Beau and the Clockwork Girl

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Beau and the Clockwork Girl Page 1

by Kami Bryant




  By Kami Bryant

  Copyright © 2018 by Kami Bryant

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the author

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Author’s Note

  This book contains adult themes including profanity, violence and sexual situations. This book contains erotic moments between two consenting adults. If bondage between two consenting adults bothers you, then only read the first half of this book. This book is intended for adults only.

  I would like to thank everyone for all their support. You can find me at

  Or email me at

  [email protected]




  The universe is not singular, but an infinite amount of universes like beads on a string. Each universe has worlds within them that are governed by different rules. Some universes are positioned closely on the string, while others are farther apart. And on some worlds, there are people with the ability to move from world to world through what is known as portals or doorways. There are worlds that are very similar, some that are similar in small ways while others are vastly different.

  In the world of this story, lived a clockwork girl. She was not always cold and cruel, for she was born with a normal heart that would pump blood through her veins with a lub-DUB instead of the tick tock sound that her cursed heart made. She was a pleasant, sweet child with a lilting giggle, rosy cheeks and chubby fists. Her sweet heart was full of love for everyone she saw, but mostly for her gentle devoted mother.

  Years later the toddling princess was brought to the stables for the first time where she met the stable master and his golden locked son. As soon as the little princess and the stable boy’s eyes met, a powerful current of electricity jumped from child to child and the princess’ heart beat with love for him.

  She smiled a dimply smile at the taller blond boy and the boy smiled back at her.

  “Bow to the queen and princess,” ordered the boy’s father as he cuffed his ear. Obediently the blond boy fell to his knees genuflecting, his forehead touching the ground. The little princess giggled at the boy’s awkwardness and lack of grace; clapping her dimpled pudgy hands she declared, “Best friend.”

  “Of course,” said the queen magnanimously. “He can be your friend.”

  When the stable boy was ten, the stable master took a trip to the neighboring kingdom of Stairanth to look at a horse to bring home to the princess.

  “How long will you be, father?” asked the stable boy.

  “Should be no longer than a month, son. You are the stable master until I return.”

  “Could you bring me a present, father?”

  “I suppose. What do you want, boy?”

  “I have heard that Stairanth has amazing rose gardens of the most beautiful roses. That they pick the most perfect rose off the bush and dip it in gold to preserve it. I would like one of those to present as a gift to the princess.”

  The stable master laughed, “A golden rose and a black foal of impeccable stock. How much do we love the princess?”

  The stable master set off and when he returned a month later he brought with him the black foal that the princess named Onyx and the stable boy presented her with the golden rose.

  The stable master’s health quickly failed soon after the trip. “Boy, you are now in charge of the stables,” said the stable master coughing up blood.


  Queen Reiyna Rebekah Miriam Chittenden of Mirovia stood in her throne room looking out the floor length window onto the lush green castle grounds of her kingdom. Vizier Mormorant stood behind her. He wore a deep royal purple suit with an elegantly wound silver cravat held together with a thumbnail size brilliantly sparkling diamond pin. The suit was stitched with skinny silver pinstripes that perfectly matched the color of the silk cravat tightly wound around his throat and the shiny silver band on the purple, silver pinstriped top hat currently held tucked under his arm. The Vizier was over a foot shorter than the stately, slight, yet graceful queen. Queen Reiyna’s honey-colored skin a few shades lighter than the Vizier’s darker skin and her scarlet hair shone like rubies and spun gold in the sunlight from the window that framed her regal form. Atop her head sat a crown of pearls, diamonds and rubies. Visiting royal guests were expected, and the queen wore her full finery in anticipation.

  “Of course, I believe that the princess should live her life as she pleases and that she possesses impeccable judgment on such things, but… as the mouthpiece of the people, I feel compelled to bring their concerns to your attention,” said the Vizier, his sugar-coated carefully chosen words dripping with arrogance and a hint of scorn. “She is fifteen and should act like a proper princess, is what I hear from the people. And the people of Mirovia feel that a stable boy, being below the royal station, is not a proper companion for the princess. Of course, having a strong mind is fine, but the girl is headstrong and recalcitrant. I have heard words like “obstinate”, “stubborn” and on some occasions “flighty” used to describe her.”

  “You overstep your bounds, my dear Mr. Mormorant,” quietly replied the queen.

  “My utmost apologies,” said the Vizier with a refined bow.

  The queen still stared out the window and hadn’t once turned to face the Vizier as their conversation continued. “I would never want to imply that I am in any way criticizing your parenting of the young princess. But, I have heard that the people think that you should marry again, and that the princess would greatly benefit from a man’s fatherly influence.”

  With that, the queen for the first time turned away from the floor length window and turned to face the Vizier. She glared down at the short man adorned in royal purple. The sun from the window sparked the large diamond at his throat in a lustrous gleam. The Vizier bowed deeply to the queen, even deeper than the previous bow, so that his blunt nose almost reached the polished marble floor.

  “I will not hear of this anymore!” she angrily replied.

  “I apologize my queen with the utmost sincerity,” weaseled the Vizier.

  The queen with a swish of her overskirt turned from the tiny man and walked the length of the throne room to sit on her ornately decorated throne. Queen Reiyna wore black tightly fitted pants and delicate gold slippers upon her feet, adorned with tiny seed pearls in flower patterns. Her high-low skirt, a deep burgundy velvet that matched her blouse. Her corset black leather matching her leather trousers. Her swanlike neck wrapped in heavy gold chains embellished with large quail egg sized rubies. Her red hair framed her face and fell loose, in the current preferred style, to her waist. Her pearl, diamond and ruby tiara resting lightly on the crown of her head. Her light brown eyes flashing with anger.

  “Even if her father was still alive he would never question my parenting decisions! She loves that boy and I would never take him from her!”

  “I would only respectfully inquire as to why the princess should not marry the son of our allies, the neighboring kingdom Stairanth, to join forces against that vile dimension?”

  “The door to Traetan is sealed. There is nothing to fear from that place,” replied the queen in a calmer tone.

  “But if the portal door should open Your Majesty? Should those evil monstrosities pour out of that rupture? Will our forces be strong enough to hold those devils back?” wheedled the Vizier.

  “We will come up with a different way to ali
gn forces that does not require me to prostitute my daughter. I will not force her into a marriage and life that she would despise.”

  “Even for the good of the people? Even if it means keeping the entire kingdom safe?”

  “Even then. She would hate it.”

  “She should be taught to rule. She is your only heir. Should anything happen to you, she would be queen. She needs to learn how to act like a proper queen and not an uncivilized peasant.”

  Emberlyn’s thighs gripped her sturdy mount as the black horse galloped through the forest. Her painfully tight plaited dark brown hair pinned in an intricate knot held back at the nape of her neck with a brass comb. She laughed as she and the large horse flew down the path, the wind hitting her in the face. It was the smell of freedom. Out here no one could tell her how a proper princess should act. There were no rules out here and she loved it.

  “Faster Onyx,” she urged. Princess Emberlyn wore black leather pants much like the ones her mother wore. She also wore a black leather corset that was a twin to her mother’s and a bright, blood-red blouse. Her heavy black leather boots, adorned with buckles, gripped the sides of her horse as she urged him to a faster pace. She risked a quick glance behind her shoulder and saw the pale horse named Buttermint and the mare’s rider quickly gaining on them. Onyx tossed his black mane and seemed to chuckle a horsey nicker as he continued racing down the forest path.

  The mare Buttermint and her rider quickly overtook the racing Onyx and pulled abreast of Emberlyn. The princess squealed as the rider reached over with his long arm and pulled her out of her saddle with his left, while holding Buttermint’s reins tightly in his right hand. He plopped the princess in the saddle in front of him, pushing her firmly against the pommel. Emberlyn squirmed in Buttermint’s saddle and slid her bottom farther down and settled against the boy’s strong, broad chest. The youth reached over and grabbed Onyx’s reins. The black stallion shook his mane and whinnied his chuckle. Buttermint answered with a softer neigh.

  “Whoa,” said Beau as he slowed down the two horses. Emberlyn was trapped in his muscled arms and his broad chest which was her favorite place to be. She felt safe and loved. She loved the feel of the vibrations of his deep voice rumbling against her back and her nipples hardened with her excitement. Emberlyn squirmed away from Beau’s right arm that trapped her against his body as he struggled with Onyx with his left. Emberlyn gripped the pommel of Buttermint’s saddle and lifted her body up, sliding her right leg underneath her bottom and then slid her right leg across the back of the horse until both of her legs were leaning against Buttermint’s left flank. Gripping the pommel tightly with her right hand, Emberlyn shouted “Watch out!” Beau dropped Onyx’s reins and leaned back into a laying position, his head resting on Buttermint’s rump. Emberlyn lifted her body up with her right hand, balancing on her tail bone and kicked her left leg up and over Beau’s reclining form, and then sat up in the saddle facing Beau. The boy with the dirty blond hair sat up and tightly grasped Emberlyn’s waist keeping his balance on the horse with his strong thighs.

  “What are you doing?” he chuckled in his deep voice.

  Emberlyn’s brown eyes gazed into the boy’s bright blue ones and she leaned into his strong torso, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself closer against his chest, her warm lips meeting his in a deep passionate kiss as her breasts pushed up against her corset. She pulled back and smiled shyly as Beau smiled back at her.

  “That was extremely dangerous,” Beau admonished. “What would I tell the queen if you fell?”

  “You would never let me fall,” replied Emberlyn.

  Beau shook his messy, long, loose dirty blond hair. “Of course, I wouldn’t, but what if…”

  “I was taught that move by the best horse rider in all of Mirovia. Maybe the best rider in all the land,” interjected Princess Emberlyn. “Want to see what else I can do while on top of this horse?

  “No. Enough of your trick riding,” scolded Beau. “How can you even do all that while wearing a corset?” he asked running his hands down the tight binding and boning of the princess’s garment.

  “You would be amazed about the amount of things I can do while wearing a corset,” she replied with a grin.

  “What can you do out of your corset?” purred Beau.

  Em arched her brow and slapped Beau’s arm playfully.

  During this exchange and while her riders were flipping around on top of her back, Buttermint had slowed her stride a great deal until she was barely trotting through the forest. Onyx had stopped completely and was munching on a nearby plant.

  Emberlyn kissed the boy again, tangling her fingers in his hair and giggled. “I know what I am doing. Stop your fussing!” And with that, Emberlyn pulled her heels underneath her bottom, using Beau’s shoulders for leverage and balance; she lifted herself up, until she was standing in the saddle as Buttermint slowly walked down the path. Onyx gave out a questioning whinny and Buttermint answered with a nicker and came to a halt. Beau wrapped his large hands tightly on Emberlyn’s upper thighs so that she would not lose her balance as she stood on Buttermint’s back. Buttermint with a swish of her golden mane turned around and walked toward the waiting black stallion.

  “Are you going to let go of me?” asked Emberlyn. “I want to make a cool dismount, or even jump from here into Onyx’s saddle.

  “Yes, your royal highness,” said Beau with a slight bow in the saddle, gently resting his forehead against Em’s leather clad knees. Then with very little effort he lifted the princess by her legs and threw her straight up and over his shoulder. Emberlyn screamed as she flew up in the air. Beau quickly pulled his heels underneath him, and pushed himself backwards off Buttermint’s rump and then landed with a “Fwwoof” onto a soft patch of flowers. Beau caught Emberlyn, his arms straight up, as Em landed on top of him. Then Beau pulled her body close into his. The princess’ ample bosom squashed against Beau’s chest. The boy tightly gripped the screaming girl against his body as she squirmed, wrestled out of his hold and punched his shoulder howling, “Stop it! What are you doing? I could have been killed! I thought you weren’t ever going to let me fall!”

  “I won’t let you fall unless I am under you for you to land on,” chuckled the boy with a crooked grin.

  Realizing how compromising a position she was in, and feeling Beau’s excitement against her leg, Emberlyn slid off Beau’s warm lanky body, her cheeks burning with her embarrassment. Beau breathed deeply as he tried to compose himself. Beau turned his back to Emberlyn and she stroked his shirt, damp with his sweat. She lightly stroked the backs of his ears and the nape of his neck with her delicate fingers.

  “My mother would have you put to death for that, Beau. What if someone saw us? There would be rumors questioning my honor.” She said in a light teasing tone.

  “Luckily no one is here to see us,” said Beau. He flopped back down on his back, draped his thickly corded muscled arm across his eyes, the corner of his mouth turning up in a wry smile. “I will always defend your honor.”

  “Seriously Beau,” whispered Em. “What were you thinking?”

  Beau sat up and said, “I was thinking that I love you and I want to hold you,” his blue eyes gazing deep into her brown ones.

  “Beau we can’t”, whispered Em turning away from him as her excitement pooled between her legs. “Stop looking at me like that,” she hissed.

  “Like what? How am I looking at you?” growled Beau.

  “Like you want to eat me,” she whispered.

  “I do want to eat you.”

  “Beau!” Em shouted. “Stop. We can’t.”

  “I know,” sighed Beau falling to the ground pathetically. “I am sorry,” he said sincerely. “I love you,” he said again. “I want to marry you.”

  Emberlyn stretched out beside his sprawled form rested her head on his shoulder and replied, “I love you too, but you know that…”

  “Yes, I know, I am but a humble stable master and you are the Princess
Emberlyn of Mirovia. I am nothing,” said Beau as he turned away from the princess and stretched out on his side. Em wrapped her arms around his body, her hand flat against his chest and squeezed tightly against his back.

  “Beau, don’t talk like that,” said Em gently.

  “But it is true, isn’t it?” He pulled Em’s arm off him, disentangled himself and stood up. Em reclined on her forearms, watching his tense, tight shoulders lifting to his ears. He then turned back to Em and stretched out his hand to the princess saying, “Come on Em, I will escort you home to your castle.”

  “Beau,” implored Emberlyn, pulling herself to a sitting position.

  “Come on, Your Highness, let’s get you back to your castle so that your queen mother can marry you off to a gallant prince from some distant land who can shower you with gold and diamonds,” growled Beau.

  “I don’t want someone to shower me in gold and diamonds. My mother is not going to marry me off!” shouted Em as she jumped up to her feet. “I am never going to marry anyone if I can’t marry you.”

  Turning away from her, he said, “Em, stop being so naïve. You can’t ever marry me. I am not royal.”

  “Stop being stupid!” Em said as she fell against him, pressing her breasts against his back. She wrapped her arms tightly across his waist and whispered sweetly into his ear, “I will never. I promise.” Em soaked up Beau’s angry sweaty heat against her body.

  Beau sighed and turned around to his princess. Em wrapped her fingers in Beau’s loose hair which fell past his shoulders. She tightened her fingers in his hair and pulled the tall boy down to her. His lips met hers and she felt his deep sigh vibrate against her lips. He wrapped his hands around her delicate waist and pulled her closer to his body. Then he rested his head on her shoulder as Em’s fingers wrapped in his hair and massaged his scalp. He purred with arousal as she nibbled on his ear.


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