The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Page 49

by Carl East

  "My client feels that she has been mistreated in this case, and we, have advised her to go to court," said Derek, sitting back in his chair, "I must just add, that we feel sure of a positive verdict in this case."

  The opposition's solicitor leaned over to whisper in his client's ear, which received a nod in response.

  "My client wishes to make an offer that may stop this going any further," was the reply.

  He then pushed a piece of paper over the desk, which Derek picked up, first scanning it, and then handing it over to Judy. Judy asked if we could discuss this privately, and we were then shown into another office.

  "What's it say?" I said eager to know what their offer was.

  "They've offered me half a million dollars, as a one off payment, that I either accept or reject, for it won't be offered again," she said, clearly thinking about what to do.

  "If I may make a point," I said.

  "I know what you're going to say, you want me to take it," she replied.

  "Yes, but not just that, I think you've been much happier since you left the hospital, and you do enjoy the work at the clinic," I pointed out.

  She sat thinking for a while, and then seemed to come to a decision, for she stood up and marched back into the other office.

  "I have decided to refuse your offer, at first I was tempted, but then I remembered how badly I was treated, and I intend to sue you for ten million dollars," she said, banging their offer back onto the table.

  They started to whisper to each other again, as Judy headed for the door, but before she reached it, she heard her boss say, 'we'll double it, but that's our final offer.'

  She turned around, and accepted it straight away, telling her solicitor to draw up the agreement, and then we left.

  "How did you know there was more money to be had?" I asked, once we hit the street.

  "Simple, I've been involved with other people’s cases, involving unfair dismissal, and in each case there was more than one offer available," she answered, feeling smug.

  So she had a cool one million dollars coming her way, not that she needed it, for the clinic was making money hand over fist, and we were all pretty well off.

  When we got to the clinic, Dean and Kim were eager to hear what had happened, and were very pleased for her, when they found out what she'd managed to get out of them. Dean and Kim had recently given their jobs up for the clinic, feeling happier here than at any time during their hospital job.

  I then reminded Judy that she had a three o' clock appointment, to which she told me she wanted me in on that one. He arrived at just gone three, and was shown into Judy's office.

  "It's Mr. Colin Yates, isn't it?" said Judy, offering him a chair.

  "Yes, I'm here because I have a problem," he replied, starting to blush.

  "You can talk freely here Colin, may I call you Colin?" said Judy, smiling.

  "Yes, I don't mind, um, my problem is my penis, it's too long," he replied.

  I had to smile at this one, for I had been in this situation myself, and with the very same doctor.

  "Well Colin, if you could get undressed, and then put the gown on, we can have a look," she said, pointing to the screens.

  He proceeded to do as instructed, and then once done he came back around to join us once again.

  "If you will lie down on the examination table, I will see what the problem is," said Judy, directing him to the table.

  Once he was comfortable, she asked him to pull his gown up, which he did, revealing a good-sized cock, which was semi-hard. Judy put some rubber gloves on, and then picked his cock up with both hands.

  "Now I'm going to rub it, in order to get you hard, so please don't be embarrassed," she said, running his length through her hands.

  Pretty soon his erection was quite impressive, standing at around eleven inches, but she knew something he didn't.

  "You do seem to have a very large penis Colin, but it's by no means the biggest I've ever seen," she commented.

  "You mean some poor devil is walking around with a bigger one?" he asked, not quite believing it.

  "Yes, but there's nothing poor about me," I said, dropping my trousers.

  He couldn't believe what he was seeing, my cock was four inches bigger than his, making him ask the inevitable question.

  "How do you cope with that thing, where sex is concerned?" he said, pointing at my cock.

  "I came to see Judy myself, just as you're now doing, and she showed me that not all women were scared of the size of my cock, in fact, it turns a lot of women on," I said, hoping that he would see there was hope.

  "Well, I've met three so far, that were too apprehensive about having sex, and dumped me," he said, feeling dejected.

  By now I had pulled my trousers back up, and Judy had covered him with his gown, and then he was asked to get his clothes back on. By the time he sat back down again, Judy had a plan, which would probably change his mind.

  "I have two women patients that come and see Mr. Elis here, both of them have a phobia about small cocks, they can never get satisfied, unless the penis in question is at least nine inches long."

  "So you intend to put us together, and see what happens?" he replied, suddenly smiling.

  "Exactly, for now I will make another appointment for you, and hope to see you again in three days time, at three o' clock," she said, showing him to the door.

  I was looking forward to that meeting, I thought, as he left the office.

  We had a couple more patients to see, and then we all went out on the town, to celebrate Judy's good fortune, and ended up at a wine bar. I informed Dean and Kim about our new patient, and they too, looked forward to watching that encounter.

  When the day arrived for our new patient, the women who knew nothing about it yet, had already arrived, and were waiting to see Judy. Then Colin turned up, and was shown into Judy's office.

  "Ah, here he is," Judy said, as he came through the door.

  "Now ladies, let me introduce you to one another, this is Colin, and Colin this is Rebecca, and Britney, you all have problems that you could help each other with, so I suggest you confide with one another, and see what happens," she said, leaving them to it.

  Judy then came into the monitor room, and we all sat watching, to see if anything would develop.

  Colin told them about his problem first, which made both of them look down at his crotch, probably wondering how big he was. Then they told him what their problem was, and then Britney asked if she could see his cock, which didn't surprise Judy, for she had learnt pretty early on, that Britney was a very forward thinking young woman.

  Colin hesitated at first, but then must have decided to just go for it, and stood up to unzip his trousers. We all saw Britney pull her skirt up her thigh a little, in an obvious attempt to get him aroused. Then his trousers were down, and he presented his cock in all its glory.

  Both the women's faces wore a surprised look, as his semi-hard cock hung between his legs. Then Britney reached over to take it in her hands; he didn't try to stop her. His cock suddenly started to grow in her hands, showing them just how big he could get. Then without warning, Britney took it in her mouth, his cock jerked at the surprise and she started to suck it.

  Rebecca was now getting hot as she watched his cock being serviced, and put her hand down her panties. Colin watched Rebecca play with herself, his cock feeling wonderful, as Britney held it with both hands and carried on sucking. The eroticism of the moment playing a big part in the fact that Colin was close to coming.

  She sucked the end hard, knowing that he was close, and wanting her prize, and then she got it, his cum streamed out the end and filled her mouth. Rebecca moaned out loud, her own orgasm making her forget where she was, and then Britney stood up and started to remove her clothes.

  By the time they had gotten onto the examination table, Britney's pussy was soaking wet, just begging to be fed. Then it was. Her pussy was suddenly being filled up with an eleven-inch cock, as she sat on it and s
he loved every second. Her screams of joy were filling the office as she took control, and started to slam her butt down in order to feel the full penetration.

  He didn't last long, under these conditions, and was soon coming again. Britney got off feeling totally satisfied, but was replaced by Rebecca who just couldn't stand by and watch this without joining in.

  Colin made her lay down, and then he took control by entering her moist pussy with ease, and giving her what she craved so passionately. His butt was coming up and going down so fast, it made Britney wish she’d allowed him to take control with her. Then Rebecca started to scream out that she was coming, his pounding never letting up for a moment until he too was climaxing his last load of the day.

  By the time they’d finished, all of them were discussing getting together later for a drink. Once they were all dressed, Judy entered the office.

  "Well, did you sort things out?" she asked, smiling.

  "Yes," they all said together.

  They then went on to thank Judy, and made their excuses to leave.

  "I think it's safe to say, that's another successful case dealt with," I said, joining Judy.

  "Yes, I don't think we'll be seeing them again," she replied.

  That was the last case for that day, so we all left talking about what had happened, and knowing that Colin would no longer worry about being big.

  Chapter 14

  I’d just punched in my private number in one of those cash point machines, and was asked if I wanted cash or to check my balance, and as I had a habit of always checking my balance I punched it. To my utter amazement it informed me, that I had one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in my account.

  Now, I expected to find twenty thousand, but where the hell, did the hundred thousand come from? I immediately marched into my bank, thinking if I don't sort it out now, they will only get me later. I asked to see the manager, who came over a minute later, and I explained that there must have been a mistake.

  After a search through the database he informed me that it wasn't a mistake, and that the hundred thousand had been transferred the day before, from another account in this same bank. I knew instantly, who had done this and thanked the manager for his time and then left.

  Judy had just received an out of court settlement, for being unfairly dismissed from the hospital, and it was a considerable amount of money. I had met Judy over a year ago, when I had gone to her as a patient. I knew the money had come from her, because she was the only person I knew that had that kind of loot.

  When I got to the clinic that morning, I found Dean and Kim excited about something, so I asked what had happened.

  "Both Dean and I have had one hundred thousand dollars transferred into our banks," said Kim.

  "You too…I've just come from the bank, and found the same thing has happened to my account, it’s got to be Judy," I replied.

  As if on cue, Judy came into the office and Dean was the first to ask.

  "Have you paid one hundred thousand dollars, into each of our accounts?" he said.

  "Yes, it's my way of thanking you all, for supporting me, and being my friends," she explained.

  "You didn't have to do this, you deserved that money, and I for one wasn't expecting anything from your victory," I said, hoping that I wasn't sounding ungrateful.

  "I think you’d all better sit down, I want to tell you a few things," she replied.

  We all sat down around her desk, while she removed her jacket and then joined us.

  "The reasons I gave you all that money, are varied and many," she explained, going on "both Kim and Dean, have supported me from the beginning, and I consider them to be my closest friends, they even gave up their careers to join me in this endeavor," she said, pausing for a moment.

  "Then you, my confidante, and lover," she said, pointing to me, "you have been my inspiration, and someone I would trust with my life, I felt you all deserved to be rewarded, and hope that you will continue to support and love me, the way I do you," she said, looking around the table.

  Kim had a tear in her eye, and Dean comforted her, while I realized something, which had never crossed my mind before. We all accepted the gift, thanking her profusely, and then went about our daily tasks.

  The first patient that day, was a young mother, her problem was that she dried up to quickly, making her sore if intercourse continued for too long. Judy told her it was a common problem, and one that was easily solved by using lubricants.

  That had to be the easiest case we'd ever dealt with, but the next had to be the biggest turn on. It concerned a young female, that had a strange request, she'd apparently heard about us from a friend of a friend, and was told that the biggest male cock she would ever see could be found here.

  Since being told this, some four weeks ago, she hadn't been able to sleep properly for thinking about it and felt that if she could prove or disprove its validity perhaps she could then get it out of her mind.

  Judy knew that this was a compulsive and obsessive disorder, one, which if not treated could seriously affect the young woman's health. She asked the young woman to join her in the connecting office, and told me to come as well, winking as she did so. Once there, Judy left us both alone, and I knew she would be going straight to the monitor room, to watch the proceedings.

  "Well, my dear, I think what Judy wants me to do, is prove to you that what you heard was not false, and to that end," I said, taking my trousers down, "here is the proof."

  She just sat there, staring, not quite believing what she was staring at, and then tentatively reached out a hand to touch it. When she did, my semi-hard cock started to grow, and then she cradled it in her hand. Her face seemed to light up, as her tongue rolled around her lips.

  "If you feel you have the urge to go further, I won't stop you," I said, looking down as her mouth got closer.

  Suddenly she leaned forward, taking the end of my huge cock into her mouth, and starting to suck on it. Her other hand was now holding it, as she gently pulled me towards her. She attempted to take as much into her mouth as possible, but could only manage about six inches.

  Then she began to jerk me off at the same time, making me close my eyes, as the feelings began to really turn me on. Her small mouth seemed to cope well with the meat now passing her lips, as she slurped her tongue around the end of my cock. She then let go of it, and started to remove her top while still mouthing the end.

  I stared down at her cleavage, as she placed her hands behind her to unclasp the bra. Her breasts were firm, and the sight of her nipples turned me on even more, as she continued to indulge the fantasy she'd been having. I was starting to feel the moment of ejaculation about to happen, when she stopped and stood up.

  Removing her skirt and panties, she then whispered in my ear.

  "I want to feel that monster inside me," she said, turning around and bending over the chair.

  I moved up behind her, my cock standing out like a spear ready to impale her, and upon feeling the end of my cock touching her pussy lips she pushed back. Her moistness was more than evident, as my cock started to penetrate her womanhood.

  "'s so big...oh...oh...yes," she murmured, as my cock got deeper.

  I then picked up the pace, knowing what her reactions would be like.

  "Fuck me! Yes, like that...oh...faster...oh...yes...yes."

  Watching my cock as it was buried repeatedly, had always been a big turn on for me, her shouts of more, were just the icing on the cake, as I could already feel my imminent ejaculation about to take place.


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