Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0)

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Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0) Page 5

by Reiter

  “Please gimme a white!” he thought as he teleported to the other side of the platform. He landed on a black pad, but a white one was forming next to it. “Yes!” Valian smiled, stepped on the pad and jumped... off of the platform. The explosion only pushed him out further, but Valian reached out and caught on to a pole at the top of the Dodecagon.

  “Received,” the computer voice acknowledged him and the platform rotated. The girl’s situation was not tremendously helped as the direction the platform turned made her pole spin in her hand. She screamed as her grip slowly opened.

  “One more jump,” Valian thought, flying from his pole to the one the girl was hanging from. “And I’ve got to do a Boris!”

  “Received.” There was a slight twisting of the pole as it was swung around the side.

  Valian landed on the pole and quickly fell down the side of it. As Valian had expected, his landing was too much for the girl to maintain her grip through. Valian’s hand closed around her wrist as he hung with the pole in the fold of his knees. He breathed out slow and long, allowing the initial pain to run its course.

  Annodia Gabbanior’s emerald eyes looked at the hands holding her wrist and then Valian’s face.

  “I think this is a good time to discuss what you’re willing to give the young man who saved you from falling into the lake,” Valian joked. “Because by all the accounts I’ve ever read... you’re definitely a damsel in distress.”

  Annodia laughed, looking at the lake. “I would agree with those accounts. But be my hero because it’s the right thing to do. You’ve already made what I think can be called a spirited beginning.”

  “Hard to argue with that,” Valian remarked. “Give me your other hand.” Seeing the girl look at his hands, Valian remembered his instruction. “No, don’t throw it up. Do this slow, easy, and right. Try to pull your body up with your right arm. Get a bend to the elbow, if you’re able, and then reach up with your left. Give yourself a count and breathe out through the measure. Go on three.”

  “Three,” Annodia said, blowing out hard, pulling with her right arm. Her left hand came up and was caught in Valian’s right. She breathed in relief at his grip and readied herself for the next step.

  “Can’t hold you for much longer,” Valian reported. “Do you see the pole in front of you?”

  “Yes, I see it. I can’t reach it though.”

  “Swing for it.”

  Pumping her legs, Annodia swung back and forth. She was eventually released and she grabbed the pole.

  “Now hold on... I’ve got an idea.

  “This thing doesn’t really turn at random,” Valian calculated. “... it’s got eight sides. Each calls for one of the eight sides to be moved to the top. Here we go.” Valian tapped the pole he was hanging from until the Dodecagon turned to where the side he was on was on the top.

  Moving to the third platform, they stopped when they saw another boy fall past them. Looking up, Valian could see that he had come from the fifth platform. “Looks like H’Tanvor used my brother’s approach to get around the fifth platform. But he still had three with him. That leaves two. I wonder how they’re going to choose.”

  The horns sounded and the two youths looked up to see Yorlson claim the glory of winning the race. A roar came up from the crowd and Valian looked down to see where his family was seated. Two in particular were not looking at the seventh platform... they were looking at him. It was enough.

  “My name is Annodia,” the young girl said, offering her hand.

  Valian smiled and offered his. The girl adjusted her hand and took hold of Valian’s forearm. The shaking of hands was a greeting of strangers. The grasp of forearms was the greeting of brethren. “Valian.”

  “Well met, Valian. You’re officially my hero.”

  The two made their way quickly over what was familiar ground to Valian. The young boy was delighted to hear the slight screams coming from his new friend. They were not cries of fear, but ones of wonder, surprise, and excitement... save for the fourth platform where their progress temporarily halted as HealeRs were tending to boy who had nearly died from a fit of fright.

  “That was an assumption on my part,” Valian thought, “thinking that H’Tanvor and his boys had gotten past this test.” Valian looked up. “Of course, if only one was down here... what are we going to find when they allow us to continue?”

  Yorlson was teleported down from the top of the seventh platform, holding the large white crystal hoop in his hand. Aside from the burns received on the third platform, the only marking of any sort was his ripped sleeve. No one was going reach him before Guysorla, and he ran to meet her. The two embraced and he could feel his mother trembling as she clutched at him. He then felt a hand on the back of his head and the boy turned to see his father smiling down on him.

  “I suppose congratulations are in order,” Vaiyorl said softly and Yorlson lunged at him. The Duke hugged his son, patting his back and whispering his congratulations. He looked up at his wife and in a moment of their shared stare each knew what the other was thinking. Guysorla mouthed, ‘thank you’ to her husband and he reached to bring her in.

  “Where are Shonsatah and Pirion?” Yorlson asked, looking around.

  “They are watching to see if Valian finishes,” Vaiyorl informed.

  “But he fell!” Yorlson said, pulling away from his parents. He turned to look at the large virtual monitor and the picture was fixed on H’Tanvor who had made it up the seventh platform with an injured hand and a bloody nose. He placed his hand on the finishing stone and received a large gray crystal hoop before being teleported to the spectator’s area. True Lord Herthane pushed aside several people getting to his son, lifting him up from the ground and proclaiming him the champion of the Herthane Family.

  Yorlson set his gaze on one of the smaller screens. As HealeRs carried a youth off of the fourth platform, he saw Valian sitting on the floor of the platform with his eyes closed.

  Vaiyorl walked up behind his son and gently placed his hand on Yorlson’s shoulder. “He did fall,” the man said calmly. “... to the third platform. He then jumped to the second to assist that young lady you see seated there beside him. Would you care to join us watch the end of the race?”

  “The race is over and I have won,” Yorlson declared, spinning around to face his father. It was all Guysorla could do to erect a Force Wall in time to muffle the outburst.

  Duke Vaiyorl replaced his hand on his son’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze as he leaned forward to let his son see his eyes. “You have won. That is not in question. But the race is not over until all of the racers have either finished or fallen. There are three yet left to this race and I am going to my seat. You will decide if you wish to join me.

  “And it is I who should be thanking you, blessed woman who is my wife,” Vaiyorl said, lifting his hand to softly take hold of her cheek. “You are my star, woman. My guide, my warmth, and you empower this man with fortitude enough to face this world.”

  Placing her hand atop of his, Guysorla leaned into his touch. “I am only a star because of what you give me. How could I not shine for you?” There were sighs coming from those who witnessed the open expression of love, and Guysorla allowed the screen to fall. “But I claim first bragging rights. My son, the champion of the Test Tower, will come and sit with me!” Without another word, Guysorla took the hand of her first born and walked away.

  Vaiyorl stood there, witnessing how his wife had managed to navigate a foul situation and make them both appear to be more than worthy of their awarded station. Feeling so many eyes on his, Vaiyorl lifted his hands from his sides and shook his head, letting his hands falls. “They gave me the position... she took all the power.” Laughter escorted the Duke as he started back to his seat.

  “That makes you a wise Duke!” one man shouted.

  “Or at least one that will last!” another commented.

  “The HealeRs have cleared the platform,” one person shouted as the large screen focused on two of
the last three racers.

  “I should have known,” Valian whispered when he and Annodia arrived on the fifth platform. In the center area stood the last of H’Tanvor’s aides. His long, dark hair blew in the wind. His eyes matched the cloudless sky. “I warn you,” Valian called out, “I am partially rested, but completely spent in my discretion.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Pallid,” the boy spat back. “This trap can only be passed if someone is willing to sacrifice themselves for another!”

  “Then I will fall for you,” Annodia quickly said, looking at Valian.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to sound and feel differently,” he commented. “And just because this one said something, that doesn’t make it law.”

  “So you have another solution, Pallid?”

  “I do!” Valian snapped. “And if you want to hear it, we will start with you never calling me that again, understood?” The boy looked at Annodia and Valian without speaking and the violet-eyed boy took the initiative to move things along. “Good!” he said, offering his hand. “I’m Valian.”

  “Kethgeegan,” the boy replied said, shaking Valian’s hand. “No family name.”

  “This is Annodia,” Valian announced and the boy shook her hand as well.

  “Well met,” he said softly.

  “Not yet, but we’re getting there,” she replied, sweeping back her light brown hair.

  “Keth, are you a person of your word?” Valian inquired.

  “When I give it.”

  “Fair enough. I am going to ask you to give your word to Annodia that you will not, in any way or fashion, impede her chance to finish this race.”

  “I give my word,” Kethgeegan quickly said.

  “Wait,” Annodia protested. “Why just to me?”

  “Because we can only expect so much so soon,” Valian said. “... and this proud young man might not want to give his word to someone so pale. Just know, if you break your word, there will be the ward of a Duke coming after you until he is at least ten days dead!”

  “I gave my word and I will keep it.”

  “Valian, this is wrong!”

  “Actually, no it isn’t,” Valian replied. “You’re too light for this to work the way it did the first time. But the two of you together can make it over to the ladder while I counter your weight.”

  “But when we get off the edge, you will fall!”

  Valian looked at the platform and smiled. “Not according to my father’s pendulum. I’m just not sure I have the legs for this.”

  “Then tell me your idea and I will do it,” Annodia insisted.

  “No you will not!” Kethgeegan declared, beating Valian to the response.


  “I cannot let you do that,” he explained. “That would be breaking my word.”

  Flustered, Annodia sighed, folding her arms and looking at Valian.

  “I did say shape or fashion.” Valian slapped Kethgeegan’s shoulder. “Keth, there’s hope for us yet. Okay, now you two start out that way and I’ll go the opposite.”

  With the greater weight being on the side of Kethgeegan and Annodia, Valian had to move out closer to the edge to keep the platform balanced.

  “Okay,” Valian shouted. “Keth, you’re going to help Annodia jump up one side of the ladder, you’ll jump lower on the other side.”

  “And what about you?” Kethgeegan yelled out.

  “Pray for me!” Valian leaned forward, placing the toes of his boots against the slick metal.

  Annodia, still protesting, was helped up onto one side of the ladder while Kethgeegan tried to keep one foot on the platform.

  “Appreciate the effort,” Valian thought, starting for the center of the platform. He jumped, carrying over the center area and landing on the far side. When that side of the platform started to go down and Valian turned to skate back, jump the center and land on the other side as it too was still coming up.

  “I see it now,” Annodia said in an airy breath. “And I see why he doubts his legs. He’s got to keep that going until the platform comes around again.

  “Gods of my mothers,” Kethgeegan said softly, closing his eyes. “... gods of my fathers... move not this mountain from in front of this boy... but give him the strength to climb!”

  “You’re praying for him?” Annodia asked.

  “He didn’t have to help me,” Kethgeegan returned. “And it was the only thing he asked of me. It seemed to be the thing to do.”

  “That seems to be contagious on this tower,” Annodia said, looking up the ladder.

  “Aye, many things are!”

  “Mother forgive me,” Valian thought as he continued to skate. “The times you literally had to force me to take lessons for ice skating. You even had to imprison Boris once. Please forgive me.

  “And Father is right,” he thought, ignoring the pain coming from his legs and side. “You’re the smart one! And I can hear you, Daddy. I’m sucking it up. Fatigue is candy, and boy do I have a sweet tooth!”

  When the sixth platform came around again, Valian was still holding his speed, but he had mistimed the circuit of the platform. He was going to be on the wrong side of the platform when the ladder was in position. So instead of jumping across the center, Valian jumped early and landed on the edge of the center area, rolling to a stop. As the side of the platform came up, he ran and jumped back on the metal, hoping his momentum could carry him... effectively skating up a hill. He dug in with his toes when he could and jumped. Two hands took hold of his wrist and he smiled up at Annodia who was anchored by Kethgeegan.

  “Question,” she huffed, holding on to the young man. “What do you call a male damsel?”

  “Right now you can call him Valian!” he proclaimed and the three of them laughed before pulling themselves up the ladder.

  Once you start asking questions, innocence is gone.

  Mary Astor

  (Rims Time: XI-4305.30)

  “They don’t make it easy, do they?” Kethgeegan asked as he and the other two looked around the immediate area. It resembled a cone with the walls getting further and further apart the further up one went. The entire area was covered with spider webs – some dusty and some almost pristine – and each child could hear soft clicking on all sides of them.

  “What would be the point of that?” Annodia panted. “We’re children, after all. Apparently some of our parents don’t want us around anymore!”

  Valian let out a bark of laughter. He had his hands on his hips, walking around, panting for air and kicking out with his legs. He wanted to stop. He wanted to drop. He wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. This nightmare was not fun any longer.

  “You might have a point to that one, Annodia,” he stated. “And we’ve got blood... right over Kethgeegan’s left shoulder.” The other two turned to look to see it. It was clear that it was fresh blood. “And part of a racer’s uniform on the opposite side, about twice the distance up.

  “And I am sure glad I didn’t try to get to this level using the ropes,” Valian said, looking back down at the floor. “I think I can see one tied off from here... and it looks like something is moving over there.”

  “Is that what I think it is?” Annodia asked, not knowing where to go or who to grab.

  “That depends... are you afraid of spiders?”

  “YES!” she shouted, grabbing Kethgeegan’s arm.

  “Then I’m not sure what that is,” Valian quickly said and Kethgeegan covered his mouth, turning away so that Annodia could not see his smile. She slapped his shoulder anyway.

  “That is a good amount of blood,” Kethgeegan stated. “And fairly high up too... like he climbed to get up there.” Kethgeegan started for the wall.

  “I wouldn’t,” Valian warned.

  “Why not?”

  “Because the blood is only one clue. It also happens to be the easiest one to understand. We know it had to come from one of the two finishers.”

  “Maybe even both,” Kethgeegan said co

  “Okay, it came from at least one of the finishers,” Valian adjusted.

  “But what about the webs?” Annodia asked.

  “What about them?” Kethgeegan asked.

  “Some of them are dirty,” she said walking over to a clean web. “... covered with dust... and some of them looked as if they have been cleaned.” Looking around, Annodia squatted down and picked up some dirt and dust. She tossed it toward the clean web. The pack burst apart just before reaching the web. “It’s a repulsion field!”

  Valian nodded toward her and smiled. “Nice! So, some webs won’t let you go... and some will push you away. One of the racers figured this out and tried to climb out... up the bracing in-between the webs. It looks like it wasn’t a perfect climb and they lost part of their sleeve.”

  “H’Tanvor wore red, so that isn’t his uniform,” Kethgeegan noted.

  “No, it isn’t,” Valian said softly. “So let’s just say... to make you feel better... that the blood belongs to H’Tanvor.”

  “That does make me feel better!”

  “Then we should climb the bracing like Yorlson did,” Annodia suggested with a bright smile.

  Valian frowned, doing one more stretch of his legs. “The only trouble with that is this: Yorlson’s a good climber and the cloth is a little past halfway up.” Valian walked over to the bracing and put his hand on it. He could hear more clicking and a soft tone that was slowly getting higher in pitch and louder in volume. “It’s a timed climb!”

  “Then we will have to move fast,” Annodia offered.

  “Like I said, Yorlson is a good climber, sometimes faster than me, and it’s clear he wasn’t fast enough. Maybe one of us could make it, climbing and fighting off spiders at the same time.”

  Annodia shivered at the thought of it and stepped back.

  Valian nodded before continuing. “... but I get the nasty feeling that the moment time runs out, the spiders come out and attack racers... no matter where they are in the chamber.”


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