Home > Young Adult > Annabelle's Angst: NEW ADULT CONTEMPORARY SUSPENSE ROMANCE > Page 11

by Bree Branigan

  “Mom?” Her voice was weak and shaky. But it was there!

  “Alyssa! You're awake! Oh thank God! How do you feel?”

  “A bit... weak. But I think I'm... okay.” Her voice was faint.

  “That's good.” Megan wiped a tear away. “Listen, Alyssa, I found the drugs.”

  “Mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to—”

  “It's okay, honey,” Megan's voice cracked. “I don't know what drove you in that direction but this isn't the time to judge you. Alyssa, I want to ask you something. How do you know Thomas Winchester? Is he a friend from school? Or an adult friend?”

  Realizing her mother had gone through her phone, Alyssa began crying uncontrollably, “Mom, I don't know what got into me. He just seemed like such a good guy and he was so nice to me that things just escalated really quickly. I'm so ashamed.” The tears continued to flow.

  “Don't be. It's probably our fault for sheltering you so much... But, Alyssa, I need you to tell me everything. Do you understand?”

  Alyssa nodded, Slowly, she told her mother all about her relationship with Thomas Winchester. By the end of the conversation, there wasn't a doubt in Megan's mind that she and her daughter had known the same Thomas, and she couldn't help but think this outcome had been deliberate.

  “Alyssa, while you’ve been in here Michael has been calling. He is very concerned about you.” Megan looked at her daughter earnestly.

  Alyssa felt like she’d been stabbed. “Oh, Mom! He’s so good. I can’t face him after what I’ve done.” Tears streamed down Alyssa’s face, and she sobbed into her pillow.


  “Sir, there are police at the front gate wishing to see you.”

  Thomas looked at his butler incredulously, “Well this is unusual. I might as well see what it is that they want.” Thomas made his way to the front door as the police car made its way onto the grounds. Two officers exited and made their way up the walk to Thomas. “Good evening, officers. May I help you?”

  One officer revealed a pair of handcuffs, “Mr. Winchester, I have a search warrant and a warrant for your arrest. We'd like to take you in for questioning.” The handcuffs were already being administered.

  “Arrested? You must have the wrong house. Do you know who I am?” Thomas shuffled with his restraints.

  “We're well aware. This way, please.” The officer read out the standard ‘you have the right to remain silent’ piece.

  Thomas remained confounded all the way to the station. It was only when he was alone in the interrogation room that he truly began to suspect that this was not a ruse. Suddenly, the door opened and a rather harried-looking, middle-aged woman walked to the table and took a seat.

  “Hello, Thomas,” came the stern, saddened voice. “I didn't think we'd ever see each other again, not that I wanted this.”

  “My, my, my. Megan Lake. How you've grown. It seems you've been keeping well. How is life treating you?”

  “Let's cut the crap. I know what you did. What I want to know is why. Why Alyssa? Why now? Why did you get my daughter hooked on drugs? She almost died, you bastard!”

  Thomas straightened his posture, pretending to piece everything together, “I see... so that's what happened. I'm sorry to say, Megan, I had no idea Alyssa was your daughter.” He was clearly lying. “Still, my only crime was showing a young girl a good time, so don't expect me to say anything awkward or incriminating in front of them.” He pointed to the glass window, indicating that he knew he was being watched.

  Megan sighed and wiped her eyes. She then leaned forward and whispered so that only Thomas could hear her: “Why'd you do it, Thomas? Is this about all those years ago? You were willing to torture and scar my little girl just because you got your feelings hurt. That's low, Thomas. That's downright cowardly. You vile scum, she'd never fall for your tricks unless you used some underhanded means. You probably kidnapped her and forced yourself onto her!”

  Thomas smiled cunningly and leaned forward as well, letting his own voice drop to a whisper, “Silly woman, she practically begged me to fuck her! The same way you always did. I guess whore runs in the family. But I must admit, this turned out better than I had hoped. I got to dominate your daughter and ruin your life. So what if I got her hooked on cocaine; big deal. You should have seen the things I made her do. With the amount of times she's sucked me off and the times I owned her pussy, I'm quite certain I've ruined her for other men. She's so naive I couldn't help myself.” Thomas was beaming like a proud maniac.

  “You're a monster!” she hissed.

  “A monster that enslaved your daughter. But really, who cares? You and I both know that I'll get away with it, even if I have to hand out a bribe. That is how these things work, you know. Besides, this all happened because you're a horrible parent! You should have never left me, Megan. Now you're paying the price. This concludes my revenge. Checkmate, bitch.” He then sat up in the chair and began speaking normally. “Can someone get these cuffs off me?”

  Megan stood up, a distinct air about her “Those cuffs are going to stay on you for a long time. You see, Thomas, you might think I'm a bad parent, but I'm actually one of the best. How else could I have gotten you to confess while I'm wearing a wire?” Megan opened her blouse, revealing the recording device. “Game's over, asshole.”

  Thomas was completely bewildered. His nostrils flared and his breathing became erratic. Suddenly, like a wild beast, he launched himself at Megan, ready to strangle her. “You fucking whore! How dare you!”

  Immediately a group of ferocious-looking officers rushed in to restrain Thomas. When he was securely pinned, Megan walked over to him, with a look a disdain.

  “I might not have been able to protect Alyssa from you, but at least other women will now be safe. You want to know what the funny part of this is? Everything you did to my daughter, I'm sure your new prison mates will unleash on your ass. In case this isn't getting through to you, let me say it clearly. When you do get out stay the hell away from my family.”


  Alyssa and Megan sat on the set of swings, each licking an ice cream cone. It had been weeks since Thomas's arrest, and things were finally starting to feel normal again. Megan had worried that Alyssa would find it hard to resist the temptation of drugs, but Alyssa proved to be more resilient than expected. With the aid of her family and friends, she fended off withdrawal. And, considering that Alyssa had never actually known any in-street drug dealers, this made staying away from them easier.

  “Mom, thanks again for rescuing me. I don't know what I ever saw in that old bastard. He just seemed so in tune with me. Before I knew it, I was doing anything he asked.”

  “I know, honey. That's why I left him; he was too manipulative. But that's over now. You're safe and he's behind bars.”

  “Yeah. But I wonder if charges for illegal possession of drugs and criminal abuse will be enough to hold him.”

  “Don't forget that here in Mississippi you are a minor. Anyway, they'll hold him for as long as they need to. And don't worry. If he ever faces you again, you'll be an even stronger woman than you are now. He won't dare come near you. Survivors don't scare easily.”

  “I guess you're right. Thanks, Mom. A part of me wants to forget the whole thing. It hurts knowing how deeply he sunk his claws into me.”

  Megan turned to look her daughter in the eye, her face filled with love and compassion. “Never forget. If you don't acknowledge the past it means you're running away. Don’t let your problems define you or bog you down; the same goes for men. Your father and I love you very much much. Remember that.”

  Alyssa smiled. “I will.”

  “Good. Now did I ever tell you exactly how I met your father?”

  They sat there talking for another hour, slowly cultivating a new-found appreciation for life and each other.

  Suddenly, in the distance they looked up to see a familiar figure approaching slowly, a little uncertainly. As he walked closer Alyssa gasped softly, looking at the love and compass
ion in those still-smiling brown eyes. She flew from the swing where she sat, and ran into his arms. The feeling of warmth and comfort she felt enveloped her.

  It feels like home, she thought, as tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked up at his beautiful, familiar face and their lips met, soft and warm and – yes – she felt a tingle throughout her body.

  “Michael,” was all she could say. Over and over.


  Sister Mire

  Chapter 1

  Dim ceiling lights, massive wall-to-floor windows heavily draped, a fire crackling in the huge stone fire-place, rich thick carpeting beneath her feet … Michelle sat, her back stiff and straight, looking into the bright blue eyes of the most wonderful man she had ever met.

  “Will you marry me?” he asked, kneeling before her.

  I am, by far, the luckiest woman on Earth! she thought. The piped-in soft, mellow music in the background and the romantic ambiance that Sean had prepared meticulously had almost gone unnoticed. All she was aware of was the incredible joy in her heart.

  Unable to speak, she nodded. Tears streamed down her face. Sean stood up and cuddled her in a warm embrace. He wiped the remaining tears on her cheeks with his fingers and gently kissed her full on the lips. For several minutes, they kissed passionately, hungry for each other. His lips were firm and full He nibbled on her lower lip, then fully inserted his tongue. She responded enthusiastically, as his tongue rampaged across her teeth. Their bodies pressed against one another, tingled with desire. Michelle pulled away, breathing raggedly. Her face was flushed, her shoulders heaving. Sean merely held her. He would wait if need be.

  Afterwards, they dined blissfully on his balcony under the starlit sky. Hilda, Sean’s cheery, efficient maid, brought them serving after serving of delectable food specially prepared by the chef Sean had hired for the evening.

  They ate, sipped wine and talked about their plans for the future. Inevitably, the conversation veered to talk of the wedding. And to subjects that had, so far, remained hidden.

  Michelle had yet to introduce her family to Sean. Her childhood had been traumatic, and she’d never talked about it. Although she felt a strong attachment to her family, she had kept her past and so much of her personal life to herself. In fact, he knew nothing of her life beyond the present.

  Sean’s parents had passed away, and he was the sole survivor. The only relative he had was an uncle, who trusted all Sean’s decisions.

  “When will you introduce me to your family?”

  “How about if we visit them at the end of this month?” Michelle spoke reluctantly.


  Later, when they arrived at Michelle’s apartment Sean looked deeply into her eyes. His arms encircled her back, softly sliding down to brush her waist and hips.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this.” He planted a firm kiss on her lips.

  Michelle clung to him and met his mouth with her own, sucking his lower lips in a passionate kiss. Their tongues grappled with each other as their bodies ignited with the flames of passion. Michelle gasped as Sean’s fingers crept underneath her blouse and fondled her nipples. She was still a virgin who had led a sheltered life, convinced by her mother that she should wait for marriage.

  “Hmmmm,” Michelle mumbled; her body aflame.

  Michelle’s sighs of pleasure propelled Sean’s arousal. He continued sucking her tongue and devouring her lips.

  “Oh, God,” Michelle exclaimed, the patch between her legs became wet with her juices.

  The front door opened. “It’s my room-mate,” Michelle muttered under her breath.

  They disengaged reluctantly; trying to calm their nerves and restore their normal breathing.

  “See you tomorrow,” Sean kissed Michelle lovingly.

  He hid the evident bulge under his polo-shirt and descended the stairs.

  “Good night, babe,” he called out as he hastily opened the door, greeted Leila, and left.

  Chapter 2

  Jane Potters eyed Sean thoughtfully when he entered the office the next day. “He’s dashing,” she thought. “He should be mine. Why is he hanging out with that simpering prude, Michelle?”

  “Good morning,” Jane smiled at Sean seductively.

  “Hi,” Sean walked past her smiling his magnetic smile.

  Sean was the CEO of Ultra United Inc., a conglomerate of various businesses, ranging from supermarkets to malls and fashion designs, to hotels and restaurants. He was the only son of the wealthy Michaels’ clan. Tall, sinewy and good-looking Sean was confidant, charming and perfect in every way. His chiseled jaw blended well with his wide, firm lips. His curly, black hair was cropped neatly, but there were still a few stubborn strands falling softly across his broad forehead. He looked like a Greek god in all his muscular form.

  Jane had had her eye on him ever since she’d started working for his company a year ago. But Sean barely seemed to notice her. She had tried all the tricks in the book, but nothing had worked. Sean had been pleasant, but that was it.

  It was six months after Jane entered the company that Sean brought Michelle to the office and introduced her to his staff. Jane was not impressed by Michelle’s simple beauty. Sean was obviously taken with the black-haired “country” girl. Jane, tall, tanned and leggy, had vowed to herself that she would capture his heart before the month ended. Her resolve was strengthened when she discovered that Michelle was working as a nurse in the base hospital in Denver, Colorado, and had nothing to brag about financially.

  And luck was with Jane.

  That weekend, the company had a scheduled R & R in some luxury resort. Jane had hatched a devious plan for ensnaring Sean. On Friday evening, all the workers at Ultra United were there. Everyone was enjoying drinks outside the resort’s cottages. Sean was with Sam Cole, the Human Resources Director, drinking beer at one of the tables, when Jane approached them.

  “I brought you some roasted chicken,” she beamed at them, and placed the dish on the table.

  “Thanks,” Sam grinned at her.

  “Oh, by the way Sam, Ted needs your help for a minute,” Jane informed him.

  “About what?”

  “I don’t know. He’s in the kitchen.”

  As soon as Sam left, Jane sat in the vacated seat.

  “Do you mind if I join you for a drink?” she asked Sean.

  Sean had been in a good mood since Michelle accepted his proposal a few days earlier. Sure. He’d share a drink with Jane.

  Jane was overjoyed when Sean nodded. All she had to do was to slip the tranquilizer into Sean’s drink and everything would fall into place. She smiled wickedly, thinking about her perfect plan. She started recounting to Sean about her first day at the company, and he began to loosen up. He knew she was flirting with him, but he was used to that.

  Jane leaned towards Sean and purposely knocked the tray off of the table.

  “Ooops, sorry,” Jane apologized.

  Sean stooped to retrieve the tray and Jane swiftly poured the powdered sleeping drug she’d been clutching tightly into his glass. The powder disappeared promptly, not leaving a trace. She resumed her banter when he straightened up. It was only after Sean had consumed his drink that he began to feel dizzy.

  “I have to go to the john,” he mumbled.

  However, he couldn’t walk straight, so Jane went to his rescue. But she didn’t take him to the john. She took him to the nearest cottage. One that she had previously booked for the night. She then texted Sam saying she and Sean had gone out for some fresh air. Her plans were coming to fruition. Aha! She was finally alone with Sean. She smiled, satisfied with herself.

  Sean shifted from consciousness to unconsciousness, barely aware of what was happening. He staggered and held onto her as she assisted him to pee.

  “There you are. I’m right here behind you,” she nuzzled her lips over his ear.

  When he was done, she led him to the bed and he slumped with a heavy sigh as sleep continued to overcome him. Kissing him, she smeared
her lipstick on his slightly opened mouth. Grabbing him by the crotch she started fondling his dick underneath his jeans.

  “Hey.” Sean tried to push her away, but he was obviously in a daze and his muscles were uncoordinated. He didn’t have the strength.

  “Mmmmm, that feels good, huh?” Jane crooned as she continued running her fingers along the length of his dick.

  Sean mumbled in his drunken stupor, his eyes closed, as a bulge inevitably rose from underneath his jeans. Elated by his reaction, Jane hurriedly shook off her remaining clothing and sidled towards him. She continued stroking his penis with her expert fingers, while stripping his clothing layer by layer. She gasped as Sean’s huge erection sprang upwards from the confines of his pants.

  Jane gave out an excited cry and grasped his dick in one swift movement. Using her phone and selfie-stick in an outstretched hand, she took pictures of herself sucking his manhood and copulating with him. Sean attempted half-heartedly to push her away, but his muscles wouldn’t move as he wished. Hot and horny, she took the angry, throbbing rod into her mouth and sucked again, but the hardness started to soften as Sean eventually succumbed to the sedative effect of alcohol – his penis went flaccid after a few, excruciating minutes.


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