’s cock what are you going to with it, baby girl?”


  Lissa held her breath as Gabe’s cock came into view. Her pussy clenched, and she grew ever wetter. While she’d known he had to be impressive, had the sore nether regions to prove it, seeing his shaft up close was still a revelation. Lissa had never thought that part of a man’s anatomy particularly pretty, but Gabe’s cock was…

  Acting on instinct and driven by the very real need to taste him, to give him back some of the pleasure he’d given her, she traced her fingertips along the veins of his erection. Another hiss escaped the man in front of her, and his dark spicy musk increased. Moisture appeared at the tip of his mushroom flared head, calling her to lick it away. When she did, Gabe groaned, his cock jerking and seeming to grow even bigger.

  “Jesus, girl, stop teasing and suck it.”

  The guttural tone of his voice and the way his thighs clenched spurred her on to repeat that action. His essence teased her taste buds, salty, yet not as unpleasant as she’d always assumed it must be. Besides his harsh breaths spurred her on, and hollowing out her cheeks, she sucked more of him into her mouth. His scent increased, and more of his pre-cum coated her tongue, encouraging her to keep going.

  “Fuck, girl, you’re a natural, that’s it. So damn … fuck…”

  She grinned around her mouthful of cock, while that organ grew bigger still, pulsing in her mouth as she took him deep and swallowed.

  His grunt gave a moment’s warning before his hands fisted in her hair and pulled her off his cock with a muttered curse.

  “Enough, I’ll blow down your throat at this rate.”

  Lissa gasped when their gazes connected, because the intensity of his stare sent her insides alight in need.


  A harsh grin lit up Gabe’s face.

  “Oh, you’ll have Daddy’s cock, my sweet, but on my terms, not yours.” He let go of her hair and much to her dismay tucked himself back inside his trousers with shaky moves so unlike him, that she couldn’t help her smile.

  “Is something amusing you, girl?”

  Oh, that voice, deep, dark, and commanding, it slid over her skin, urged her on to please to him, to bend to his will.

  “No, it’s just you don’t look very comfortable like that.” She flicked a glance up to his groin before she dutifully dropped her gaze to the floor.

  “Hmmm, that would be all your fault, baby girl.”

  There was a teasing undertone to those grumbled words, which made her smile widen, and Gabe sighed.

  “You clearly need a firm hand.” He leaned forward, grasped her chin, and made her look at him. Her stomach flipflopped wildly at the determination she saw in his eyes.

  “Please, Daddy, I’m all yours.”

  The smile her words caused lit up his features, made him look years younger, and the shimmer of emotion in his eyes took her breath away. He looked as though he cared, truly cared, and warmth spread through every fiber of her being. This was dangerous te
rritory, for sure. This man was a ruthless killer, she knew that, and yet, here, now, and in this moment none of that mattered. The more time she spent with him, the more she was drawn to him. For better or worse, he was now her husband, her Dom, her Daddy, and with that came peace. The certain knowledge that he would indeed look after her, that she was his and that this connection between them mattered.

  “Yes, you are…” His hold on her chin turned into a caress, as he swiped his thumb across her lips. “All mine.”

  His dark gaze grew more intense, until she felt utterly consumed by his presence.

  “Breathe, baby girl.”

  Belatedly Lissa realized that she needed oxygen in her lungs and took a huge gulp of air, which made the man in front of her chuckle.

  “Good girl, let’s take this to the bedroom. I want you naked and tied up for my pleasure. As beautiful as this dress is, it needs to go.”

  He stood up and held out his hand for her take. Lissa slid hers into his much larger one without any hesitation. Gabe pulled her up and along to the bedroom with slow measured steps which only served to pitch her further into the maelstrom of fevered anticipation.

  The door banged shut behind them, and with the setting sun bathing the inside of their cabin in an orange glow, this moment felt even more special. As though this marriage was real, and not just…

  Gabe stepped behind her, ran his hands up her arms, raising them up above her head, before he curled her hands around the bed post.

  “You’re thinking mighty hard there, little one. Time to take you out of your head a little. Keep your hands there, while I peel you out of this dress.”

  He murmured the words in her ear, his breath leaving goosebumps behind on her skin, while he rubbed his beard roughened jaw along her neck. The action tickled, and Lissa’s shoulders came up as shivers raced down her spine.

  She felt his smile in the butterfly kisses he trailed down her exposed back, while his hands followed the curves of her body, leaving heated awareness of him in their wake.


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