My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 42

by Adriana Alexa

  - Greg ... Shh ... I know. - I tried to hold him back but I could barely move me wrapped in his strong arms and I had only my words to calm him.

  - Oh, what the hell. - She murmured - I do not believe. I can not believe. - Released me for a second - How could you forgive me? - There was a peculiar glint in his eyes and I took her hands to her face.

  - Because I love you. I thought that part was clear.

  - Even so. - She came to hug me. But this time was much more tucked in my arms than I his.

  - Well ... I think sometimes lack a person makes in our lives is greater than the mistake she made. And I made mine and ... I thought we had already solved this part.

  - How did you escape?

  - Oliver. The same friend who helped me from the beginning. - I smile - he had sent someone to keep an eye on me.

  - I need a hug in Oliver. - I gasped - I owe my life to him.

  - Holt, calm. - Laughs - has passed. It's been a long time. And I do not know if I warned you ... - joked - but I'm pretty tough.

  He laughed softly. More relief than to have found favor.

  - It's all right. - Accepted - I'm glad it's over. At least now I know. Will you tell me, is not it? If there is something else? - Kissed my mouth quickly.

  - Greg. - I sighed - There's something else.

  - What's it?

  - It will not be easy to hear.

  - And you think everything else was? - Eyes widened.

  - This will be worse. - I promised.

  - Don ... Tell me at once. You're scaring me.

  - It's something that your grandmother did. Long before the people to know ... Boe told me, when he suggested that I go away and told me about the intentions of Eleanor.

  - Laura said at once.

  - Boe gave me many details, Greg. He seems pretty sure that ... - panted - The accident that caused the death of his father and Amanda, Boe said it was not just an accident. He said Eleanor sent a person to do something with the car.

  My poor Gregory.

  He was pale.



  Supporting the body against the couch.

  Eyes lost in the void and mouth slightly open in a silent scream.

  It was as if there was no blood flowing through his veins.

  As if there was heat in his body or shine in your eyes.

  As if something inside him was dying again.

  - She killed my family. - I could not tell whether it was a question - she will pay. - His voice was a mixture of sobriety with madness in such a way that scared me.

  - Holt. Calm. - I asked.

  - Calm? - He smiled. But there was no joy in his face - Calm? If someone asked you calm when she offered you money to kill Ty you hear?

  - I just want to say that it is elusive. You can not run after her without measuring the depth, Greg. Have to be careful.

  - Shit, sun! - Rubbed his hair with rage - Why did not you tell me? Why did not you tell me the second you know?

  - Would you have believed?

  - You know what I'm sick? - Exclaimed with half-closed teeth - I'm sick of everyone treating me like I was an idiot incapable of own thoughts!

  - Holt, the woman always had a power over you ...

  - WHY ALL left WORLD! Because EVERYBODY hid from me the things she did! How could I find out? How could I know that it is this horrible person? It is this monster? If anyone ever tells me anything? Of course I would not believe it! There was no evidence! Only Secrets! Only secrets because Gregory is a manipulative jerk who can not think!

  - Greg. - I touched his arm but he jerked away from me.

  - No, no! - Complained - I ... Ah! Shit! - He waved his arms in the air - she will pay. - He muttered to himself, holding his lips between his teeth - will pay! - She exclaimed furious and walked out the door.

  - Holt!

  - Do not come after me. - Barked.

  I heard the rumblings of your hand against Zahner door and I thought it best to stay behind. Maybe Gary could calm him. Or maybe you could direct your anger for a better purpose.


  - I want to talk to you.

  - I noticed when you almost knocked my door.

  - Do not be cute. - Moved forward at his apartment.

  - Laura told you everything, huh?

  - The son of a bitch killed my father and my sister? It is true?

  Zahner opened his eyes and mouth in an expression of glorious wonder.

  - Mother Daughter ... - he murmured - I do not know. Laura did not tell me that part.

  - She said Boe told it to her.

  - If he has evidence! - Zahner was talking to himself.

  - Pay attention! - I snapped my fingers, calling it - She killed my family. She killed my best friend. She almost killed the woman I love and my son. Enough, Zahner. Enough.

  - I agree.

  - Everyone talks about you as if you had plans that no one was willing to run. As if no one wanted to get your hands dirty.

  - I'm honored.

  - I'm with you now. - I growled - I do not care what needs to be done.

  - Does not care?

  - I do not care.

  - Even if it costs you Laura?

  I took a deep breath and swallowed dry.

  - I want to Eleanor in jail. - Was the only answer I could give.

  - Okay then. - Agreed - I'll tell you the plan.

  Chapter 20

  Gregory was strange. He returned to his coverage after the conversation with Zahner and I did not ask any of them what had happened. Holt was hurt and needed a break. I knew how it worked and press it now would not do you any good.

  The curious thing is that, despite having been beaten by life over again, I still had hope that some things could easily break and part of me was certain that Gregory would embrace me the next morning as soon as he saw me. I would kiss me and say that later would talk calmly about everything.

  But that's not what happened.

  He arrived on the stick before me, greeted me away and stood talking to an assistant for a few minutes. Elizabeth also was already there. Surrounded by eight lawyers and I could not understand what misfortune might have affected the mind of a majority shareholder to take eight professionals with a cause that simple. If the goal was to intimidate, good luck to them. I was born vaccinated against this sort of thing and in my natural habitat, nothing could intimidate me.

  Unless ... she sat in the waiting room.

  Eleanor Baxter.

  The origin of all the major problems I had in my life.

  He not devoted more than two seconds my presence and even greeted me.

  Great, since I also had not offered any complimentary.

  I felt stupid for not having thought she would be there.

  After all that Gregory made after the dismissal and the distance he imposed, I believed she would finally have received the message and alienate. But there it was. Watching from the front row as always.

  - Greg, I will ask the judge to disallow the entry of anyone in the courtroom besides key personnel. - Said objectively. If he was going to treat me coldly to solve our problems, all right. But I would not let the emotional harm my work. Even though he was not exactly a client: it involved the law, I would take seriously. I've always been so and now is no different.


  - It is not necessary. - He sighed.

  Eleanor faced with the corner of my eye and inspired to challenge.

  - Laura. No problem. - Guaranteed - If she wants to participate, to take part. I'll save my energy for more productive fights.

  - You decide. - I raised one shoulder and he agreed.

  The hearing was announced and we entered. The judge sat at the head of the table and we took our places around you. Elizabeth's lawyers presented an agreement document and the division of assets and I objected. The prenuptial agreement was clear and when they threatened to use the numerous indiscretions Gregory as grounds to break the deal, I had to remind them that the
contract did not bring it as a chance exception and smiles suggestively for Elizabeth to leave her I understand that I knew the true genetic origin of his firstborn.

  She took a deep breath and hours passed in our favor, so that the few things that his ex-wife absolutely insisted, were topics indifferent to Holt and we gave.

  It was enough just a topic to be discussed so that the document was signed and Gregory was a divorced man.

  - Full Guard. - Leslie Matt was the main lawyer Elizabeth and was not across the table thought it would be the kind of woman who would give me well.

  If any woman was able to get along with me.

  - Shared. - Hissed.

  - This part is not negotiable. - explained it to me.

  - Everything is negotiable. - smile.

  - Saint-Michel Miss will not open child's hand. - He pointed to Elizabeth - organize a proposal for pension payment that your customer will find very reasonable.

  - We want joint custody. But if you question the whole guard, we have no problem turning this into a contentious custody dispute.

  - You've never been a father to him, Gregory! - She complained the lawyer and asked him calm.

  - I want to change that. - He sighed - You blame me for that decision?

  - You just want to hurt me! - Whimpered, exaggerated - More than ever hurt his lifetime.

  - I'm tired of your drama, Elizabeth. This is not about you! - He explained haltingly - It's about Hyatt and what is best for him.

  - You're missing.

  - I've been working on it lately and you know. But you only clogs the boy gifts to not have to deal with it!

  - Two days taking care of him and think you know what it means to be a father! - He was lifted - Do not you dare judge me! - She moved the chair, leaning on the table and his lawyer advised him to remain silent once again.

  - Gentlemen, please. - The judge asked - I can deduce that we are not in agreement on this issue?

  - All data are already in process excellence. - I explained - prefer that the guard is resolved in court.

  - It's all right. - Gasped - But I want to hear the child.

  - Excellence. - Leslie asked - He's too young. It is not recommended that children choice in scenarios ...

  - You do not need me to teach my profession, a lawyer. - Looked at her over his glasses - I did not say that the boy would choose. But I like to hear regardless of age before making my decision. I think your comments are usually very illustrative of the context in which they live. Just being plain. Help me decide better. You got a problem with that?

  - No, excellence.

  I agreed and arrangements were made so that Hyatt was brought to court and heard. Although accustomed to bulky causes, still impressed by the speed as everything had been done.

  A few weeks ago, Elizabeth was ready to drag Gregory in a process of long and exhausting divorce. But now he was persona non grata throughout high society and Lizzie wanted to get rid of that stigma as quickly as possible. With Baxter to two downhole steps, she had given up the precious surname and immediately returned to using her maiden name, it seemed, even before the papers are signed.

  An example of human being she was ...

  Her desperation to complete the negotiations were so great that she did not seem to matter much. And to decide that last topic, two calls were made and Hyatt was brought to the forum to be heard in a separate room.


  I brought a coffee cup that Gregory refused with a gesture. While we waited for Hyatt, he did not speak to me any word beyond the absolutely essential and I was starting to lose patience. What kind of reasoning he could have done to blame myself about to go passionate partners to semi-strangers who refused a coffee with a gesture and not even a "thank you"?

  I drank my coffee and his. Caffeine started attacking my nerves and kept me shaking my leg in a contained and endless convulsion. The anxiety was so great that I put my feet in the second that announced the arrival of Hyatt.

  - Let's watch here. - The judge pressed a button on the control, by connecting the TV.

  We sat around the table and watch the Hyatt children's room, accompanied by the official psychologist and the nanny who sat the distance.

  The psychologist talks with the softened and children's separation notions. He followed the reasoning as well as colored a picture of aircraft in a sky that, for whatever reason, he had decided to paint it green.

  - My father has spoken this to me. - He muttered, rubbing the crayon on paper, with unnecessary force.

  - What did he say? - she asked.

  I held my breath.

  I wanted it to end. On the one hand, so I could sit down with and talk Holt. On the other, so that Hyatt was free of that unfair stress.

  - He said he was still going to see me. And I could stay with him if I wanted.

  - And you want?

  Elizabeth looked at me askance and I ignored her.

  - What I want?

  - Stay with your father? - Encouraged.

  - Can be. - He lifted a shoulder, undecided.

  - Or would you rather stay with your mom?

  - Whatever. - Said, kid.

  - If you could choose. - Approached him - If you could choose to stay with who you wanted, who would you choose?

  - Who I wanted? - She looked up to the psychologist and she agreed - I think I wanted to stay with my aunt Dom.

  I'd better learn to live without oxygen because my lungs stopped working. Elizabeth let out a loud laugh of derision and was about to protest when the judge sent her silence. On the screen, we saw the psychologist end the interview and the device was turned off.

  Among Judge Leslie Matt, Elizabeth, Eleanor and Holt ... I did not know where to look.

  - I think I have all I need now. - The judge said, passing the divorce document, even without the guard setting so that all parties sign - Consensual divorce is official. The gentlemen will be informed of my decision regarding custody soon. - Watched me carefully before turning again to Leslie Matt - And I said, a lawyer? - He smiled, amused without anything in particular - Regardless of age, listen to what a child has to say always ends up being plain.


  Elizabeth took Hyatt home and I had to control myself. It seems that my son had also been imprisoned by Laura charms. I could understand. I could well understand.

  And that was exactly why it would hurt me so much.

  - Ready? - She had the bag on his shoulder and was inviting me to go home.

  How many times I did not receive that invitation?

  Over his shoulder I could see approaching Eleanor.

  - I will not go with you. - I muttered.

  - Go to work? - He raised an eyebrow with a half smile - I thought you were unemployed.

  - I will return to my house, Laura. - I sighed - I do not think this will work. Not now. - Raised the voice.

  Dom was impassive. He stared at me as if there was any justification in the world who could make you understand my attitude. Our body language betrayed the discussion and Eleanor risked approaching.

  My gaze turned to my grandmother for a second and Laura looked over his own shoulder before discarding in an angry smile of understanding it hurt my soul.

  - What did she tell you this time? - She murmured.

  - Anything. - I tore the word from my throat like a bandaid - We'll talk later.

  - We talk now! - He insisted, exalting himself - I'm tired of being thrown from side to side for you, Gregory. If you have something to tell me, tell me now.

  I took a deep breath.

  Come on.

  - You lied to me. - Hissed slowly - I can not stand it anymore. We combine was not it? We agreed that we would trust each other and soon after I discover more and more things that you never told me?

  - And you blame me for that? You have to blame her! - He pointed out to Eleanor and the other hesitated, stopping.

  - I'm not excusing anyone from their responsibilities. - warned.

One time you kiss me, make love to me and say you love me!

  - Laura! - I looked around - Please. - I held his arm asking discretion.

  - There happens any bullshit, you stick your head in the ground and changes his mind.

  - Talk to you later. - I decided.

  - No! - He pulled the arm - Enough, Gregory! I can not stand instability.

  Her lip trembled and my heart trembled together.

  I was not sure what she thought ...

  I imagined that I had gone to Eleanor last night behind explanations. She would have blocked me lies and I, like a good boy who was trained, had swallowed all guilty and Dom.

  This was without doubt his reasoning.

  And now there was nothing I could do but feel my heart bleed every new word.

  - My instability? Who was the man, Laura? Who was the one of Rossel?

  - I've explained this to you.

  - After he knocked on your door! And if he had never appeared? I would have known this story?

  - Greg ... - she almost took a step back and ... all the things I could have said, it was apparent that that hurt deeper. - Do not say that.

  - It was you who wanted to talk now, right?

  Laura turned slowly, watching Eleanor.

  - You're right ... We'll talk later. - Gasped exaggeratedly - I do not want to do it in front of her. - He mumbled through half-closed teeth of hatred.

  Eleanor faced us with hawk eyes. Do not dare miss a single word.

  I'm sorry, Don.

  Now that we started, it was better to go to the end.

  - I think we've talked, Don I doubt there's anything you can say to convince me to blindly trust you again..

  She bit her lip and considered his next words.

  He raised his dark eyes at me and I saw the disgust on his face when he said:

  - Go do it, Greg? - Had pain in his voice and I wanted to hug her and end it - will destroy me again?

  - I did nothing. - Swallow dry - You did.

  Laura breathed too deep and squinted, getting rid of the tears that already should be formed there.

  He stared at the void for a second or two before looking at Eleanor and start laughing.

  A painful and dense laugh unbelievable despair.


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