My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 6

by Adriana Alexa

  - I have not spoken with Gregory. I will speak tonight.

  I saw her smile turn into something dark.

  - It was better not to do this, Miss.

  His voice was equally serious and painful. I opened my mouth trying to articulate words. But the best I got was:

  - How is it?

  He hid his eyes in his hands as he rubbed his forehead.

  - There's an easy way to explain this, so I'd better tell a story.

  - No. - Hit his hand on the table. Among discover she was pregnant, almost abort and receive the most indecent proposals, my life had become a real emotional rollercoaster and now enough - If you have something to tell me, you tell me at once. A phrase, Boe. Say it!

  - I wanted it to be simple ...

  - You'll have to be! Because I can not stand more complications in my life now.

  - I really wish I could go without dropping this problem in Miss, but there's no ...

  - Boe! A sentence! Say once.

  - Let me just explain. - He had a nervous look of confusion and despair.

  - After! First you tell me.

  - Ms...

  - A sentence! One more and I'll get up, Boe! I will not hear any more!

  - Mrs. Baxter sent to kill you. - He whispered.

  I must have blinked thirty-seven times before starting to laugh.

  - Oh, Boe! Please...

  - I swear, Miss. For my life.

  - Boe ... I'm sure people kill for power, for money ... why ... I do not know what else. But the woman already hate me long ago! If it was have me killed, I think I would have done it. - Remembered - She can not call my life but this one. - I pointed to my stomach - is her blood. It is the great-grandson of it. You can not forget that!

  - The great-grandson she offered five million for Miss miscarry? Do you really think she cares?

  I swallowed dry. I wanted to tell him it did not make sense and go. But I was stuck in the chair. Heavy. Attached to his words.

  - Eleanor Baxter cares about the family with money, with power and influence. And only. - I said - I'm with her long enough to be sure of that.

  - I do not think it would kill me, Boe. It is horrible, but murder ...

  - I wanted to tell a story, remember? Am I entitled to more than one sentence now? - The disruption in his voice was giving me chills.

  - Count. - I muttered.

  - A few years ago Eleanor decided that Mathias Holt was not good enough for his daughter Audrey. Did the possible and the impossible to get rid of it. But the two were in love and were married. They lived a long life together, always infernizados by Eleanor and needs to be said, Mr. Holt was the most determined man I have ever met. Anyone would have given up Audrey lady long. I do not know many people who would submit to all that he has, for love. People say that love is the strongest thing in the world, but I disagree, Miss. With all due respect, but love does not seem to last much longer than patience. Patience and love just seems to go together. I always saw it happen. Less with Mr. Holt.

  - I know the story, Boe.

  - No, you do not know. - He shook his head at me - Eleanor could convince Audrey to leave it almost once every two months. But then Mr. Holt hugged her and told her he loved her and she remembered that her mother was ... one ... manipulative bitch - said softly, as if her mistress could hear him - and they were still together. This continued for many years. To all that trouble with Amanda girl.

  - She publicly assumed he was gay.

  - Yes, and the Baxters turned their backs on her. But she did not need the Baxter. She had the Holt side of the family that was rich enough. That left Eleanor angry.

  I was beginning to feel where the story was going.

  - One day she called me. He said "Boe, you see this guy here? I want you to take him to the place where Mathias is meeting with some investors." I obeyed. - He swallowed hard and I saw that this was the part of the story he wanted to tell more and that would be the hardest - I took the boy there. It was in a nearby town. We got into the car and went to the car of Mr. Holt. He ... he ... moved something in the car.

  My stomach was going around and I was sure it was going to be sick. Boe has not stopped:

  - I would like to say that I did not know what he was doing. But I knew, Miss. - He hid his face in his hands - I knew very well. Part of me hoped he was just doing something to ... the car does not work, you know? Eleanor talked to Audrey that day. And he convinced her to leave her husband again. And like all times, Audrey called Mr. Holt. And as every time he came desperately behind the woman he loved. Only this time, Eleanor had done something with the car.

  I held the table and gasped.

  - Miss sun! - He raised worried and bent down beside me. - Oh, please! No. Miss is pregnant! What do I do? Miss take to the hospital?

  - Tell me this is a joke, Boe. He tells me that Eleanor had you come to say this just to scare me.

  - I'm sorry, miss. But it's true. - He sat down again and I wanted to drink a juice drink, but my throat was so swollen that I was sure that suffocate - Eleanor killed Mr. Holt.

  I could hear the voice of Greg. A few years ago telling me everything.

  My father and sister were killed. My mother was saying it was not her fault and my grandmother was saying it was the best.

  - I did not know that Miss Amanda was in the car. I had no idea. - Boe was between a sob and contained a cry. He was talking, but I could only hear separate phrases, words ... my linear thinking was irreparably fragmented and I could not bring order to chaos.

  - You need to tell the police. - I finally say - We need to tell someone.

  He shook his head.

  - I never thought Miss was the innocent kind. There is no evidence, Miss Bishop. I do not even know who the man was that I took there. And a lot of very powerful people have received a lot of money to look the other way. We would never be able to prove anything. And then after a few months, when the matter was forgotten, she would send kill us both and what good it would do?

  - Gregory! - I exclaimed - We account pro Gregory.

  That was it. He would be able to do something, would not you?

  Boe was shaking his head again:

  - And why would he believe me?

  - He would believe me!

  - But Miss has no evidence out my words.

  - Boe! Jure! Jure that's true! Promise me!

  I was very close to experience the most absolute panic for the first time in my life. If that were true, if Eleanor had killed someone, I could not let it go. Never! But to be sure ...

  - I swear, Miss. For my life, I swear.

  - So we'll get the evidence we need. Will you help me and we'll ... - he was shaking his head again - Now Boe, what the hell! What now?

  - You did not forget something?

  - What?

  - She sent me here to kill Miss.

  One of my hands returned to my stomach and my eyes flew to the knife on the table.

  - I will not do anything! - He added quickly, shaking hands - I do not want this for my life. I can not take it anymore. - She took out a small bottle from his pocket and placed it on the table - Ten drops it in there juice and Miss abort sure, and spend a good week in the hospital for poisoning. It would be difficult to survive without any sequel. - He explained - Eleanor told me to put thirty drops.

  I felt a shiver of fear down my spine.

  - It would be easy to swap sugar for salt in your drink. - Continued - Child's play.

  - And you do?

  - I'm not proud not at all to say that I have done similar work for her before. And she knows that Miss trust me. But he overestimated my loyalty for her. I can not take it anymore. - He said again and I heard the pain in his voice.

  I pulled the knife next to me and leaned his forehead on his hands.

  - If any of these things reach the public, Miss ... if she can not keep these rumors away from her ...

  - She will blame you.

  - No doubt.

  - I need to talk to
Gregory. - I whispered.

  - You can do it. - I started and I felt that he was still going to keep talking - and he may believe you. But what then? He goes straight to the grandmother, she will deny and whom he will believe?

  - He loves me! - It was not intentional, but my voice was high-pitched and shaky.

  - I know. But it created. And all the evidence will tell you she is innocent. And to make matters worse, she says you are pregnant and it was she who convinced you to leave the abortion clinic. It has his picture inside, has the result of its review, you have evidence that you have scheduled an hour to perform the procedure, have your photos in the car with her. Will be able to prove that you know you are pregnant for almost a week, which did not tell him he was going to abort without even talking about it and still will show how the heroine who did not want to interfere with the grandson and girlfriend, but prevented absurd was committed.

  I wanted to vomit.

  - So, Miss Bishop? Who will believe it?

  I could feel my jaw hitting and blame the hormones for my lack of self-control.

  - What do you want me to do, Boe? - The question came out as a whisper - Which option left? Being not tell everything to Greg ... and expect him to believe me.

  - At best, Miss sun ... At best, he believes. But that does not mean that Eleanor will stop trying. Miss has a lot to lose and she ... she did not lose anything.

  - What do I do? - Sounded almost like a desperation - What would you do in my place?

  - I was leaving.

  I caught the jaw.

  - No -. I decided.

  - You can stay and pretend nothing happened. I will not hurt her. But I can not fool Eleanor long. If I do not show results soon, I have to confess that I can not do that, then I'll have to disappear. I know too much. And Miss can not be afraid of it, but I have. I assume I can not do it and walk away. And she ... she hires someone else. One that does not have any feeling for Miss and that will change your sugar for salt quietly.

  - How long?

  - She wanted you dead before Gregory found out about the pregnancy. But even if he finds out ... I find it hard that she wait a few days.


  Completely surreal.

  I felt like a melted clock Dalí. My time is over.

  - I do not believe Boe. People do not do that! - I stuck my fingers in my hair - People do not send kill other and ...

  - Miss ... we do not have time for that.

  - But what...

  - You have to go. I tell her that Miss saw someone moving in your drink. I say I saw the bottle ... or even that I threatened you ... do not know. Invention something. I believe that she was frightened. I say miscarried and left. With the documents and evidence of abortion. And Miss will live in peace somewhere.

  - Not without Gregory!

  - I wanted to bring good news, Miss Sun Really.! But do not bring. I bring the worst. And the truth is that you'll have to choose between staying with Mr. Holt or protect your life and your child. It's a horrible choice. But I fear that Miss can only have one of two.

  - I will talk to him. - I decided - We can not talk to Eleanor. I can convince him to get evidence before talking to her!

  - The decision is yours, Miss. I will tell Eleanor that Gregory does not know of pregnancy. This will give you another day or two. But whatever you resolve, solve very quickly. Eleanor will not wait and even if she decides to wait or give up ... kill her ... still will not rest. It will make your life a perfect hell there.

  - But why? If she already wants to kill me, I do not imagine that something can be worse.

  - Because she does not risk. If the unthinkable happens and you survive, she will still want to have control over each of your days. Maybe even make it consider the original proposal.

  - 5 million to abort my child? - I felt the sweet taste of the words my son melting in my mouth. It was so natural that I could not understand what would have taken me only a few hours ago, to even consider rid of it.

  - Will leave you desperate enough to consider the agreement. And if you come back, she would tell you that the agreement has changed and offer only 2 million.

  - I will not consider this possibility, Boe. Never.

  - I know. I'm just preparing you, Miss Bishop's like I told you:. Pitbulls disguised as poodles. Pitbulls everywhere.


  I entered the office wanting to bury myself in work and did not get out of there anymore.

  I had not yet processed all Boe had told me, but one thing I knew for sure: to talk to Gregory. Even if only to see what would happen from there. Even if he did not believe me or hate me. At least I could keep making sure I tried to do what I could.

  I had not even found the first process I was going to work when Conaughy came into my room.

  - Laura, I would not come today.

  - I was feeling better, Andrew. - Swallow dry - And unless I'm confined to a bed, I'm working.

  - I know I know. - He stepped forward and sat on one of the chairs on the other side of my desk. I had something urgent in her tone that I found very strange.

  - Did something happen? Because I really need work ... - I pointed to the papers in my hand. I needed to work today as never before in my life. Anything to keep my mind very busy.

  - Don, we need to talk.

  I played his forehead in his hand.

  - Andrew is the third time I hear it today and the other two times ended very badly. What happened?

  - I do not want to think you do not appreciate your work here. You are one of the best lawyers in the firm. One of the best we've ever had and you know it.

  - Know. - I raised one shoulder without any false modesty.

  - So it's very hard to say this, but ... We need to let her go.

  I laughed.

  - Let me go where?

  He was very serious.

  - Please do not do it to be more difficult than it already is. Don, we had to make some changes in the firm. We have to lay off some staff and ...

  - And will lay off the best lawyer you have?

  - We know you will get another opportunity easily! - He spreads his arms - You're very competent, hardworking. Since we have to fire someone, we prefer to dismiss those who have chances out there. Preserving the weak.

  - Oh, of course! - Spit sarcasm - Because that's what law firms do: protect the weak lawyers and get rid of the strong. What the hell is going on, Andrew?

  - That's all I told you, Dom Unfortunately ....

  And suddenly a light ...

  - Eleanor Baxter told me resign, Andrew?

  He caught the jaw with his eyes fixed on me and I did not need a verbal response.

  - Son of a bitch. - I whispered - And you sold? She opened her legs and let her fuck you?

  - Laura, this is not appropriate.

  - It is not appropriate? You know it is not appropriate? The obscene amount of money I earned for that office in the last two years. And even I have not the least of your loyalty! Or friendship! Because you'd fire me without even tell me the real reason, were not you? And tell me what is appropriate?

  - I'm so sorry.

  - I'm the best lawyer that place, and you know it!

  - I know, okay? Of course I know! You're like a dog with a bone! Not wide a cause for anything and that's great! It's what makes the best lawyers! But apparently it is not a quality that Eleanor Baxter would like for the girlfriend of his grandson.

  - My private life does not concern any of you. - I growled.

  - I agree. You know what concerns me? The conglomerate's head that makes up our largest customer say it will look for a new firm unless one of our attorneys to be fired.

  I bit my lip and did not let go.

  - You win because after question. It is true. But all the money you earn for the company in a year would not be anything close to what we would lose if Baxter Inc finished the representation contract. Know this.

  I knew it.

  - It's all right. You know I'll sue y
ou for that, do not you?

  - Do not expect anything less.

  I threw the body into the chair.

  - If you can, I would have cleaned your room until the end of the day. - Have completed at my door.

  - Are you serious? - I had to laugh. A short laugh hate.

  - IT IS. I'm sorry. We must make sure that we follow the instruction and ... - he leaned his forehead against the side of the open door and I felt that this part would hurt - Do not put us in your resume as a reference for the next job, all right?

  I got up from the chair and "indignation" would not be a strong enough word.

  - And I say what in my resume, Conaughy? I spent the last two years out of society at a Buddhist temple? Of course I will put you as a reference.

  - Sun ... it would be better for you not to put.

  - The son of a bitch sent you speak evil of me for the next employer? That was it, was not it?

  - Don ... if you want to put, put. It's just a friendly advice. Please...

  - So, she did not want me to work here or anywhere else. It is? You want me to be unemployed?

  - I understand you're upset, but ...

  - Upset? Annoyed? It is how I get upset when they do not put hot sauce on my sandwich, Andrew. I get upset when I lose the trailers in the movies. I get upset when I break a nail! But now? No ... Now I'm pissed. Enraged. Angry. Rabid. Wrathful. You can choose one of these.

  - I get it...

  - Stop saying that understands! Just ... just stop!

  I wanted to bite something or hit someone.

  She will still want to have control over each of your days. Maybe even make it consider the original proposal.

  The voice of Boe was in my ears and I rubbed his temples. Conaughy said he was sorry and left.

  So that was it. I was unemployed. Fired. ... It was a first time for everything.

  And without reference to the last two years of work. Great.

  I took the few personal items that were there and dumped the rest back.


  They want to get rid of me, because that clean the dirt. They pack the room and throw everything out.

  I walked down the street as if floating. It did not seem real. It did not seem true. It was as if at any time I was waking up in bed next to Holt. Would breathe relieved, down to the kitchen and drink a cup of coffee.


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