Swansea Summer

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Swansea Summer Page 30

by Catrin Collier

  Richard had killed her aspirations of drama college and a glittering stage career by impregnating her and, as if that weren’t enough, influencing her mother to leave her estate to Joseph so she’d remain a pauper. John had blighted her best years by stifling her in domesticity and forcing her to live in town, effectively removing her from the social circle she had been born into. And Joseph – the son she had sacrificed so much for – wouldn’t even allow her to stay on as his housekeeper.

  The injustice of her position’ burned, intolerable, humiliating. She could either move out meekly as they wanted her to, or she could fight back. Show all three of them they couldn’t pension her off to a trade address in Newton Road just because it was convenient for them to have her out of the way. That she still had some control over her life – and theirs.

  ‘Carrying on with Martin Clay in full view of the whole street …’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Roy enquired mildly, as he walked into the kitchen just as Mrs Lannon’s indignation was mushrooming into hysteria.

  ‘Your foster daughter and Martin Clay making love in the back garden in front of the whole street, that’s what’s going on.’ Mrs Lannon crossed her arms over her tightly corseted bosom and stared angrily at Lily.

  ‘In the garden?’ Roy raised his eyebrows as he looked from Judy and Katie, who had retreated into the corner, to Lily.

  Noticing that he was finding it difficult to keep a straight face, Lily fought to suppress a smile. ‘We quarrelled, so we kissed and made up.’

  ‘It was disgusting,’ Mrs Lannon railed. ‘Everyone could see …’

  ‘Surely, only if they were looking out of their back windows, Mrs Lannon,’ Roy interposed.

  ‘You condone what she did!’

  ‘No.’ Unlike Lily, Roy realised his housekeeper would have a field day with the gossips if he sided with his foster daughter.

  ‘See,’ Mrs Lannon crowed. ‘Your uncle is as shocked by your behaviour as I am.’

  ‘Apologise to Mrs Lannon, Lily.’ Roy’s voice was stern but there was a twinkle in his eye that took the sting from his directive.

  ‘Sorry, Mrs Lannon.’

  ‘What was that?’ Mrs Lannon said loudly.

  ‘I said, I’m very sorry.’

  ‘That’s fine for you, Lily Sullivan. But Martin Clay shouted the rudest things … and me old enough to be his mother.’

  ‘I’ll ask Martin to apologise to you,’ Lily promised.

  ‘Not by going down into that flat again tonight, you won’t.’ She stepped in front of Roy. ‘I warned you, Mr Williams. You give these girls far too much leeway. They’ll end up like that Helen Griffiths …’

  ‘Lily’s apologised, Mrs Lannon. I think that’s enough for one night, don’t you?’ Roy broke in sharply.

  ‘Well, as long as you don’t expect me …’

  ‘I only expect you to do what I pay you for, Mrs Lannon, run the house. Now if there’s nothing else that’s important, there’s something I have to discuss with Lily.’

  ‘You need a woman’s help …’

  ‘It’s private family business, Mrs Lannon.’

  ‘There’s your supper …’

  ‘Lily can cook it. I’m sure you’re tired after your long day,’ he added in a tone he hoped would put an end to further argument.

  ‘Who wouldn’t be. This isn’t a small house …’

  ‘And we’re all very grateful for the job you do.’

  ‘I’m sure.’ Sniffing hard, Mrs Lannon picked up her handbag from the kitchen chair and stalked out.

  ‘Do you really want to talk to me, or did you just say that to get rid of Mrs Lannon?’ Lily asked as the door closed.

  Holding his finger to his lips, Roy stole lightly to the door and opened it suddenly. His housekeeper was standing in the dining room fumbling in her handbag. ‘Have you lost something, Mrs Lannon?’

  ‘I thought I’d mislaid my pills but I have them after all.’

  ‘I’m so glad.’ He remained in the doorway.

  ‘I’ll say goodnight, then.’ Flustered, she went into the hall.

  ‘Goodnight,’ he called after her, only returning to the kitchen when he heard her step on the stairs.

  ‘Sorry, Uncle Roy,’ Lily apologised, as he closed the door.

  ‘You know what she is, love, try and be a bit more careful around her for your own sake.’

  ‘And Martin’s. What on earth did he say to her?’ Katie pulled a chair from the table and sat on it.

  ‘That Uncle Roy wouldn’t arrest us because we weren’t doing anything illegal.’

  Judy and Katie burst out laughing.

  ‘Mrs Lannon’s definition of illegal is anything people enjoy,’ Judy said as soon as she could speak.

  ‘I’d love to know why she doesn’t annoy you as much as she annoys me.’ Lily looked at Katie.

  ‘Because I don’t let her.’

  ‘How can you ignore some of the things she says?’

  ‘Because she’s a lonely old women whose only interest in life is other people’s business.’

  ‘Katie’s right, love.’ Roy settled in his favourite easy chair next to the range. ‘It’s best to take no notice of her.’

  ‘That’s easier said than done.’

  ‘But you’ll try.’ He smiled persuasively.

  ‘For you, not her.’ Lily opened the pantry and checked the stocks. ‘How does bacon, eggs, beans, tomatoes and fried potatoes sound to you?’

  ‘Like you know how to look after a man. Judy, I think your mother would like a word with you.’

  ‘You two have fixed the date?’ she guessed.

  ‘I’m not saying anything.’

  ‘See you tomorrow.’ She ran to the front door.

  ‘Do you need any help, Lily?’ Katie asked as she returned to the kitchen after seeing Judy out.

  Katie looked so drained that Lily shook her head. ‘Not to fry a couple of bits and pieces.’

  ‘Did you want to talk to me as well, Uncle Roy?’

  ‘No, love.’

  ‘Then you won’t mind if I have an early night.’

  ‘You’re not sickening for something, are you?’ Roy questioned solicitously as Katie went to the door.

  ‘Just concerned about Jack and Helen. She found out tonight that he’s leaving on Sunday.’

  ‘Anything I can do to help?’ He reached for his pipe.

  ‘Not unless you can persuade the army to let Jack off National Service.’

  ‘If I could, I would.’

  ‘I’ll try not to disturb you when I come up.’ Lily lifted down two frying pans and a saucepan from the cupboard.

  ‘The way I feel, I’d sleep through an earthquake. Goodnight.’

  ‘So,’ Lily picked up the conversation where she’d left off before Roy had disturbed Mrs Lannon’s eavesdropping. ‘Do you really want to talk to me?’

  ‘I think I’d better, before Mrs Lannon paints you as the scarlet woman of the neighbourhood.’

  ‘Martin and I were only kissing …’

  ‘Not that kind of talk.’ He flushed with embarrassment as she cracked two eggs into a basin. ‘I know you haven’t forgotten how Norah brought you up.’

  ‘As if I could.’ She dropped a knob of lard into one of the pans, waiting until it melted before laying four rashers of bacon and the eggs on top. ‘I won’t disgrace you, Uncle Roy, I promise.’

  ‘That goes without saying, love. But I hope you were serious about trying not to annoy Mrs Lannon even if it means sneaking around and keeping whatever it is you do with Martin out of her sight.’

  ‘Like kissing.’

  ‘Especially kissing.’ He grinned.

  ‘Do you think she was born old?’ she questioned seriously.

  ‘Probably, unlike Joy and me. Judy guessed right. We’ve fixed a date with the Register Office. The second Saturday in July.’

  ‘Auntie Norah would have been over the moon.’

  ‘And you?’

  ‘I couldn’t be happier for
you and Mrs Hunt.’ Abandoning the frying pans, she gave him a bear hug.

  ‘That’s why I need to talk to you. Nothing’s been decided as yet, but Joy suggested it makes more sense for me to move in with her than the other way round. She has her home just the way she likes it and it’s taken her years to get it that way. The last thing she wants is all the fuss of a move while she’s setting up another salon.’

  ‘But this is your home, Uncle Roy. Won’t it be hard for you to leave?’ Lily tried not to think selfishly about her and Katie. If her uncle sold the house they would have to look for a bedsit …

  ‘It was my home, Lily. But even when I was a boy my mother and Norah put their stamp on it more than my father and me. Not that I’m complaining, it’s what women do. They can’t help it and as it makes for more comfort for us men in the long run, we put up with it.’

  ‘Are you leaving me and Katie here with Mrs Lannon?’ She tried to sound positive, but Roy could see she was horror-struck at the thought.

  ‘How serious is it between you and Martin?’

  ‘He told me he loved me tonight.’

  ‘Did he, indeed.’

  ‘Yes.’ She glanced at him before checking that everything was cooking properly, but it was difficult to read the expression on his face.

  ‘Then you’ll be getting married?’

  ‘Not that serious.’ She placed the bread on a board and cut a couple of slices.

  ‘Then you won’t be getting married.’

  ‘We haven’t even talked about it but I’m in no hurry. Auntie Norah always used to say twenty-five was a good age to marry, young enough to have children and old enough to have had all your flings.’

  ‘That’s Norah.’ He smiled fondly at her memory as Lily arranged a plate and cutlery on the table. ‘When she died there were a few things we didn’t discuss because I thought they’d best be saved for later and now that later is here.’ He left his chair and washed his hands under the tap. Knowing better than to hurry him, Lily handed him a towel. ‘This house is yours.’

  ‘Mine!’ She dropped the spatula into the frying pan, sending globules of fat spattering over the hob.

  ‘When my mother died she left everything jointly to Norah and me. Then Norah married. A year later war broke out. Her husband wanted her to have something to fall back on if anything happened to him. This house is big enough to take in lodgers and he decided Norah could make a living that way if she had to. He thought it was important she had her independence. None of us knew what was coming and there was no guarantee that either of us would survive. So, to cut a long story short, he bought me out. I invested the money and did very nicely by it. Then, after Norah’s husband was killed and you came along, Norah suggested, and I agreed, that if anything happened to her, you should have the house. That way you’d never be without a home.’

  Lily sat down.

  ‘Bit of a shock.’

  ‘You and Auntie Norah gave me so much when I was growing up and now this. I don’t know what to say. Thank you sounds so – inadequate.’

  ‘I’ve a feeling it’s going to be a bit of a mixed blessing, love. I agree with Joy that it makes sense for me to move in with her, but you and Katie are too young to be left on your own.’ He sat at the table.

  ‘You and Mrs Hunt will only be ten doors up if we need anything,’ she said eagerly. ‘And we won’t. You’ll see that Katie and I …’

  ‘Are capable young ladies,’ he interrupted. ‘But, there’s Mrs Lannon.’

  ‘We never needed her.’

  ‘There was gossip, love,’ he reminded her. ‘I’m a bachelor, not related by blood to either of you.’

  ‘And now you’ll be leaving, so there won’t be any more talk.’ Remembering the bacon and eggs, she leaped out of the chair and rushed to the frying pan.

  ‘There’ll be plenty if you give Mrs Lannon notice and I move out while you and Katie carry on living here with Martin and Sam in the basement.’ He handed her his plate.

  ‘We could brick up the connecting door.’ She heaped the bacon and eggs on to it and laid it before him.

  ‘You think a few bricks will stop the gossips?’

  ‘Probably not.’ Scooping the tomatoes, potatoes and beans into bowls, she set them on the table.

  ‘Especially with things the way they are between you and Martin. You and Katie could move in with Mrs Hunt and me …’

  ‘And spoil your honeymoon? Never.’ She buttered the bread she’d cut.

  ‘Judy will be there.’

  ‘She could move in with Katie and me …’

  ‘Only if you give the boys notice.’

  ‘Where would they go?’ Filling the frying pans with cold water, she put them in the sink to soak. ‘Rooms around here are like gold.’

  ‘So we have a problem.’

  ‘Unless Mrs Lannon stays,’ she conceded, ‘but Katie and I could never afford to pay her out of what we earn.’

  ‘No, you couldn’t, but then would you want her to keep house for you?’

  ‘I’ve said all along that Katie and I could do the cooking and the housework. We don’t need her.’

  ‘Except for her respectability.’

  ‘You’ve an idea, haven’t you?’ Taking the tomato sauce from the pantry, she handed it to him.

  ‘I have heard she’s had an offer to rent her house and she’s considering it.’

  ‘Then we’d be stuck with her.’ She joined him at the table.

  ‘You could offer her the top floor as a lodger, not housekeeper, and if you wanted to, you could make some extra money by renting out the other two bedrooms to a couple of girls.’ He took a large bite of bread.

  ‘Like Judy.’

  ‘Like Judy,’ he echoed, smiling at her transparent plotting to give him and Joy privacy, ‘and with Mrs Lannon on the premises no one would dare spread rumours about any shenanigans with the boys.’

  ‘But I would have to be nice to her.’ She made a face.

  ‘It’s worth thinking about, love.’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘About the house and the rent the boys have been paying. It’s in an account in your name. There’s probably enough there to pay for improvements to the basement like John Griffiths did next door. And if there isn’t, there’s also the money Norah left you.’

  ‘It seems wrong to touch it.’

  ‘Norah wanted you to have it. In the meantime I’ll check exactly how much rent money is in the account. But if you do decide to go ahead with the improvements, it would mean the boys moving out, at least temporarily, while they’re being done.’ He helped himself to tomatoes. ‘Something else for you to think about, love.’

  ‘No one else knows the house is mine, do they?’ she asked suddenly.


  ‘You won’t tell anyone, will you, Uncle Roy.’

  ‘You’d rather everyone carried on thinking the place is mine?’

  ‘For the time being.’

  ‘If that’s what you want.’ He pointed at the food on the table. ‘You going to help me with any of this?’

  ‘I ate earlier.’

  ‘Then go up to bed.’

  ‘The dishes …’

  ‘We still have a housekeeper.’ He grinned. ‘For the present. Let her do them in the morning.’

  ‘So what did you and Martin quarrel about?’ Katie murmured from the depths of the bed, as Lily returned to their bedroom from the bathroom.

  ‘Joe. I bumped into him after work. He had a problem and needed to talk to someone.’

  ‘And you volunteered.’

  ‘We’re just friends.’ Brushing out her hair, Lily plaited it and fastened the end with a rubber band.

  ‘But Martin doesn’t believe it.’

  ‘He does now.’ Climbing into bed, Lily switched out the light.

  ‘I’m glad.’

  ‘What’s wrong, Katie?’

  ‘Nothing,’ Katie answered.

  ‘You might be able to fool your brothers and Uncle Roy, but not m

  ‘I got the job in Lewis Lewis.’

  ‘Have you told Mr Griffiths?’ Lily questioned.

  ‘Yes.’ Katie paused for a moment. ‘He said he’ll give me a good reference.’

  ‘Oh, Katie.’ Lily gave her an enormous hug.

  ‘You seem to be everyone’s favourite agony aunt today, me, Joe …’

  ‘Want to talk about it?’

  ‘What is there to say? I don’t want to leave the warehouse, John doesn’t want me to go, but he’s too afraid of the things Mrs Griffiths will say if he keeps me on, so I’ve no option.’

  ‘And after his divorce?’ Lily tried to say something that would give Katie hope if not comfort.

  ‘That could be so far in the future neither of us dares think about it.’

  ‘I am so sorry.’

  ‘As my mother used to say, it’s no good wishing for the moon on a stick. Every moment I spent with John was so perfect it was almost as if I was too happy. Deep down I think I knew it couldn’t last.’

  ‘Pictures tomorrow night?’ Lily suggested, in an attempt to distract her.

  ‘What’s on?’ Katie asked uninterestedly.

  ‘A good Cowboy and Indian at the Plaza, according to the girls in the bank. It’s about an Indian chief, Crazy Horse. Victor Mature’s in it.’

  ‘I can’t stand Victor Mature.’

  ‘There’s a musical in the Albert Hall.’

  ‘Calamity Jane. I’ve seen it.’

  ‘It’s a crying shame to go to the pictures in summer anyway. Let’s go for a walk to Mumbles.’

  ‘The boys will want to join us, and Sam and Adam are driving me mad.’

  ‘You’ve seen Adam?’ Lily asked in surprise.

  ‘I got him and Sam to shake and make up tonight.’

  ‘Good for you, I hate quarrels.’

  ‘It wasn’t that hard.’

  ‘Sam and Adam won’t bother you if Martin and I are there.’

  ‘The sight of you two spooning makes it even worse. Besides, if Helen is coming out the day after tomorrow, someone should get the flat ready for her and although Jack might try, I can’t see him making a proper job of it.’

  ‘It’s immaculate.’

  ‘Last time I was sorting Helen’s clothes I noticed it could do with a good dusting and running the carpet sweeper over the rugs.’


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