The Mentor

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The Mentor Page 10

by Monticelli, Rita Carla Francesca

  Eric’s face relaxed. He caressed her hair a little with his free hand. “I remember back when I was the one who gave you advice.”

  “I’ve grown. I’m wiser than you now.”

  They both laughed. Shaw freed himself from her embrace and put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her in close again so that they could look out over the city together. The pair stood there for a few moments in silence, staring at London by night.

  “I’m serious, though,” said Miriam. “I’m worried about you. Ever since my parents died, you’re the closest thing to a father I’ve got.”

  Eric sighed. “Your aunt and uncle wouldn’t be very happy to hear you say that. They’re the ones who raised you, not me. They think of you as their daughter.”

  “I love my aunt and uncle. They’ve been wonderful to me. It’s just that they were there before too, and I can’t bring myself to see them as mother and father. With you it’s different. You weren’t there before, but after, you were always there for me. You’ve always shown me the right way, given me sound advice.” She was winding one of her curls around her index finger. “You saved me. It’s as if you took their place. If I’ve become who I am today—Miriam Leroux, detective with the homicide investigative unit at Scotland Yard—it’s thanks to you. You’ve taught me everything I know about this job. You’re my guide, my leader.”

  Eric hugged her tight but didn’t say a thing. He could tell she was emotional, but she seemed to be struggling with something as well.

  One small, lone tear worked its way out of the corner of her eye. She reached up and quickly wiped it away. Miriam wasn’t herself either, but she couldn’t stand by and say nothing. “I can see you’re unhappy,” she said, knowing that she had to begin somewhere. “And I want to do something to help you, just like you’ve done for me all these years.”

  “I’m okay, Miriam.”

  “That’s not true!” she protested vehemently. “You’re so . . . so alone!”

  Eric shook his head and snorted.

  “I love Crystal like a mother, and it hurt a lot when the two of you got separated, but it’s been over two years since your divorce now. You have to move forward. You need to move forward.”

  “Don’t you think I am?” he said at length, a trace of annoyance in his voice.

  “No. Definitely not.”

  Shaw pulled away from her and placed both hands on the balcony railing.

  “I understand. Do you know that?” continued Miriam. “I can understand why you’re attracted to her.” Even though she hadn’t said Adele’s name, she could see a tremor run through his body. “She’s young, beautiful, intelligent, very good at her job, and plus . . . there’s this thing between the two of you. It’s really an irresistible mix, but even you must be aware that all this won’t do either of you any good.”

  “There’s nothing between me and Adele.”

  “Oh, yes there is.”

  “I know what you’re referring to,” Eric said, finally turning to meet Miriam’s gaze. “That little scene with the key the other day. It’s not what you think. Nothing happened.”

  “You don’t have to justify yourself to me.”

  “You’re behaving like a jealous daughter.”

  “I’m behaving like a concerned daughter.”

  “I can take care of myself, thank you.”

  “It doesn’t seem that way—not from the way you’re behaving,” she exclaimed, raising her voice a little too much.

  “I already told you,” Eric murmured. “Nothing happened between me and Adele.”

  “If nothing has happened yet . . .” said Miriam, pausing. “It’s because even you know that it wouldn’t be right. But if you don’t pull away from her, if you don’t at least try to get her out of your head, sooner or later something will happen. And then you’ll really risk getting hurt.” She moved back in close to Eric, running her hand along the railing. Her bracelet tinkled a little against the metal. “I don’t want you to suffer anymore.”

  “You don’t want me to be alone; you don’t want me to be with someone. What exactly am I supposed to do, according to you?”

  “Oh, of course I want you to find someone. Zut! You’re a handsome man, intelligent, witty . . . There’s an army of women marching around out there who would tear each other’s eyes out just to be with you. Maybe even someone more your age.” She saw him open his mouth to protest that last jab, but she cut him off before he could. “Of course I want you to find somebody. It’s just that your somebody can’t be Adele.”

  “Well, if that’s what you’re worried about, then worry no more. It’s not even an issue. She’s not attracted to me at all.”

  Miriam burst out in sarcastic laughter and didn’t make any effort to hide it. “Sure, boss!”

  “And while we’re on the subject,” continued Eric, “why don’t you tell me about you? Whatever happened to Jonathan?”

  “Oh no, you’re not changing the subject!”

  “Come again? You get to rummage around in my private life, but I’m not allowed to ask you about yours?”

  Miriam put her hands on her hips. As usual, it was all but impossible to reason with Eric. He always plowed ahead, following his own path, ignoring other people’s opinions, especially hers. Despite everything she had gone through, he continued to view her as little more than a baby girl.

  “So?” he said, provoking her.

  And in the end she had to give in. “We’re not seeing each other anymore. He was always complaining about the late nights. I couldn’t take it anymore and I left him.”

  “Ah. That’s a shame.” Eric flaunted a contrite expression. “You’re a beautiful girl, intelligent and witty,” he said in a singsong voice. “You really should find someone.”

  “There’s time for all that. I’m not in any hurry.”

  “Of course. You’ve got all the time in the world because you’re young. You can get together and break up again whenever you want. I, on the other hand, need to settle down with someone my age before it’s too late, right?”

  She was hurt by the contempt in his voice. She hadn’t meant to make him feel like an old man.

  “Did you ever stop to think that after having been married for almost fifteen years, maybe I’d like to have a little fun?”

  “And you want to have this fun with Adele Pennington?” she said, her voice rising.

  “Why not? I know you don’t like her very much, but you don’t have to be that way.”

  That was too much. This was turning childish. “You know full well that’s not the problem.”

  Eric gripped the railing in anger, making it vibrate. “I know, but it’s still my business.” He glared at her, furious, so much so that for a moment Miriam feared she’d pushed him too far. But then he turned on one heel and went back inside.

  He was right. It wasn’t her business.

  “We’d better get going,” said Eric from inside the apartment. “Jane must be wondering what’s happened to us.”

  Miriam took one last, disconsolate look out over the dark sky. The clouds hung so low that they reflected the city light, creating a depressing reddish glow that seemed to mirror what she felt in her heart.

  An unbearable cacophony of voices emerged from the pub, making it seem like the building was swelling, fit to burst. The enormous crowd inside only confirmed that impression. People were everywhere, elbowing each other for room, laughing, talking, drinking. The background music was a little loud, but even so it was impossible to tell exactly what song was playing.

  While Miriam moved out into the crowd, Eric stood off to one side. He was already overwhelmed by all the different thoughts racing through his head, memories he’d thought he’d put away for good. He’d hoped that coming to this party would be a positive distraction, but now that he was here, his senses under assault from all sides, he felt even mor
e alone and isolated than he had back home in his apartment. He would come away from this with a monster headache, just to end the day with a bang.

  “Eric!” A familiar voice rose up above the others.

  He craned his neck and looked around, searching for the voice’s owner before finally making out Jane’s contagious grin. He could only identify her by her smile, because the rest of her was unrecognizable. She didn’t look at all like he was used to seeing her.

  Jane was wearing a long green evening gown covered with sequins. Her usually wavy hair had been ironed flat, and it seemed longer than before. She was wearing a headband adorned with a long green feather. It was an outfit that had nothing to do with the woman he usually saw dressed in elegant silk pants and pressed white shirts when they were together in the office.

  “Wow! I didn’t know the circus was in town,” said Eric, smiling.

  She laughed merrily and then gave him an enormous hug. “Oh, Eric, I’m so happy you came!”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” said Eric. He took a small red package with a beautiful gold ribbon out of his pocket and gave it to her. “Happy birthday!”

  “Oh, you shouldn’t have!” said Jane, snatching the package out of his hand. She seemed overjoyed. Given the way she was talking, Eric supposed she’d already enjoyed a few too many drinks. But that was fine. After all, it was her birthday and she deserved it.

  Jane, wearing long, white silk gloves, had a little difficulty opening the gift. After loosening the ribbon, she unwrapped a pair of lacquered steel earrings—all the latest rage, or at least that’s what the jewelry saleswoman had told him.

  “They’re fantastic! Thanks, boss.” She planted a big kiss on his cheek.

  “You’re having a banner night, aren’t you?” said Eric, rolling his chin to take in the entire room. “I hope nobody calls the cops for an emergency tonight. Things could get embarrassing,” he added with a grimace.

  His comment only made Jane laugh harder. “Impossible! I invited the entire Scotland Yard!”

  “There we go. Now it all makes sense.”

  “We’ll do it again in September when it’s your birthday. It’ll be great!” Waving her arms around in excitement, Jane accidentally struck a passing waiter in the face. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said before grabbing a couple of glasses off the waiter’s tray.

  “To tell you the truth,” said Eric, “I was planning on doing something a little more low key.”

  “No, no, no . . .” Jane offered him one of the glasses, filled to the brim with an unknown liquor. “You only turn fifty once. You have to exaggerate.”

  He looked sidelong at his second in command, throwing her an ironic smile before eventually accepting the drink. “Well, don’t get your hopes up. I’m certainly not wearing anything like that!” He gestured to his colleague’s outfit. Jane, her drink on her lips, started laughing so hard she practically choked on it. Eric start laughing too, but he studied his drink a little more carefully before imbibing. The last time he’d had something to drink when he didn’t know what it was, the evening hadn’t exactly been a success.

  “Did you come with Miriam?” asked Jane, shaking her dress a little where her drink had spilled on it. She wiped it clean with the back of her hand that held the gift. Fortunately the cloth was resistant and she cleaned it off before the fabric absorbed so much as a drop.

  “Yes, but I lost her in the crowd.” He craned his neck and looked around briefly to see if he could find his “adopted” daughter nearby. “The last time I saw her she was looking for the bar.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet. Instead of me, she’s looking for the bar.” Jane laughed again. This time Eric didn’t imitate her.

  “Did something happen?” His second in command had a sixth sense for trouble, and apparently it worked even when she was a few sheets to the wind.

  He waved his hand, minimizing it. “Nothing, nothing. You know how Miriam can be.”

  Jane made a sound of agreement, but she seemed to be nodding to what Eric hadn’t said. “In any case,” she said, giving him an allusive smile, “Adele’s already here, if you’re interested.”

  Eric shot her a reproving look, even though he found himself fighting off the impulse to start looking around immediately for the other woman.

  “All right,” said Jane, throwing back what was left of her drink and plopping the glass down on a table where a few of their colleagues were hotly discussing some topic. “I need a mirror so that I can try out my new present!” She held up the little red box with the earrings and shook it. “You go ahead and mingle. Eat something. Have a drink. Have fun, Eric. That’s what I’m saying!” She gave him a pat on the shoulder and turned away.

  Eric, still smiling, focused on the drink he was holding in one hand. Sure, why not? He took a sip, and almost instantly his mouth was on fire. He swallowed, and his entire esophagus went up in flames. The heat radiated, expanding in his stomach as his face twisted against the burn.

  Better to move around a little. His eyes still watering, he located a table he could abandon his drink on so that he wouldn’t be tempted to have another sip. He wiped one hand across his forehead, where a light sweat had broken out, and took a deep breath.

  In doing so, he made something out on the other side of the room. Something feminine. Adele.

  She was leaning against the wall, apparently alone. She watched the party and took occasional sips of her beer. When a couple of reckless dancers lost their balance and collapsed at her feet, she laughed along with the rest of the crowd.

  Then, suddenly, she turned her gaze toward Eric and their eyes met.

  Adele flashed one of her enigmatic smiles and lifted her mug to toast him. Then her expression changed and she looked a little more perplexed. She felt at her side with a free hand, located her purse, and then dug around in it until she found her smartphone. She concentrated on the screen for a moment. After that she moved, disappearing from Eric’s view while he looked around, trying to figure out where she’d gone.

  Without thinking about it, Eric elbowed his way through the crowd, trying to catch up with Adele.

  He went out through a back door into an alley behind the bar. It was empty. As soon as the door closed behind him, the noisy hubbub from the party was squelched into a faint, muffled roar, as if they were celebrating far away.

  Eric walked down the three stairs that brought him to street level but wound up with one foot in a deep puddle. It must have rained during the short time he’d been inside. A streetlight shone directly overhead, and everything illuminated in its cone of light glistened with a wet sheen. It had been a short, intense summer shower.

  The air felt fresher, or maybe that was just the shift in temperature. He rubbed his hands against his arms to warm up. What was he doing out here? There was nobody here but him.

  “Jesus, Danny, don’t be so hysterical!” Eric spun around, searching for the source of that voice. The walls of the nearby buildings were close, echoing the voice back and forth. It could have come from anywhere, but not too far away.

  Adele laughed, and Eric followed the sound.

  He walked stealthily, following the wall. Farther up the alley it turned to the right, circling the pub.

  A sudden cry. Quick footsteps.

  Eric froze for a moment; then he ran toward the corner where the alley turned.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I think you and I have a few things to say to each other,” murmured a male voice.

  Instinctively, Eric’s right hand reached for the pistol at his side, but it wasn’t there. He was off duty and hadn’t brought it with him. “Fuck.”

  He leaned around the corner. The light was dim farther on, but he could just make out the shadow of a man who was holding Adele in a headlock, forcing her to bend over to one side. With his other arm he was holding a gun to her head. Adele had her hands in the air with her back
turned to Eric. On the ground halfway between them was her smartphone, the screen still glowing.

  “You’re a little whore, you know that?” the man said.

  Adele let out a little stifled moan but didn’t answer. Another woman would have been begging, imploring the man not to hurt her. She, on the other hand, seemed to be keeping her cool.

  “Now we’re going to go take a little walk, you and I,” said her aggressor, tightening his grip.

  Eric had to do something, anything. Against all logic, he stepped out from around the corner. “Police!” he shouted as if he had his pistol ready. “Let her go!”

  The man turned his head in Eric’s direction but stopped halfway and glanced up overhead. The light. He shoved Adele violently to the ground and ran away.

  Eric’s heart stopped for a moment, then began racing faster than before.

  He was at her side in an instant. “Are you okay?” He knelt down beside her and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

  Adele seemed disoriented. Then her expression hardened. “I think so . . .” she said, but Eric could hear pain in her voice.

  “Can you get up?”

  She nodded, and Eric helped her to her feet. “Oh fuck!” said Adele. “I broke a heel!” On her feet, it was hard for her to keep her balance.

  “Are you sure nothing’s broken?” It hurt to see her like this, fragile, her hair and clothes dirtied with mud. She had an abrasion on one knee. He felt a compelling need to protect her but at the same time wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, or even what he was allowed to do.

  Adele patted her clothing as if searching for something. “He stole my cell phone.” Oddly, it seemed like her phone and her shoes were the only things she was worried about. It wasn’t exactly what you’d expect from a normal victim of aggression, but then again, Adele Pennington was anything but normal.

  “No, it’s over there.” He pointed back at the alley, and she immediately went over to pick it up. He followed her, worried. Maybe she was in a state of shock.


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