Barefoot Bay_Something New

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Barefoot Bay_Something New Page 3

by Taige Crenshaw

  “Ok.” She held his hand and picked up her fork.

  He did the same. They ate holding each other's hand.

  “So you’re a writer?”

  “Yes. I write—“

  She filled him in about her profession and what was her heart. Soon when they were done eating, she rose and holding his hand, she led him to the door that would let them go outside. Silent they went to the beach and to the water standing by it. She looked at him in his short sleeved white shirt and cream slacks. Monroe was like a steady presence that was unshakeable. She told him that.

  He shook his head. “I’m not. My mom’s death almost a year ago shook me. Shook all of us,”

  “Is that what the sadness in your eyes is for?”

  “Yes.” He gulped. “She dies suddenly with no warning. We were all in our business in Texas when she passed out. It was a blood clot in her brain. They said she was gone before she hit the floor. That wasn’t any comfort. We buried her, grieved and well it was too much for us to be in Texas so we all moved here. Started another branch of our business.”

  “You are still grieving.” Brianna moved closer. “I did to for a long time for my fiancé. Even though he tried to kill me I grieved. And god I hated him too. So much. I was so angry at him for what he did. Angry at him for dying.” Brianna leaned against his side.

  He slid his hand around her waist and held her. “Yes. And I’m so angry at her for dying.” He looked at her his emotions raw. “I feel like such a bad son to even say that much less think it too.”

  “It is all part of the process. You have the right to be angry, feel whatever you want and grieve as long as you want too.”

  She snuggled into his side and he put his face into the crook of her neck. Brianna rubbed her hand along the back of his neck. Monroe held her tight. She held him and after some time he released her and watched her solemnly.

  “Thank you.”

  “We are so doing things out of order. Sharing all these things on a first date.” She laughed. “Typical me.”

  “And I like that. A lot.” He cupped her face. “And whatever happens with us is what we decide it is. We can share what we want. There is no rules when building… something.”

  “You can say relationship.” She said. “I won’t run. Not now. We’re no place near that at least for my view. This is our first date but I’m counting all the times in the last few weeks we got to know each other as a prelude to this. Us.”

  “Ok on the relationship not there yet. Us. I like the sound of that.” Monroe pulled her close.

  She went and when he kissed her, she locked her knees. The desire she had held in flooded through her and she pressed against him. Monroe tightened his grip and then he withdrew slowly from their kiss.

  “Let’s watch the sunset.” Monroe squeezed her around the waist gently. “Then see where this will lead.”

  She nodded and pressing against his side she put her head on his shoulder and looked at the sun. Afterwards when he took his leave Brianna went outside on the steps and stared at the darkened back area. She hugged herself and drew in a breath. The night was fresh, crisp and so much things.

  What am I doing? I want this but am I ready for this? She had no idea if she was.

  Chapter 3

  Brianna glanced toward Monroe. Two weeks after their first official date and she still wasn’t sure about what was happening with them. Also being in Barefoot Bay wasn’t as she expected it to be. It was home, and she loved it but something was niggling at her and she couldn’t define what it was. She looked around at the people she had invited over. The various neighbors she’d meet on her run as well as some business owners that Monroe knew through his work as well as his friends were there. All of Monroe’s family was here. She watched as his dad smiled and teased with his sons. They all looked like their dad with their sun-kissed skin, green eyes and they were tall as well as lanky yet muscular bodies. When she looked at Monroe’s dad, she could see how he would look when he was that age. She could only imagine the pain his dad had felt losing his wife. Yet when she met him, he had been like Monroe warm and welcoming. And she saw where Monroe got his calm.

  Although they hadn’t said it, this was like they were bringing people together they knew or cared about to meet each other. It was something she had done once before. And she would not say it aloud but it was freaking her out a little.

  “Stop looking so serious.” Ashley bumped shoulders with her.

  She looked away from Monroe to Ashley. She studied her friend.

  “I haven’t seen much of you lately.”

  Ashley rolled her eyes. “Is that way of asking what is going on with Elroy and I?”

  “Nope. Don’t want to know.” Brianna touched her arm and squeezed gently. “Just be careful. You’re going home in a few weeks.”

  “I know.” Ashley sighed. “I’ll figure it out.”

  Brianna didn’t say anything further about that. “I’m gonna miss you Ash.”

  “You’ve made friends here.” Ashley smiled. “Even if you won’t admit it when you go run, you look forward to seeing those nosy neighbors. Just as you enjoyed the neighbors you had in Texas.” Ashley didn’t point out she had invited said neighbors.

  “I do.” She said grudgingly.

  “And you have Monroe.”

  She looked at him again. “Maybe.”

  “You do.”

  “But then why…” It dawned on her what was making her feel so off. She didn’t want to articulate what she was thinking.


  Brianna looked at her. “Why doesn’t Barefoot Bay feel like home?”

  Ashley watched her. Brianna narrowed her eyes and stared at her.

  “Damn it, you knew.” Brianna didn’t know how she had, when she just realized it herself.

  “Brianna when you were hurt all those years ago and in the hospital recovering you found this place online and was determined this was gonna be home. A new place to start over fresh from what happened to you. You had your mind set from that day you saw this place. Through all your recovery and years, you had it as this magical thing. But it took you this long to actually move here. Come on be honest you could have moved here years ago but didn’t. In some form or other you were looking for a home. Even though we told you Texas and all of us was home you didn’t want to believe it. You kept insisting this place was, so we supported you and helped with your move. Yes we all knew, but this was for you to figure out.” She said it gently.

  “Is this why you stayed for almost three months, to convince me I was wrong?”

  “No.” Ashley smiled. “When you came here a few times for visits and came back talking about it I was curious about what was so special about this place. So I came to see myself. And you know it is special, and it is magical and I love it.” Ashley touched her hand and held it. “But home is Texas. This would be for me like a second home. A retreat for me to get away.”

  “You can come here anytime to use my home.”

  “I know. We all know. And believe me after all the pictures I have sent to everyone they will take you up on it.” Ashley smiled. “You will have a lot of people wanting to come. Those two guest rooms will get lots of use.”

  Brianna laughed the sobered. “I’m gonna take my desk in my office with me. Then get another for here.” She realized what she had said. “Crap I—“

  “Already have a home in Texas.”

  At Ashley’s words, Brianna thought of the house she owned in Texas. The one she had not put on the market to sell yet. She’d made it her oasis while she was there although she hadn’t been happy with the desk she had. Now she had the one here she knew what she had been looking for. She glanced at Monroe and suddenly she felt settled and knew what she had to do.

  Later as she watched, Ashley and Elroy leave she met Ashley’s gaze. In it she saw the understanding of what she had to do. She hugged her and then she and Elroy took their leave. Monroe closed the door then turned to her.

What’s wrong?”

  She should have known he would know. He told her she was perceptive but so was he. Instead of answering right away she took his hand and led him to the living room. They sat on the couch and she kept hold of his hand. She stared off into space as she rubbed her finger down his.

  “If you keep doing that I’m not going to be responsible for what I do.” He warned.

  She looked at him startled. In the time they had been together they had kissed, and that was it. His look made her breath catch. He wanted her badly yet hadn’t acted on it. In that moment she realized he had been waiting on her. Waiting for her to give him a signal she was ready. Very ready but now with what she had to tell him she didn’t know what would happen now.

  “I want too but…” She bit her lip.

  He put his thumb on her lip and gently removed it. “You do that when you are unsure. Whatever it is we will figure it out together.”

  “Together.” She sighed. “I don’t know if I tell you what I am you’ll want that.”

  “What?” He frowned.

  “I’m going home. Home to Texas.” She went to bite her lip and stopped. “I’ll keep this place to come too whenever I want but,” She paused. “Texas is home.”

  He studied her and she tried to read what he was thinking and couldn’t.

  “Ok.” Monroe leaned closer. “I’m not going anywhere. When I met you, I wasn’t even sure if you lived here. When I saw you the second time I didn’t know then either but it didn’t matter the geography of where you lived. I was still interested, and that is not changing now.”

  Joy burst through her and she pulled him to her kissing him. Brianna pushed him back and reached for the hem of his t-shirt.

  “Wai — “

  “No I’m ready.” She made sure to stare into his eyes and say it again. “I’m ready. I need you, Monroe.”

  He inhaled and then he reached for her. Silent he removed her clothing then stood and did his own. Monroe grabbed protection from his pocket then came to her. Hands shaking she reached for the latex he held then put it on him. She scooted back and settled on the couch then watched him. Monroe gazed down at her body and she held in her instinct to cover up. The scarring wasn’t as bad as it had been since her surgeries but they were still visible. He leaned down and kissed along her hip on the scars there. She blinked fighting back tears. Monroe kissed along her skin and to each scar and puckered skin. Each touch heightened her pleasure and made her heart pound.

  “Brianna.” He whispered against her skin.

  She moaned and arched as he nuzzled under her breast. Monroe moved up along the plump flesh and nibbled on her nipples. She grabbed the back of his head and grabbed. He smiled against her skin then continued nuzzling and suckling. She rocked against the couch wanting him. Monroe continued what he was doing then went to the other breast before going along her body and kissing her scar while heightening her need for him.

  “Now.” She demanded.

  Monroe moved over her and settled on her. His eyes were a deeper green from his need. In a slow motion he slid into her. She moaned and held him as he moved. Brianna arched to meet him and he thrust deep. They moved in time together and she dug her nails into his back.

  “Brianna.” Monroe groaned then kissed her.

  She opened and stroked her tongue along his then deepened the kiss. He thrusts quickened as he took her. She met him and gasped at each sensation of him filling her. Sliding her legs up his hips she held him tight and moaned as her lower belly went tight. She whimpered as pleasure filled her.

  Monroe watched her eyes go unfocused as she found release. He stroked again and groaned and joined her. She held him as he shuddered under the pleasure. Monroe rested on her and tried to relearn how to breathe. Being with Brianna was so very easy. That she was a resident of Barefoot Bay had seemed like fate bringing her into his life. Now she was going back to Texas. Yes she would still have this place and come to visit. And he would definitely not let her go but he’d miss her when she was not here. They would do the long distance and he hoped that she wouldn’t pull away from him. Hope what they built until she left was strong enough to withstand the distance that would be between them.

  “Monroe.” Brianna said softly.

  He lifted his head and looking at her face. Yes I will make this work.

  “Let’s go to bed.” She said.

  That she was asking him to spend the night made him happy. Really happy. He rose and disposed of the condom before he went to her. Brianna rose to join him. He pulled her close and kissed her. Picking her up he waited, and she wrapped her legs around him. He carried her out the room.

  They would work. When she went back to Texas, they would do the long distance thing. With that set in his mind he turned his attention to pleasuring this woman who was his.

  * * * * *

  Monroe shrugged into his shirt and looked at the time. He would be late to Brianna’s, and he didn’t want to miss any time he had with her. The time for her leaving was clocking down. She had decided to go back with Ashley. It was less than two weeks until then.

  He turned and stopped. “Whoops almost ran you over.”

  It made him think of how he and Brianna met. He smiled.

  “That is a good look on you.” His dad said softly. “I’ve been happy to see it.”

  “Yeah.” He studied his dad and how at ease he was. “You look good too. So happy here.”

  His dad winced. “Son,” He blew out a breath. “I let you all convince me leaving Texas was for the best. To get away from the memories and I will admit for a while it was good. But Texas is home so when we have this place up and running fully then hire competent people to run it I’m going home to Texas.”

  “Texas and going home again.” Monroe rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “I’m hearing that a lot lately.”


  “Nothing.” Monroe hugged his dad. “That’s fine dad. You can go home to Texas.”

  None of them had sold any of their homes they had there. They each had made their own homes in Texas to suit them. Their parents had lived in the home they had grown up in and the thought of selling hadn’t even been considered. His dad he knew would go home to there.

  “When do you want to go back?”

  “We are going back in a few months. I figure about another six months and everything will be running well here.”


  “You’re brothers, you and I.” His dad gave him a look. “All of us need to go home. Yes Barefoot Bay is wonderful, but it’s not our home. Texas is. I’ll be talking to your brothers too. I can see they like it here but their heart is in Texas. As mine is.” He put his hand over his heart.

  Monroe shook his head. “I’m happy here.”

  “Son, you are running from the pain of your mama’s dying. The memories that our hometown has of her.” He looked at him. “I was too and now it’s time for us to stop running. Time to cowboy up and get back to our lives.”

  His dad patted him on the back. Monroe watched him leave and gulped. He didn’t want to believe what his dad said. He looked at his watch and hurried out.

  A few hours later he woke and glanced at Brianna sleeping beside him. He was glad he hadn’t woken her. He slid his arm from around her and then got out of bed. He pulled on his boxers and went to the door leading outside. Monroe went out and then sat on the top of the steps. He stared out at the water. The sound soothed him. He closed his eyes and imagined his ranch in Texas and a longing for it and his horses filled him. The workshop he had built for himself to work on projects at home. The sight and sounds of the place that was his then the idea of his mother not being there made his breath stall. He leaned forward and curled into himself.

  “Monroe.” Brianna said softly.

  She touched his back, her hand against his heated skin. She sat beside him. Monroe turned to her then laid his head in her lap. She stroked his hair.

  “I miss my mama so much.”

“You will miss her no matter where you are. Here or when you come visit me in Texas. Wait will it be too painful for you to come there. I can come here instead.”

  He sighed at her words. She would do that for him.

  “I’ll have to come visit, anyway.” He laughed. “My dad and all my brothers maybe moving back to Texas.”

  “Oh. Well Ashley will be happy about Elroy being in Texas.”

  He lifted up. Brianna gaze was steady.

  “You didn’t ask if I was going back too.”

  “I didn’t need too.” Brianna touched his cheek. “You said you would need to visit. So that tells me you will be staying here. Now let’s go back to bed it will be an early day.”

  “Yeah, yeah I’m going running with you at the crack of dawn. Why are we doing that so early again?”

  “I need to get my word count in. I have a book due soon.”

  “Ok.” He stood and then pulled her up.

  She smoothed the short robe she wore. Monroe put his hand on her leg and slid his fingers along her bare thigh. Her eyes widened then that wicked light filled them.

  “Bed! Now!” She pulled him back inside.

  He went willingly.

  * * * * *

  Monroe smoothed his hand over the piece of wood then stopped and sat back. Usually making furniture made things he was thinking about clear in his mind. Or made him calm when nothing else did—except speaking with his mama and that wasn’t an option but he could imagine what she would say.

  Stop being a dunderhead and go home. And the home she meant was Texas. But although that would work for him and Brianna not being apart he didn’t believe that anything could be that easy. Life didn’t just all come together, so you got what you wanted all nice and neat. Look at what happened to his parents. His dad never expected to be without their mama and he was. Life was hard and there was nothing easy.


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