The Professor and the Manny

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The Professor and the Manny Page 15

by Trina Solet

  "But it's too much of a risk to you and Mina," Jeff said. He kept his voice low and tried to sound reasonable, but his words came out shaky.

  "Not if we get you back." Ned regarded him closely. His shoulders were hunched with tension, his jaw tight, but his eyes betrayed how much he wished he could stay. Ned tried a gentler approach. "You are one of us now. If there's a problem, we'll fix it together. Now let's go tell Mina that your very short trip is over now." In the end Ned couldn't help but give his arm a tug.

  Jeff closed his eyes then he opened them. With a frown on his face, he said, "If I go back, my first stop has to be the police station to tell them what I know. I can't come back otherwise."

  Ned breathed a huge sigh of relief. He didn't like that they weren't going straight home though. On thinking about it, he knew Jeff was right, but he was still worried. "OK, but don't tell them the whole story."

  Jeff looked at him in disbelief. "Seriously?"

  Ned confirmed it. "Yes. You want to protect us. I want to protect you. Don't tell the police that you did any work for these guys, or that you witnessed anything and didn't report it. You only heard rumors. Tell them that they offered you a job, but it didn't sound legit to you so you refused. That's close enough to the truth. I don't want you ending up in jail."

  "I don't want that either. But I don't want to protect myself if it means..."

  Ned cut him off. "You are worth protecting. And you're not going alone, I'm coming with you."

  "That's asking too much," Jeff said.

  "You're not asking and I'm not letting you go to talk to the police alone," Ned told him as they headed to his car together.

  "What about Mina?" Jeff asked.

  "We'll call her, tell her you're on your way back."

  Chapter 25

  It hurt Jeff so much to walk out on Ned and Mina, and now he was going back. Leaving them was a horrible, wrenching feeling. It tore out his heart. Jeff didn't even know how he managed to do it. Fear for Mina and Ned's safety pushed him out the door all in a rush.

  But once Ned came after him, leaving became impossible. He couldn't turn his back on this man. Looking into his eyes, all Jeff wanted was to beg his forgiveness and go home with him. He wasn't quite there yet. Stuck in a drab police station waiting room, he was now talking to Mina on the phone.

  "Jeff come back," Mina said to him in her sweet little voice.

  "You'll see me in the morning, OK," Jeff told her.

  "Morning?" Ned asked once Jeff was off the phone.

  "I won't leave town, but I won't be staying with you guys either." Ned was about to object, but Jeff didn't let him. "It's the best I can do. If I'm a target, I can't risk staying at the house."

  Ned wasn't happy to hear that, but he didn't argue. "Where are you going to be staying?"

  "I'll stay at a motel. That way I won't be bringing trouble to anyone's door," he decided.

  Going in to talk to the police, Jeff was scared out of his mind but having Ned with him helped. He told the police about the Posner brothers, and they checked into that right away. Jeff was surprised when they found out that both brothers were in custody at the time the attack happened at Mrs. Diaz's house.

  The police caught most of the crew red-handed, while they were busy stripping some McMansion. A patrol car was checking into some suspicious activity at a construction site. There was no informant. One Posner brother was arrested then. The other one was picked up a few days ago.

  "It couldn't have been either of the brothers, but it might be someone who works for them," Jeff told Ned once the police were done with them. "I'll call Brody again. He said he was going to ask his cousin. He knows about this kind of thing."

  Sitting in Ned's car in the parking lot in front of the police station, Jeff talked to Brody then gave Ned the report.

  "Brody asked his cousin how those guys got caught. He didn't say anything about me, and he didn't hear one word about me in connection with this. His cousin didn't think that anyone snitched on them or anything like that. That's a good sign."

  "So these guys aren't looking for payback. They know it was just bad luck that they got caught," Ned said.

  "It looks that way," Jeff said but he couldn't be sure.

  "That means you're in the clear. What happened at Mrs. Diaz's house was just a random incident, like we originally thought," Ned said and looked happy about the news.


  "Then you can come back home with me," Ned decided.

  "No. It's not a sure thing. I shouldn't stay with you guys yet. I'm still going to a motel."

  Ned sighed but he didn't argue with him. "I really want you to come with me, but I guess that's the smart thing to do." Ned leaned over and kissed him. "You scared the hell out of me."

  "I'm sorry. I told Mina I would see her in the morning. But I'm not sure I should come by the house until we're know it's safe," he said regretfully.

  Ned had a solution. "You don't have to stay away from us all the time. I'll bring Mina to work with me. We'll go early and meet you for breakfast in the cafeteria. And you can watch her on campus."

  Jeff agreed. "I guess that might be safe, but I'll stay where there are plenty of people around."

  "OK. We have a plan." He smiled and kissed Jeff again. Then Ned drove him to a motel nearby.

  Later that night, Jeff was lying in bed but he didn't even bother to close his eyes. Stuck in a motel room, miserably alone, he was sleepless with worry and also with longing for Ned. Ned must not have been sleeping either. First he texted Jeff then he called.

  "I'm glad you came after me," Jeff confessed to him. "I forgot to tell you that before. My heart was breaking when I thought I would never see you again."

  For a moment, Ned only breathed. "It killed me when you left and I've already been missing you so much," he said, his voice raspy with emotion.

  "I miss you too and I'm sorry I tried to leave," Jeff said and he meant every word.

  "Just don't do it again. I'm past the point where I can let you go."

  Hearing his words, Jeff wished he could throw himself into his arms right now.

  Starting with breakfast in the cafeteria, Jeff spent practically all day on campus with Ned and Mina. Wherever they went, he noticed that Mina held his hand extra tight and watched him like a hawk. She wasn't letting him try to escape again.

  When Ned was done for the day, Jeff and Mina went to get him at his office. They were going to the mall together then to dinner. That was Ned's plan for making sure they spent as much time with Jeff as possible.

  "How was your day?" Jeff asked while he waited for Ned to get his things and Mina did a drawing at his desk.

  "Not too bad," Ned said.

  Jeff noticed that he was in a good mood. "Something put a smile on your face."

  "A student fell out of his chair during class," Ned said and he couldn't help smirking a little. "The look on his face was priceless."

  "Do you just plain hate your students or what?" Jeff asked.

  "No, I don't. He wasn't hurt, just indignant," Ned said so Jeff wouldn't think he was a monster. "Actually the seat fell over and he fell with it. You know how the seats are supposed to be bolted to the floor. That one must have come loose. I put a sign on it so no one else will sit there. One of these days maintenance will fix it."

  Jeff still shook his head at him as they all gathered their stuff and got ready to go. It was a fun day even though a shadow of worry still remained. They stayed out together almost until Mina's bedtime, but then they had to go their separate ways.

  As Ned dropped him off at the Blue Hills Motel, he and Mina got out of the car to say good night.

  "I wish you were coming home with us," Ned said.

  "Me too. When I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, I'll come back. I miss you guys," Jeff told him and gave him a hug.

  "We miss you too," Ned said as he held him tight.

  As Jeff got down to say good night to Mina, she leaned close to him and said, "Don't be hav
ing fun with no me and no Princess Strawberry Pie."

  It took Jeff a second to untangle what she was saying, but then he got her meaning loud and clear. "Never. I won't have any fun without you guys," he promised. "I'll see you soon, honey."

  "See you soon," she repeated and gave him a kiss.

  The motel room was depressing, but Jeff was cheered up by constant texts and phone calls from Ned late into the night. Jeff never got tired of hearing how much Ned missed him. He was touched that Ned went to so much trouble to make sure they all spent time together. Every second he was away from him, Jeff missed him terribly. He especially missed spending time alone with him.

  Chapter 26

  The next morning, Jeff joined Ned and Mina on campus once again. He still had his arm in a sling and that made Mina fuss over him. Jeff gave her his free hand and they went walking all over campus.

  He made sure they stayed in the open. At this point, he didn't really think he needed to be so watchful. No one was after him. The attack was just bad luck. That's why he wasn't on high alert when he was at the motel or at other times when he was by himself. But when he had Mina with him, he just couldn't take anything for granted.

  Still, he didn't want to be so hyper-vigilant that he scared Mina. She was enjoying their walk. It was a bright, sunny day and she even spotted a butterfly. That meant the day was a win already. They bought snacks and visited with Mariah at her usual place outside the library until it was time to meet Ned.

  Slowly making their way to Ned's office, they were meandering over the lanes that branched off toward different departments. Ned's class wouldn't be over for another twenty minutes, so Jeff looked around for a fun detour he and Mina could take until it was time to meet up with him. That's when he saw the man. He was of medium build with an olive green stocking cap on his head.

  Was Jeff imagining that it was just like the one his attacker had pulled over his face? He didn't know, but he couldn't take a chance with Mina there. Jeff looked around frantically. No one else was nearby. The closest building was where they were already heading, where the Economics Department was and Ned's class.

  Picking up Mina with his good arm, he told her to hang on. "We're late. We have to run," he lied.

  Freeing his other arm from the sling, he pulled his phone out and dialed 911. As he talked to the operator and moved as fast as he could, he looked back. The man was following him. What's more he was reaching behind his back for something.

  After he gave her the facts, Jeff couldn't stay on the phone with the 911 operator. He needed to run faster. He had to keep hold of Mina at all costs. Somewhere on his phone was a number for campus security, but he couldn't find it, carry Mina, and run at the same time. The same went for calling Ned.

  Jeff's arm and his ribs were still messed up from the last time he tangled with this guy. This time Jeff wasn't sure he could take him, and if that man was reaching for something behind his back, then he must be armed. In that case, Jeff didn't stand a chance.

  Seeing him gaining on them, getting closer all the time, Jeff decided he had to get Mina somewhere safe and do it fast. The entrance to the Business Administration building was right there. Ned was in there giving a class in a lecture hall. That meant Jeff could take Mina right to her dad and then lead this guy away from them. She would be safe with Ned, and hopefully the police would arrive soon.

  Jeff ran down the hall, found the classroom and went in. Still carrying Mina, he came in through the back door at the top of the rows of seats. He expected to walk into a lecture hall full of students. There was no one there. He expected safety and only found an empty room.

  Why the fuck was the classroom empty? That guy was right behind them.

  He set Mina down. "Hide," he told her urgently.

  Only hesitating for a moment, Mina whimpered. Then she was gone among the seats like a little mouse, disappearing from sight. Good. If Jeff couldn't see her, then the guy following them wouldn't either.

  The man was too close, right behind them. Jeff tried to lock the door, but there was no way to do it without a key. He could hear his footsteps in the hall getting louder all the time. This guy might not know which classroom they went into. That might give Jeff a little time.

  He needed something to fight him, any kind of weapon. Then Jeff could go out in the hall and face him while leaving Mina out of it. Looking toward Ned's desk, Jeff started to head down to search for anything he could use as a weapon. At the very least he could use the chair that was behind his desk.

  That's when the footsteps stopped right outside the door. Fuck, there wasn't enough time. The guy was too close, right behind the door they came through.

  Wait. The chair.

  Jeff looked around frantically. There it was right at the end of the row only a few feet from him. The sign read, "Broken. Do not sit." Lifting it, Jeff carried it toward the door. The chair was heavy as fuck, but he raised it over his head. A sharp pain shot through his side and his injured arm felt like it would snap in two. Just as the guy came through the door, Jeff brought the chair crashing down on him. Only then he noticed the gun. It flew out of the guy's hand, and Jeff kicked it away.

  While the guy lay there dazed and bleeding, Jeff hurriedly grabbed him by the legs and dragged him out into the hall. He didn't want Mina to see. Once he was out there, Jeff started yelling, "I need some help!"

  A few doors opened up and down the hall, and some professors and students poked their heads out. Jeff got them to restrain the guy. While he phoned Ned, Jeff rushed back into the classroom. He called out to Mina gently. "Hey, Mina, it's OK to come out now."

  She didn't come out, but he heard her say his name softly from somewhere among the seats.

  "Yes, it's me. Where are you? It's safe to come out now," he told her and winced at the pain in his side and his arm.

  At first he only heard her moving, so he went closer. He still didn't see her but he kept talking to her. "Your dad is coming. I called him. He'll be here soon."

  "Jeff," she said again and now he saw her peering at him from behind some seats. He opened his arms and she ran over to him. She was shaking but she hugged him tight. Then Ned ran in and he was hugging both of them.

  "Careful," Jeff told him. His side hurt like hell.

  Ned only looked at him with concern then at Mina. He could tell Jeff was hurting, but he didn't say anything about it so he wouldn't worry Mina. Once Ned was holding Mina, Jeff collapsed in pain. But as soon as Mina looked over at him, he gave her a smile.

  "Just a little ouchy," he told her. Turning to Ned, he asked, "I expected to find you here along with a class full of students. Did I go to the wrong room?"

  "No. You had the right room," Ned told him. "I took my class over to Phelps' classroom. Burt Liski was there. He's Phelps' old college buddy. I took my class to meet him and he gave a talk about his new book. I never thought about letting you know." Ned rattled off the explanation while holding Mina and stroking her hair. He looked so shaken and pale, but she seemed OK considering.

  "I was trying to bring Mina to you," Jeff explained while hiding how much pain he was in for Mina's sake.

  "You did good," Ned told him and he cupped his face.

  "Mina did good too. I told her to hide, and she did a really good job," Jeff said.

  Mina nodded and Ned hugged her tight so she wouldn't see the tears in his eyes.

  Chapter 27

  Seeing the man who attacked Jeff taken away in an ambulance, Ned hoped that their troubles were over. At least Jeff was now back home with them. But for days after the attack on campus, the police couldn't get one word out of the man who came after Jeff twice. They couldn't even find out who he was. They still assumed that he might be connected to that Posner mess, but there was nothing to go on. Then a few days later, Ned was surprised to hear from the FBI.

  Two FBI agents came to the house to speak to Ned. Jeff took Mina and the kitten to visit the Lawrences and their two cats. Though the FBI agents didn't seem to be interested in
speaking with Jeff, Ned wanted him to be there for the meeting, so he came right back.

  "Jeff is my boyfriend and he takes care of my daughter. I want him to hear this, if that's all right."

  They all sat down in the living room, and one of the agents, Agent Miller, told him why they were there. "We've discovered the identity of your assailant, Mr. Snyder. The man who attacked you was named Yevgeny Kupov. He was an associate of Mikael Toborosky," she paused and looked over at Ned knowing he would have a reaction to this.

  "Mina's father," Ned said.

  "That's correct."

  "Was he after Mina? Oh, my God." Ned's insides clenched with fear. His Mina. The thought of her being in danger was horrifying.

  "The good news first. It looks like your daughter is not being targeted by any sort of crime syndicate. The man who was after her is working alone," Agent Howard told them.

  "I guess we'll call that good news," Ned said. Luda had been told that no one would be coming after Mina once her father was gone.

  "It is good news," Agent Miller assured him. "We looked into Kupov's dealings in Russia. He and Toborosky were partners when they made the fatal mistake of stealing from a major criminal organization. After his wife was killed by them, Toborosky betrayed his partner to save Mina, though he couldn't save himself."

  "That's why they aren't after her," Ned realized.

  "Correct," Agent Howard confirmed. "Because Toborosky betrayed him, Kupov's whole family was killed. He escaped and went into hiding. Eventually he made his way here with the intention of finishing off the family of the man who sold him out. That's why he was coming after your daughter, Mina."

  "So I was just in the way," Jeff realized.

  "And that saved her life twice. Obviously you were more than Kupov could handle," Agent Miller said to Jeff.

  "What's going to happen to this Kupov guy?" Jeff asked.

  Agent Howard answered. "There are several charges against him in addition to the two attacks on you. And if he should be sent back to Russia..."


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