Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0)

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Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0) Page 17

by Reiter

  “The woman insulted you,” Valian returned. “Were we of our own standing and accounts, I would not have moved to interrupt you.”

  “Then you both would have been in the wrong,” Ulreejun informed.

  “A place I will probably inhabit more than I do anywhere else, my Master,” Valian stated. “Are you done with your testing?”

  “Watch your tone, boy,” Jorkethian asserted.

  Valian kept the man’s eyes. “So, you can test, but not be tested. Most peculiar, Praeceptor. Exactly what are you teaching me at the moment?”

  The lips of Ulreejun Jorkethian parted, but no words came out until he looked over at Kurshigg. “See to it that the portal is correctly aligned. I am entrusting his safety into your hands, Kursh.”

  “I will tend to all matters,” the Delman replied.

  Jorkethian glared back at Valian, turning to leave the room. The door closed behind the Elder KnighT before anyone moved.

  “Okay,” Larry said softly, walking over to the Armiger. “Kurshigg, is it? Yeah, if you can just open this up and let me and my friend get the hell out of here, I’d appreciate it.”

  “We’re leaving?” Kayjoe asked.

  “Can you fly, bigun?”

  “You know I can’t fly, Larry,” Kayjoe laughed, waving off the question.

  “Actually, the Master was air-striding,” Kurshigg explained.

  “That did not help,” Kethgeegan thought.

  “So he was,” Larry said, forcing a smile. “Bigun, you can’t fly... and neither can I. These people have it so good that they’ve got more than one kind of flying! You know who has that? The people who need to have it! Look at ‘em, baby. There’s not a slender set of shoulders in the room!

  “The looming lover that just left the room held off a dozen gun-firing idiots!” Larry exclaimed. “The three younger versions of that guy walked into a trap... and then they walked right out of it. And it wasn’t even all three of them! Bad-asses have their own kind of stink, Kayjoe, and it reeks in this room!”

  “Your friend speaks a very special brand of truth, Kayjoe,” Valian said with a warm smile. “At least at the moment.”

  “Whoa-there, son,” Larry snapped. “What are you trying to say?”

  “Right,” Valian said, stepping closer to Larry. “... because if you manage to say the thing that makes me strike you, then Kayjoe will definitely strike me, correct? You’ve already mapped the room... and you know exactly what you want to take during the commotion. Let’s put it to the test.” Valian put his weight behind the punch and Larry was lifted from the floor before falling to his back.

  “NO!” Kayjoe yelled, lunging at Valian. His large hands were balled into fists as he pounded down for the top of Valian’s head.

  “And he has the nerve to be fairly quick too,” Valian thought, side-stepping the attack. As Kayjoe stumbled by him, Valian jumped up, wrapping his legs around Kayjoe’s waist, putting the large man into a full nelson and interlacing his fingers behind Kayjoe’s neck.

  “Get off of me!” Kayjoe yelled as he struggled.

  “Only when you calm down,” Valian stated plainly.

  “You hurt Larry! Now I’m gonna hurt you!”

  “Easy, Kayjoe,” Valian said as his hold was tested.

  Larry could not see clearly and he rolled on the floor wondering what he had been hit with.

  “Your guy is strong,” Kethgeegan whispered to Larry. “But if he gets out of this hold he’s only got to deal with the woman and me. But before I leave you alone, I will try my best to drive my boot through your skull! Might take more than one kick, though.”

  Annodia watched both men contend with their adversaries, ready to move to assist either if there was need for her to do so. “There are times I feel like I will never get off of that tower,” she thought, looking at Valian. “What was he then? What is he now?!”

  Valian’s face twisted as he struggled to maintain his hold. Kayjoe was stronger than he appeared ... and he appeared to be very strong. “Good gracious! It’s like trying to hold up the world!”

  “Focus, Valian,” K’Torru spoke softly inside his ears. “We discovered this when we were mapping your mind: the gifts of your parents. Your father’s immense self-control was rivaled by only one thing: his ferocity. Remember the power that came with his rage. Maintain your hold on the man... maintain your hold on your mind. Sample your father’s strength, Valian. Show me your Tempered Rage.”

  Just before his hands could lose their lock on one another, Valian snarled, closing his eyes and reasserting the strength of his body. Kayjoe winced in pain as the lock was reapplied. Valian also squeezed with his legs, and Kayjoe was surprised to find that he had trouble breathing. The gigantic man slowly dropped to his knees, giving one last effort to be free. It failed, and he fell forward to his chest.

  Valian released the man in time to remain standing, but his arms hung like dead weights at his sides. He breathed deeply, but it was not a panting; it was controlled breathing until he could step back from the nearly unconscious man as he stepped back from his anger in his mind.

  “Well done, Valian,” K’Torru whispered. “And remember, we found you could augment nearly every facet of your physical form: your strength, your speed, your skill, and even your stamina. But that is only the beginning of your Tempered Rage.”

  “My word!” Kurshigg muttered, witnessing the feat of strength. “I’m glad no one was taking wagers... and my apologies for doubting you.”

  Valian smiled. “We’re still just getting acquainted, Kurshigg. Now, if you will give me a moment, we will resume the interviews shortly.”

  Over time, naturally, you lose your innocence from gaining knowledge. You can’t be innocent forever, but there’s something in innocence you need to regain to be creative.

  Albert Hammond, Jr.

  (Rims Time: XI-4804.27)

  Valian stepped through the portal just before Annodia, Kethgeegan, and Boris. It seemed like the best approach when considering the one-by-one methodology as an alternative. Valian had been given time to recover from his contest of strength with Kayjoe, and he was very much looking forward to an opportunity to speak with the large man without Larry being present.

  The four of them quickly made an area where they could interview people complete with four chairs and a table that was actually just some wood placed atop two stacks of crates.

  It was in the same span of time where Kethgeegan found the opportunity to access his data-pad. Jorkethian was efficient if nothing else. There was bound to be information on the pad they could use. He smiled when his search brought up files. He quickly wrote a note and sent it to the other data-pads.

  Annodia had suggested that she do the initial talking on behalf of Valian. Not that she wanted him to appear arrogant, but she also did not want him to be immediately accessible. After a brief discussion, where she confirmed Valian was not at all comfortable with the arrangement, Annodia was told to proceed.

  “You’d think I wouldn’t need the reminder,” Valian thought. “I grew up in a caste system, and still Annodia has to remind me of what it is to take this position.”

  “It is good that it is bad,” K’Torru commented. “It is not your way... not yet. But hopefully you can see the good in assuming this path. These people do not know you, and yet they must follow your lead. When that lead is witnessed, you will have your opportunity to justify their dedication. So in many ways you are lord and in many ways you must serve. It is this way with all forms of competent leadership.”

  “I am looking forward to your continued counsel, Master.”

  “My time in your mind grows short, young one. But part of me will always be with you.”

  “If I could have everyone’s attention!” Annodia called out. Her voice was indeed strong, but only covered about one-third the area. Seeing this, Annodia sought higher ground, standing atop two stacked crates. She drew her pistol – another change which had been made before entering the second portal – and set it
for an energy flare. It exploded against the ceiling and soon everyone was looking in Annodia’s direction. “My name is Annodia Gabbanior, and I am retainer for Valian, Ward of the House of Jhormynn. You have been invited here today to interview for a position of retainer in service to a KnighT. We have a number of positions to fill, so this will take a good bit of time. We thank you for coming out, and we appreciate your patience.”

  “I still can’t believe it,” Kethgeegan whispered at the end of an interview.

  “I really do wish you would let it go,” Annodia sighed.

  “Ulreejun Jorkethian is a kept man!” Kethgeegan softly screamed, moving Valian to laughter.

  “Valian, don’t encourage him,” Annodia urged.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just the way he keeps saying it. That, and the fact that if anyone is keeping our Praeceptor, it is that person who deserves your sense of wonder.”

  “That isn’t helpful at all,” Annodia remarked.

  “But he’s right!” Kethgeegan asserted. “And what was with that ‘morning face’ comment? How many faces does she have?”

  “Being a Marquise, I’d say she has as many as she wants,” Valian answered.

  “I keep forgetting,” Kethgeegan said as he tried to recollect. “... where does that title rank?”

  “Just under Duchess and Duke,” Annodia said abruptly. “Now be quiet!”

  A short, slender woman came into their area, dressed in flowing robes and scarves, wearing a large-brimmed hat. Only her eyes could be seen, and just barely. Her head was down when she came in, and she slowly lifted it to look at her interviewers.

  “Could you please give us your name?” Annodia asked.

  “Gracious shade of my Fathers,” the woman whispered. “I am late. I hope that I’m not too late.”

  “Uhm, no,” Annodia replied as Valian leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. “You’re right on time, Miss...”

  “Well, not too terribly late it seems,” the woman said. “Whatever mistakes that have been made may not be unrecoverable. That is a relief!

  “And why are you smiling?” the woman asked Valian.

  “He’s enjoying the show,” Kethgeegan replied, suddenly assuming a cooler demeanor, as he had looked as confused as Annodia up to that point.

  “The show?” Annodia asked.

  “She’s been mapping us,” Kethgeegan stated, leaning back in his chair. “From the way we reacted when she made the ‘I’m late’ claim, she knew who was in charge and where to place most of her attention. She then wanted to know which one of us had Valian’s ear, but I matched you movement for movement so she couldn’t really get a good reading on that matter. She still can’t pick, but she knows that Valian read her reading us.

  “I’ve so got to work with you,” Kethgeegan said to Valian who held his hands up in surrender. “But let’s not be altogether rude. My friend has asked for your name on a couple of occasions. Perhaps, now that we’ve established you’ve arrived in time to save us, you can tell us who you are.”

  “My name is Quilori,” the woman said, removing her hat. Soft bone-white hair came away from inside the hat, falling around the woman’s shoulders. Her eyes were a soft purple and her skin a light gray. “And I am here to deliver you, my lord!”

  “Deliver me?” Valian asked. “From what?”

  “From ineptitude,” the woman replied confidently, moving to stand closer to the table. “Let me guess, the brown-skinned amazon is your Second on the field of battle, yes?”

  “My squire,” Valian replied.

  “And the handsome RoguE opposite of her is your...”

  “My Counsel.”

  “Oh, very good! Nearly a perfect set. But you’re going to need more, so much more, if you’re going to succeed in your aims.”

  “You don’t even know what his aims are!” Kethgeegan asserted.

  “He is a KnighT who has taken to having people of strong back, strong hand, and strong heart about him. I doubt he will be masterminding a series of fundraisers.” Valian blurted a laugh at the woman and she smiled. “Take advantage of my age and experience, my lord. Let me help you put this band of retainers together to yield you the very best possible outcome.”

  “And what would you gain from it, Quilori?” Valian inquired.

  “We serve the same mistress, my lord,” the woman revealed. “If you speak well on my behalf, the Sacred Empress will release me.”

  “How is she holding you?” Kethgeegan asked, but Valian lifted his hand.

  “That matter is between her and the Sacred Empress,” Valian stated. “But I will be verifying your–”

  A soft beeping noise came from Valian’s data-pad. He looked down to read: This is Kurshigg. She speaks the truth. With regards to Zorkaysha, this one is in a very bad way.

  “What are your feelings on this?” Valian thought.

  “She is much like you, Valian,” K’Torru noted. “She is indeed indebted to Zorkaysha, but she serves the Mistress of Fate.”

  “That changes things.”

  “And it would appear that your claim has been verified,” Valian advised. “I cannot say I am comfortable with your situation, but it seems to be of benefit to me.

  “And what say the two of you?” Valian asked, looking at Kethgeegan and Annodia.

  “I suppose in a way, she keeps us from feeling alone,” Annodia pointed out. “We have another female, finally, and she speaks Kethgeegan’s new language.”

  “I don’t have any objections,” Kethgeegan said, smiling at Annodia.

  Valian got up from his chair and motioned for Quilori to sit down. “Would you please have a seat?”

  “My lord, I-”

  “I’m afraid I must insist,” Valian smiled.

  With some reluctance, Quilori walked around the table and sat down in the chair. Valian pushed it forward slightly and then turned for the portal. “Between the four of you I am sure a very sufficient group of retainers will be recruited.

  “Now, I ask that you excuse me. There is a personal matter I must tend to. Return to the castle when you can.” Valian walked into the portal and was gone.

  “The four of us?” Quilori asked.

  Kethgeegan pointed to his right shoulder, the one closest to her, and it started to move on its own. Boris revealed himself, but Quilori did not jump with fright. Her eyes widened and she held out her cupped hands. Boris jumped from his perch and into her palms where he quivered and clicked. Quilori giggled, looking up to see a very surprised Kethgeegan.

  “The Olasson are noted for being able to speak with animals,” she explained.

  “Is that teachable?” Kethgeegan quickly asked.

  “No, but I can teach you this one’s language.”

  “Good enough!” Kethgeegan smiled brightly, leaning back in his chair.

  “Then we should get back to it,” Annodia suggested. “I for one can’t wait to see who’s next.”

  Valian came through the portal and quickly put his eyes to Kurshigg, and only when he was sure that the Delman was not going to attack did he relax his stance and start for the door.

  “For one who is against being called Lord, you’ve taken to the habit quickly enough,” Kurshigg mentioned.

  “I wish you would stand up and say that,” Valian returned, stepping through the doorway. He chuckled at the stammering fit the Delman fell into trying to utter some sort of response.

  The library was not what Valian had expected, but he quickly reminded himself that this castle was not really the property of the Elder KnighT. That of course took him back to the incident where Jorkethian was told that he was expected directly. Needing to focus, the young man dismissed it from his mind and started moving through the library. It did not take him long to find what he sought. Valian sat down with a book detailing a Tournament of KnighTs.

  “A two to three day event where twelve contests are decided,” Valian read aloud. “Twelve? Is hair-combing an event?” he teased, turning the page. “In the case of a tie, t
he tournament will be decided by the two KnighTs in question facing each other in Empowered Combat.”

  “You’re probably wondering what that is,” Ulreejun said starkly. Valian jumped so violently that he fell out of his chair and onto the floor. “Did I mention that the castle has a nasty sense of humor?”

  “Somehow, Praeceptor, that much was overlooked when were first acquainted,” Valian said, getting up from the floor.

  “Oh. My apologies then. And since we’re talking to one another... would you care to-”

  “You have been playing me since the day we met,” Valian said, picking up the book he had dropped. “Poking, prodding, testing at every single turn... exactly what are you afraid of?”

  “So there’s something I am afraid of, is there?” Jorkethian asked, moving around to one of the more comfortable chairs.

  “Master, you were the one who taught me how to read a person,” Valian said, sounding frustrated. “Are you now telling me that the methodology you instructed somehow doesn’t read you effectively?”

  “He’s got you there, old man,” Ulreejun thought. “And what’s worse, you taught him how to get you!

  “Then I’ll come to the heart of it,” the Elder KnighT said softly. “Because it’s the heart we’re talking about. I can teach your body, and I can teach your mind, Valian... but it’s you and life that teaches your heart. We basically get all of the same lessons... but we as individuals decide which lessons we take to heart.”

  “A former student,” Valian concluded.

  “And whatever you do, Valian,” Ulreejun said, pointing emphatically at Valian’s head, “... don’t allow that weapon to dull! You’ve got one of the sharpest minds I’ve ever seen.”

  “But you still question my heart,” Valian noted.

  “Not as much as I question my own,” Jorkethian muttered. “Yes, it was a former student. A student with a relatively weak heart, as it happens. You see, son, there are all sorts of bad situations. I don’t have to tell you. But there is a peculiar test that nearly everyone who had been oppressed has to take. People might hate how they are mistreated... but the moment they possess power, they must decide if they are going to join the ranks of the oppressor or remain among the oppressed. For you see, even if they have the power to stop an oppressor, so long as they do not apply their power to the mistreatment of others, then they are still one of the oppressed.”


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