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Protected Page 8

by April Zyon

  “I plan on using every single moment we have together to enjoy each other, often.” She looked him up and down, and that fast she became hot and needy. “Okay, right. Food.” Otherwise they would end up back in his room.

  “Yes, then to your house to get naked,” he reminded with a wink. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her lips. He groaned when a throat cleared by their table. Drawing away, he turned a glower on the waiter standing there with a smirk on his face.

  “Would you like some drinks this evening?” the young man asked. “Perhaps something with a little extra ice?”

  Viv looked up and paused before saying, “Water, no lemon, and lots of ice.” What are the odds? She looked to Jason and put her hand on his thigh, giving it a squeeze when he began to growl. Crap.

  “A pint of ale,” Jason said, dangerously.

  “Pale, golden, or dark?” the waiter asked, his smirk growing.

  “Guinness,” Jason told him, his eyes narrowing.

  “Would you like any appetizers?”

  There was definitely a twitch developing near Jason’s left eye. “No.”

  “Well, then, I’ll get your drinks and be right back. Maybe you should peruse the menu while I’m gone, so that you don’t waste any time getting to what you’d rather be doing.”

  The waiter left just as Jason’s thigh bunched in preparation under her hand. Had he not, she was sure Jason would have been on his feet and in the man’s face. The words that came out of Jason needed no translation—they were definitely not complimentary, even if she didn’t understand the language.

  “Jase.” Vivian put her hand on his cheek. “Hey,” she whispered to him. “I love you. No one else but you. I need you in my life. Period. He’s just an ass. Remember me telling you about the guy who dated Sophia when we were kids?” She looked toward the man in question. “Guess who’s waiting tables? He’s a complete ass and will do anything and everything to push every button that you have. But you can’t let him, okay? He doesn’t deserve to have any moment of our happiness.”

  He let out a slow breath. “You’re right. I know you’re right. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to tolerate him speaking like that to you. I couldn’t care less what anyone says to, or about, me. But when someone says something like that to you, there will be hell to pay.”

  “We’ll just get through our meal and go from there, okay? We’ll eat quickly. If we have to, we’ll pick up food for later or something.” She grinned. “Because I’m afraid with Sophia being gone, the really good food is out. Unless she has some frozen stuff for us.”

  “We’ll see,” he said. Sighing, he handed her a menu. “Choose something before he returns, so we can send him on his way. Maybe we’ll get lucky and spot the manager, so I can get his snotty ass into some hot water. Nothing less than he deserves for his unwarranted attitude.”

  “Just keep in mind that this guy will bring our food from the kitchen. I don’t want to eat anything that’s been tampered with, if you know what I mean.” She felt a little sick to her stomach at all the possibilities.

  He froze at that and shot her a look. “We’re not eating here,” he said firmly.

  Chapter Six

  Jason got to his feet, pulling out his wallet and tossing a twenty on the table. “That will cover the drinks and the time we wasted in here. Come on, sweetheart.” He held a hand out to her.

  Vivian placed hers into his and gave it a squeeze. She moved with him toward the door and the elevators. She was more than willing to get out of there, more than willing to run home and have him all to herself once more. They made their way to his room and inside quickly. “I just need to grab my bag, toss in my toiletries, and then clear James’s room. Can you check out here for anything I may have left sitting around?”

  “Sure thing.” When he moved away from her, Vivian began to walk around. Then she cocked her head to the side. “Jason?” she called, stopping before a small bouquet of flowers. There was a camera hidden inside. “Did you hide a camera?” she asked with a frown. “Because if not, someone’s been watching you.” She shot him a look over her shoulder.

  He came to her and pulled it out of the flowers. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered. Dropping it to the table, he used his phone to crush it. “Check the space quickly.” At her nod, he let her go and jogged to the bedroom.

  She had no clue what she was checking for, but she began to search for anything that might be out of the ordinary. She frowned again. “What the bloody hell is this?” There was some kind of weird little black dot on the inside of a lampshade. “Jason?” she called a little louder. “What the fa-hell is this?”

  He came back out with a bag that he tossed toward the door, which landed with a distinctly heavy sound. “Did you just say ‘fa-hell’ to me?” he asked with an amused look. “What the hell is ‘fa-hell,’ Vivian?” He took the lamp from her, tipped it back, then let loose another string of cursing in that same language as before from the restaurant. She didn’t know the words, but the tone and way he spat them out told her all she needed to know.

  “It’s my way of saying fucking hell. I mush them together so it isn’t quite as offensive. What are you saying when you’re cussing? And I know you are just by the look on your face. What is that?”

  “This is a microphone. Not only was someone watching me, they were recording it, too. The cursing, you don’t need to know. You’re much too young for most of what I said,” he told her. “We need to leave now, and I have everything. So let’s get going.” He set the lamp aside with a thump.

  “What about James’s room?” She slipped her hand into his. “If this was in your room, do you think there was one in James’s?” Then she went pale. “Crapballs, we … oh God, someone recorded us.” She didn’t like the thought that someone had watched her amazing and magical joining with Jason. Oh crap, and the things that he told me? “This is very bad, isn’t it?”

  “Very,” he growled. He took her hand and tugged her to the door. Grabbing up his bag, he ushered her into the hall and toward the next room. They were inside quickly and came to a stop just as fast. It was a disaster zone and a half. Someone had torn the space apart. “Stay here,” he told her, dropping his bag and pulling a gun out from somewhere under his coat. He moved through the area slowly.

  Vivian panted, her back to the wall, holding a table lamp in her hands she didn’t even recall grabbing, with her shield firmly in place. She watched Jason as he swept the room with a really big and really scary firearm. “Please tell me that this is just some jealous woman upset with James?”

  He shot her a look that clearly said “no.” Then he disappeared from view for a few minutes before he was striding back to her, tucking the gun out of sight. “The suite is clear. Son of a bitch, someone did a number in here. I have no idea what they were looking for, but we need to get all of James’s stuff together and get to your place, fast.”

  “Okay,” she whispered and put the lamp down. She was shaking. She hated crime. She hated puzzles, and she really hated the thought of being in danger. “What do I need to get?” She felt the shield around her drop down now that Jason was close. “He’ll have a massive bill, so don’t be shocked,” she muttered.

  “I don’t care,” Jason told her. Reaching out, he wrapped his hand around her neck and drew her to him. “You’re safe, Vivian. I don’t know who did this, but when I find them, they will pay for it. Mainly for scaring you. I need you to see if he left anything out here—books, weapons, his toothbrush, anything personal that’s not hotel property. You’re going to have to dig around a bit, but be careful, there could be broken glass, given the mess. I’ll clear the bedroom and bathroom, then come out and help you. Thankfully, the bathroom was only rifled, so it’ll be quick.”

  “Okay, sounds like a plan.” Viv looked around the room and nodded. I can do this. Very carefully, she began to search through the broken and shredded items before tossing what looked to be bits of a leather coat into a bag. “I think James is going to be pretty peev
ed off. His leather coat got ripped up.” I have a feeling someone is going to have their ass handed to them. “Jason? You done yet?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got everything I could salvage,” he answered a moment later. He came out holding a different gun, shaking his head. “James is going to be murderous when he sees this. It’s one of his old six-shooters. One of a set. He always carries one with him when we travel, though how he gets it through security, I’ll never know. He was given these when he was barely a legal adult and carried them through everything. Someone used it to smash something up and ruined the handle. They’re going to be wishing for a quick death.”

  She studied the butt of the weapon and shook her head. “It’s a beautiful handle, and it looks to be worth an absolute fortune.”

  “Pearl inlay. Expensive in the day, but he loves these things. Fuck,” Jason murmured. Shaking his head, he stuffed it into the bag he had in hand. “Let’s get out of here. I have anything he might consider important. Everything else is replaceable. When we get to your place, remind me to try calling out there again. I have to let him know about the room so he can work on cooling off before he sees the gun.”

  “Maybe you should send him a text or e-mail?” Vivian chewed her lower lip as they walked to the elevator. “Or leave him a voice mail? Just make sure he doesn’t take it out on Fia. The two of them are like oil and water. Please tell me that this mountain you’re taking us to is a big enough place so that he won’t have to see her ever again?”

  “If she doesn’t want to see him, she won’t,” he said. He shot her a look as they left the room behind, appearing to be thinking hard on something.

  “That’s good.” Once they were in the elevator, she turned. “Okay, what’s on your mind? Did you figure out who might have done that to your rooms?” she asked, a note of hope in her voice.

  “Uh, no, I was thinking about James and Sophia. This is going to sound crazy, and I’m likely way off base, but what if what’s going on with those two is something more than we’re seeing? I mean, look how she’s acting out of character around him and how he’s reacting to her. You read the texts and heard the messages. You talked to your sister, and she went off in a fit. There’s more there than just the obvious, Vivian.”

  “Like what? Sophia is waiting on that one special someone. She’s been dreaming of him for years, and from what she’s told me, the winds have whispered his name to her time and time again, and it’s not James. I can’t for the life of me think of what it was, but the name isn’t James, I’m sure of that much.”

  “Okay, you’re right, but I had to say it. Sorry,” he muttered. “It would damn well explain a lot, though. Not everything, true enough, but a lot. I’ve said it, now I can put it out of my head. But I will say this—if I’m not actually crazy and end up being right, you’ll so be hearing about this for the next century. Just putting that out there on the off, totally insane possibility that I’m right. It doesn’t happen often, but it could again someday.”

  “Deal.” Vivian grinned, her fear tamped down by Jason’s playfulness. “But if that were the case, wouldn’t James know? I mean, you knew the moment you met me, right? So, he wouldn’t want to bring another woman back and have sex with her.” She gave Jason a quick hug. “If you’re right, you can so hold it over me, but I don’t think you are. Sorry, babe.”

  “Not necessarily,” he told her. “Some of us recognize the signs, but others don’t, not immediately. Plus, he’s the only one with a medallion up in his noggin. The gods only know what that does to a guy. The rest of us all have them somewhere in our torso or leg. No one has one above the neck except him.

  “As for me, I thought there was something about you, something important, but I didn’t put the pieces together immediately. It started to click for me a little later, and then you were there in the restaurant, and I knew I was right about us. It all depends on the individuals involved.”

  Vivian shrugged. “Well, let’s just hope that when he finds his other half that he won’t mess it up. I could be wrong, but I think James needs his other half more than just about anyone.” He seemed to be lacking balance, seemed to be lacking a tie to the world that would keep him in the light.

  “Maybe,” Jason said as they exited into the lobby and strode straight out the front doors. She noticed him tense as soon as they were outside, like he was on alert, looking everywhere and yet not lingering on any particular thing. At the truck, he loaded the bags. They hopped in, and he took off, following her directions.

  Vivian scooted closer to Jason, her hand sliding easily into his. “Jason? Are you okay?” She looked around them as well, trying to see what he did and failing. She instead directed them toward her home, worried about him and the way he seemed to be sizing everyone up for their coffins.

  “Of course,” he said with a nod. “Why do you ask?” He glanced at her before turning his attention back to his driving and the surrounding area.

  “Because you’re looking around at people as if you’re fitting them for their funeral garb. Have I mentioned I really don’t do the whole cloak-and-dagger thing very well? I was only in the park that day because I was trying to figure out what it was about the case—the murders—that was bothering me. I knew there was something missing, but that’s the most I’ve ever done that was anything out of the ordinary, so to speak.”

  “I’m assessing potential risks.” He chuckled. “You did mention that before. And I believe you, given how twitchy you are. Try not to worry. We don’t have a tail, and there’s nothing obvious standing out to me, so it’ll be fine. Better to be overly cautious than to be taken by surprise and unaware.”

  “You would tell me if there was trouble, right?” She didn’t know if he would or not, that was the troubling part. He might just keep her in the dark to protect her from herself.

  “Of course I would tell you, Vivian. And you might be surprised at how attuned you are now that we’re bonded. You’ll pick up on my emotions and feelings through the link we share. We can even talk through it, or so one of the other guardians was telling us.”

  “Really? That would be very cool. To be able to talk to you via a private link. To have conversations without anyone able to overhear.” She leaned her head back. Closing her eyes, she yawned. “I guess I do pick up on your emotions and feelings, but I didn’t even recognize it for what it was. I thought it was just me worried for you.”

  “You’ll start to figure it out as we get closer and the bond strengthens. Hector even said that he was able to utilize Riley’s abilities with the link. Hector is a guardian, and Riley is his soul mate,” Jason explained. “Not entirely sure how that works, but he said it was pretty cool.”

  “And what are his abilities? Riley’s?” she asked with a frown. “I thought you said that the soul mates were women?” she added, as almost an afterthought. “Okay, I’m confused. And I think I did it all to myself.”

  Jason laughed. “You are. Riley is a woman, and she’s a VV like you are. Her abilities are to see the truth of all things. She’s a walking, talking lie detector, to simplify things down to the barest of bones. She’s pretty amazing, actually. You’ll like her. Oh, and then there’s Emily, Gaius’s soul mate. She’s pretty special, too. I’m not exactly sure how to explain her ability. Probably best to get that one straight from her.”

  “Huh, okay. I think that’s pretty awesome, that she can tell the truth from lies. I like that.” Vivian looked over at Jason and cocked her head to the side. “I would be very happy if you could use my ability. I’d rest easier knowing that you could shield yourself.”

  “We’ll have to see if we can, when we have a moment to practice. Later, though. For now, my only concern is getting to your place, getting ourselves secured for the night, and getting you packed. We’ll need to be up and moving for the first ferry in the hopes that the storm lets up by then.” So far, they hadn’t seen any rain, but they could see storm clouds in the distance, and they were getting closer.

  “Yes, otherwise
your friend and my sister will kill us.” Vivian sighed. When they pulled up to her home, she looked over to him again. “Come on, let’s go inside. I want to sleep in my bed with you tonight. I want to share a meal with you in my kitchen. Heck, I want to watch freaking television with you naked on my couch. How weird is that?”

  “It’s not weird at all, Vivian. They’re nice, normal things to do with the one you’re in a relationship with. We can do all of that, but only after you have a bag packed for our trip back out to the island. While you do that, I’ll check your place and make sure it’s secure enough for us tonight.” He came around to her side of the truck and helped her out before grabbing both his and James’s bags from the back of the vehicle.

  “What if there are monsters out there? Are they like vampires and can only come in if you invite them in?” Then she heard just how absurd her question had sounded and frowned. “Well, that didn’t come out nearly as well as I had hoped it would. But you understand what I’m getting at, right?”

  “I’m going to check the windows and doors, do whatever I can to give us an edge, and generally spread out a few weapons so that I can get to one from every position in your place. They can smash through a door just as easily as I can. Easier, actually, given they tend to be bigger, stronger, and meaner than I ever will be.”

  “What?” she demanded in a high, squeaky voice. “No, I don’t like that. Jason, you are not to put yourself in danger because of me.” And she knew that he would always put himself between her and harm, just as she would him. “I can’t shield us if I’m asleep, but when I’m awake I can, and I will. I promise. I just don’t want you to be hurt. Please?”


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