The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress Page 11

by Marie Kelly

  In his car Nikos had driven from the villa, waving goodbye to Mina, who still stood so unsure with her arms wrapped protectively around herself, his whole body still feeling the effects of their love making. As he had finally rounded the corner, the villa lost from sight, he had pulled in off the road. In exasperation he had thumped the steering wheel with the flat of his hand, swearing loudly before sitting back against the soft leather of the seat. What the hell had happened? He had always been very controlled in setting up his romantic encounters, liking the comfort of bed, not rutting in public places. Yet the desire for her had been so strong, so overwhelming he had taken her right in the middle of the pool area, not even undressing. Running his hands through his hair, he could feel the way his body still hummed just at the memory, her beautiful face sending a shudder of need once more running through him.

  Damn her, she was making him act like some hormone-fuelled teenager, Nikos scowling knowing that even as a teenager he had never acted that way. He had wanted her with a rawness that was so new to him, feeling the confusion filling him. What was it about Mina Lane? Why was she affecting him in this way, bringing chaos to his legendary coolness, even now he just wanted to have her back in his arms.

  Her hurt had been genuine and his reaction to it just as real. He wanted to hold her, comfort her, and make everything right for her, something he had never before felt for any woman. Frowning he had realised that he had never before come across a woman like Mina Lane, smart, tough yet with a vulnerability which was playing havoc with him, Nikos scowling Claire’s words once more coming back to haunt him.

  Once more starting the engine he had frowned thoughtfully. What he had said had been true. She really did need somebody right now and perhaps given his guilt over forcing her into a position that she had not wanted to be in, it was right that he was the one to be there for her. As he had driven the short distance home he had ignored his body’s message that there was a lot more to it than that.

  Chapter Five

  At six the following evening Nikos had once more swung the car into the driveway of the Villa Aqua, smiling seeing Mina waiting for him by the door, her hair pulled up at the back, the image of Bridget Jones making him laugh as he had stopped. Mina had looked at him, her eyes questioning.

  “What is so funny?” she had asked softly, as he had pointed to her hair.

  “The image of Bridget Jones is now forever burned into my mind when picking up a lady”.

  Mina’s lips twitching at the memory of the first time she had ever ridden in his car, her head nodding softly as she had moved into the passenger seat. With a small knowing smile, he had looked towards the house.

  “Did you not want me talking to your mother again Mina?”

  His eyes full of humour, as she had looked nervously away.

  “I …I just thought you would appreciate my being ready…as I recall you like that about women”.

  With a small smile he had held her gaze, letting her know that he had understood only too well why she had met him at the door, not wanting a repeat of the previous day, her mother so open about the past these days.

  He had taken her around the island in the car, stopping often at small inlets to point out areas hidden from the road, Mina loving the lush beauty of the island set so perfectly within the azure sea, her eyes sparkling as she would gasp at her surroundings.

  Finally he had reached the pinnacle, parking the car and opening her door for her before moving to the trunk to pull out a hamper. Raising her eyebrow she had looked at him.

  “You packed a picnic?” seeing as he had smiled warmly.

  “Now I know that we both know that if I did it would be a disaster…no Theresa packed it…oh and she asked me to tell you that she is thinking of you”.

  With a grin she had taken his hand allowing him to pull her further up the hill until they had reached the very top with the island spread out around them.

  “Oh my God Nikos…It is beautiful” she had whispered with real feeling in her voice, the magnificent scenery still visible even as the sun had started to sink low into the sea. Grinning, he had thrown the blanket onto the ground, spreading out the contents of the basket, Mina suddenly realising that she was hungry seeing the treats Theresa had packed, having eaten little the past few days.

  “You…have not seen anything yet” he had chuckled, motioning for her to join him as he had thrown himself onto the covering, Mina moving over to him with a laugh.

  Together the two had sat in comfortable silence; Mina nibbling on the sandwiches as her eyes had drank in her surroundings. As the last of the sun had sunk into the sea, his hand had moved to touch her arm, his smile warm.

  “Watch this” he had breathed softly as the sky had erupted into a myriad of colours, all filling the night with pinks, reds and oranges, their colours so vibrant, Mina unaware as she had stared open-mouthed at the display before her. It was only his low voice that had pulled her eyes from it, his handsome features softened and bathed in the glow of the show.

  “You like?”

  Mina gulping softly at the way her whole body was filled with a need for this man, her head nodding her voice husky “Yes…I like”

  Nikos gasping as he had seen the fire behind her stoke so deep in her lovely green eyes. Sitting up his hands had moved to cup her face, Mina not struggling or trying to stop him as his mouth had descended to take hers.

  This soft touch was all it took before the desire within them both had engulfed them, Nikos pushing the food aside as he had pulled her down beside him laying over her, his tongue caressing hers as she had ran her fingers through his hair, feeling as they shook. With a tortured groan he had looked deeply into her passion-filled eyes, so bright as they looked back at him.

  “Why is it when I’m with you Mina…I just want to hold you, touch you…make love to you?”

  The fire that had flared deep in the depths of her had done nothing to diminish this need, as she had lifted her head and with a small growl of her own had whispered so seductively “Then why don’t you?” Nikos groaning as he had done exactly that.

  On the drive back both had been quiet, Nikos inwardly kicking himself. He had been determined that evening to prove to her that he could show restraint, but it had disappeared like seeds on the breeze, his need for this woman so strong, confusing the hell out of him. When she looked at him with the softness in her eyes it was as if he lost all control, this addiction to her concerning him.

  Mina too could not understand how he could affect her the way he did. Normally so shy with men, he seemed to bring out the wild animalistic side to her nature, their lovemaking passionate and overpowering in its intensity. Even now sitting by him she could feel her body jump with arousal just by looking at him. Closing her eyes to stop her hand moving to run along his thigh, she instinctively knew that he would have pulled over; neither of them stopping what would happen next, Mina shaken with the intensity of her need for this man.

  As they had once more pulled up at the villa, he had walked her to the door, pulling her into his arms

  “I’m not sure when I will be able to come back, maybe not for a couple of days” he had whispered against her, seeing the disappointment fill her face before she had looked down, her features more guarded as she had again looked back.

  “It’s fine…probably for the best…we both have a lot to do right?” Nikos nodding against her.

  “I will phone you though”.

  Mina had nodded, backing from him as she had pulled at the front door “Sure…if you like” she had spoke, a forced smile on her mouth as she had opened the door, slipping inside as he had made to move towards her.

  Inside, she had silently moved back to her bedroom, chastising herself softly under her breath, “Stupid, stupid, stupid”.

  She had meant to hold back from him, to not let him seduce her again as he had done at the cabana Mina hating herself for her inability to fight her body’s desire for him. To him she was somebody to fill the void left by Clai
re, or worse still somebody to be pitied, cared for.

  She had wanted him to see that she could cope, did not need or want him, groaning as her stomach had flipped at the memory of their love making, a traitor of the worst kind. Now he would think her some pathetic sex toy to be used as and when he could be bothered. Moving to her bed she had wondered if she even counted as a part time mistress, again feeling the self-loathing filling her.

  For two days Nikos had held back from visiting. His intentions that evening had been to prove to himself that he could show restraint, however, it had only taken one look from her to have him pulling her into his arms, so much for restraint. Mina Lane was confusing him, and he had to put distance between them. He had phoned her the previous day, Mina answering, her voice aloof but polite. The fire between them on the hillside seemingly forgotten by her, as he had made polite conversation enquiring after her mother’s health, wanting so badly to tell her he was coming over, that he wanted to hold her, kiss her make love to her.

  The second day she had not picked up the phone, and he had left a message, waiting the rest of the evening for a call back from her that never came. In his villa he had paced backwards and forwards, the rest of the household looking at each other and shrugging at his brusqueness. Once more she was ignoring him, Nikos shuddering knowing what had happened the last time he had done something about that, knowing that all he could do was wait for her to answer him.

  For three days Mina had watched her mother, each day seeing as she had become frailer and frailer. Although far from being frightened by her condition, she seemed more relaxed and peaceful, a serenity falling over her. She had enjoyed sitting by the pool, soaking up the sunshine as she had recounted stories of their growing up, many forgotten by Mina who would sit quietly listening to her.

  She was constantly on oxygen now and the sound of the machine humming as it fed the life giving air through the pipes attached to her nose frightened Mina as she had held her small frail hand.

  “Why has Nikos never come back?”

  The question from her mother had caught her by surprise, Mina feeling the heat on her cheeks as she had quickly looked over at her.

  “W…why do you ask that?….I mean he is busy…he has a company to run”.

  The soft tinkling laugh had made her fidget nervously, her mother looking gently at her “I saw the way you looked at him Mina…and the way he looked at you”.

  Mina had dropped her eyes as she had given a soft laugh “I…I don’t know what you mean” she had stuttered, her mother smiling as she had patted her hand softly “He is a good man Mina…reminds me of his mother, and she was a great woman”.

  Looking sadly back she had whispered gently.

  “He has no interest in anything other than his company mother. No woman, especially me is going to change that”.

  Her mother had looked back, a shadow of sadness in her eyes as she had given a soft sigh.

  “Your father made that mistake. I often wonder if he had realised what was most important earlier how all our lives might have turned out”.

  Giving a wistful smile she had looked dreamily ahead of her “He often said that he wished that he had trusted his feelings before he became trapped in the situation he found himself in”.

  With another look at her she had finished “I hope that Nikos doesn’t do the same thing”.

  Giving a half laugh she had looked back at her mother “I’m afraid that you are reading things wrong, Nikos has no real interest in me” adding in a voice that lacked real conviction “nor do I of him”.

  The soft silvery laugh had been her mother’s only response as she had chuckled at her daughter, her eyes full of such understanding.

  For the rest of the day both had enjoyed the sunshine Mina steering the conversation away from any more Nikos talk, the two laughing often. Alice’s cooking had finally lured them inside, the three enjoying some of her delicious homemade bolognaise, Mina happy save for the thoughts of Nikos which would keep pushing themselves into her mind.

  As her mother had retired for the night, she had given Mina a hug looking closely at her.

  “Mina…I want to thank you for arranging this…it has meant so much to me…I love you”.

  She had grinned back warmly, so happy that she had been able to organise this “I love you too mother….and well I guess we all deserve a nice long holiday in the sun” she had grinned, her eyes full of the love she felt.

  “Goodnight…I’ll see you in the morning” she had said softly kissing her cheek.

  The rest of that night Alice and Mina had watched a movie, the nurse laughing at the film which she had chosen seeing as Mina had tried to hide the small tear as the hero and heroine had seemed to be losing each other, Mina throwing a pillow playfully at her.

  “Stupid chick flicks” she had muttered making the nurse laugh even louder. With a grin Mina had risen.

  “OK going to put the kettle on and check on mum” she had smiled as Alice had nodded, continuing to watch the movie, Mina grinning on seeing a small tear on her cheek also.

  Moving into the room, she had shivered, not sure why as she had moved over to her mother’s bed. In the moonlight streaming in from the window she had looked so peaceful, Mina smiling softly, before she had frowned. Moving closer she could not see the tell tale rising of her mother’s breast, Mina moving tentatively closer.

  “Mum?” she had whispered softly, her hand covering the woman’s on the bed. She had felt the coldness instantly, gasping loudly as she had stumbled backwards a low sound of pain leaving her as she had cried out for Alice. The nurse had appeared almost instantly flipping on the light flooding the room with harsh brightness as she had rushed over to her patient, her professional persona taking over immediately.

  From a corner of the room Mina had stood with her hands clasped over her mouth, her eyes wide with shock as she had watched Alice check for a pulse before she had sat back on her heels, her head turning to look at Mina.

  “I’m sorry Mina” she had started, seeing the tears that had rushed up to the other woman’s eyes, her head shaking fervently.

  “No…no…no” was all the she could manage, the words long moans of pain as she had looked back at her mother on the bed, shock so evident on her features.

  Standing up Alice had moved over to Mina taking her into her arms in a comforting embrace, leading her gently from the room.

  “She is at peace now” she had whispered as the whole situation had crashed down on Mina, her legs buckling as she had fallen onto her knees to the ground the tears now flooding from her in heartrending sobs.

  It was late, well after ten, but Nikos had remained at his office, feeling the need to work, to not be at the villa, so empty for some reason. With a frown he had wondered why he would think that, it never had been before. Picking up the top paper before him he had re-read the contract, his mind once more seeing Mina’s smiling face filling his thoughts, a warm sensation filling his belly.

  Scowling he had given a sigh of annoyance, realising that this was the fifth time he had read the same sentence, annoyed at his lack of focus. Nikos Dupris was a very disciplined man, and it confused him that Mina Lane was causing such turmoil in his nicely ordered life. If she did not want to talk to him fine, she had a lot on her mind, her mother’s situation not a good one, cursing as he had once more realised that he had not followed the meaning of the words before him, restarting the sentence once again.

  The ringing of his mobile phone had pulled him from these thoughts, as he had answered the call, forgetting to check the caller ID, again not something he ever did.

  “Nikos Dupris” he had stated, his tone businesslike as he had once more moved his eyes to the start of the sentence, his whole body quickly stiffening as he had heard Mina, her voice hardly audible as she had sobbed on the other end “N…Nikos”.

  Sitting up straight he had gripped the phone “Mina, what is it, what’s wrong?”

  “M…my…mother” had been all she could ma
nage, as he had closed his eyes, knowing only too well what that meant. His voice had been soft, soothing as he had quickly risen, moving from his chair “I’m on my way Mina…I will be there soon” another heart-wrenching sob the only sound as he had hung up, Nikos quickly leaving the building.

  Reaching the Villa Aqua the driveway had been full with the doctor’s car and ambulance, he assumed to take away her mother. Moving quickly into the airy cool building he had scanned the area for any sign of Mina, his eyes finally falling on her as she had sat so silent, so still in a chair tucked into the corner. Around him paramedics, police and the nurse he had hired milled around, the area strangely quiet for the number of people moving around it. Quickly moving over he had hunched down before her taking her hands which still clutched the cell phone she had used to call him, her body stiff, face pale and shocked.

  Taking her hands into his, she had looked over at him, those beautiful eyes of hers so full of despair and sadness, the hurt and loss tugging at him, Nikos wanting to pull her in close to take away all the pain in those eyes.

  “We should go” he had whispered so gently, not sure what to say, as she had shaken her head. About to say more her eyes had flown to the general area, a low moan of pain like a wounded animal leaving her as the body of her mother had been moved out to the waiting ambulance. Tears filling her mournful eyes, spilling down her face as she had began to shake, her hands in his trembling violently. Whispering gently he had sat up besides her, pulling her into his arms as she had broke down into heartbroken sobs, her small body wracked with them. Nikos had been only able to hold her against him and make soothing sounds against her head wanting so badly to in some way stop all the hurt she was feeling.

  As he had held her, the area around them had slowly emptied, the nurse, doctors and paramedics casting sympathetic looks in their direction as one by one they had all left. Finally only Alice remained, looking at Nikos offering to stay with Mina. He however had shaken his head softly as he had smiled warmly at her for her concern. Promising to phone the next day, she too had left leaving two of them alone, Nikos rocking her in his arms, hers around his neck clinging to him, her head against his shoulder.


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