The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress Page 6

by Marie Kelly

  His expression had been one of apology and discomfort as he had sighed.

  “If you don’t want to go, then I can take you to one of the other big boutiques…given your connection to Nikos I am sure they will see you right away”.

  Mina had smiled widely, her hands flying to his arm.

  “Thank you for telling me Yanis” her tone gentle “and I fully understand and think that it is so sweet of you to help out your girlfriend. Are the two of you serious?”

  He had given a small smile, his eyes growing dreamy.

  “I hope that one day she will be my wife” he had replied, Mina giving another grin

  “Well in that case, I can’t think of anybody better to spend Nikos’ money on” her eyes twinkling mischievously. She had seen the relief on his face, feeling warmth in the pit of her stomach that he had felt the need to be totally honest with her.

  Arriving at the boutique they had been welcomed by Francesca herself. She had been surprised as Yanis had bowed his head to give her a kiss, her eyes flying to Mina before laughing softly as he had spoken in Greek to her.

  “I am so glad he told you the truth” she had said, moving forward to shake Mina’s hand.

  She had looked at the other woman, admiring her. About the same height as Mina, she was stunning. Her long black glossy hair fell around her perfect figure as wide oval dark eyes and a large mouth which seemed to always be smiling had greeted her, and Mina had instantly liked Francesca.

  With another laugh she had nodded.

  “Well any woman who Yanis falls in love with must have great taste” she had chuckled, seeing as the other woman had coloured slightly with pleasure.

  Giving a small cough, he had once more given Francesca a kiss and nodded warmly to Mina.

  “Well if you girls do not mind, I will be waiting across the street having coffee with some friends”.

  Francesca laughing as she had turned to Mina.

  “Men…..they actually start to shake in clothes stores”. All three laughing together as he had exited quickly, happily agreeing with her statement.

  For three hours the two had looked at the different styles, Mina impressed with the gowns and outfits shown to her. Francesca had been knowledgeable and able to put together different looks, which she had admired.

  “You are very gifted” Mina had smiled, seeing as the other woman had grinned once more.

  “Thank you, I am still trying to break into the big markets…but I am hopeful” chuckling as she had added “especially when they see you in these. You have a great figure Mina”.

  Mina in turn had looked at her own reflection, stunned at how wonderful the clothes did indeed look on her. Seeing Francesca stood behind her, a small frown on her face she had turned.

  “What…don’t you like this?” she had asked in surprise, very much liking the dress herself.

  Giving an embarrassed smile Francesca had nervously held her eyes.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Mina nodding in surprise “Sure” she had responded, as the other woman had moved forward to lift her hair, looking at her with deep concentration.

  “Have you ever considered a different look Mina?” hurriedly adding “Not that you don’t look gorgeous already”.

  Mina had blushed and raised her eyes.

  “It is just that, well perhaps if you were to have bangs…..”

  Mina had looked back at herself in the mirror. She still had the same long straight style she had since she was 12, her eyebrows drawing together thoughtfully.

  “I’ve never really thought about changing it” she had mused softly as Francesca had nodded.

  “You know the best stylist on the island is Nicolous…now you normally have to wait weeks for an appointment, but he owes me… would you like me to see if he can fit you in? I can take you there tomorrow”.

  Mina had stared at the other woman, her eyes wide with surprise.

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that” she had said “You have a business to run”.

  Giving a laugh Francesca had shaken her head.

  “With what you just bought I’ve made more in a day than I normally do in a month. Besides it will be fun” she had finished with a grin, Mina smiling back happily.

  The next day as planned Francesca had arrived early at the villa, Yanis smiling widely as she had parked, rushing to lift her into his arms. Looking at the two women he had laughed.

  “Now behave you two” he had joked as Francesca had stuck her tongue out at him wiggling her finger “Not married yet Yanis”, Mina laughing at the antics of the two whilst thinking how well suited they were.

  As promised Francesca had managed to get her an appointment at the exclusive salon, and the two had exchanged pleasantries and hugs before turning to look at Mina. Placing her in the seat, the stylist had moved around, lifting parts of her long hair as he did.

  “You have beautiful hair”.

  He had finally declared.

  “But the style…it will not do”.

  Mina had said nothing as he had looked thoughtfully at her.

  “Do you trust me to make you magnificent Mina?” he had asked, his voice theatrical, Mina flicking a quick look to Francesca who stood behind him, seeing as she had frantically nodded her head. Taking a deep breath she had nodded, Nicolous smiling brightly.

  “Then let the makeover begin” he had declared dramatically, spinning her chair around so that she could not see the mirror. For what seemed an eternity he had snipped and combed, moving around her quickly and decisively, Mina feeling panic rising within her at the amount of hair gathering on the floor. It was only the way that Francesca had kept smiling encouragingly at her now and then giving the ‘you look good’ gesture that had kept her still.

  Finally Nicolous was finished and smiling proudly he had stepped back, his expression that of an artist who knew he had created a masterpiece. Francesca had stood clasping her hands to her breast.

  “Oh my God Mina…you look…wow” Nicolous giving her a warm grin. Moving around to look in the mirror she had gasped loudly.

  Gone was the 12 year olds straight long hair and in its place a chic stylish look.

  He had given her a fringe which flicked sensually over one eye, her still long hair now layered and styled to sit perfectly against her face and body. The style seemed to frame and enhance her stunning green eyes accentuating her high cheekbones. Mina almost not recognising herself.

  Flicking her look to Nicolous she had been speechless as her fingers had run through her hair, seeing as it fell so perfectly back into place. Rising and with a small squeal of delight she had thrown her arms around the stylist hugging him as he had laughed back, before she had pulled back embarrassed by her show. He however had grinned

  “You have been Nicoloused” he had chuckled at her obvious delight, Mina nodding and grinning happily.

  All the way back to the villa both women had chatted animatedly, so comfortable with the other, Mina glad that she had listened to Francesca.

  Arriving home, Yanis had appeared as though he had been waiting for them, his eyes dreamily looking at Francesca before they had grown wider on seeing Mina.

  “M…Mina?” he had stuttered in surprise, his flicking look taking in her new style, as he had raised his eyebrows in appreciation.

  “You look amazing” he had finally declared, his look once more returning to his fiancée.

  “Did I not tell you that she was the best?”, Mina rolling her eyes at Francesca who had laughed while putting her arms around him smiling back “Well you have a great night tonight” she had cried “I am sure that it will be a far better meal than my darling future husband and I will be having”.

  Her eyes twinkling mischievously as she had added seeing the way his mouth had opened to protest.

  “Although I am not so sure the company could possibly be” Yanis look turning to one of devotion. Smiling at the couple before her she had waved her hand at them both.

  “Go…go eat b

efore your ‘loviness’ makes me ill”.

  Laughing again as Yanis had stuck his tongue out at her before helping Francesca into her car, the two of them quickly moving down the long driveway. Once they were lost to sight she had checked her watch, frowning at the time. Nearly six, she had been under instructions from Nikos that morning as he had left to be ready for seven.

  Quickly running up the stairs, she had wondered where he was, having spotted his large sports car parked in the driveway. Grimacing she had told herself that he was probably doing exactly what she should be, getting ready for the evening.

  Having carefully showered, ensuring not to ruin her new hairstyle she had sat down to fix her makeup, surprised at how dramatic and daring she had been as she had applied the eye shadow, the result raising her excitement as even she knew that she looked good. From her smoky eyes which shone even brighter than usual to her large shining mouth the glossy lipstick enhancing the sensuality of them.

  Pulling on the sleeveless cocktail dress, the built in underwear had pulled her breasts together to show off more cleavage than she was accustomed to, Mina’s eyebrows knitting together as she had felt suddenly so conscious of how much flesh she was showing off. The rest of the dress had only continued the theme as the silky material had clung to her wonderful figure, a split at the front allowing her to move easily in the exquisite dress while giving a glimpse of her long shapely legs.

  Standing to take a look, she had hardly recognised herself. The Mina Lane, school teacher, was gone and in her place stood a sensual siren, Mina chuckling to herself.

  “You scrub up well” jumping as a loud knock on the door had made her gasp, a small scream held back as Nikos’ voice the hint of irritation so obvious had been heard.

  “Mina, it’s ten past seven. We need to go”.

  She had quickly grabbed her matching shoes and bag “Just coming” she had cried back nervously, lifting the silk wrap that Francesca had insisted she team up with the outfit. With her expression now full of nervous fear and anticipation she had taken a deep breath moving from the room.

  He was nowhere to be seen as she had stepped into the hallway, Mina moving to the stairs before she had spotted him, her lips catching her bottom lip to hold back the groan of just how handsome he looked. Wearing a black tuxedo complete with white shirt and bow tie he was stunningly gorgeous, powerful, sexual and so many more wonderful things. Mina so aware of the way her young body seemed to react to the man who was to all intents and purposes blackmailing her to reveal her true parentage.

  Moving down the stairs he had stood side on to her, muttering something incoherently as he had once more checked his watch. She had gingerly taken her time moving down the steps, clutching the hand rail with one hand lifting the long dress with the other, apprehensive having never before worn such a long dress. With an irritated frown, he had turned ready once more to call to her, his features changing in an instant as he had caught sight of the woman walking towards him.

  His eyes had grown wide with stunned surprise, fire rising within the once cold steel of them, his mouth gaping as he had stuttered in bemusement.

  “M…Mina?” she giving a wide smile back as she had finally joined him in the hall. He had stepped back, his eyes blinking as he had controlled his surprise.

  “You look…you look”.

  Mina had chuckled “Better?” she had finished with an amused glint in her eyes.

  Nikos had taken in the way her hair now seemed to caress her face, highlighting her large eyes and kissable lips. This thought jolting him back to reality. Giving a shaky half-smile he had nodded, needing very much to move to hide the way she was once more affecting him.

  “Yes, you look better” he had retorted in a clipped voice “But we are late, so let’s move”.

  Mina had felt the disappointment sit heavily in the pit of her stomach, not sure why his disinterest should bother her, but bother her it did.

  The journey to the event had been a short one, Mina listening attentively as she had been reminded of key figures of the board, Nikos having the night before sent her complete dossiers on all of them, pleased that she had so obviously taken the time to read each.

  Arriving she had been surprised to see the number of press snapping pictures of the rich and the beautiful. Mina groaning on spotting many celebrities, knowing that when the press realised who she was the inevitable interest in her parents and their soon to be notorious relationship would help to sell many magazines making her a juicy story worth pursuing. Unconsciously she had sank against Nikos, jumping as his breath had fanned her ear, his hand moving to the bare base of her back.

  “Relax Mina”

  “That’s OK for you to say” she had hissed quickly back at him, as he had pulled her to the end of the carpet furthest away from the throng of flashing bulbs and cries from the paparazzi. He had been surprised at how truly stricken she had been, the fear that had filled her lovely green eyes making him want to wrap his arm around her shoulder to tell her everything would be fine, to protect her. Scowling, he had put it down to his guilt at having put her in the position in the first place, once more reminding himself that she was the daughter of the man he despised, that his blood ran through her veins, this thought justification for his actions.

  Mina had allowed herself to be directed inside the building by the expert hand of Nikos, breathing a sigh of relief as the press had disappeared behind them. She had found herself seated at a large round table like so many others in the room, looking splendid with colourful centre pieces and more silver cutlery than she had ever before seen. Looking at the sheer number of utensils and different glasses at each seat she had tried to quell the panic rising within her. Feeling Nikos’ hand covering hers, she had pulled her look from the place settings forcing a more sure smile on her lovely face.

  “Mina I would like you to meet the members of our board”.

  Plastering what she had hoped was a genuine smile on her face she had nodded at the array of faces which regarded her, curiosity on all. The voice behind had seen a look of anger instantly cross Nikos’ face as the last seat in their table had been taken by a petulant Alexander.

  “Her right to be able to call them ‘our board’ has yet to be determined” huffily throwing himself into his seat, closing his mouth firmly as Nikos had thrown him an icy warning glare, Mina dropping her eyes in embarrassment as many of the board members had shuffled uncomfortably in their seats.

  Finally it was a gentleman across who had broken the awkward silence, a small kindly man with a friendly glint in his eyes.

  “So I hear that you are a teacher Miss Lane?” he had asked, many of the others smiling approvingly as the atmosphere had noticeably relaxed, Mina nodding and answering the many questions which had come her way.

  Sat silently beside her Nikos had smiled, satisfied at the way she seemed to so quickly be winning over the board, not really surprised with her unassuming manner and gentleness. The fact that she was smart and possessed a keen sense of humour had made it all too easy for the board members to quickly warm to the young woman.

  Alexander’s outburst had angered him, but she had not reacted but behaved with dignity, his look once more moving to the spoilt young man who was glowering sulkily as he had quickly downed the contents of his glass, Nikos once more finding it hard to believe that they both were fathered by the same man.

  As the service had begun Mina had been careful to watch which utensils others had lifted as salad, soup and sorbets had followed one after the other. She had thought to have managed unnoticed until the deep laugh of Alexander had made her look around, his features cruel and mocking, helped by the large amounts of alcohol he had consumed.

  “So which knife now Mina?” he had spat out nastily, his voice slurred before slightly raising his eyebrows.

  “Oh I forgot…I’ll choose first”.

  Making a contemptuous noise as his eyes had slid down Mina.

  “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear�
�� he had finished.

  Mina had heard the angry intake of breath from Nikos, his hand slamming down onto the table as he had made to rise, Mina turning to lay her hand on his arm to stop him, the tall man stilling at the unexpected touch of her. Turning and lifting her small chin proudly she had faced Alexander.

  “You are drunk Alexander” her voice once more firm and matronly as though she were talking to a naughty school boy.

  “Please remember that sow’s ears come in pairs dear brother”, a small chuckle rippling through the others as he had glared back at her once more dropping his eyes from her determined stare.

  Beside her Nikos had felt his lips curl at the way she had handled both the situation and Alexander, once more finding himself impressed with Mina Lane.

  The rest of the meal had passed quickly with Alexander sullen and silent. As the tables had been cleared a band had started to play, Nikos rising and extending his hand to her “Dance?” his voice silky, as with a smile she had followed him to the dance floor, where he had pulled her into his arms, Mina resting her hand on his shoulder. Hearing his chuckle she had looked quizzically up at him.

  “I think Alexander is NOT having a good evening”.

  Mina feeling her own lips twitch as he had continued “And I would like to say…I was most ungracious earlier…you look wonderful”.

  She had felt the small blush rise to her cheeks as she had looked at him in surprise seeing a strange glow in his eyes.

  “You are a very beautiful woman Mina Lane” he had whispered sensually in her ear as he had pulled her even harder against himself. She had remained silent as they had swayed together with the music, feeling as her eyes had fluttered closed her head resting against his shoulder.

  As the music had stopped and he had once more led her back to their tabe, one of the board members, a man named Joseph Black had asked her to dance, Mina noticing as he had seemed nervous, his hands a little too warm. About 5’10” with sandy blond hair and warm sparking eyes he still towered over Mina, but he had held her loosely, respectfully against himself.


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