Seeking Shapeshifters

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Seeking Shapeshifters Page 22

by Rebekah L. Purdy

  A lump lodged in my throat, and I hugged him. “I’ve missed you,” I said.

  He gave me a gentle squeeze and smoothed back my hair. “I’ve missed you too. From here on out you’re mine and nothing’s ever gonna take you from me again.”

  I smiled. Yet, something nagged me and my thoughts faltered. The truth was I did love Carsen, but I wasn’t sure it was in the same way he loved me. There was a strong pull with Talon, one I couldn’t ignore. Was it possible to be in love with two people? Even as doubt crept in, I wasn’t sure Talon felt the connection between us; after all, he’d spent most of his time avoiding me. I peered at Carsen who sat waiting for me to speak.

  “I wanted to thank you for helping to save me. I don’t think I ever got a chance to say it properly.”

  “Actually, Talon’s the one you should be thanking. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have known you were in danger or been able to find you. It was strange, it’s like he’s got some weird psychic link to you.”

  Carsen’s face grew dark as he admitted this last part, his eyes shifted to the bedroom door.

  “Oh,” I said as my heart fluttered. “I’ll have to tell him thank you then.”

  “Well, if you want you can go tell him now. He’s in the dining room along with Ferren and our grandmas.” He gave me a forced smile.

  I let Carsen lead me from the room and everyone glanced up as I came into the dining area Keetah limped over to greet me, and I fell to my knees beside him, wrapping my arms around his furry neck.

  “Keetah! You’re alive,” I said with a squeal. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  He licked my face then went to lie back down on a rug under the table.

  I raised my hooded eyes to find Talon staring at me. Sucking in a lungful of air, I stood then rushed over to him, flinging my arms around his neck. A small stab of pain coursed through my back, but I tried to ignore it.

  “Thank you for everything. You saved me, and my dad, and my dog,” I murmured.

  His arms seemed awkward at first, but then he encircled my waist.


  The voices began their chants anew and I couldn’t make myself release him. Something pulled me to him like a magnet. His warmth radiated between us as his face pressed against my hair and I heard his ragged breath then turned my face to stare at him.

  A growl erupted and I watched as Carsen threw himself at Talon with rage.

  “She’s mine,” he shouted taking a swing at Talon right as I scooted out of the way.

  Talon blocked his punch and they both landed on the floor with a thud. Ferren dashed over, attempting to pull them apart.

  “Carsen Shinew,” his grandma bellowed. “You stop this instant. You haven’t laid a proper claim to this girl, you know the laws—she must be marked in order for you to call her mate.”

  Carsen stood, his face contorted in rage.

  “Go outside and cool off, boy. Don’t you come back in until you can act civilized.”

  “Talon,” Talon’s grandma raised her voice. “You know better, if it’s the song you’re hearing then you best do something about it. Customs are put in place to be followed.”

  Both boys apologized and Carsen stormed from the house.

  “Ima, why don’t you go lie back down, I’ll have Talon bring you a glass of water in a second,” Carsen’s grandma said with a smile. “Don’t you worry about that fool boy. He’s got himself a bad temper sometimes.”

  “Okay, um, thanks.” I wandered back to the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Talon came in a few seconds later with a glass of water and sat next to me. I was aware of only one thing in the room. Talon Yutu.

  “Carsen said you’re the one who found me tonight—that it was you who led them to me,” I said in a hushed voice.

  Talon reached across me to set the cup down on the bedside table.

  “I can’t explain it, I feel connected to you. I’ve tried denying it for months.”

  “The voices and drums, you hear them, too?” My eyes widened in surprise.

  His gaze met mine and he nodded. “Yes, but it’s more than that. Sometimes there’s this web.”

  “The silver web,” I said, my hand itching to touch his.

  “I’ve never had this happen until you came to Point Hope. It’s like your spirit sings to me—like you’re in my blood. The more I try to deny it the stronger it becomes.”

  My heart thrummed loud in my ears and I reached over, clutching his hand.

  Yes. Destiny.

  The voices came thundering in the air between us. The glowing web branched around us humming and bursting with brilliance.

  “I can’t fight it anymore, Ima, I’ve tried.”

  I slid my feet to the floor as Talon stood pulling me against him.

  “Tell me you feel like I do—tell me not to stay away.”

  My hands trembled as I raised them to his cheek, losing myself in his mahogany eyes.

  “I’m yours,” I whispered, speaking the words that I knew had been true since the moment I came to this remote village.

  It’d been him calling to me since day one. He’d laid claim to me before time existed.

  Yes—yours forever.

  “I love you.” Talon’s fingers laced into my hair.

  “I love you too.”

  It was like a storm raged through the room, as our lips touched, branding each other for all times. I knew then there could never be another for me.

  Echoes from the past applauded our union, their drums beating in time with our hearts. We were one—united as a single spirit, a unified soul.

  His warm lips stole me away and it was like diving into a sweet abyss of wonder. Wave after wave ensnared us, and we drifted in the joy of true love. A love that transcended life and death—something so true and pure it could never be broken.

  Talon pulled back and stared into my eyes. “You’re my mate,” his voice was hoarse. “I choose you.”

  He ripped the whalebone necklace from his throat and tied it about my neck. My skin sang, warming at his touch. The voices chanted in the air around us, ancient words that condoned our unification—our love.

  I enfolded him in my arms like a favorite sweater. “I’ll never let you go,” I said. “I love you.”

  “Listen, sorry I lost my temper.” Carsen barged into the room.

  His face contorted in anger when he saw me in Talon’s arms. “What?” he screamed. “How long have you been going around behind my back?” His fist broke through the plaster on the wall.

  Talon and I jerked apart.

  “Don’t be a jerk, I haven’t been screwing around with her,” Talon growled.

  Carsen sneered. “I never expected this from you, you’ve been like a brother to me, but this is unforgivable.” He crossed the room in a single stride until he stood in front of Talon.

  “Will you let me explain?” Talon said in an unsteady voice.

  “I think I’ve seen enough of an explanation,” Carsen said with a snort.

  Carsen shoved Talon and the sound reverberated through the room like two semi trucks colliding.

  “You’re nothing but a punk,” Carsen said.

  “Carsen stop!” I reached out to catch his arm.

  He shook my hand off and continued to glare and snarl at Talon.

  “It won’t happen again all right,” Talon, said his words laced with torment. “I don’t know what came over me but you’re my bro. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  My mouth dropped open in disbelief. What was he saying? How could he dismiss me like I was nothing? Stunned, I tried to comprehend what happened.

  I dared a look at Talon, his face a mask of nothingness. He turned his eyes to mine as if to say goodbye.


  The voices resounded their disapproval.

  Connected by love.

  “I think you better leave,” Carsen said to Talon before jerking the door back open. “Give me a few days before you come around again.”

>   Talon nodded. “Sorry.” He looked back at me as he walked away.

  I couldn’t breathe, this wasn’t how it was supposed to end. But there was a choice to be made, and I had to make it. I peered at Carsen then back at the door. Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I bolted from the room.

  “Talon,” I yelled, rushing out into cold of the night. “Talon, wait.”

  He stopped in the middle of the street and spun around. “Go back inside, Ima.”


  He gripped my shoulders. “Don’t you understand? I’m no good for you. What kind of guy kisses his best friend’s girl? Besides, you’ve seen my temper. I can barely control it.”

  “What about our bond? You can’t deny it exists,” I pleaded with him.

  “Didn’t you hear me, I’m no good,” he shouted. “You want to know why my dad got kicked out of the tribe? It’s because he killed my mom and he murdered several elders. My blood’s tainted.” He gave me a shake. “I can never compare to Carsen.”

  I bit back the tears. “Talon, please.” My fingers gripped a hold of his shirt. “You said you wanted me, that you loved me.”

  “You’re Carsen’s girl.” He pressed his forehead against mine.

  “Did you ask me what I want?” I slammed my fists against his chest. “Did either of you ask me?”

  The wind picked up snapping my hair into my face, my teeth chattered as the frigid temps rubbed their greedy paws over my skin.

  “What do you want?” He caught my fists in his hands.

  “You! I want you,” I said.


  The silver gossamer was back, twisting and pulling us closer. I gasped as beams of light pulsated from our adjoined hands encircling and binding us. Connecting us for all times. Our two heartbeats became one, thudding in time with the earth.


  “So you’ve chosen,” a voice thick with hurt, sounded behind me.

  I turned, clinging to Talon’s hand to see Carsen standing in the doorway of the house. It tore me apart to see the ache in his eyes. But I couldn’t live a lie, pretending I didn’t love Talon. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “There’s something there, Carsen. I can’t explain this connection, but it’s always been there since the day I saw Talon walking down the street. I ignored it because of you, but I can’t anymore.”

  I really was sorry because a part of me loved Carsen; he was my first boyfriend and a great friend. He offered me everything, risking his people’s secret in the process.

  “Me, too,” Carsen said then turned to Talon. “It looks like the best man won.”

  “I never meant for this to happen.” Talon glanced down at me then back to his friend.

  “I know, man.” Carsen walked away, heading into the night.

  “Where’s he going?”

  “To mourn,” Talon answered tugging me closer. “We better get you in out of the cold.”

  He scooped me into his arms and carried me back to the room.

  “Will you stay?” I asked as he set me on the bed.

  Talon touched the side of my face. “How’s forever sound?”

  “Not nearly long enough,” I said as his lips found mine.


  The web hummed and entwined us and I knew I’d finally found my destiny, yet in the back of my mind, I knew there were several complications that might get in my way, namely my dad’s job.


  In the coming days, Dad was well enough to go back to our house but he seemed different, kind of out of it. I couldn’t explain the changes in him, but he was alive and that was all that mattered. Dad mentioned our trip to Ireland for Christmas a few times and I wondered if we’d truly go. His love for investigating waned as each day went by, which in a way made me happy because it meant we might stay in Point Hope longer. But to see him lose interest in something he’d done his whole life worried me.

  It helped though when Matt came back. He was guilt ridden by everything that’d happened and swore he’d never leave my side again. And when I approached him about what he’d said before he left, the whole “everything happening for a reason” he claimed he didn’t know what I was talking about. I wasn’t sure if I believed him but for now, I planned on doing the best I could with the hand I was dealt. For the first time in my life, I had friends and for right now it was good enough for me.

  So now, I’d wait to see where my next adventure led me because even with Dad on the mend, it’d only a matter of time before he got that itch again. The urge to investigate the supernatural. I only hoped my newfound love would be strong enough to withstand any storm, paranormal or otherwise.


  Quote the Raven

  She once united the tribes in my name…now she will be their destruction. They will remember me and my ways—they will remember the old days before the gift I bestowed upon them. They must fight for the right to wear the skin…

  So she has been marked by me, my heart of hearts to be both their downfall and their savior.

  So it shall be.

  About the Author

  Rebekah Purdy grew up in Michigan, where she spent many late nights armed with a good book and a flashlight. When not hiding at her computer and getting lost in her stories, she enjoys reading, singing, soccer, swimming, football, camping, playing video games and hanging out with her kids. She loves the unexplainable like Bigfoot, the Dogman, and the Loch Ness Monster (lots of good story material)! She admits to still having all the books she bought throughout her childhood and teen years, and she may or may not have an obsession with anything chocolate…

  Rebekah currently resides in Michigan with her husband, kids, and gazillion pets.

  Astraea Press, LLC

  Where Fiction Meets Virtue




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