Lunchtime Chronicles: Fresh Meat

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Lunchtime Chronicles: Fresh Meat Page 2

by L. Loren

  “Carpool Karaoke requires at least one other participant.”

  ‘Well, it doesn’t look like this traffic is moving anytime soon. Why don’t you join in with me?”

  She winked at me and gave me the sexiest little look. Damn right I wanted to join in. If it wasn’t against the laws of logic, I would ditch the bike and climb into her ride. However, I knew my brothers and sisters would frown on that. After all, I came to Daytona to experience Bike Week as a true MC member. I still wanted to flirt with Baby Bird, though.

  “I’ll make you a deal. You give me your number so we can hook up later and I’ll sing with you until the traffic lets up.”

  “I’m not giving you my number. I don’t even know your name.”

  The pretty little thing grinned at me letting me know she was down and was enjoying the chase as much as I was. I blew her a kiss and she just about blushed into a puddle.

  “The name’s Smoke and I’m a Predator.” I flashed a devilish grin and turned my back so she could see the name of the MC on the back of my cut. “Now that you know me feel free to give up the digits.”

  Smiling, she thrust her hand out asking for my phone. I dug it out of my pocket, quickly unlocked it and tossed it onto the passenger seat. She laughed as she snagged the phone, entered her info and tossed it back to me. Good thing I was athletic, or my phone would have gone careening under one of my brother’s wheels. The chick had horrible aim.

  “Nice catch!”

  “Thanks. Now what you got for me? Let’s do this.”

  I saw her tapping at her phone and then heard the beginning of that hot little girly song from Ariana Grande came on. I had no clue what the lyrics to this song were. All I knew was something about her getting what she wants. I would be damned if I would sing that shit in front of my club brothers. I had to put a stop to this immediately.

  “No, no no! What are you doing, babe? I am not singing that song. Find another one.”

  She fumbled with her phone a bit and the music stopped blaring through the speakers. A cute little pout marred her beautiful face and I swear to God I wanted to propose to this woman right there in the middle of all that traffic.

  “What’s wrong with this song? It’s lit!”

  “That’s shit’s for little girls, I got no time for it. Give me something a biker would listen to. You did notice this motorcycle, right?”

  “Oh, what you’re afraid your biker pals will pick on you for singing Ariana? Please. Singing that song is the most biker thing you can do.”

  “How the hell you figure that?”

  “Isn’t that lifestyle about throwing your middle finger up at society and their rules? Who says a big sexy biker can’t like cute pop songs? Society, that’s who. I say do what you want and sing what you want.”

  Hells Bells! Baby Bird had a brain to go along with her gorgeous face. I shook my head and laughed. Well what else could I do at that point. I had to sing the song. Wait, did she just call me sexy? It was about to go down.

  “What’s the name of that song, again?”

  “7 Rings.”

  I pulled out my phone, looked up the song lyrics on my app and signaled for her to turn the music back on. When the music polluted the air once again, I started singing along with her, adding a little wiggle to my hips. That was a mistake because my ass reminded me of our road trip blues. At that point I had to get off that bike and stretch. This traffic wasn’t moving anyway, so I turned the bike off and engaged the kickstand before standing and disguising my need for relief in a sexy dance for Baby Bird to admire.

  “Oh, you trying to show out? I see you.”

  Baby Bird hopped out of her car and started dancing along to the music, but instead of staying on her side of the car, she came around and started shimming her hips right in front of me. Hells Bells! My hands shot out on instinct, grabbing her hips as she gyrated just in front of me. She was so close I could feel the motion of her body moving even though she wasn’t actually touching me. I do believe Baby Bird was an expert tease.

  That garnered several hoots hollers and cheers from my brothers and sisters, as well as some of the surrounding riders.

  “Damn brother, we just got here, and you already got you some fresh meat!”

  This group really knew how to get shot started. Our little two-person dance party sparked a tsunami of excitement throughout the crowd. What had been a grungy crowd of grumpy bikers suddenly turned into a wild bunch of fools drinking and dancing in the street. Someone had a sick system in their truck. They cranked up the volume and opened the doors and windows, so the sound spilled out into the people. The crowd went wild when George Thorogood’s raspy voice belted out his famous song about drinking one bourbon, scotch and beer.

  We were having the time of our lives dancing in the street until 5-0 showed up and broke up the party. Soon after, the traffic started moving. I said goodbye to Baby Bird, but not before pulling her into a fiery kiss that left my lips burning with passion. Oh. I was going to see that woman again and soon. My brothers called her fresh meat, but she was so much more than that. Fuck! I didn’t even know her name.

  Chapter 3



  MG! Was it possible for your pussy to get heat stroke? If it is, then mine was stroked out, baby! That delicious biker I met in traffic was so sexy I wanted to run away with him and never come back. He thought he was slick with his ‘Give me your number so we can get together later’ mess. I have heard the rumors about bikers and trust me all he wanted was one thing. After that soul stirring kiss, he could get it!

  And who knew this was Bike Week in Daytona Beach? Certainly not my mom. She never would have sent me down here if she had known. I am so glad she did. Smoke, as he called himself, is going to be fun to have around for the week. He thinks I don’t know who he is, but I would recognize those steely eyes anywhere. I spend too many hours watching his movies not to know Garrett Sutherland inside and out. The man was a visual orgasm. No amount of facial hair or disguise would be able to cover up all his sexiness.

  I wondered what the story was behind him riding with the MCs. Was this his hobby during downtime between shooting movies? I had no clue, but I didn’t care. Whatever his reason for hiding out among The Predators was of no consequence to me. I only wanted one thing from him. The cure he had to my heat stroke.

  Once traffic started moving again, it took no time to make it to my auntie’s hotel. She was fire hot when I strolled into the lobby of Pink Sugar Luxury Suites two hours late. They call her Babydoll, but she was anything but. From the limited time I had spent around her, I could tell her face matched the name, but her demeanor? Let’s just say she was as mean as a snake.

  “Cinta! Girl, you were supposed to be here hours ago. What happened? Your mother said you had an issue with being responsible, but that ends right now. I will not have you disrespecting my establishment. You were sent here to work and that’s exactly what you are going to do.”

  See, mean!

  “Well, hello to you too, auntie. And for your information, I was stuck in traffic trying to get here. Nobody told me it was Bike Week.”

  “Oh, yeah, the traffic here is killer during events. You should have prepared yourself and left earlier. I thought for sure you had bailed on me since I know your mother forced you to come to the Pink Sugar to help me. I need all the help I can get around here. It’s going to be busier than Santa’s elves the week before Christmas.”

  Santa’s elves? They should have never legalized marijuana in Florida. Looks like auntie had taken her meds today. After sitting in that traffic and enjoying an impromptu dance party in the streets of Daytona Beach, all I wanted to do was take a nice hot shower. The need to relieve my clit of her throbbing was impending. Smoke left a bitch hot and bothered. My poor girl needed some special petting time. I adjusted my overnight bag on my shoulder and followed my aunt to the front desk.

  “I hope you’re ready to work. Here’s your uniform. You’ll get six more sets late
r. One for each day of work. Your room key and information are in this envelope. Go ahead and drop your bags off, put on your uniform and meet me back here in ten minutes for bootcamp training.”

  Bootcamp? This woman must have lost her damn mind. I wasn’t some troubled teen on Maury™. Shit, I was a grown woman. If she thought she was going to work me seven days a week, she was in for the surprise of her lifetime. I knew the labor laws, or did she forget I have a degree in Hotel Management. I may not have graduated at the top of my class, but I knew a thing or two about a thing or two.

  She handed me a manilla envelope with all this paperwork in it, looking at me expectantly. I knew I came here to work, but she really must be joking. I needed to wash my ass before grinning in these guests’ faces all day and night. It was not that type of party. I wasn’t into that kind of funk.

  “Auntie, ten minutes isn’t enough time to take a shower. After the drive and sitting in traffic, my stress levels are up and I could use a refresh. How about I meet you back here in about thirty minutes?”

  I started to walk towards the elevator when she placed her hand on my shoulder. This woman had a kung-fu grip. What in the world?

  “Young lady let’s get one thing straight. You have already wasted two hours of my time because of your tardiness. You will not be lounging around taking showers and shit. Showers are luxuries around here. Take a hoe bath. They only take five minutes.”

  What in the hell was a hoe bath? Whatever it was, it didn’t sound as fun as its name. Hoes got to fuck, which leads to orgasms. There was no way I was getting an orgasm in five minutes. Not happening sweetheart. I shook my head to let her know I understood and headed for my room before Babydoll gave me anymore crazy instructions.

  After washing up in the sink and changing into the ugly ass polyester uniform that auntie insisted on me wearing, I made my way back to the lobby for training. There was no way I would be caught dead wearing this monstrosity in real life. Not a designer label to be had. It was stiff and stuffy and made me feel like I was being suffocated. This was a beach town, for goodness sake. Where were the khakis and polo shirts? At least let a sista have some color or variety. No, I was stuck in this all black mess with a paisley scarf nestled around my neck. No, seriously a bright pink paisley scarf with sugar cubes embedded! Who does that?

  After working overnight, I was getting the hang of things. When the woman said bootcamp, she wasn’t playing. Her training program was to throw tons of shit at the wall and see what sticks. Good thing I was a quick study, when I wanted to be. Every now and then my mind wandered back to that sexy beast on a bike. I needed him to contact me. As soon as my never-ending shift was done, I was going to hit him up. I’m sure he was somewhere drinking with his friends with some hooker on his lap. That’s what bikers did. Hey, I wasn’t hating. I simply wanted to be that chick who was lap tied to him.

  Manning the front desk was boring as fuck. If it wasn’t dealing with complaints, I was handling issue with rooms. At the moment, I was listening to a customer drone on about how she made a reservation for a king suite but wanted to upgrade to the grand suite. I explained to that lady until my jaw hurt that we had no such suite, but she wanted me to give it to her anyway. The kicker was, she didn’t want to pay the extra amount for the upgrade because of my so-called incompetence.

  “Ma’am, I do apologize, but as I explained, we are booked to capacity this week. It is one of the busiest times of the year and we simply wouldn’t have a suite like that available, even if it existed. If there was any way I could accommodate you, I would. However, the king suite that you are in is the largest we have.”

  “I don’t want to hear your damn apology. I want the suite I saw online.”

  The woman droned on and on about the magical suite she saw online. I was new to the hotel, but I had been on the website before. I did not recall there being a suite like the one she was describing. My aunt’s hotel was nice, but it was a boutique hotel that housed a small number of guests. The lavish room this woman was talking about was something you would see at the Waldorf. There was nothing like that at the Pink Sugar Daytona beach.

  That’s when I asked her for the website she was looking at. Come to find out the lady had been looking at a hotel called Pink Beach Luxury Hotel in Dubai! Child, there wasn’t a hotel within 7,000 miles of this place that had a suite that looked like the one she was expecting. I guess Mrs. Donavan had been on that medical marijuana when she was booking her stay too.

  “Ma’am, I am so sorry, but the hotel on this site is in Dubai. Unfortunately, I don’t know of another place in the U.S. that could come close to these accommodations. If you find one, please let me know. I want to go with you.”

  That was enough to break the ice and Mrs. Donavan calmed down. She realized her mistake and apologized.

  “Young lady, I am sorry. I saw this room and wanted to experience it. I told my husband about it and he made the reservations, so I didn’t know about the difference. We definitely meant to come to Daytona Beach, but if we should ever be lucky enough to head over the water to Dubai, I’ll be happy to pack you in my luggage.”

  After sharing a laugh and getting her into her correct room, I needed a break! Drill Sergeant Babydoll was nowhere to be seen and now was my chance. I looked around but caught the eye of my co-worker Lika.

  “Nope! Don’t even think about it. Miss Babydoll can smell relaxation. If you take a break, she will hunt you down and drag you back to the front desk.”

  We both laughed, but I knew she was serious. My auntie may be sweet and kind at the family reunions, but she was a lethal boss. Wait till I tell Big Mama what she was really like. Her ass would be in trouble then.

  I was just about to head over to one of the tables to clean up after a sloppy guest when my heart fluttered. I looked up to see the man of my dreams stroll through the front door with a few of his friends. It was like the room recognized Smoke’s A-list status and clicked the button for slow motion. He moved like a jungle cat stalking his prey. Lika about fainted.

  “Bitch, I am dead! Look at that fine ass specimen. I live for Bike Week. It is the best time of year. I don’t know what they are feeding bikers these days, but those right there are finer that hell. That one with the killer thighs is looking at you like you’re his next snack.”

  “That’s because I am. Watch me work, bitch.”

  I ran my hand through my hair to make it more presentable. As I checked my reflection in the countertop, I saw the atrocious pink scarf. I snatched that thing from around my neck and flung it under the counter.

  “You’ll pay for that later. Miss Babydoll don’t play about her uniforms.”

  “Uniforms will be the least of my worries. I’m about to dip. You got this?”

  I looked at Lika in the eyes to let her I was dead ass serious. I was not about to stay in this place one more freakin’ minute. Not when my savior had walked through the door.

  “Hey there Baby Bird. What are you doing here?”

  “Hey Smoke. This is that new job I was telling you about. What are you doing here?”

  “Seems like my club brother’s wife called in a favor and booked us in this hotel. The place we were at was not up to her standards. She’s funny about the hotels she stays in. Somehow, she managed to swing it. I think she knows the owner.”

  “Oh really? Your brother’s wife knows my auntie? Well, I hope she’s nicer than Aunt Babydoll. Let’s get you all checked in. What name are the rooms under?”

  “LaRue Simmons.”

  A slim-thick sista with a huge mane of hair walked up behind Smoke and smiled at me. She winked at smoked like they had a shared secret and then handed me her credit card and id.

  “Welcome to the Pink Sugar Hotel, Mrs. Simmons. I hope your stay will be great. I see you have three suites booked. Unfortunately, they are all on different floors, but each room is beachfront with a balcony.”

  “Excellent. I don’t want these knuckleheads to bother my husband all weekend anyway. I fin
ally convinced him to leave our daughter at home. We could use the alone time, if you catch what I’m throwing.”

  We all laughed at her joke as a gorgeous man with tattoos for days and a glare that would make you cower walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His scowl immediately turned into a content smile as his hands made contact with her body.

  “We all set, Mouse?” He called out to the pretty woman I assumed was his wife.

  “Almost, babe. Ace, this sweet young thing is Smoke’s Baby Bird. The one he can’t stop gushing about. Bird, this is my husband Ace. He’s the National President of the Predators MC.”

  Wow, National President! “It is an honor to have you staying here Mr. Simmons.”

  You would have thought I shit in his hand from the look he gave me. Damn. What did I say?

  “The name is Rousch, not Simmons!”

  The grouchy bastard growled at me like he was about to take my head off. How the hell was I supposed to know you and your wife have different last names? I know men have fragile egos, but damn did you die? I clutched my pears in mock admonishment and apologized to the man before he took me out back and slaughtered me.

  “My apologies. I was going by the last name your wife gave me. It won’t happen again Mr. Rousch.”

  “Fuck all that Mr. Rousch shit. Call me Ace. Hell darlin’ you’re Smoke’s ole lady. You’re entitled to certain privileges. I won’t hold that mistake against you, but don’t let it happen again. Got it?”

  He flashed a charming smile causing me to laugh, relieved that his bark was just a façade. He just had a resting bitch face or whatever they call it for men. Oh yeah, resting dick face. That caused me to giggle which Smoke took as a sign that I liked being called his ole lady. His eyes warmed as he looked at me and he gestured for me to come to him. I obeyed immediately. First, I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to. Second, I had the need to make him look good in front of his crew.

  The man planted a kiss on me that made the paintings on the wall sit up and take notice. I melted in his arms wanting to climb his hard body like a rock wall. Heat permeated my veins and I would have stripped naked and begged him to fuck me right there if it hadn’t been for the banshee screeching behind me.


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