-Enslaved-by-an-Officer[ Sold 8]

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-Enslaved-by-an-Officer[ Sold 8] Page 6

by McLeod-Anitra-Lynn

  After washing himself with an odd-smelling soap, Carver rinsed off and felt better than he had since his ordeal began. There was still a lot he had to do, but he felt he could now accomplish more.

  “Nothing like being clean, huh?” he asked Acerith as he pulled on the loose-fitting trousers he’d been offered. They reminded him of scrubs in that they were very simple. Sadly, they also didn’t fit.

  “It is truly a wonder. Do you have this trouble on your home world?” Acerith pulled on his pants without difficulty.

  “Yeah. I pretty much have to get things tailored to fit. Well, it looks like I’m going to have to keep wearing a loincloth for now.” Rather than put the one he’d been wearing back on, he wrapped the pants around his hips and tied them at the side. “Voila! Instant loincloth.”



  “The Krase are very big.”

  “Yeah. So? What’s your point?” Carver ensured his clothing kept his junk covered.

  “Don’t you find it strange that they managed to find pants to fit everyone here but you?”

  Carver looked around and realized that out of all the creatures present, he was the only one built almost as big as the Krase. He was also the only one not able to wear the clothing given to him. “And you think this means what?”

  “That Honor Vengeance wants to keep you wearing what he first saw you in.”

  Carver considered and then grinned. Maybe his hopes for hooking up with the enigmatic officer weren’t doomed after all.

  Chapter 7

  “Your comment about the nature of your demise made me consider that I might be able to develop a better lead on one of the other Earthlings if I knew his name.”

  Carver was sitting in Honor’s private rooms. He wore the pants he’d been given but sideways as if they were a loincloth and not trousers. Honor was having a difficult time not looking at his powerful body. It seemed after several solid meals, a deep rest period, a bath, and some water, Carver was restored to excellent health. He fairly gleamed, making Honor hungry for him again. Deliberately, he pushed that thought away.

  “I’m not certain what you’re asking me to do.”

  “There is a video of the auction. The quality isn’t as good as it could be, but maybe you could make out the face of the man you saw that day.”

  “Oh. Yeah.” Carver nodded enthusiastically, causing his makeshift loincloth to quiver. Honor was hoping the material spontaneously evaporated. “But I don’t know his name.”

  “Yes.” Honor deliberately lifted his gaze to Carver’s eyes. If he stayed above his nipples, he should be fine. But now he was thinking of his nipples and how they tightened in the cold. Belatedly, he realized he should have had devotee stay in here with him. That would have stopped any amorous liaison from starting. “However, the man’s name would be listed in the news report of the explosion.” Honor swore Carver winced ever so slightly. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt him in any way. “I am sorry. If this is too much, we can always try another time.”

  “I’m okay.” Carver forced a smile that told Honor he was anything but fine. He was in pain. Not physical pain but what Tyler had called emotional pain. Honor hadn’t understood how devastating that could be until he’d gotten emotions himself. When Carver had made the idea of having sex with him seem like a fun way to pass the time and nothing more, Honor had been insulted. And hurt. He had been unable to even look at Carver until now. The sting remained, but it wasn’t as sharp.

  “I will show you the video.” Honor settled at his communication unit, doing his best to ignore the blue stain that refused to come out of his carpet. Somehow, having Carver in here with him made him extremely aware of the mark of shame. Maybe because he’d put it there while thinking of him.

  To his surprise, Carver didn’t wait for him to cue up the video before he moved over and knelt down on the floor, peering up at the screen.

  Honor felt his strosan start to squirm in his trousers. He realized suddenly that this was a terrible idea. How could he look at the video and not become aroused? Every time he’d looked at it, he’d allowed himself to reach the peak of need. There was no stopping his body’s reaction now that he had the video in combination with the actual man. Barely had he moved near when Honor became hyperaware of him. He felt the heat of his body pressing into his side and the scent of him was so delicious he wanted to lean over and lick the nape of his neck.

  “Is that—wow.” Carver watched several of the men as they were taken to the center of the stage. “What was up with the anal probe?”

  “Sexual slaves must show they are capable of maintaining an erection and climaxing. No buyer would bid on them otherwise.” Honor felt his strosan tightening around his shaft, making him harder and crimping his prick in his pants. “Bidding for you was strong before your climax but afterward…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence he was in such dire need. Had he been there, Honor would have bought Carver by pushing the bidding to such an extreme amount all would back away. Once he had him he would have taken his time in seducing him. Or that was what he told himself when he doubted he would be able to exercise control.

  “I’ve never come that hard or that powerfully.” Carver grinned up at him then looked away quickly, making Honor wonder if he knew what a state he was in. Honor tried to look down at Carver’s cock, but he didn’t have a good angle, and any movement would only aggravate his already tense situation. He needed to distract himself from the lusty visions in his head. Unfortunately, by telling himself not to think of Carver sucking his cock, that was all he could think about. Why couldn’t he simply treat this as he did encounters with his own kind? Sex was mutually pleasurable. They could indulge without retribution as long as it was reciprocal. But that was the issue right there. He didn’t think Carver would engage him the same way a fellow Krase warrior would. Honor wanted more than a casual interlude while Carver didn’t. That type of lopsided encounter simply wouldn’t satisfy.

  “Your owner—the one who bought you. You refused to submit? That’s why he sent you to the jild farm?” Honor thought this might give his brain something to latch onto. If Carver only wished to have sex one way, then they simply wouldn’t make a good pairing and he could move on to someone else.

  “Yeah.” Carver kept his gaze on the screen as he answered. “I wasn’t about to bend over so some skinny yellow guy could stick his dick up my ass.”

  Honor was concerned that perhaps Carver wasn’t honestly interested in sex with him. Perhaps his previous offer hadn’t been an invitation at all but a joke. Humans were notorious jokesters. Perhaps Carver just wanted to try a variety of aliens to see what they were like. There were other species who did that. His kind, once they retired, was famous for indulging in a variety of sexual slaves.

  “So the issue was one of penetration.”

  “I guess.” Carver shrugged.

  “I mean to say that you do not want to be penetrated.”

  “No. That wasn’t it.” Carver sighed. “And it really wasn’t the fact that the guy was the same color and same basic sheen as a rubber ducky, or the fact he had the weirdest looking dick I’ve ever seen. No, that wasn’t the issue. It was the fact he ordered me to bend over. He didn’t ask. He didn’t try any kind of seduction. He just said ‘bend over so I can fuck you.’ It was just rude, you know?”

  Honor almost pointed out that Carver was his slave and by right Fraunnon could order him to bend over. He refrained from explaining this because that wasn’t what the issue was. Carver was explaining that he didn’t like to be compelled into complying. Honor was reassured because his kind was similar in that brute force simply didn’t work on them as they were instinctually driven to fight back.

  “I had just gotten a handle on the fact I liked men, so I wasn’t real keen to have some little twerp boss me around.”

  “This is a big issue for humans? Not the being ordered part but that you had gotten a handle on what you liked.” Honor had tried to understan
d the way of human sexuality, but he was baffled by much of their decision-making processes. Krase kind had males, females, and neutrals. It simplified things greatly. Humans had only two sexes yet seemed to find many ways to blend their bodies and lives together. Some of them agonized over their preferred sexual partner when Honor didn’t understand what the issue was until Tyler explained about cultural expectations.

  “Yeah. Or it was for me. Football is a man’s game. They don’t take kindly to fags in the locker room. That’s why I never really thought much about it. About sex I mean.” Carver looked up at Honor then away very fast. It was such an odd thing for him to keep doing, but Honor didn’t know what the action meant. Shame? Interest? His translator was all but useless when it came to interpreting nonverbal communication.

  “What did you think about instead?” Honor had engaged in sex since the day he’d first thought about it. For his kind, it was easy. He found another willing warrior, and they fucked. There was no romance or angst involved. They each released their fluids then went back to what they were doing. It was no different than going and eating when they were in need of nourishment.

  “I worked out a lot. A lot. Like all the time.”

  “It shows.”

  “Thanks.” Carver grinned as he looked down at himself. “I also studied a lot. Mind and body, you know?”

  Honor nodded even though he really didn’t. He just loved hearing Carver talk. His voice was low and sexy while his face was so animated. He was simply stunning to look at. Honor kept his hands on the console to prevent himself from touching him.

  “Oh, and I played a lot of ball. That was my life. From pee wee football right up to my college days I was always on a team. Then the offer to go pro came. I was so excited I just grabbed Mac and kissed him. I don’t know why it just kinda hit me like that. And then he kissed me back, and it was fucking awesome. I’m real clear on what I like now. Hey! Stop the—that guy right there!” Carver pointed to the screen. “He’s the one who was jogging toward me.”

  Honor had never met a species who could have so many lines of thought all colliding while still keeping them straight. After talking to Tyler for any length of time, Honor always felt like he had mental whiplash. “You’re certain?”

  “That’s him. I remember that when he got near he flipped his head just like that to get his bangs out of his eyes. It was sexy.”

  Slightly annoyed, Honor began to suspect that Carver was simply attracted to everyone. Honor watched in slow motion as the man jerked his head to the side then the front, forcing a hank of his hair to sweep across his forehead. “If his hair bothers him, why doesn’t he just cut it off?”

  “Because look at how it tumbles back into his eyes.” Carver nodded. “Sexy.”

  Honor did not agree. His own hair wasn’t thin and so easily tossed about. The strands were heavy, thick, and unlike human hair, his was alive. The only decision he ever made with it was whether to wear it loose or pulled back. Today, he had the strands pulled back and banded at the nape of his neck. He’d done this because he thought of being on top of Carver and didn’t want the strands tumbling into his face.

  “That’s definitely him.”

  “And you find him attractive?” Honor was trying to determine what type of man Carver was interested in. Did he like them big and strong or smaller and more docile?

  “Sure. I mean, look at him. He’s a real cutie. That’s why I remembered him.” Carver watched the slowed down video and whistled lightly. “He’s got a damn big cock for a guy that size.”

  Honor had seen this video multiple times, but he’d never really studied the other humans. He liked watching Carver. But it seemed that Carver simply liked watching other humans. Maybe the best thing Honor could do was reunite the two humans.

  “Would you like me to find him for you?”

  “For me?” Carver looked up at Honor. “Like as my slave or something?”

  “No. He would be freed just like you. But perhaps if you were with me when he was found, the two of you might…become a couple.”

  Carver gave him a very puzzled look. “Well, I guess that might happen. But I’m not really interested. I mean I don’t know him at all, and while he’s cute, he’s not really my type.”

  Now Honor was getting somewhere. “What is your type?”

  “I like big guys.” Carver kept his attention on the video. “Whoa. Did you see that?”

  “What?” Honor moved the video back a few moments while trying not to get too excited about the fact that Carver liked big guys. That didn’t really change anything. Liking bigger men might still mean he preferred other humans.

  “He came about a gallon of jizz.” Carver flashed Honor a wicked grin. “Does your kind ejaculate?”

  “Yes.” Honor felt if Carver got any closer he might just do so in his trousers.

  “Is it white?”


  Carver looked to the side then back at Honor. “Is it blue?”

  If he had been capable of the very complicated autonomic response of blushing, Honor would have turned so red he would have radiated more heat than a blaster. He knew without a doubt that Carver was asking because he’d noticed the stain on the carpet.

  “I’m going to assume your silence is a yes.”

  Honor was suddenly annoyed. He’d felt some kind of attachment to Carver based on his looks alone, and now that he had him near, he was too afraid to make any kind of advance. He told himself he was being respectful of Carver, but the fact was he was allowing his fear to hold him back. No more. He was a fully named Krase warrior with four planets crushed under his heel. He had treaded dangerous ground that others wouldn’t even consider stepping onto. He would not be afraid of one human.

  Turning to Carver, Honor waited until he was looking right in his eyes. He then very deliberately growled low and hungry. “Would you like to see for yourself?”

  Carver pulled back just a bit, a minor flinch, but then he moved forward. “I would.”

  Refusing to hesitate, Honor pushed back from the desk and turned his chair so that he was directly facing Carver. He unfastened his pants and released his pulsing prick. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting Carver to do. Maybe flinch away again or make a face of revulsion, but the last thing he expected was his utter fascination.

  “Fuck.” Tentatively, Carver reached out and touched the strosan. When it quivered and the tip sought out his finger, Carver’s eyes widened. “What is that?”

  “My strosan.” Honor stood, and to his great pleasure, Carver didn’t flinch back but held his position on the floor. He was now kneeling before Honor, feeding into his lush fantasy that Carver was his willing slave. “My cock is too big to stay up for penetration on its own. The strosan is a flexible tube of muscle to help brace the weight.”

  “Show me.” Carver’s attention was riveted to Honor’s hips.

  “When I become aroused, my strosan wraps around the length of my cock, squeezing to help the blood flow.” Honor showed him despite the fact he was already fully erect. As he spoke, he pulled his strosan down to the bottom of his shaft. “When I’m ready to mount, I pull the flesh down to the base, where it flattens underneath.”

  Carver tilted his head so he could see. “It’s like a long cock ring.”

  Honor thought of the cock-crushing device tucked over by his bed. Would he need it with Carver? He was far bigger than any of the other humans Honor had seen. He was almost as big as a Krase warrior. They might actually be compatible without the device.

  Before he realized his intent, Carver lifted up and sucked the tip of Honor’s cock into his mouth. The sensation was unlike anything he’d ever known. Krase warriors fucked hard and fast. There was very little foreplay and nothing like the kind of oral stimulation the humans liked to give and receive. The feel of his tongue was rough, hot, and wet, making Honor brace himself by widening his stance.

  Carver looked up at him and grinned.

  Honor just watched, unsure what was happen
ing. Carver seemed to switch moods quickly, almost effortlessly. And then, to his shock, he was close to release. “No!” He stepped back, yanking his cock away from Carver and almost tumbling himself over his chair.

  “What the hell?” Carver was on his feet and coming after him.

  “My fluids will stain your skin.” Honor leaned against the wall for balance. Without the solid ship holding him up, he feared he would fall right over.

  “Then I’ll just be careful not to get it all over my face.” Carver moved close, wrapping his hand around Honor’s cock and stroking along the length.

  Honor closed his eyes, struggling to decide if he should let this continue or not. The right thing to do was talk first and make sure Carver truly wanted this, but his body was practically screaming at his brain to shut up. Carver’s hand was big enough to wrap all the way around his cock, and he was strong enough to keep up the strokes probably forever.

  “Lube.” Carver pressed close, his heat burning into Honor’s side. “Do you have anything to make this slicker?”

  “I—no.” Honor ultimately decided that he had to stop.

  “What’s wrong?” Carver’s face reflected his confusion. “Just tell me if I’m being too rough. Or not rough enough.”

  “You aren’t the problem. I am.”

  “I don’t understand. Are you forbidden to be with someone not of your own kind?”

  Honor could put the entire affair to rest with one word. All he had to do was say yes, but he wasn’t about to lie. Carver deserved better than that. “No. That’s not the issue. I just want to make sure that this is what you really want.”

  “Me?” Carver reached down and palmed his cock through the fabric of his pants. “I want. A lot.”

  Again, Honor wanted to talk first, but the primitive part of him wanted to fuck. “Are you certain? Krase warriors cannot stop once we start.”


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