My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 37

by Adriana Alexa

  I pulled my hair with desire, but I did not mean to hit her neck now. Instead it took me in her legs, kissing his hands, licking the beginning of his hair, biting his belly.

  My fingers found a small flaw in your skin. Three little pink streaks around your navel.

  - That's new. - I muttered.

  She spent her long finger and scratched the mark with his flawless nail.

  - Pregnancy. - He explained.


  Her skin stretched and gave to make room for my son.

  My son grew up there for months and months away from me.

  I put my nose into his stomach, while a whirlwind of emotions invaded me.

  That little mark was all that was left for me. The first nine months. The first seven years.

  Everything else I would have to see for pictures or listen to recordings and stories. That little mark on the stomach of Don was the only real thing I had the birth of my son. The only tangible thing.

  Rested his lips on the discrete failure on your skin and kissed her. I Wish I had seen that mark form. I wanted to have seen her grow.

  Cover its entire length kisses, before proceeding to the next and the next. Laura was laughing when I finished.

  - I love your stretch marks. - I decided.

  - There is one thing that is not listening in bed all day. - Joked, stroking my chin.

  Inspired like to continue asking me something else, but I was tired of talking and slipped between her legs, opening his flesh with your fingers, the little bit swollen lump making her gasp of pleasure. Slid his tongue experiencing their honey. His legs twitched and his hands gripped the sheets.

  I pulled back a few feet and breathed slowly, refreshing all your input. Dom moaned loudly and my hard cock was sticking the mattress. I climbed her body, touching her curves with my tongue until you reach the curve of her neck. His hands down scraping down my spine, digging her nails into my ass.

  I pulled one knee, making room for me. Rubbing my erection between her legs in a scuffed long, leisurely. Laura pulled my mouth with a desperate kiss. Our moans intermingled with our heavy breathing. I pressed the flesh of her breasts and held her lower lip between her teeth as she pulled back just a little. He offered me the tongue, licking the line of my jaw. I turned his face to give you passage to my neck and she licked and bit. His saliva left a trace in my skin tingled feverishly stuffing me a maddening lust.

  - I love you. - Groaned - Greg ... I love you.

  - I love you more. - I whispered.

  - Impossible. - She smiled for a split second before moving his lips and squeezing them, controlling groan when buried myself in it.

  Stocking up slowly making our hips dance. Her legs rubbing on the outside of my thighs. Every breath was a moan that made me more excited than the last.

  I kissed his face, watching their eyes glaze over.

  The love of my life.

  Laura stuck his fingers in his mouth sucking them that way that made me want to die and now it was I who was moaning like an animal. She bit her knuckles smothering the cries and drowned in her heat. I bit my finger she kept in the mouth, pushing them with their teeth, taking her mouth, shoving my tongue down your throat. Blowing up.

  My groin warmed and haywire. A growing tension with each new impact of my body with hers, rubbing my crotch hard against her clit. She was screaming in my mouth. A gasp by intense kisses. Laura bit my mouth and came with shivering spasms through her body. He sank his teeth into my chin and tension inside me overflowed when esporrei owned by relief.

  I rolled to the side, out of it. Sun kissed my mouth and I was licking my lips as she threw the pillows on your side of the bed. Licking my lips and feeling your taste still present.

  He kissed my chest and stood up.

  - Hey! - I complained - Go where?

  - I'm going to take a bath! - Noted with obviousness - I'm not an animal to sleep sweaty and wet from rain.

  - I'm invited? - I played again.

  - You are subpoenaed. - Exclaimed, already on the bathroom door - will not sleep in my bed dirty.

  I followed obediently and threw me under the hot water jet with her.

  It was the best kind of bath. I had felt a crazy miss that Laura lathering my body, smiling, kissing me, rinsing the hair themselves, bending the neck in the water jet in a way that made her breasts jump forward, getting my disposal.

  I made love to her in the shower. His hands in my hair, pulling my shoulders. Me digging deep inside her, her wetness running down our legs and mixing hot water.

  We dried off each other and I carried her to bed.

  - What are you doing? - Protested laughing, when I have suspended the air.

  And I did not answer because he did not know.

  I had no idea what he was doing. I only knew that I was happy. So happy I could barely contain my body.

  I laid my head on the pillow beside her and Dom moved in bed, snuggling into my chest. I stroked her hair in a caress without compromise.

  - Go to sleep agarradinha, is it? - I teased.

  - I will. - Kissed the base of my neck - You want me to leave?

  - Never. - I squeezed his arms around her.

  He sighed and then fell asleep. I was lying with sun in my arms, trying to match our breaths. My mind took a few minutes to be blurred and lazy. Taking me to a deeper and deeper sleep.

  I even remembered that I had not taken my tranquilizers.

  I did not need them.

  Sleep has found its way back to me. It was that absolute peace around me and that had a very obvious reasons: I was at home.

  Chapter 17

  The light bothered me despite my tightly closed eyelids. I rubbed my eyes and temples, awakening. I reached out to the side and found the bed empty.

  I kept my eyes closed for a few moments, if it all had been a dream and I woke up in my lonely coverage I would want to die. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, eroded by the adrenaline to wake a person far more efficiently than any alarm clock. The wooden floor, the half-open white curtains, the crumpled pillow beside me. A nice smile on my mouth.

  - Sun? - Called lazy - Bring your ass to bed around. - I complained to the pillow.

  A few seconds of silence.

  - Sun? - I sat on the bed.

  I searched my phone in a pocket of my pants fallen on the floor and ... fucking hell, it was almost noon.

  I got startled and stuck me in the bathroom. He had tucked the pants legs, rushed when remembered that I had nowhere to go.

  You are unemployed, you remember?

  The thought filled me with absurd and wonderful relief.

  I did not go anywhere. I could just stay there. All day.

  I pulled his pants again and shoved me in the shower. I dried off with one of the towels we had used the night before and wrapped around his waist. Had a toothbrush sealed in a package next to a folder, positioned right in the middle of the counter near the sink, and I figured it should be a Laura statement.

  It should be at work and Ty at school.

  I brushed my teeth and got dressed.

  The craft paper stuck in the refrigerator for an unnecessary amount of magnets caught my attention. Letters scratched repeatedly with force brought my name in big bold letters, clashing the rest of the long letter written in elegant calligraphy gift that year had not let me forget.

  I removed the magnets carefully and took it in his hands:


  Do not I woke up because I did not realize it was already necessary that you are unemployed. (EBA !!) I left two sandwiches for you in the microwave. Do not put more than 30 seconds or it will get too hot, you will burn and be complaining like a little girl. It has juice in the refrigerator. I did not do coffee, and please do not take chances. If I know you, I will destroy my kitchen. Ty out of school at 1:30, you can get it? Send a message to me if you can, or I think you can not. He needs to take a shower when you arrive, and eat something. Do not let lunch and, please, do not risk .
.. I left money on the table (do not know how is your unemployed status - EBA !!) for you ask for a pizza. While you're there in the morning, be helpful: make the bed, take out the trash and take the dog for a walk, yes? And this house we wash the dishes using! AND DO NOT MESS DO!

  You snored all night and my left awake. I hope you're rested because I have plans for revenge that will leave you up all night too.

  A kiss,

  I love you."

  I could not tell what part of the message I liked.

  I loved my Dom bossy telling me what to do. I loved the way she cared and looked after me. I loved the relaxed way she saw my new situation. I loved this fellowship of sharing tasks. I loved his promise to leave me up all night.

  But more than anything, I loved that she had left me a kiss and said he loved me. People usually end a letter with one of the two. Even a romantic letter. Should be "a kiss" and a signature. Or "I love you" and a signature. But she had left them. I needed both. I needed a kiss and needed to know that she loved me. And I did not need a signature.

  I texted her confirming that would take Ty at school and she replied with a disbelieving grace calling me lazy for sleeping until that time. I stretched my arms stretching his neck so I had coffee and set to work. I packed more than she had asked and left the house as organized as I could in an hour before I had to leave to catch my son.


  - Father!

  Tyler ran excited and hugged me. I returned the hug, feeling my whole body shaking. It was the first time he called me that.

  - How was school, boy? - Kept tightening around him. He moved trying to pick up the bag he had left a few steps behind him, but I resist to release it.

  - Nice. - Recovered the backpack and I ran my hand through your hair before kissing her forehead.


  I do not care about what would be the reason for his excitement to finally use that word. I only care that she had been used. And I was grinning like an idiot.

  - Ready to go?

  - Ready! Mom said you would stay with us for a while. - She continued, satisfied.


  I was smiling even more.

  - I mean! - Hastened to correct - she said you may stay with us for a while.

  - All right for you? - Shook his hand stuck in my - If I stay with you for a while?

  - All. - Agreed with a gesture - Help me with the puzzle I told you about?

  - One of 8000 pieces? Of course!

  We made our way back to a lively conversation in which Tyler tried me explain the workings of something called Dragon Ball Z, without much success. I pretended to understand why I did not want our interaction to cool, but made a mental note to start watching this drawing to have more subject next time.

  I left his backpack in a corner of the room as he ran to the dog.

  - Euler! - He shook his ears slowly, sticking his nose in his fur. The Samoyed was growing and growing. As he grew older, his ears - when folded puppy - began to rise, so that one of them was practically standing.

  Tyler ran into the bedroom. I had barely completed the connection to the pizzeria and it was already spreading the puzzle pieces on the living room coffee table. I remembered the Laura order to let him fed and bathed. Also remembered their severe instructions "DO NOT MESS" in bold capital letters and wondered if it would not be anything like what she meant.

  But he was so happy. Smile and alternate names. Gregory had called me once and returned to the "you", as if testing the ground. But between catch it in school and the arrival of pizza I counted four "fathers".

  Four precious "parents."

  The last two times they had been followed and I would not lose my sequence with bath orders, do the task or simply interrupting our play.

  Euler keep away from the fine pieces required constant dedication and, on two occasions, I was sure that he had damaged the part beyond any solution. Sure this could only be confirmed if finally found the fit of bloody pieces that infinite tangle of chaos were eight thousand pieces.

  I've never been adept at puzzle assembly, but had seen several boxes containing toys: friends' houses, specialty shops ... I confess, however, that had always read the number as just a number. Five thousand pieces was too much. Six thousand was even more. Eight thousand was a bit ... but never spent much time thinking about it.

  Ty to open your box and dump its contents by Laura coffee table.

  Eight thousand pieces were MANY parts.

  And I could not see us ending that contract in the very near future.

  - I do not know if we will be able to finish it all today, Ty ... - softened. It was better to do it accept the situation instead of stopping it abruptly in a sense of defeat.

  - Oh, I know. - He lifted a shoulder, when he found one more piece that fit the edge - I usually take a few days to finish one of these.

  - A few days? - I exclaimed impressed - Okay. - Laughs.

  - We go riding slowly. - She murmured carefully before lifting a curious look at me.

  I understood what he wanted ... I smiled back.

  - No problem.

  - Even if it takes days? - He asked.

  He wanted to see if I would even get close. He was wearing the puzzle as a way to create a bond. Create a must. Something that would keep me there.

  - Even if it takes years, son.


  I closed the door of his room, stepping on soft, not to wake him.

  - No need to get on tiptoes, Holt. - She was finishing washing the dinner dishes - He has a deep sleep. A shooting does not wake.

  I shoved my hands in his pockets and leaned back against the wall. Standing and smiling. Watching her open the fridge and drink sips of isotonic straight from the bottle.

  - What's it? - Laughed, wiping his chin drops of isotonic flowed when she got rid of the bottle too fast.

  I would say "nothing." But instead:

  - I love you.

  - Yes you love. - Bit the tip of her tongue, smiling.

  - I think Ty liked having me around. - I ventured, approaching me - He mentioned that you told him that I would stay for a while.

  - He said he might stay. - Corrected and before the two corrections, figured she had beaded one word of doubt when he talked to him - had not spoken to you, but did not want my puppy was caught off guard.

  - And I can?

  - Can what?

  - Stay?

  I examined clinically, lingering in your gentle scrutiny.

  - You can. - I decided - But I do not want this puzzle confusion in my room!

  I crossed the room and put her in my arms, kissing her face as she arranged new reasons to complain of smiles.

  - I will behave. - I promised.

  - I doubt it! - He laughed out loud.

  I put his mouth on my lips and kissed her lazily.

  - I remember a promise involving "let me up all night." - Played.

  - Greg. - Rested his forehead on mine. There were serious there.

  - What's it?

  - I want to talk. - She murmured - I'm scared.

  - Fear? Of what? - I pulled away to look her in the eye.

  - In Eleanor. And Gregory! - Added in a hurry - Do not you dare tell me I have no reason or that all is well and ...

  - I did not say anything. - I agreed.

  She swallowed the rest of the speech and took a deep breath.

  - I'm afraid of her and what she can do.

  - What do you think she can do?

  - You will believe me? - Raised eyebrows.

  - Always and the rest of my life.

  - The Easter Bunny broke the window with a carrot and stole my socks. - Tested.

  - I'll call the police or animal control? - I pointed his thumb to the phone and she laughed.

  I pulled away and picked up the phone, preparing to dial when she held my arms.

  - Okay, okay. - He laughed, discreet - believe me. He proved his point.

  - What was going to tell me? - I left
the phone back on the table.

  - Eleanor sent Boe kill me.

  A chilling shiver tore my spine.

  - He ordered him to put something in my drink would be enough to make me abort and send me to the hospital with serious sequelae. At least. - I squeezed my arms as if to give me strength to hear it. But there was enough strength in the world. - But she underestimated Boe ... we ... we were friends and he told me everything. He suggested that I ran away. He said you would not believe me. I got scared, Greg. I was afraid at that time and I'm scared now.

  I leaned on the sofa back and let my mind wander.

  - Believe me?

  Laura was a strong woman, but I knew her too well: she was shaking inside. I got up, taking her hands in mine.

  - I believe! - I stared into his dark eyes, giving you security - Every word. And I'll take care of it.

  - As?

  - Zahner is the police, is not it? And is behind Eleanor ... I gave contact Boe for him.

  - And if Boe not talk? He is afraid of it too.

  - I will talk to him. We spoke to him together. Let us convince you. Let's get evidence, Dom. - I put her face in my hands - and make her pay for what he did. But until then do not be afraid. I'll take care of us. She will not lay a finger on you or Ty.

  - Greg ...

  - You asked me to believe you. No doubt. And I'm doing it. Now, I ask you to trust me. You can do it? You can trust that it will not fool me again and I'll take care of the three of us? No doubt?

  He squeezed his lips and shook his head saying. I kissed her mouth again.

  - We Four. - She murmured.

  - Han?

  - Hyatt. - He recalled - has to take care of it too.

  - Eleanor will not bother you. - I ran a hand in her hair.

  - Why it is not their genetic child?

  My jaw dropped before I could stop him.

  - Like you...

  - Eye color. - Lifted one shoulder - And you were bitter over the years, he showed me. But I do not think you believe that was actually his son would have kept so far boy. Still it was wrong what he did! - He raised an eyebrow reproaching me - he was not guilty of anything .... But I saw how you were with Ty. Even I know him, but only for being his son ... - sighed - I could see. And I do not think I could have ignored Hyatt that way if it was really his blood. I would overcome the problems with Elizabeth.


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