Burn Out

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Burn Out Page 16

by Traci Hohenstein

  He grabbed his bag – the one he had packed over a month ago – and his fake passport. He would go to his hideout until things cooled down. Then he would make his escape. He was glad he put most of his money into an offshore account. Harder to trace.

  He walked back to the garage and uncovered his motorcycle. Everyone thought the bike was being worked on, but Paul finished it months ago. No one would suspect he got away on his bike. He had been on his way to his hidden truck when Stacy found him. That part was unplanned, but proved to be genius.

  When he got to the house and got out his matches, Stacy was still out cold on the floor. He lit a match and threw it against the wall. The curtains immediately caught fire. He took one last look around and left. He strapped his backpack to the bike, got on and took off, never looking back.


  Rachel called Red once they were on the way back to town. “Take Maggie and head back over to Paul’s house. Chief Gladstone said he was sending a patrol car over there, but I’d feel better if you went, too. I have a bad feeling.”

  “Sure thing. I was beginning to wonder what was going on. I’ll call you when I get there.” Red hung up.

  “I had just gotten the call from Jack Speights before I left for the cabin.” Jeff looked over at Rachel. “Mack’s truck had been messed with. It wasn’t an accident.”

  “I knew it! Stacy did, too. What happened?”

  “Simply, his brake lines were cut. When he tried to slow down at the big curve, his brakes failed and he ran off the road. When he hit the embankment, his truck rolled over. Mack wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and he was thrown from the truck.”

  “Jack tells me Mack was getting suspicious of Paul. And I think Paul knew it. He must have followed Mack that night and then took the opportunity to mess with his brakes.”

  “That fits. Paul used to work as a mechanic. Tammie told me it’s what he did while in high school. His dad owned a car repair place in town.”

  Rachel’s cell phone rang. “It’s Red. He must be at Paul’s place.” She took the call. Immediately Mike knew something was wrong when she said, “See if you can find Stacy. We will be there as soon as we can.”

  “He just got to Paul’s house.” Rachel turned around to the backseat and said to Mike, “Your truck is there and the house is on fire.” She pleaded to Jeff, “Please hurry!”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Stacy felt the heat pressing down on her body before she even opened her eyes. “Oh, shit,” she thought as she struggled to open her eyes. Flames were dancing all around her. She tried to get up, but she couldn’t move. The bastard tied my hands and feet together with duct tape. A loud popping sound diverted her attention from trying to get free of her binds. The paint cans in the kitchen were exploding. She worked faster, rubbing wrists together - back and forth. The heat was actually starting to work in her favor. The glue in the duct tape was melting and she was able to work free of the tape around her hands. She was elated when she got her hands free. But the feeling was short-lived when she realized there was nowhere to go. She was surrounded by fire.

  Her throat was so swollen from the heat she couldn’t scream for help. Not that anyone could probably hear her, anyway. The fire seemed to have consumed the room in less than a minute. It was hopeless. She was going to die. She half-crawled to the coffee table and hid underneath it. She knew the fire would find her under there, helpless and vulnerable, but she somehow felt safe. Starting to lose consciousness, her last thoughts were of Mack. As her eyes began to close, she imagined him coming through the door to rescue her.

  Red got to Paul’s house in record time. From the hotel, it would normally take about ten minutes. He made it in five, running every red light and stop sign. He saw the smoke before the house even came into view. He quickly called Rachel to let her know what was going on. Parking the car at the curb, he ran up the front door and threw it open. The intense heat pushed him back. He could see the whole living room was engulfed in fire and smoke. He stood back and scanned the room as best he could. He saw a foot sticking out from under the coffee table.

  Red ran back to his truck and grabbed Maggie’s blanket he kept in the back seat. He used the water hose by the front door and soaked the blanket as best he could. He heard the sirens and knew help was on the way, but he didn’t think there was much time left. He had to act now to save Stacy.

  He covered his body as best as he could, took a deep breath and ran through a wall of flames. Grabbing Stacy by the feet, he pulled her out from under the table and reached down to pick her up. Using a fireman’s carry, he threw her over his shoulder, covered both of them with the blanket and headed back out the front door. He collapsed onto the front yard, still holding on to Stacy.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Santa Rosa Beach, Thursday evening

  Rachel walked into the hospital room where Red was lying in a bed covered in tubes and wires. The doctor told her Red had suffered from a mild heart attack after rescuing Stacy. He also had bandages on his hands and feet where he suffered second and third degree burns. As soon as she sat down, he opened his eyes.

  “Hey buddy. We have matching bandages.” Rachel held up her right hand where she was burned.

  He smiled faintly. “Is Stacy okay?”

  Rachel nodded. “She is doing just fine. She had some smoke inhalation and minor burns, as well. Stacy is a tough cookie. Doctor said she can probably go home tomorrow.” Rachel gently smoothed the sheet over him. “We are both very grateful for what you did.”

  Red lifted his left hand and waved it away. “It was nothing. I was there at the right time.”

  “Yes, you were. Any later and Stacy might not have made it.”

  “Rachel, there is something I need to tell you.” Red cleared his throat. “There is another reason why I came here.”

  Rachel felt her stomach tighten in a knot. “Go ahead.”

  “We got a lead on Mallory.”

  Rachel’s heart skipped a beat. “What? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “Janine wanted to be sure it was valid before we proceeded. I just found out this morning that it may be worth checking out.”

  Rachel wanted to scream. He should have told her sooner. Whether or not the lead was valid was up to her to decide. But she treaded lightly. She didn’t want to add stress to Red’s already weakened heart. She supposed they were just trying to protect her.

  “What lead?”

  “Janine got a call about another missing girl. An American couple was on vacation in Mexico when their daughter was kidnapped,” Red said. “Her parents were staying at a resort hotel. While their daughter was sleeping, they went for a quick drink at the pool bar. The mom went back thirty minutes later to check on her and the little girl was gone.”

  “What does this have to do with Mallory?”

  “I’m getting there.” Red took his time getting the facts right. The pain meds were making him groggy. “After a search of the resort, she wasn’t found. They called in authorities and searched the entire island. The little girl wasn’t found. The police thought since they were rich Americans, there eventually would be a ransom, but nothing ever came in.”

  “When did this happened?”

  “A few days ago. Now the FBI is involved. We got a call at the office the day after you left to come here. A maid at the resort came forward and gave the FBI information about a child kidnapping ring. Her son also works at the resort and she found out he was involved. She was struggling on whether to do the right thing and turn in her only son. She finally came forward and told the authorities what she knew. When they busted the son, the FBI took his computer.” Red paused and collected his thoughts.

  Rachel’s heart was beating fast and she started sweating. Please don’t let my little girl be dead.

  “They found some information on the computer which led to some other names of the people involved in the kidnapping ring.” Red took a deep breath. “Scott Jensen was on that list.”

  Rachel was
stunned. “Janine’s ex-husband?”

  “Yes.” Red knew this would be hard for her to hear. Scott had worked for Rachel’s husband for a short time at the car dealership. This was before she even knew Janine.

  “Why would Scott be on the list?”

  “The FBI is investigating that Rachel. They have talked with Janine, but she claims she didn’t know anything about it. So far, the authorities haven’t located Scott.”

  “Scott may have had something to do with Mallory’s disappearance?” Rachel put her hand over her mouth in disbelief.

  Red nodded his head.


  Sam was reunited with her mom and children. She gave birth to a son on April twenty-first. She named him Breck, after the brother and father she lost. She has not identified the father, although most people assume it was Mack’s. Sam filed for divorce, put her house and land up for sale, and returned to work at the fire department.

  Ken was sentenced to twelve years in jail for his part in the marijuana operation. He is currently serving his time in the Walton county jail.

  Mack was given a funeral with honors. He was laid to rest in the same cemetery as Sam’s brother and father.

  Red recovered from his injuries and is back to work at Florida Omni Search.

  Rachel is working on her latest lead to find Mallory.

  Stacy quit her job at the Miami Sun and decided to freelance for awhile. This was her last article she wrote for the Sun.

  Missing Firefighter Found Alive

  by Stacy Case

  Samantha Collins, firefighter with Santa Rosa Beach fire department, was found alive yesterday. She was being held captive by Paul Hart, also a firefighter with SRBFD.

  Acting on an anonymous tip Thursday morning, Florida Omni Search located Collins on a hunting property owned by Paul Hart. “She was being held against her will in an abandoned hunting cabin,” said founder Rachel Scott.

  Chief Gladstone of Santa Rosa Beach police department said Samantha was found in pretty good shape and is being evaluated at a local hospital. He also commented Paul Hart is currently at large and wanted by SRBPD for questioning.

  Paul Hart was arrested this past February along with Ken Collins, Samantha’s husband, for marijuana trafficking.

  “Right now, there is no clear motivation on why she was kidnapped by Paul Hart. We haven’t had a chance to question Samantha in depth yet,” Gladstone said.

  Samantha’s mother, Nora Prince, said to us, “This is the best moment in my life,” after hearing Samantha was alive. She wanted to thank Rachel and Florida Omni Search for helping locate her missing daughter.

  “It was truly a miracle we found her. I just hugged her and told her over and over she was safe now,” Rachel Scott said.

  Nora said her daughter has been through some “really horrible circumstances and was mentally tortured” during her imprisonment. She declined to elaborate due to an ongoing police investigation.

  Paul Hart has a twisted history with her daughter, according to her mother. “They dated in high school and Sam broke up with him before she met Ken. Paul was also friends with Ken and was arrested as a co-conspirator in his marijuana grow operation.”

  Prince described Samantha’s current mental state as “terrified and extremely anxious.”

  “Samantha Collins is under police protection until Hart can be located,” Chief Gladstone confirmed.

  There is a $10,000 reward for any information leading to the capture and arrest of Paul Hart.

  A Sneak Peek… to another Rachel Scott and Florida Omni Search missing person case.

  Asylum Harbor

  My name is Amber Knowles and I am one of the thousands of people who go missing every day. Of course, the day I went missing started out beautiful with lots of sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. My parents had dropped me and my two best friends off at the Tampa dock. We were taking a cruise on the SeaStar Cruise line to the Bahamas. This was our high school graduation present and a chance to let loose before college.

  My parents weren’t too happy to see me go. They were worried – with good cause I suppose. You see, my dad is the Governor of Florida and he planned on announcing his intent to run for presidency in the next election. He was a little concerned about sending his only daughter on a trip without any security. I fought desperately for that freedom and he finally gave in.

  Now, I kinda wish he did send someone.

  The first day we set sail to Key West. My best friends, Nicole and Rowan, were just as excited as me to spend a couple of hours shopping and hitting the famous Duval Street. We even managed to score some margaritas at Sloppy Joes. However, that night back on the ship was when the fun came to an end for me.

  After a nice dinner, we decide to check out the nightclub Aqua. As we approach the door to Aqua, I see a cute guy in a white uniform with the SeaStar logo. He introduced himself as Josh McCain. He is a VIP host. I know it sounds clique, but Josh has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. He walks us to a private room and tells us to let him know if we need anything.

  After an hour of dancing, I start feeling sick to my stomach. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or if I am getting seasick. Probably a little of both.

  “I’m not feeling well,” I tell Rowan as I lay my head down on the edge of the sofa in the VIP room. The velvet feels cool against my skin.

  “I’ll go get you some water,” Rowan says. “Stay right here.”

  A few minutes later Josh walks in with a glass of water. “I ran into your friend at the bar. She said you weren’t feeling well. I offered to bring this to you,” he says sweetly, handing me the ice cold water.

  I take a sip and immediately I feel my stomach rolling around.

  “I don’t feel so good.”

  “Do you want to go lay down? I can walk you back to your cabin and get the ship’s doctor for you. It’s probably seasickness.”

  “That’s okay.” I tell him. I feel embarrassed for being sick.

  Rowan and Nicole walk back into the room to check on me.

  “Hey, you don’t look so good,” Nicole says.

  “You want us to go back to the cabin with you?” Rowan offers.

  “No, that’s okay,” I start to protest.

  “I offered to walk back with her. I can get some medicine from the commissary shop for her,” Josh tells my friends.

  After a few minutes of encouraging me to go back to the room, I finally give in and let Josh walk me back.

  On the walk back to my cabin, he tells me he is from California and has worked with the cruise ship for about eight months. I can’t help but wonder if he is flirting with me.

  I tell him I just graduated from high school and will be attending Florida State University this fall. “I plan on becoming a veterinarian and they have the best program in Florida,” I tell him. “Plus, it’s close to home, which my parents like.”

  What I don’t tell him is what it’s like being the daughter of a prominent governor and all the stress and problems it causes me.

  We get to my cabin, which I can tell he is impressed by.

  “Wow, the penthouse suite. You must be someone special,” he says. The penthouse suite costs like $8000 for the four-day cruise. If he only knew.

  I don’t reply and immediately lay down on the sofa. My stomach is still rolling around and now I am getting a headache.

  “Why don’t you rest and I will call the doctor for you. He is really nice.”

  “No, I don’t want to go through all the trouble. I just need something for my stomach.”

  Josh insists on going to get some medicine at the ship’s commissary and I let him.

  “I had trouble with seasickness when I first started working. What really helps is fresh air and looking out over the ocean.”

  So I decide to wait out on the balcony while he gets the medicine.

  The night sky takes my breath away. The effect of the hundreds of stars combined with the thousands of twinkling lights from the cruise sh
ip reminds me of Christmas time.

  I pull my long blonde hair into a ponytail and slide off my pink flip flops, taking a big breath of the salty air.

  A gust of wind out of nowhere picks up a flip flop and tosses it over the railing. I grab the railing and look over the top just in time to see the shoe get swallowed up in the foamy wake.

  I start to wonder what happened to Josh. He should have been back by now. It is then I hear the sliding glass door open behind me. I turned around and see Josh.

  “Hey there. I thought you forgot me,” I say. He has a strange look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

  Then someone gives Josh a hard push onto the balcony.

  I stare at the strange man in shock. He has a gun pointed to Josh’s head.

  “What are you doing? Are you crazy?” I scream at this stranger.

  “Move it,” The man says, pushing Josh further out onto the balcony.

  “Leave her alone. She doesn’t know anything,” Josh finally says.

  “What is going on?” I ask again. “Josh, who is this?” This is like a bad scene playing out in a movie.

  “Come on, Amber. Join the party.” The man motions to me with the gun.

  It takes me a second to realize what the man said. How does he know my name?

  I press my back into the balcony railing. There is no way I am going anywhere with this lunatic. Apparently he has the wrong room or something!

  “Leave her out of this. She doesn’t know anything,” Josh pleads.


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