My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 44

by Adriana Alexa

  - But you should have told me! I was very quietly in police surveillance van! would not disturb anyone!

  - There was a surveillance van. - I laughed.

  - But what kind of trap was that? - Complained, putting her hands on her hips - No surveillance van?

  - I'm sorry. - I raised one shoulder.

  - She was outraged? - He asked, biting his thumb.

  - Enough.

  - She screamed, shook ...?

  - Both.

  - What she screamed? - He held my arms and I was laughing with his fun.

  - What I did not believe ... that I'd regret. And some obscenities.

  Laura had exaggerated jaw.

  - Eleanor Baxter, handcuffed, shaking and screaming obscenities.

  - Yeah.

  - And I missed that. - He narrowed his eyes at me - I will never forgive you.

  - You'll have your chance. I bet if nudge it enough, she shakes and screams obscenities at you in a hearing as well.

  - Hmm! - She closed her eyes, delighted with the idea.

  - You know you'll have to testify, do not you?

  - With pleasure. E Boe?

  - It's ok. You will also testify. With you two documents managed in Baxter and the recording of her confession ... I think she has no chance.

  - You will not need to witness?

  - Maybe you need.

  Dom was not smiling. It seems to have satisfied his moment of infinite joy and now had a concerned look.

  - How are you, Holt?

  - My grandmother killed my father, my sister and probably my best friend too. In addition to having tried to kill my son and the woman I love.

  - Not an easy news to receive. - He squeezed my arms, affectionate.

  - It is not. - I agreed quietly - But it's not as if I had suddenly discovered that she was a monster. Part of me was already preparing for this for some time. I will be fine!

  - I'll be here if you need help. - remembered.

  - And that's why even though I'll be fine.


  - Gareth Zahner?

  I excused myself to the two police officers to see what she wanted.

  - Yes?

  - Is that you?

  - It's me. - Their whispers caught my attention.

  - Lord Zahner ... I am ... can call me Lynn. I'm lawyers Eleanor Baxter.

  I bit my lips in a nasty face.

  - What can I do for you?

  - No ... I'm not speaking for them. It would be possible to talk ... ahmm ...

  - In private? Of course.

  She took a deep breath as she took a decision.

  - I'm a lawyer, Mr. Zahner. I know how professional confidentiality, but this ... I'm better Gregory's friend, or die in love with Laura, but ... I can not ...

  - Miss Lynn, let's make a deal. - I suggested - Miss turns aside and whispers to empty what happened. Say, "I do not believe ..." and complete the sentence the way you prefer. By chance, I'll just be around and hear. And I never repeat the source for anyone. What do you think?

  She watched me with astonished eyes. Its resolution hesitated and did not immediately speak, probably would fail.

  I pointed out the movement with a gesture and turned aside.

  She followed my instruction. He took a deep breath and whispered almost inaudibly.

  - I do not think Eleanor Baxter promised not to commit a hitman in his testimony provided he killed Laura Thoen tonight.

  I swallowed dry, I turned in time to see her go as if he had never directed me the word.

  I would have to run.

  Very quick.


  - What do you think?

  - It's huge! - Ty examined the diamond ring from my family that I kept stored all this time - I thought you had been poor.

  I laughed at his innocence.

  - No, boy. I am not how it works ... - ran a hand in his hair and pulled the blanket around her. It would be difficult to explain to a child how everything worked and the fact that even if half of my family were with the name dragged in the mud, the other half was still impeccably rich. And I had investments from both sides. I took a deep breath, preparing to say it was too complicated for a child, before I remembered that Tyler was not a normal child - It's a bit complicated for children - smiles - Anyway ... This ring here is in my family for generations. I did not buy now.

  - Hmm ... - he looked confused - Is that what you thought it would be complicated to understand, Dad? Because it seems to be quite simple.

  - No, boy! - Laughs - Tomorrow I'll explain the complicated combined part?

  - Combined.

  - Do you think she will accept? - Shake off the ring one last time seeking approval of the single human being in the world should know as well as I Laura.

  - I begin telling the story of which is a family jewel. If she thinks you are poor and spent money on a ring of these will kick your ass.

  - Ha! You are quite right. But ... if I say it right? What do you think?

  - She may say "no." - Grimaced kid - But we convinced her to change her mind.

  It was involuntary.

  I just hugged him.

  I took my son in my arms and pressed there for a while.

  - I loved the plan. - I confessed - Now sleep! - I kissed his forehead and he turned to the other side.

  Laura was waiting for me on the couch with the TV turned on in the newspaper, watching endless soap opera that was the arrest of Eleanor Baxter. She had not made popcorn, but I imagine that it was only because she had no popcorn at home and die before you go out to buy whatever it was, risking losing two seconds of transmission.

  On the screen, my grandmother appeared pale and listless. His hard lips and contracted in a single line. His body language was as it always was: uncompromising, safe ...

  But he was there: in his eyes. I knew her too well and could see that the chill is gone. She was broken and panic.

  Reaping what you sow.

  I exhaled deeply, slipping the ring box in his pocket and realizing that after all, I had no stomach for it.

  I had no stomach for anything else.

  - You have to watch this? - I asked, soft, sitting beside her.

  - No -. I decided after watching me for a split second. He pressed a button on the control and the endless noise of reporters was.

  - Thank you.

  - I watch on youtube later.

  Cackled contained.

  - What? I love you and if you are not willing to see, I respect. But it will not prevent me from having the pleasure.

  - It's not my intention.

  - Great. - Gave me a peck behaved - Tyler slept?

  - I was not up to him to sleep! - I remembered - You said you were not to do this! - I turned my eyes to the bedroom door, concerned would have abandoned my child.

  - Calm down, Holt! - He pulled my arm, laughing at my despair - He's already big. You have to learn to sleep alone. But you never listen to me, so I asked.

  - I always obey! - I was angry - always!

  - Liar! - Rolled her eyes - "It was not on purpose I fell asleep next to him!" .- Mimicked my voice.

  - It was true! I was tired.

  - "The movie was fun, just watching for a while and did not notice that he slept."

  - It was a good movie! - I defended myself.

  - It was an episode of Pokemon.

  - I love this design!

  - Adora? The name says five Pokemons, Holt.

  I held my breath.

  I had a yellow ... I knew I had a yellow ...

  - I give you my ass all night until the end of the month! - Announced - If you can say the name of five Pokémon.

  Holy shit, as was the name of the yellow?

  - Says the name of two? - Collaborated.

  - Ahm ... po ... pokechu? - I ventured.

  She kissed my mouth.

  - Win a kiss for the effort. - He laughed.

  - It's a yellow card. - I explained - is a new pokemon. You do not kno

  - Pikachu? - He asked.

  - That. That's what I said.

  He raised an eyebrow at me.

  - That's what I said! - Repeat - is the yellow.

  - What's the name of the protagonist?

  - It's a complicated Japanese name. I do not know to pronounce right.

  - "Ash" is a complicated Japanese name, Holt?

  - They always say with the last name. The last name is complicated.

  - "Ketchum" is the tricky surname, Holt?

  - It is serious that the name is that?

  - IT IS! - Eyes widened.

  - It is even easy! As I can not remember these things?

  - Do not know. - She cowered in my chest, laughing.

  - I think I'm confused by the slave system in which they keep those poor adorable creatures and do not pay attention to anything else.

  - You better get used to these drawings. - Warned - is a constant addiction and a recurring subject.

  - It seems simpler than the dragon.

  - Dragon Ball?

  - That. People die and raised many times in this. It is difficult to follow.

  - I will not disagree with that time.

  I pulled his face to my neck and pressed the hug around.

  - You did a good job. - I muttered - With Ty.

  - I know. - Accepted the compliment without false humility making me smile.

  - I have to learn a lot ... I do not even know how to tie the child in the car right accent. - I remembered.

  - I'll teach you. - His hand spread through my chest, playing in the space between my buttons. Legs folded in my lap.

  - I think I will not even have time ... Pretty soon he'll be taller than me and will no longer need.

  - You'll have to learn to the next.

  - You're thinking about it, is it? - Happiness is a silly thing. Fragile and precarious. At the same time, absolutely ravishing - Increase the clan in a few years? - I stuck my nose in her hair.

  - I was thinking more of ... - looked up to me - In about eight months?

  His eyes were deep black, but there was a line at the outside it was almost blue. A very dark navy blue. That combination of black with blue, that particular line of your eyes ... it was right there I was looking at when I realized what his words meant ... and became my favorite color. Immediately.

  - You ... - I stammered - You ... - my face hurt and I realized I should be laughing more than my muscles could stand - is ... Saying that q ...

  - I'm Pregnant. - Concluded the reasoning for me - You want me to draw, Holt? Honestly ... it's not as complicated as pokem ...

  She was in my arms. I stuck there with force, that involuntary way as he had done with Ty. Kissing each skin space within reach of my lips. Bursting the overwhelming love I felt for Laura, leaving happiness involved in as an uncontrollable access laughs.

  I crossed my body on the couch and put his face against her stomach. Kissing her abdomen, squeezing her waist. Kissing your skin with care, at the navel.

  - Are you alright? - Took my face in his hands - is red. - Squeezed my cheeks.

  - If possible someone die of joy think it's better to take me to the hospital.

  - Dramatic. - Gave a playful slap on my forehead.

  - My mother is very stressed. - I whispered to her navel - But Dad protects you! Do not worry! - I kissed again belly.

  - You are talking to the baby? You know you can not hear you, right? It's still just a lump, that size. - He showed with his forefinger and thumb.

  - It's the most wonderful core of the world! - You filled your belly kissed again, making her laugh.

  - You are ridiculous!

  - Do not listen to Mommy, my small lump! - I murmured - She's bad temper because Dad did not let her see the old being arrested.

  My head rocked to the rhythm of the gift of laughter.

  - I love you. - I raised sitting on the couch next to you - You know that, do not you? Really?

  - Know. - She offered her lips and I took them. - Love you too. Really. - He smiled.

  I had her face in my hand, drawing the contours of your mouth with my thumb. She was so beautiful. So perfect. So mine.

  - Marry me?

  The lip contour I drew opened into a smile.

  - We will decide it calmly. And we need to talk to the boys.

  - Stop thing, Thoen. Marry me.

  - It is not "thing", Holt. - Complained, sulky - are important details.

  - Are only "details"! Marry me.

  - What difference does?

  - If you see no difference, then what's wrong with me please? Marry me.

  - You are ... - clenched his fists as if searching for the word - an asshole! - He pursed his lips in a pout - Why marry? Why not wait a bit? See if it works? And if we hurry and everything goes wrong?

  - Laura, I love you. And we have already lost too much time. I do not want to wait even two days for the reservation I made at the Italian restaurant you like. I was going to ask you to marry there. - I took the pocket ring - But not two days I want to wait. I can be an asshole. - I laugh - But I'm an asshole who will be her husband, because I fill the patience to tell you "yes". You know I will! It will be like when I convinced you to live with me, I will beat you with fatigue.

  She was biting her smile saying "yes" at once. But she had been hurt in life ... often. For it had always been difficult to trust someone and open. So he did this to me and ... And we all knew what had happened.

  It was difficult for my stubborn sun. Was always.

  But the "yes" was there.

  I just needed to wait until she got used to the word.

  - It's all right. - He sighed.

  - All right what? - Confirmed.

  - I marry you! - Decided irritated before opening his exuberant smile that made me shiver.

  I kissed her mouth, seeking her hand and tucking the ring there, before she changed her mind. The kiss intensified and I was sliding his hand down her ribs as she lost her fingers stuck in my hair.

  - Mother? I can not sleep.

  We parted with a start. Ty was standing next to the couch, rubbing sleepy eyes.

  - Can I sleep in your bed? - He asked.

  She smiled at me, fixing her hair.

  - Can cub. Lie I'm already coming.

  He went to the bedroom.

  - What a pity. - Groaned before our discontinued expectations.

  - IT IS? And you're excited about a baby? Get ready for many nights of "too bad". - He laughed, before getting up.

  I heard the sound of the door closing and then glass shattering. It was a loud crack in the side room where was the balcony and echoed through the whole environment. I turned worried, thinking that Dom would have stumbled on something. My mind went to the baby and to my utter lack of knowledge on pregnancy matters. I would have to read those books that explain things, from the most basic. Between concern with Don and the listing of books that I even know the titles, I turned the room.

  There was a man standing near the balcony door. broken glass on the floor told the story of how he would have entered.

  It is one of those times when you stick in a scene so unlikely it takes to believe it is actually happening. He had a strong smell of tobacco, a botched beard and chewing bubble gum with a bloody smile. It was only when he raised the gun toward me that reality hit my head like a club.

  I raised my hands as rendered my desperate mind realized that he was between me and the door of the Sun Room ... it was between me and my family.

  - Calm! I have money in the wallet. You can take what you want is just ...

  - Your grandmother sent greetings. - He smiled, damn.

  He came to kill me.

  We come to kill Don.

  Ty came to kill.

  Desperation is like happiness.

  It is a fragile and precarious thing.

  At the same time, absolutely overwhelming.

  It is because of him that we can do the math in a millisecond. And decide that the
most important is to protect the people we love. And to hell with what will happen to us.

  I was standing when I made the decision.

  When a deep breath.

  I walked up to him with the maximum resolution I ever had in my life. His posture changed. His finger was on the trigger. A shot popped high and I fell to the ground with him. Waiting for the pain. I am waiting for him to react.

  But the man screamed and fell hard. I held him to the ground, kicked his gun away. Laura trimmed with the foot and I saw the gun in her hands.

  - Sun? - I did not know whether to laugh or relief stammering in fear. I did a little of both.

  Her lower lip trembled. But ... just as I had done earlier with Eleanor, I could do now with Don. I could judge it by the glow in his eyes. The voracious brightness of a lioness who always fought against all that life has placed in their way. And that always surpassed, transcended and won. A strong woman who does not destroyed with a death threat a marriage proposal, a police investigation or an armed stranger in your home.

  I did not know who this man was ... but cross the Thoen path was the worst decision you have made in your life.

  - What is it? - Pointed the gun to his chin and a touch of surprise.

  She swallowed hard and took his eyes off his target for a second, to observe me with obviousness.

  - A glock. - He lifted one shoulder - I hear it's quite useful.


  Hear Greg called me as soon as I closed the front door. I put the car keys on the table in the corner.

  - I arrived! I left the boys in the house of Binz, will sleep there today. - Outside the window of our room I could see Andy gesturing for me on the other side of the garden, in the room of your home. Calling me to hear something. I gestured "no" majestic for her impatiently. She grimaced and I showed her tongue before closing my curtains.

  I had discovered very quickly that the only thing worse than a recycled Andy was an Andy helping me plan a wedding.

  - All right? - Greg went downstairs and ran his hand around my waist.

  - If you help me up the stairs again, Gregory, I'll bludgeon.

  - Delilah Jones said fall on stairs is one of the main reasons for ... abortions. - He whispered the last word and I rolled my eyes, no patience for his exaggerations.

  - Gregory, I'm pregnant, I'm not an invalid. I left the boys in colleague's house this weekend to be able to anticipate change and see if I put this house in order. AGAIN! - I complained.


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