Savage Wolf: Paranormal Shifter Romance (Wolves Hollow Book 3)

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Savage Wolf: Paranormal Shifter Romance (Wolves Hollow Book 3) Page 4

by Natalie Kristen

  With a yawn, she stretched and sat up. Glancing down at herself, she hurriedly tugged the large t-shirt down over her thighs. She was wearing Talon’s t-shirt.

  Heat flooded her body when she remembered her erotic dream and what she did in Talon’s bed last night. She had touched herself and brought herself to climax on his sheets. His scent had inflamed her further, and she had masturbated twice before her body finally calmed down.

  Bianca winced and pushed herself off the bed. She had never felt so horny before. She had thought of Talon the whole time, imagining him touching her all over and wringing multiple orgasms from her.

  “God, Bianca,” she whispered, slapping a hand over her eyes. “Stop it. Stop it right now!”

  She made her way to the bathroom on wobbly legs. Splashing cold water on her face sobered her up, but it did nothing to douse that red hot fire that was burning through her body.

  She saw a towel hanging on the rack and grabbed it eagerly. She closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against the towel.

  It was Talon’s scent on the towel. Bianca inhaled a long, deep breath, taking in his wonderful, comforting scent.

  Bianca put the towel back on the rack and frowned. What was she doing? She couldn’t understand her own actions. Talon was no doubt a very attractive, sexy male. And he had saved her from the black wolves by letting her hide in his house. That made him a hero in her eyes.

  But that didn’t explain her weird behavior. She seemed to be addicted to his scent. She wanted to rub herself all over him and feel those big, hard muscles under her fingers. She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted Talon to fuck her and mate with her…


  Bianca scowled at her reflection in the mirror. She was becoming an animal! A sex-crazed, horny, wild beast!

  “Stop,” she hissed. “Stop acting like a crazy woman!”

  She washed up quickly and ran her fingers through her unruly curls. Padding over to the bedroom door, she opened the door gingerly and peeped out.

  Bianca gasped when she saw a plastic bag full of women’s clothes sitting on the floor just outside the bedroom. She pulled the bag into the room and closed the door.

  A piece of paper fluttered out from the bag. Her name was written in pencil on the small piece of paper.

  Bianca shook the clothes out and saw three blouses, two pairs of jeans and three sets of matching underwear. They were all brand new. The tags were still on them.

  “For me,” she gasped. “He bought all these for me.”

  Quickly, she slipped out of Talon’s big t-shirt and tried on the new underwear and clothes. The bra was a little too big and the panties too small but they were comfortable enough. She picked a frilly blouse and pulled on the jeans. They fitted her perfectly.

  After checking herself in the mirror, Bianca opened the door and walked out nervously. There were sounds coming from the back of the house and she followed the inviting aroma to the kitchen.

  Talon was at the stove, frying up a storm. There was two plates laden with hash browns, toast and eggs on the table. Hearing her step, Talon turned around, holding a pan of sizzling sausages.

  His eyes widened when he saw her, and his gaze raked down her body. Bianca fidgeted and ran her hand down her blouse and jeans self-consciously. “T-thank you for the clothes,” she said, blushing.

  He stood still as his glowing eyes hungrily took in every inch of her. Bianca thought she heard a low growl.

  “Breakfast is ready,” he said at last. His voice was low and gruff, and he sounded almost dangerous.

  Gulping, Bianca took the coffee pot and poured two mugs of coffee while Talon served up the sausages. When Talon walked round the table to pull out the chair for her, theirs hands brushed and that brief, searing contact made Bianca jump. The heat and sexual tension between them was so palpable she could almost taste it. Taste him.

  The kitchen smelled of food and Talon. To Bianca, it smelled like...home.

  Talon sat down opposite her and picked up his fork. “You hungry?” he drawled, looking straight at her.

  Oh yes she was. She was starving, but it wasn’t just her stomach that was craving to be filled.

  “Yes,” she answered, forcing herself to meet his eyes even though she could feel her cheeks burning. “I’m really hungry.” For you.


  Talon saw the color creep up Bianca’s neck to her face. She was blushing but she kept her eyes on him.

  Was she testing him, challenging him?

  Talon smirked and leaned forward. He liked the fire in her eyes. “You should let me fill you up,” he said, holding her gaze. “Satisfy that hunger of yours.”

  Bianca’s blush deepened and she swallowed a whimper. Talon could scent her sudden arousal, and he tamped down a growl. This little female was playing with fire, but she wasn’t the only one who was going to get burned.

  His wolf was already howling inside of him, clawing and ramming furiously at his shields. Bianca had no idea what she was doing to him. She was driving him and his beast wild.

  Finally, she looked down and took a quick bite of her toast. She licked the crumbs from her lips and Talon almost groaned. It took all his willpower not to lean across the table and kiss her senseless. He wanted to taste those soft, plump lips, delve into her hot little mouth and feel her melt against him.

  “Thank you...for everything,” Bianca said at last. “You saved me from the wolves last night.”

  Talon canted his head at her. Did she know that he was that gray wolf?

  “I had no right to be in your house,” she went on. “But you didn’t throw me out. You offered me refuge and gave me a safe place to spend the night. Thank you, Talon.”

  “Anyone would have done the same,” he answered. “It’s natural to help someone in need.”

  Bianca shook her head and gave him a sad smile. “You’re wrong,” she said softly.

  Talon frowned. Had Bianca been denied help when she needed it? She had suffered, of that he was sure. He could see the pain in her eyes, and the resignation and sorrow in her smile.

  Bianca kept her eyes down and focused on her food. Talon sensed that she didn’t really want to talk about her past. He ate his breakfast in silence, giving her space to breathe and gather herself.

  Bianca finished everything on her plate and cradled her mug of coffee in both hands.

  She burped and laughed in embarrassment. “Excuse me. But this is the best meal that I’ve had in a long time. I feel better, stronger already,” she said, surprising him with a grin.

  “Eat more,” Talon said. “You need to replenish your strength and energy.”

  “I can’t take another bite!” Bianca exclaimed, tugging at the waistband of her jeans. She straightened her blouse and said, “Oh, I wanted to ask, where did you get the clothes? They’re lovely and they fit me great. But I didn’t think any shops would be open at this time. It’s still morning...”

  “I drove into town last night,” Talon replied tersely.

  “Oh.” Bianca’s eyes rounded, but she saw that he didn’t want to elaborate so she left it at that.

  Talon didn’t feel like telling Bianca that he had driven himself away from the house and straight to town in order to save her from himself. He would have broken down the bedroom door and mounted her if he had stayed in the house a second longer.

  Once he reached Wolves Hollow, he had pounded on the door of a small clothes shop until he saw a light come on in the apartment above the shop. The shop owner, Imelda, lived in the apartment just above her shop, and Talon knew her since she started her business ten years ago. He’d made the shelves and furniture for her shop.

  Imelda had been peeved at having being so rudely interrupted from her book. She had been reading in bed when she heard that infernal pounding downstairs. But she did open the door for Talon and allowed him to pick the items he needed from her shop. He had stuffed a wad of cash into Imelda’s hands and said gruffly, “Thanks.”

was already in his truck before Imelda could turn around to get his change. He saw the woman peer out the window in bewilderment as he sped away.

  He hated leaving Bianca alone in the house, yet he couldn’t trust his wolf to be near her. In the end, Talon had placed the clothes outside the bedroom door and forced himself to sit outside on the front steps.

  Talon guarded the house and his mate the whole night until the first rays of the sun chased the darkness away.

  Only then did he let himself back into the house. He knew what he had to do. He had to feed his mate when she woke up. So he went straight to the kitchen and got busy.

  Bianca finished her coffee and leaned back in her chair with a contemplative look on her face. “The town...” she began, clearing her throat. “Do you think I can find a job in town?”


  Talon started. “You want to get a job in Wolves Hollow? Why? You don’t need to...”

  “I don’t have anything.” Bianca swallowed hard. “Everything I have has gone up in smoke. I need a find a job as soon as possible.” She paused and added, “And a place to stay.”

  “You’re staying here,” Talon said at once.

  “I...I can’t. I have imposed on you long enough, Talon. I will leave and find my own place in Wolves Hollow...”

  Talon growled. “Are you scared of me, Bianca?”

  She gasped and shook her head quickly. “No! No, of course not. I...”

  “Then why do you want to leave?”

  “I...” She winced. “I need to find my own way, build a life...”

  Talon growled again. What way? What life? Her life was here, with him!

  “You’re safe here,” he said, keeping his voice calm. “The bedroom is yours. You can lock the door every night...”

  “No, no, that’s not what I meant. It’s not that at all. I know you won’t hurt me,” she said. “But I need to find a job, any’s important! To me.”

  Talon blew out a rough breath. “Why? Why is it so important? You have everything you need.” He threw out his arms. “I will provide...”

  Bianca began to shake her head rapidly. “You don’t have to provide me with anything. I will pay you back...”

  His brows shot up. “Pay me? For what?”

  Bianca gestured at herself. “My clothes...”

  “I bought them for you,” he snapped. “They’re yours.”

  They stared at each other in tense silence. Bianca’s green eyes were flashing with defiance and Talon saw the stubborn set of her jaw. She pushed away from the table and stood up.

  “Thank you, Talon, for all the help you’ve given me. I will make my own way to Wolves Hollow. It’s not too far from here. I’m sure someone will hire me. Once I get my first paycheck, I’ll come back and pay you...”

  “Bianca,” he snarled, surging to his feet.

  She stared back at him unflinchingly. Talon scrubbed a hand down his face. He saw that the stubborn little human was determined to get a job and stand on her own two feet.

  He exhaled slowly. It was clear that Bianca wanted to regain some control over her life. She had lost everything and he hadn’t heard her mention any family. The woman had nothing and no one. Having a job and some financial independence would help her find her footing, he supposed.

  “I know a place that’s hiring,” he said finally. “I’ll drive you to town later. I need to get some supplies from the shops.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched. She knew that she had won.

  “Thank you, Talon,” she smiled.

  Talon watched her clear the plates and carry them to the sink. There was a spring in her step and a sparkle in her eye. Bianca wasn’t someone who enjoyed being idle. She liked keeping herself busy. Maybe she’d had a hard life and she had learned that no one owed her a living.

  But she wasn’t bitter or pessimistic at all. Even after losing everything, she was still hopeful and determined. She simply picked herself up and carried on.

  This tiny, delicate little human was stronger and tougher than she looked.

  As she washed the dishes, Bianca looked out the window and saw the shed at the back of the house. She peered at it curiously but didn’t say anything.

  Talon came to stand beside her. “That’s my workshop,” he told her. “I build all kinds of stuff in there.”

  She glanced at the kitchen table and chairs. “Did you build everything in your house?”


  “Wow.” She dried her hands and looked around. “You have a really nice place. I really like it here.”

  “So you’ll stay?” Talon blurted out. He didn’t want to hear any more crazy talk about her moving to her own place in Wolves Hollow.

  Bianca smiled slyly. “Only if you let me pay rent.”


  Talon pulled up in front of Sunset Diner and cut the engine. Sunset Diner was owned and run by a human couple, Carly and Nelson. Whenever he was in town, Talon would stop by and grab a bite at the diner. He liked the food, and he liked the owners.

  Bianca got out of the truck and looked around the quiet street. On the surface, Wolves Hollow looked like a quaint, sleepy small town. It was late morning, but most of the small shops lining the street hadn’t opened for the day.

  Bianca turned and squinted at the diner. She saw the “Help Wanted” sign on the door and bounced on the balls of her feet in excitement. “This is the place! They’re hiring. I can do this! I’ve done some waitressing before.” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and ran her hands down some imaginary creases on her blouse. “How do I look?” she asked nervously.

  “Perfect,” Talon said, letting his eyes linger on her for a couple more seconds before leading her towards the diner.

  They pushed into the empty diner. A bespectacled, middle-aged woman looked up from behind the counter and smiled. “Oh, hi Talon. Good to see you. You’re our very first customer for the day!” she said warmly.

  “Carly,” Talon said, cutting straight to the point. “You still hiring?”

  “Yeah. The new girl left and we haven’t found anyone suitable. Good help is hard to find these days.”

  “This is Bianca. She’s looking for a job,” Talon said.

  “Oh.” Carly pushed her glasses up and smiled at Bianca. “Hi Bianca, nice to meet you.” Carly’s gaze was curious and assessing. “I haven’t seen you around. Are you new in town?”

  “Well, actually...” Bianca began.

  “You need an extra pair of hands. She needs a job. You’re hiring her, aren’t you?” Talon cut in impatiently.

  Carly laughed when she saw the shock on Bianca’s face. “That’s Talon for you,” she chuckled. “No time for small talk.” She gave a lopsided smile and added, “I like straight-talkers. My husband’s like that. That’s probably why he gets along with Talon so well. Nelson doesn’t really trust shifters, but he trusts Talon.”

  Bianca’s eyes widened a fraction. “Shifters?” she whispered.

  But Carly was busy prattling on. “...kept complaining about the long hours. She quit before the week was up,” Carly finished with a huff. “So, have you worked as a waitress before, Bianca?”

  “Yes. I...”

  “Good. Now, I’d better let you know the working hours so you can decide if you want to take the job. We open at eleven in the morning and we close at around nine. Meals are provided, of course.” Carly winked. “Just tell Nelson what you want for lunch and dinner, and he’ll whip it up for you, even if it’s not on the menu.” When she saw Bianca’s look of confusion, she explained, “Oh, Nelson is the chef here.”

  Bianca nodded. “I don’t mind working long hours. I can also help out in the kitchen. I’ve worked as a fry cook before.”

  Carly beamed at her. “So far so good. Tell you what. Let’s give this a try for a week. We can...”

  Bianca blinked at her. “Does this mean I’m hired?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Yes!” Carly replied, grinning. “You�
��re hired! If after one week you find that you don’t like...”

  “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” Bianca cried, pumping the woman’s hand up and down. “When can I start?”

  “You can start right away.” The door behind the counter swung open and a burly man came striding out. The man grinned at Bianca and said, “Grab an apron!”

  “Nelson, have you been standing behind that door all along, eavesdropping on us?” Carly mock-scolded. “Bianca, this is my husband, Nelson.”

  Nelson laughed and shrugged. “I’m just the cook. Carly makes all the business decisions,” he answered. “Welcome aboard, Bianca!”


  Talon watched the diner from his truck. The lunch crowd was coming in, and he could see Bianca zipping around, taking orders and chatting with the customers. She was proudly wearing that bright orange apron with the words “Sunset Diner” emblazoned in bold lettering on it. Talon had never seen her look so happy and excited.

  Carly and Nelson were good, hardworking people. They had bought Sunset Diner from the previous owner about five years ago and turned the business around.

  When Talon saw Carly peering out the window and squinting at him, he sighed and started the engine. He had been sitting in his truck for more than an hour now, and Carly was starting to get suspicious.

  He told himself he had nothing to worry about. Bianca was safe here. He would come back at closing time and fetch her home.

  Talon reminded himself that he had errands to run. He had to purchase some new tools and equipment, and put the finishing touches to that cabinet. He’d promised to deliver the cabinet to the customer this evening.

  Talon drove to the hardware store and went in. After getting everything he needed, he loaded his purchases into the truck. He was just about to get in and drive off when he heard a muffled shout.

  Talon pricked his ears and followed the sound to a narrow alleyway.


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