The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress Page 4

by Marie Kelly

  “Oh Theresa…I have never seen anything so lovely” she had finally managed, the housekeeper nodding with approval.

  “Good…then I will leave you to settle in…your bag is here for you if you wish me to unpack”.

  Giving a surprised look, she had shaken her head.

  “No…please, I can do that myself. Please don’t run after me”.

  Theresa had given her a surprised look, nodding and moving back to the door.

  “You are a nice girl Mina. Welcome to the Villa Dupris, I think that you will be happy here”.

  Throwing the housekeeper a final smile, her gaze had once more returned to the view. Sighing with complete contentment her eyes had closed, allowing the sound of the birds and the smell of the salt water which lazily washed against the rocks below to fill her, the sea-breeze a welcome relief from the searing heat of the mid-day sun.

  Hearing the door tentatively open, she had turned expecting the housekeeper to have forgotten something, only to see a small girl before her.

  “Hello” she had smiled warmly, seeing as the little girl had warily looked back at her, Mina holding back the laugh as the child had battled her desire to run away against her need to know more of the stranger. Finally her curiosity getting the better of her as she had given a shy smile back, “Hello” she had responded as Mina had moved closer.

  “My name is Mina, and who are you?” she had asked gently, as the small girl, no more than five or six had looked thoughtfully at her, in the way that children did, her face serious, her head angled slightly.

  “Dina” had been her eventual response as she had continued to regard Mina.

  “You’re pretty” she had finally stated, Mina holding back the laugh that sprang to her lips.

  “Well thank you very much Dina” she had chuckled “And you are very pretty too, exactly like a Disney princess”.

  This had pleased the small girl, her long black hair falling around her shoulders, with large brown twinkling eyes, her heart-shaped lips smiling widely.

  “Which one?” she had cried out, her initial nervousness disappearing as she had moved forward to Mina, who had looked thoughtfully back at her.

  “Well Snow White of course” she had grinned as the small girl had squealed with pleasure “She is my favourite” she had cried excitedly, moving to grab Mina’s hand as she had pulled open the book she was reading, pointing to a picture of Snow White. Trying to look surprised she had nodded “Isn’t that amazing” the child laughing back.

  A small knock on the door had seen Yanis peer around, his eyes resting on Dina.

  “Dina!” you know you are not to disturb guests. The small girl glancing over at Yanis, her face filled with annoyance and impatience.

  “I was just saying hello” she had cried out with irritation on her young voice.

  Once more Mina had held back the smile seeing the look Yanis had thrown her way as she had turned to Dina.

  “Well that is very welcoming of you Dina, and I appreciated it very much” smiling warmly at the little girl who had grinned back, lifting her book as she moved back to the door.

  “See Yanis, Mina didn’t mind”

  The man sighing in exasperation, however Mina noticing the way his lips had twitched.

  “Go see your grandma, I think she said she is going to make cakes”.

  At the mention of baking the small girl had given another squeal and waved quickly to Mina before making her way down to the kitchen.

  “I am sorry” he had said softly, his mouth now broken out into a large grin.

  “Everybody spoils her…she is wilful because of it”.

  Mina her eyes full of warmth had nodded.

  “Well she is a lovely child, no need to apologise”.

  Before looking at Yanis more carefully “Is she your daughter?”

  Seeing as he had shaken his head, a small sad expression entering his features.

  “No. She is my niece. My sister and her husband died in a car accident three years ago, and Dina was the only survivor. Nikos insisted that she move in here so that our family could stay together to raise her”.

  Mina had given a small smile “That was nice of him” she had said gently, seeing as Yanis had nodded.

  “Yes. He has always been good to our family…and I guess we look on him as one of ours”.

  Giving another look of discomfort, again not liking to talk of his employer, he had given her a final nod before shutting the door and leaving her once more alone.

  After unpacking her clothes, few as they were, Mina had moaned with pleasure on seeing the large high end en suite bathroom, looking forward to taking a long luxurious bath, one thing she had missed from home since coming to the Greek island, the hotel only having a small shower. Unpacked, she had moved back downstairs where the housekeeper had appeared smiling warmly at her. After a small talk, she had asked if it would be OK to explore the grounds, Theresa throwing her arms open.

  “You may look anywhere. Nikos said to make you feel at home. So please do not ask again, just enjoy all that this estate has to offer”.

  With a grin, she had moved out, her notepad under her arm. For an hour Mina had enjoyed wandering around the grounds, admiring the beautiful flowers and wild bushes that sprang up everywhere, many hiding small nooks in which to rest, shade provided by the foliage. With a smile she had known how difficult it was to create such a natural look.

  Reaching the cliff she had stood against the safety rail, once more staring down at the azure sea below, the water so clear that the bottom was visible, Mina knowing that it was deeper than it appeared. Sighing with contentment she had found a small bench perfectly positioned for enjoying the view, pulling her pencils out to start to sketch the vista before her.

  As was usual she completely lost herself while drawing, jumping seeing the small movement at the corner of her eye. Turning she had smiled seeing Dina clinging onto her Snow White doll watching her silently, a serious expression on her lovely face.

  “Hello Princess” she had grinned at the small girl, who had moved closer to get a better look.

  “What are you doing?” she had asked shyly as Mina had motioned for her to join her, letting the girl look at the sketch.

  “That’s pretty Mina” had been her sweet response, as giving her a small hug she had asked Dina to sit holding her doll.

  Quickly she had then sketched the small child, ensuring to include the doll, her lip curling as she had adding a small crown on her head. Finished she had torn off the sheet giving it to the little girl who had “oooo’d” and “aaa’d”, her reserve and shyness seemingly forgotten as she had demanded to be shown how to draw. Mina had found herself having fun, realising just how much she was missing her students and the teaching job she loved so much. Sitting Dina down to draw a flower she had given her pointers on how to break up the shape of the tiny plant holding back the small laugh seeing the way the little girl’s forehead had creased in concentration. Looking up in surprise she had heard the commotion coming from the house, and rising quickly had told the girl to carry on with her task. Dina had nodded her small tongue visible at the corner of her mouth as she had been completely focussed on her drawing.

  Reaching the house she had moved past the sports car in the driveway idly thinking that it had not been there earlier, wondering who owned the powerful sleek vehicle. The loud voice, yelling in Greek was rising the closer she got to the house, the tone one of anger as pushing the door open she had blinked at the scene before her.

  Yanis was trying to calm down another man who stood in the middle of the foyer. Tall and good looking, in a petulant way, he was pointing at Theresa demanding something, as the older woman had glared back, her polite demeanour slipping as she had spoken back, her chin raised, her eyes flashing.

  As she had stepped into the scene, she could see Yanis’ eyes closing softly, his expression now one of dread and apology as the man had swung around to face her, now his words directed at Mina, as his finger had pointed

  With a frown and as matronly a look as she could muster, she had held up her hands for him to be quiet.

  “What on Earth is going on?” she had demanded, looking both at Yanis and Theresa for help in understanding why a perfect stranger was screaming at her. Hearing her accent, the other man had grown silent, his eyes narrowing as he had looked Mina up and down with no attempt at concealing the contempt in them.

  “You are not even Greek!”

  He had bitten out in perfect English, Mina feeling her hackles rise at his disrespectful tone.

  “Clearly” she had thrown back, her eyes now angry daggers.

  “Now perhaps you can answer my question?” seeing as his face had grown redder with fury, as he had sneered at her.

  “Are you the imposter trying to pass yourself off as Alexander Mentis’ daughter” he had screamed at her, Mina holding her ground, seeing how uncomfortable the other two had suddenly become. Raising her chin, she had looked levelly at the stranger.

  “Yes…and who might you be trying to pass yourself off as, certainly not a gentleman?”

  She had seen the confusion on the man’s face at her words, as he had paused for a second, not sure how to respond, before ploughing on.

  “I am Alexander’s LEGITIMATE son…and I will see you in jail if you continue with this deception”.

  Moving closer she had not allowed his boorish tone or actions to frighten her, as she had bit back.

  “You may not like it Alexander, but he was my father also, so I suggest that you learn to live with it”.

  Mina did not like bullies, and very quickly she had realised that Alexander was little more than a blowhard one, and as with all when stood up to, he had backed away from her, instead turning his attentions to the other two people in the room reverting back to Greek as he had screamed at Theresa.

  About to step in, it was the whiplash voice behind her that had silenced everybody. Whipping around she could see Nikos stood, his tall frame filling the door, his grey eyes bright with fury. He had spoken sharply and directly to Alexander, who had clamped his mouth shut, his eyes flicking around uncomfortably. Again she was not able to understand what was being said, but his looks in her direction, had confirmed in her mind that he was talking about her.

  Flipping over to English, he had moved forward, his tone brooking no dissent as he had snapped at the younger man.

  “You will apologise to Miss Lane now Alexander”.

  She could see as Alexander Mentis had scowled, his body rigid, as he had glared both at her and Nikos.

  “I apologise for yelling Miss Lane” he had muttered, his tone holding no sincerity. He had then moved towards the door before looking back.

  “But I did mean what I said” quickly moving outside as Nikos had made towards him, his body bristling with anger.

  They had heard the sound of the car engine being gunned, as it had moved quickly out of the driveway, the sound of small chippings flying clear from the tires as it had sped away. With a small sigh, Nikos had turned to the other two, his voice softer as he had spoken, again in Greek, both looking at each other as they had thrown small smiles at Mina before moving away.

  Nikos had then turned to look down on the woman stood so silently, he had once more thought how lovely she looked, his voice apologetic.

  “I’m sorry Mina. I tried to get here as fast as I could when I heard Alexander had found out about you…but I guess he drives a bit faster” his mouth twitching as he had tried to alleviate the situation. Giving him a small return smile, trying not to show the upset she felt she had nodded.

  “Yes…I think so”.

  Sighing gently “I guess that there is no point in expecting a fluffy huggy family reunion then” her eyes twinkling with mischief, as he had laughed.

  “No…I’m guessing not”, his wonderful grin once more softening his handsome features, making her insides feel melty.

  “I informed the board today of your existence, and they have begun proceedings of adding you to the voting, once your rights as Alexander’s daughter are verified”.

  Looking over at the door, which was still lying open, she had spoken softly.

  “This is why I didn’t want to be identified Mr Dupris…I have a feeling that he will not be the only person who feels free to abuse me…or my mother if they find out about her”.

  She had felt as his hands had moved to hold her shoulders turning her around to face him, his expression grim, Mina fighting the sudden tremor which had passed through her at this smallest of touches.

  “If anybody tries what he just did, then I will make them pay”.

  Mina had flicked her look up to his eyes, seeing honesty within them, and knowing that he would be a formidable enemy, nodding her head softly.

  Just at that moment Dina had skipped her way into the hallway, her eyes lighting up seeing Nikos stood there. He had released Mina and turned to the small girl.

  “Princess…” he had cried, bending as she had run forward leaping into his arms, hugging the tall man.

  “Look Nikos…look at the picture Mina drew of me”.

  Her hands holding out the sketch she had drawn earlier. He had admired it, looking over at her.

  “You are very talented” his only comment, before giving a small chuckle pointing out the crown to a delighted Dina. As she had wriggled to be let down she had then ran over to Mina, holding out the picture she had drawn, the rough image of a flower visible. Mina had held it up and admired it from all angles before squatting down and declaring it to be the best flower she had ever seen, Dina laughing happily, Nikos watching the scene, his lips curled in a grin.

  As the small girl had ran off to find her grandmother to show her picture, he had looked at Mina.

  “You are very good with children”.

  Mina looking back at him “I love children, one of the reasons I went into teaching I guess”.

  Seeing as Nikos had nodded, before asking if she would join him in the dining room.

  There he had sat at the large opulent table, pulling papers from the briefcase he carried.

  “Tomorrow you need to go to the following clinic, where you will give DNA samples to allow them to prove that Alexander was your father”

  Giving her an apologetic mirthless smile

  “Doing it at the clinic will also ensure that there are no calls of foul play on my part”.

  Mina had nodded softly. She had always expected to be asked to do this, the process not one that took long or was invasive. She had taken the appointment details from him, opening her mouth softly to ask “How am I supposed to get there?” seeing as Nikos had given a small smile.

  “Well I would have asked Yanis to take you”.

  Quickly adding seeing the discomfort on her face “But I thought you might prefer to drive yourself…which is why I have organised for a rental car to be delivered later today for your use …for as long as you need it”.

  Mina had looked at him with surprise, once more not sure how to take yet another act of kindness, the softness in Nikos’ eyes and smile becoming more businesslike as he had briefly looked down at the papers.

  “In three days we are going to be attending functions, where you can be seen and have your connection with Alexander become public knowledge”.

  She felt her insides cringe, feeling the heat on her cheek as she had blushed, this surprising Nikos who had watched her closely.

  “Is…is that necessary?” she had muttered, her large eyes beseeching, as he had nodded, his features set.


  Dropping her eyes, she had once more reminded herself that she was doing all of this for her mother and that when it was over she was unlikely to meet anybody ever again. Nodding she had wordlessly agreed as the man before her had moved on.

  “I have ensured that plenty of money is put into your account, so you can look the part”.

  With a small frown she had taken the small slip of paper he had given her, gasping in shoc
k on seeing the amount of money now sitting in her account, her eyes flying to his.

  “If you need more just let me know”, he had said so matter of fact, as she had again stared at the balance in her hand, knowing that it was more money than she could make in a year, no two years she had corrected herself.

  “It…it is far too much Mr Dupris” she had stuttered.

  His small chuckle had sent her eyes flying to his, seeing the humour on his face.

  “Wow that is the first time I have heard a woman complain about getting too much money for clothes”, Mina giving a nervous shaky smile in response as he had held out another sheet of paper.

  Taking the sheet, her eyes had quickly scanned the list of different outfits he had written on it. Suits and cocktail dresses two of the items she did not possess in her own wardrobe at home never mind on holiday, Mina frowning softly so unsure where to get such items. She had been aware as he had moved closer to her, once more feeling the inexplicable tremor of awareness passing through her as she had looked up.

  Nikos had watched the young woman before him. Taking in the myriad of emotions which had passed through her large innocent eyes, this thought making him frown slightly. Nothing connected with Alexander Mentis was innocent, certainly not his daughter. His eyes had once more scanned her features, feeling his body’s tightening awareness for Mina, the sudden urge to touch her so strong as he had moved forward, fighting the desire to run his hand down her wonderful body, his voice hoarse.

  “One more thing Mina please call me Nikos. Everybody in this household does and it will seem strange if you keep calling me Mr Dupris”

  She had continued looking up at him, her mouth suddenly so dry, seeing the way he was watching her, their eyes locked as the air had become tense, full of charged sensual signals. For several seconds both had been so silent, held in the grip of this strange emotional exchange, before shaking himself and stepping back, Nikos had turned from her, his voice once more so businesslike, as he had moved from the room.

  “If there is anything else you need Mina, then Theresa, Yanis or I will be only too happy to help”.


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