Stars Collide

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Stars Collide Page 27

by H. P. Munro

  She held the handset to her chest and kept her eyes closed. She was terrified, but she wasn’t sure what she was more terrified of; being with Freya and opening herself up to the possibility of getting hurt again or losing her forever. Before Freya, she’d never given anyone an ‘access all areas’ pass to her. She’d barely survived losing her once and if it were to happen again Jordan wasn’t sure how she’d cope. However, what she was starting to realize was that not having Freya in her life at all was a prospect she did not want to face. She sighed and stood up ready to go wrestle her blender from the appliance-phobe Sabrina.

  Freya sat with the phone still at her ear. She had finally taken the gamble. She’d put herself out there and…nothing. She was ready to go round there and pound on Grant’s face as she was sure it was his voice that she’d heard shouting to Jordan and interrupting whatever she was going to say.

  She had tried and, in her mind, the ball was now firmly in Jordan’s court.

  June 2013

  “DeLucca’s really?” Freya groaned as the cab pulled into the parking lot outside the jazz club entrance. The last thing she needed when attending Jackson’s birthday party, where her ex-girlfriend was likely to be in attendance, was for it to be held somewhere that she had memories with said girlfriend.

  “What?! It’s nice and you’ve always raved about it,” Dan said, exchanging a quick glance with Jackson in the front seat.

  Freya crossed her arms, her mouth moving as she muttered curses to herself.

  Dan looked at her with raised eyebrows, “Muttley, get out of the car.” He pointed to the door of the cab.

  Still grumbling Freya opened the door and got out of the car, straightening her dress and thrusting her clutch purse under her arm.

  “What’s with all the photographers?” she asked puzzled as they approached the door, blinking at the flashes that surrounded her. “Has Jackson done something special to have LA’s paparazzi at his birthday party?”

  Dan just gave her smile in response as he gave their names to the bouncer on the door who lifted the red cord across the entrance to allow them to move inside.

  Freya started to get more and more suspicious as they entered the jazz club, “What is this…?” Her question fell from her lips as on stage was Jordan.

  Jackson nudged Dan. “I told you we were going to be late, she’s started!” he huffed, walking into the club and leaving them standing at the entrance.

  Jordan’s voice filled the room as she sang, the acoustics complementing the power and warmth of her voice. It was absolutely her secret weapon and one that Freya had no resolve against.

  “Dan, what is this?” Freya asked carefully.

  Dan pursed his lips, “It’s a showcase for Jordan. She’s releasing an album tomorrow and I’m sorry that I lied to you but it was the best way to get you here without your freaking out.”

  She looked back towards the stage and smiled as Jordan commanded the audience’s attention as she sang. Her smile though turned to a frown as she listened to the lyrics. The song was filled with angst, and anger, towards a lost love.

  “Dan?” Freya said gripping his arm. “Dan, did she write that about me?” she asked during the instrumental, her expression full of hurt.

  Looking at his friend, her face crumpling as Jordan continued to sing, Dan put a comforting arm around her shoulder, “She did, but really early on after you broke up.”

  Freya shook her head, “I can’t stay, I can’t listen, I...”

  Jackson returned with three drinks in his hands. “Freya Easter, just stop. You will get your pretty little tush into the body of that club and. You…Will…Listen!” he commanded handing her one of the drinks.

  Dan grinned at his boyfriend, “I do so love it when you go all masterful.” He turned to Freya who was rolling her eyes, “Now do as he says, ’cause it’s the next song you need to hear.”

  Freya reluctantly followed them into the club. Feeling like everyone was looking at her, she attempted to hide her discomfort with a smile as she went.

  Jordan finished the song and the audience clapped wildly as she gave them a wide grin, her entire body feeling like it was vibrating with pleasure. Her gaze swept around the room settling on a pair of green eyes that, despite their best attempt, were looking at her with hurt in them.

  “Thank you,” she said into the microphone before turning and nodding to the band to indicate that she was ready for the next song. She took a deep breath to compose herself. It was now or never. She leaned forward, closed her eyes and allowed her voice to flow.

  Time heals all wounds they say, but what do they know

  Don’t they realize, that time means nothing at all, without you in my life

  She opened her eyes and looked directly at Freya, pouring everything she could into her voice.

  I’ve tried so hard to move on, pretending that I’m okay

  But one look into your eyes and I fall all over again

  Time was always against us, but I know if I could do it again I would

  So I’m sitting staring at my phone, wishing that you’d call

  Dan leaned in towards Freya who had not taken her eyes off Jordan, “This one, she wrote since you came back.” He planted a kiss against the side of Freya’s head, stood back upright and focused his attention on the stage, where his friend was literally singing her heart out.

  Jordan closed her eyes, bouncing on her tiptoes as she allowed her voice to surge, hitting a high note. When she opened them, they went straight back to capturing Freya’s as she continued.

  Never loved anyone the way that I love you

  But I’m terrified that I’ll make the wrong move

  So I’m waiting on your call

  The band repeated the final chorus as Jordan’s voice played with the melody of the song, tossing it around with ease before the music died out and applause replaced it.

  Freya’s mind reeled at the lyrics. She needed air, she turned and handed Dan her drink. He frowned taking the glass and watched in confusion as Freya spun on her heels and walked towards the exit her hand running through her hair. He looked back up on the stage towards Jordan whose face had fallen as she watched Freya’s departure.

  Jordan felt helpless as she watched Freya thread her way through the crowd towards the exit. She had hoped that after hearing her songs Freya would understand that she wanted them to be together and they would be able to resume their relationship. Ever since Freya’s admission that she missed her, Jordan had thought about little else. Seeing the door close behind Freya she felt as though her heart had been ripped from her all over again. She barely noticed the applause as she stepped down from the stage and started to weave through the audience intent on finding Freya to plead her case more clearly. She smiled absently towards well-wishers as they patted her back, her eyes never wavering from the door that Freya had escaped through. She reached for her back pocket and pulled her cell phone from it.

  Freya stood in the hallway. In front of her was the exit, she could see photographers gathered outside and so, needing privacy, she pushed through a door to her left. Entering the dark room, she realized she had entered the restaurant where the elderly woman had accosted Jordan and Sabrina. Grateful that the restaurant was closed off for the evening due to the showcase, she exhaled. Her emotions started to pour from her and she gripped one of the chairs as a sob escaped her lips. With a trembling hand, she opened her purse, pulled out her cell and selected a number from her favorites. She licked her lips, taking her bottom lip between her teeth as the phone started to ring. She heard a cell ringing behind her outside in the hall. She turned as the ringing grew louder as Jordan pushed open the door to the restaurant, her phone in her hand.

  Looking down at the screen Jordan accepted the call.

  “Hi,” Freya said quietly into the phone.

  “Hi, I’ve been waiting on your call,” Jordan replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

  Freya slowly started to walk towards Jordan still speaking
into the phone, her eyes locked on the brown tear-filled ones studying her. “I’m sorry it took so long.” Her voice hitched with emotion as she spoke, “You were. I have no words.” She laughed then hesitated, “I love you Jordan and I’m destined to live my life loving you.” Her heart pounded as she got closer to Jordan, one more step and they would be inches apart. Freya paused.

  “I love you too and I’m fed up not being with you,” Jordan smiled, dropping her phone from her ear and completing the distance between them. She took Freya’s face in her hands and pulled her towards her. Savoring the taste of Freya’s lips she felt complete for the first time in a year.

  The two women walked back into the club, their fingers interlaced. Inside Jackson and Dan were waiting anxiously, watching the door for the return of one or both of them. Seeing their hands linked Jackson broke out into wide grin. He positioned his glass between his arm and side to free up both hands and started to applaud their reappearance. The crowd assuming that the applause was for Jordan and her performance, and not because she was holding the hand of the woman next to her, joined Jackson.

  Dan stood with a look of visible relief on his face. He was grateful that finally things were going to get back to normality. With them both happy and together it meant that he wouldn’t be getting calls at ungodly hours from either one of them. He held his glass up in a toast as they approached.

  “Well thank fuck for that,” he announced. “Let’s get bladdered.” He put his glass to his lips and drained the content dramatically, heading off to the bar for another round of drinks.

  Freya and Jordan laughed at their friend. Out of the corner of her eye Jordan caught someone motioning to her, she turned and nodded over towards her manager, “I’ve gotta go ‘schmooz my tush off,’ as Dan would say. Don’t go anywhere.” She looked deep into Freya’s eyes, they both smiled and Jordan lifted Freya’s hand to her cheek, placing a soft kiss on the inside of Freya’s wrist before disappearing into the throng of people. Freya watched her go with her head to the side and a goofy grin on her face.

  “Don’t think you’re not going to give me details,” Jackson said nudging her with his arm. “I want to know all about what just happened. Was it romantic? Was it hot?” he waited on a response, his eyes wide.

  She shot him a quick glance, quirking her eyebrows. “It was perfect,” she sighed. She jumped slightly as two arms worked their way around her neck.

  Dan placed a kiss on her cheek and a glass into her hand, “I’m so happy for you both, but the most important question of the evening is…” He paused.

  Freya twisted in his arms so she could see his face. “Yes?” she asked cautiously.

  “Can we burn the damn onesies now?” Dan enquired with a grin.


  The car pulled into Jordan’s drive and the two actresses climbed out and walked slowly towards the door of her home. They were both excited and nervous about what was about to happen as soon as they were on the other side of the door. There had been no discussion about what the plan was after the showcase. There was no requirement as they were both on the same page about what they wanted and needed. It had felt good to leave the club, together, hand in hand, no pretense, no hiding. The photographer’s flashbulbs had almost blinded them as they had climbed into their waiting car.

  Jordan put her key into the lock of the door, stealing a quick glance at Freya. Still not quite believing that she was there and that they were together she let out a soft chuckle as she turned the key, her hair bobbing at the small shake of her head.

  “What?” Freya asked smiling, a hint of laughter in her voice.

  Jordan looked at her and swallowed. “I have dreamed about this so many times, I’m like a kid at Christmas,” she laughed.

  Freya pulled her bottom lip between her teeth seductively and leaned in towards Jordan. “In that case you should probably get us inside and start to unwrap your gift,” she husked.

  In one smooth action, Jordan’s hand slammed down on the handle of her door. Grabbing Freya with her free hand she pulled her into the house and kicked the door closed behind her. Freya prepared herself for the expected rush of kisses and touches. When they didn’t come, she looked at Jordan in surprise and anticipation as the tall actress stood drinking in the sight of the dark-haired woman in front of her.

  “The thing about unwrapping gifts,” Jordan said slowly as she took a step towards Freya. “Is the expectation. My sister would always rip the wrapping off and have all of her presents opened at once, while I…” She licked her lips, running her eyes hooded with desire, up and down the length of Freya’s body, taking in the toned legs and flat stomach from the morning runs, the swell of her breasts perfectly encased in the black dress that she had worn for the evening. “I would take my time and I’d still be opening, enjoying and savoring my gifts well into the afternoon,” she smirked as she brought her lips to meet Freya’s in a slow languid kiss. She withdrew her lips and started to trail kisses down Freya’s exposed neck, inhaling the faint trace of her perfume. That same smell that had had her take detours in department stores so as not to pass the stall selling it, in case she caught a hint. The same perfume that would make her heart thud in her chest just by walking past someone in the street and catching its aroma drifting in the air. Now she was smelling it directly from the skin that she had craved to touch and kiss for so long. She allowed herself to become absorbed in all that was Freya.

  “Mmmm, I seem to recall that,” Freya moaned, her mind drifting to the one and only Christmas they spent together, when Jordan had visited her in New York. She had giddily opened her gifts and had sat impatiently while Jordan took her time over each gift, carefully preserving the wrapping paper as she removed it. Her explanation to an over-eager Freya, who sat scowling while sitting surrounded by balls of scrunched up wrapping paper, was that the wrapping was a part of the gift as it added to the suspense and anticipation and should be enjoyed as part of the gift and not tossed aside. Her girlfriend’s meticulous approach to unwrapping gifts had infuriated Freya then, now…

  Now she was thanking every god that she could think of for it.

  Jordan brought her head back up, her brown eyes trailed slowly up Freya’s flushed face finally connecting with green eyes darkened with want. She moved to pass Freya, catching her hand as she drew even with her before gently leading the way to the bedroom.

  Jordan let Freya enter the room first. Coming up behind the smaller woman, she tugged lightly on the zipper of Freya’s dress. Studiously watching the path of the zip as she pulled it down, the material of the black dress draped open exposing Freya’s skin. Reaching the small of Freya’s back, Jordan slipped her hands into the gap of the dress and ran the palms of her hands up to Freya’s shoulders. She pushed the straps of the dress down over her lover’s shoulders. The simple black dress shimmied to the floor, leaving Freya standing dressed only in her underwear. Jordan took a step closer, desperate to feel the warmth radiating from Freya’s body. She brushed dark locks to the side and tracked kisses along Freya’s exposed shoulder.

  Feeling as though her skin was on fire with each kiss, Freya leaned back and let her head fall back to rest on Jordan’s shoulder as the blonde woman continued to adorn her body with kisses. She released the catch on Freya’s black lace bra, pushing the item of clothing from her body. She snaked her arms around Freya’s torso, her hands cupping newly exposed breasts. A satisfied sigh left Jordan’s lips at the touch. She traced her fingertips down Freya’s stomach before slipping them underneath the lace material of her underwear.

  Freya’s breath caught as Jordan’s fingertips grazed her arousal. She closed her eyes, letting her head fall to the side. She lifted her hands up behind her, her fingers burying themselves into Jordan’s luscious blonde tresses. Her stomach muscles contracted in time with each caress. Her body writhed against Jordan, she lurched forwards as the rhythm of Jordan’s touch increased. A strong arm pulled her back upright pressing her back flush against the taller woman’s fro
nt. She moved her hips in small circular motions to amplify the pressure of Jordan’s fingers on her. Sighs became louder, cascading into long moans, and her knees threatened to give out as her body finally released the tension that had been building in her. They stood unmoving both breathing heavily. Finally Freya turned and looped her arms around Jordan’s neck pulling her lover closer and kissing her languorously.

  “You cheated,” she murmured. “You didn’t unwrap me fully, I still have clothes on.”

  “Who says I’m done?” Jordan smiled against Freya’s lips.


  The alarm clock buzzed disturbing the quiet of the room and Freya scrunched her face up in protest at the noise. She brushed her hand across her face in the uncoordinated manner of someone still not fully awake. Opening one eye to look at the offending item Jordan reached a hand out, stretching over Freya’s body to shut the alarm off.

  “It’s early, do you have to be somewhere?” Freya asked, turning her head slightly.

  “Nope, not today, I just forgot to switch it off last night. I was distracted,” Jordan muttered, nestling back behind Freya.

  “I’m usually out running about now,” Freya said yawning and stretching her legs out, feeling the impact of her and Jordan’s reconciliation in her muscles. “In fact I’m usually running past here at this time,” she said lightly, listening for a reaction in Jordan.

  Jordan wrinkled her nose and squeezed her eyes shut, “Hmmm?”

  Freya bit her top lip to stop herself from laughing as she turned herself over to look at Jordan, who was feigning sleep, and pressed her nose against her lover’s until Jordan finally relented and opened her eyes with a sigh. Shifting her head back, Freya raised her eyebrows, and grinned widely.


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