From Moonlight to Mayhem (Swords, Secrets, and Scandals Book 1)

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From Moonlight to Mayhem (Swords, Secrets, and Scandals Book 1) Page 3

by Jess Schira

  Saika yelped and threw up her left arm to shield her eyes from the unexpected brightness of the candle that was thrust into her hiding space.

  The brilliant light shining into her eyes made it impossible to identify the person behind the candle who wasted no time taking advantage of her light blindness. They stretched an arm into the wardrobe, wrapped their fingers about her wrist with bruising force and yanked her from the wardrobe.

  Saika’s feet tangled in the hem of her voluminous skirt and she crashed to her knees.

  Unfazed, her assailant tightened their grip on her wrist and pulled her across the floor and out of the wardrobe.

  Saika tipped her head up and glared at her attacker.

  Sebastian Harper!

  It wasn’t possible his finding her here was a coincidence.

  She’d neither done nor said anything to alert him of her intentions. How could she when she had no idea she was going to end up in this particular room at any point of the evening. His appearance in the room at the same time has herself led her to one conclusion, he must be working with the brown-eyed man who had placed her in this untenable position.

  Even as the thought sprang to the forefront mind, she rejected it. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something about Sebastian that didn’t fit with the chilling attitude of the brown eyed man.

  Sebastian crouched beside her. He slid two fingers beneath her chin and forced her d meet his gaze. “It’s just as I suspected. You didn’t leave the castle at all, but tell me, dear Saika Donavon, of all the places in this palace you could convert into a hiding spot, why this location? Which brings me to my next question, why are you hiding?”

  Saika’s mind spun.

  She’d spent her entire life learning to trust her instincts, and right now they told her she shouldn’t leap to conclusions about Sebastian. If he was what he seemed and in league with the brown-eyed man, why interrupt her? He should be content to stand back and let her complete her mission.

  Sebastian’s fingertips dug into the soft flesh beneath her jaw. “There’s a reason you chose to come to this room, the King’s personal chamber, when you were looking for a place to hide. I demand to know why.”

  Saika’s eyes narrowed. Fury bubbled inside. She never responded well to demands and orders. Every iota of her being wanted to do the exact opposite of what Sebastian wanted, but she restrained herself. This wasn’t the time or place to let her stubborn nature get her into trouble.

  She pushed her anger deep inside of her and searched for a way out of this newest fiasco.

  She had four options. She could try to escape Sebastian by knocking him over and running like hell, but such an act wouldn’t accomplish anything and might actually make her current situation even worse.

  Her second option involved confessing everything, which wasn’t a viable solution at all.

  Her third option, seemed like the best one at this point. She needed to come up with a really good story. Something that would appease Sebastian and get him to leave the room and forget about her.

  Her hand moved to her hip and her fingers brushed the pocket where she’d stowed her kaiken. The cleanest way to handle the situation would be to draw the kaiken and bury it deep into Sebastian’s chest before he understood what was happening.

  The thought soured her stomach.

  “King George requested I wait here for him.” The words rolled of her tongue, startling her. Where had such an idea come from?

  “Is that so?” Sebastian didn’t look convinced. “He told you this himself, did he?”

  Since her mouth seemed to be working faster than her brain, Saika decided to give it free rein.

  “Not in person, no. One of the servants approached me and spoke of his wishes. They suggested I wait here. He said King George admired my … form and wished to … become better acquainted.” Heat crept up her neck and singed her cheeks. She’d never said anything so bold in her life. If her stepmother ever found out … Saika shoved the thought from her mind before it took root. She had enough problems on her hands without worrying about how her family would react to her behavior.

  Sebastian’s mouth firmed into a disapproving line. “You’re lying.”

  Saika sucked in her cheeks and climbed to her feet. Once upright, she puffed out her chest the way she’d noticed the girls do during the ball whenever a man they found attractive approached them.

  “You don’t think his majesty wants me here.” Something about his expression told her she’d missed her mark.

  “Oh, I doubt he’d object to finding you here. I’m confident he’d be flattered and amused, and even a bit appreciative if he’d been the one you tumbled into when you made your grand entrance from the wardrobe and into his bedchamber. I’m equally certain he’d swiftly arrange to have you escorted from the grounds.”

  “Oh!” Saika grimaced. She’d never told a lie in her life. She hadn’t imagined it would be so complicated. “You’re … mistaken. King George was quite taken with me.

  The corners of Sebastian’s mouth twitched. “And he requested you bide your time in the wardrobe?”

  Hells bells, she’d forgotten about where he’d found her.

  She turned and ran her hand down the wardrobe door, tracing the intricate designs carved into the wood while she bought the time she needed to create a plausible explanation. “The King has experienced moments of madness, has he not?”

  Sebastian’s expression grew tight and strained. “He’s sane now.”

  “Yes. But it’s my understanding he’s still a bit he’s still a bit … peculiar and prone to making odd requests.” She’d heard no such thing, but was pleased with herself for coming up with such a great line in such a short period of time. “It seems one of his peculiarity’s is he likes to play games of hid and seek. He finds the challenge stimulating.”

  Sebastian reached over and fingered the end of a ribbon that held the front of Saika’s bodice in place. Before she could slap his hand, he tugged. Unlike when Saika had jerked on the same ribbon, the knot unraveled and the gown grew loose around her shoulders, forcing her to cross her arms to prevent it from slipping immodestly low.

  Sebastian stepped closer and ran his fingers down the length of her arm. Goosebumps pebbled her skin and it took all her willpower to prevent her knees from buckling.

  She leaned against the wardrobe, grateful for its support.

  “Is this the kind of … activity,” Saika hadn’t known it was possible to make a single word sound so disdainful, “you frequently engage in?”

  It took a moment for Saika to process the second half of his sentence. Her eyes widened. “I beg your pardon.”

  “Do you frequently respond to requests to … entertain strangers in their bed chambers?”

  Saika worked some moisture into her mouth.

  “The request came from King George himself. I sincerely doubt there are many women who don’t hurry to do his bidding when it’s the King of England making a request. I wager even the men trip over themselves in an attempt to comply.”

  Sebastian smirked. “I imagine King George doesn’t ask men to meet with him in his bedchamber. He doesn’t have some of the odd tastes that previous kings have had.”

  Saika shrugged a shoulder. “And if he did?”

  “It would depend on the man. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your failure to answer my question.”

  “It’s the first time I’ve been in this particular bedchamber.”

  Sebastian leaned closer, using his torso to press her against the front of the wardrobe. It took all Saika’s willpower to remain relaxed while her heart hammered a crazy rhythm against her ribs.

  Sebastian’s breath blew hot against her ear. “I’m of the opinion that you’re lying.”

  Saika closed her eyes and rested her brow on the wardrobe. She needed to do something to get him out of this room. The King wasn’t a young man and she’d heard how a sickness of the mind plagued the man. Her instincts told her it wouldn’t be
long before he grew weary of the evening’s celebrations and decided to retire. Once he did, Saika would be able to complete her job.

  “You should leave,” Saika murmured, “I imagine your presence in this room when he retires will fail to please the king. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man who enjoys sharing.”

  “Nor am I,” The statement sounded more like a thought than something he meant to speak out loud. “I don’t believe our good king choose you to act as his lover for the night.”

  “You don’t think I’m attractive?” The words burst free before Saika could stop them.

  “To the best of my knowledge, since his marriage the King has never invited anyone other than Queen Charlotte to share his bed. It is my understanding he has remained devoted to his wife since the day they exchanged marriage vows. It’s a trait many of us wish he would have passed onto his eldest son.”

  “What can I say to make you believe me?”

  Sebastian fingers curled around her hip. He used the grip to turn her around to face him. He bowed his head until there was barely a sliver of air between his lips and hers.

  “I want you to prove yourself.”

  Saika stared up at him. She was careful to keep the fear, curiosity, and indecisiveness surging through her from her expression. “I don’t understand.”

  Sebastian outlined her lip with his thumb, the motion triggering a vibration of sensations that shot all the way to Saika’s toes. “I’m not leaving you alone in this room until you prove you’re exactly what you claim.”


  The bottom fell from Saika’s stomach, and her mouth felt like she’d swallowed a handful of dust. She must have misunderstood him. “I beg your pardon?”

  Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest and braced his feet. “I repeat, I will not vacate this room until you’ve proven you’re only reason for being here is to warm the King’s bed.”

  “But …” Saika’s thoughts tumbled together. “What other reason would I have for being here?”

  “Precisely what I’m trying to determine. I get the impression there’s a great deal more to your attendance at tonight’s events than meets the eye.”

  You can’t even begin to imagine, Saika thought, and if you did, you would realize that these days being considered a whore is the least of my concerns.

  Still, if she complied she would be further condemning herself and this time she would not be able to lay blame for the crime at the brown eyed man’s feet. The responsibility would be hers alone to bear. “How can you not believe me?”

  Sebastian reached out and brushed his fingers across the swell of her breast that was barely exposed by her gown’s conservative neckline. Saika shivered, her skin had never been so sensitive. Her teeth sank into her lower lip.

  Sebastian fingers slid to a halt on the left side of her breastbone. Humor sparked in his eyes. “I’ve never met a courtesan whose heart races when she’s touched.”

  “Perhaps I’m special.” Saika worked hard to keep her voice low and seductive. It wasn’t easy. She hoped he missed the slight quiver she was unable to control.

  “Of that I have no doubt,” Sebastian said in a smooth voice. “It’s the rest of your story I have a difficult time believing.”

  “What can I do to prove myself to you?”

  Sebastian took her hand and drew her towards the large bed. He kept his eyes on her while he sat on the mattress and bent to remove his shoes. A self-satisfied smile lifted one corner of his mouth.

  Realization of exactly what he expected from her slammed into Saika and she rocked back a step. Sebastian’s smile widened as he took the instinctive motion as confirmation he’d been correct about her.

  Saika focused on drawing one breath after another and squared her shoulders. She had two choices; she could use her current circumstances to her advantage, or she could run away.

  She held her ground.

  Circumstances beyond her control had sealed her fate. In comparison, her virtue was a silly thing to worry over. She had put herself into this situation, now she had to accept the consequences. Her bone deep sense of pride and honor made it impossible for her to do anything else.

  Sebastian removed his coat and draped it across the footboard before lying back on the bed. He crossed his ankles and laced his fingers behind his head. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Saika licked her lips and hesitated.

  He hadn’t robbed her of her free will. The way he phrased the statement allowed her to choose the course of action, it would be easier if were using force. If he had, she could rail against his demands or at least use the coercion to assuage the sense of guilt she knew she was bound to feel later.

  Her options were clear. She either did as he requested and give credence to the lie she’d told, or …

  Her eyes roamed the length of Sebastian’s body, from his expensive stockings to his blond hair which curled over his brow and about his ears. Heat unfurled in her belly, startling her.

  The other men she’d looked at and considered, even the ones she liked and considered friends, hadn’t made her pulse pound or weakened her knees like the sight of Sebastian did.

  Excitement and fear mixed together and she took a tentative step towards the bed.

  “Approaching the bed,” Sebastian said, his tone thick with sarcasm and just a hint of humor. “Always a good first step.”

  Saika stiffened and drew in a sharp breath. “Bastard.”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  Tiny bolts of nervous energy raced up and down the length of Saika’s spine as she hoisted herself onto the bed and knelt beside Sebastian. She chewed on her lower lip and wondered just what she was supposed to do now.

  Her eyes met Sebastian’s and he floated a brow, his expression made it clear help wouldn’t be coming from that direction. She needed to figure things out on her own.

  She braced one knee on the mattress and swung her free leg over Sebastian’s hips to straddle but her skirt got in the way. It caught beneath her pivot knee and jerked tight when she moved, pulling hard at her hips and upsetting her balance.

  She slammed into Sebastian’s and the air left his lungs in a giant whoosh. He gripped her shoulders, his short nails carving crescent moon shaped grooves into the exposed skin while his eyes bulged and he struggled to get his breath back.

  Saika took a fraction of a second to access the situation and made a choice. It was now or never.

  She caught Sebastian’s face between her hands, the ends of his silky blond hair curled around her fingertips, and covered his mouth with hers.

  When it came to the art of kissing, Saika wasn’t a novice. Romance might not be as important to her as it was to her friend, Elizabeth, Saika managed to catch the fancy of more than one lad which had led to a few stolen kisses in the shadows, but none of those boys kissed like Sebastian.

  He cupped her head with one and rested the other on her neck. He applied pressure and changed the angle of her mouth enough to allow him to trace the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  Saika’s lips parted at his unspoken command. A bolt of liquid heat raced from her lips to her toes.

  Stunned, she braced a hand against his chest and drew back to stare down at him.

  Sebastian’s eyes opened to narrow slits and he waited to see what she would do.

  Saika drew in a deep breath and steadied her nerves. “What happened?”

  “Most people refer to it as a kiss. Considering your line of business, I would have thought you’d be very familiar with the process.”

  For the first time in her life, she understood why Elizabeth went around collecting kisses. One kiss and she was obsessed.

  Saika shook her head. She couldn’t afford to let this man or his sensual mouth distract her. She was here to do a job and needed to stay focused.

  Beneath her palm, Sebastian’s heart beat a steady rhythm. Saika looked at it and her brows drew together as she considered her next move.

ka moistened her lips. She held Sebastian’s gaze with her own, leaned close to him and … hesitated.

  A dozen miniature céili dancers spun, leapt, and stomped in her stomach. What if the intensity of the first kiss was nothing more than a weird combination of nerves and surprise that couldn’t be replicated?

  There was only one way to find out.

  She leaned forward and brushed Sebastian’s mouth with her own.

  Her lips met his and Sebastian tensed. He rolled over and pinned her body to the bed with his own. The change in position should have made her tense, she hated feeling trapped, but now she was so lost in the taste of Sebastian and the heat flowed between her, she didn’t care.

  She ran her hands across his shoulders and down his arms, reveling in the sensation of his solid muscles beneath his thin shirt. Sebastian's hands settled on her hips, pulling her against him.

  He drew away and Saika moaned a protest. Sebastian ignored the sound and kissed her cheek, her brow, and nipped her ear lobe.

  While his mouth explored her features, Sebastian's hands roamed her body. They drifted up from her hips, their touch feather light, until they reached her gown’s neckline. His fingers skimmed along the place where material and skin met. Blood rushed through her Saika’s ears, muting the sounds coming from the other side of the bedchamber door.

  Saika's hands slid beneath his shirt and brushed against heated skin. Her nails raked at the exposed flesh.

  Lost in passion, she barely noticed when Sebastian slid his hands beneath her body and his fingers found the knot at the back of her bodice and tugged.

  His hands glided down her back, the bodice moved with them. Saika shifted, allowing him better access.

  Without giving herself a moment to take a second thought, she rolled over, pinning Sebastian beneath her and reared back. His eyes popped open as she drew back her arm and he braced his elbows and started to sit up.

  “What the-”

  Before he finished the sentence, Saika’s closed fist connected with Sebastian’s temple. Shards of pain vibrated up her arm. She ignored the discomfort and watched as Sebastian swayed for a moment before crumbling in a boneless heap on the mattress.


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