Love and Misfortune

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Love and Misfortune Page 19

by Kitty Parker

  Tessa looked at Jerry, who was still out cold; she nodded, but encouraged Parker to hold the cloth to his own shoulder to stop the bleeding. She peered out of what used to be the door and screamed with all of her might for Uncle Quinn. Immediately he gave a reply which enabled her to sigh with a bit of relief. Parker must have been right. When she was sure that Uncle Quinn was on his way, she went back to Parker.

  Until he arrived, she sat with Parker, holding his hand as he lay quietly on the dirt. She also made sure to keep her eyes on Jerry, who could be very dangerous if he awoke. Uncle Quinn didn't take long to arrive, and Tessa had never been happier to see another person.

  "He's shot," Tessa said quickly.

  "I heard the gunshot. I was actually headed in the wrong direction so I spun myself around and headed toward you. What did you do with the shooter? Did he run away?"

  "No, I hit him in the head with a pan, he's right there," Tessa pointed with her head, still tending to Parker.

  Uncle Quinn laughed, "Good work." He stepped over Parker, and put handcuffs on the unconscious Jerry. Then he walked back to Parker and knelt down beside him. "Are you alright, Park?"

  "From what I can tell, it's just my shoulder, but I don't think I can stand up on my own," Parker said in a whisper. Tessa pressed tighter on his shoulder, afraid that he was losing strength because of his loss of blood. He cried out in pain, but Tessa continued with her pressure, knowing it was best for him.

  "Tessa and I will get you to the car; Keith is waiting at the entrance of the shanty town. We weren't sure what was going on, so we thought it'd be safer to bring it along."

  "Where's my dad?" Parker asked weakly.

  "Sadie said he was at the hospital, she and Julia came to get Keith and me. I told them both to go get Eli after we left, hopefully he's home by now," Uncle Quinn informed them. Parker nodded slowly, then put his head back on the ground and stilled.

  "Will he be okay to move?" Tessa asked, watching as the color seemed to drain out of Parker's face.

  "He's gonna have to be, we have to get him out of here. Tessa, you just make sure you keep pressure on that shoulder while we walk."

  Uncle Quinn stood and secured Jerry quickly to the only thing in the shanty that wouldn't blow over with a strong wind, a pipe that stuck out of the dirt floor. "I'll come back and get Jerry once we get Parker into the car. Keith can drive you home and Eli can take it from there. I'll come back for Jerry and take him in, you witnessed him shooting Parker, which should land him in jail for quite a while. I think he'll be unconscious for a while; you did quite a number with that skillet." Uncle Quinn put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, making her feel a bit better. He gave a quick nod then moved next to Parker. Putting his hands under Parkers arm, he motioned for Tessa to do the same.

  Uncle Quinn lifted Parker up and Tessa struggled under his weight, but was careful to maintain the pressure on his shoulder. They stumbled through the shanty town weaving their way back through the twists and turns of intertwining streets that made up the makeshift village. Tessa breathed a brief sigh as she recognized the automobile that had delivered them to the movies several weeks earlier. Keith was sitting on the hood, watching carefully. When they came into his view, he sprung up, leaping to take Parker from Tessa.

  "What happened? I heard the gunshot, I thought it was..."

  "Me," Tessa finished silently.

  Keith paused and nodded solemnly then continued toward the car. Tessa opened the door to the backseat and climbed in beside Parker, pressing the saturated cloth to his wound once again. He grimaced with her action, but tried to smile and she knew it was his attempt to reassure her. She brushed another fallen hair from his forehead, and was thankful when she felt Keith start the ignition. The car pulled forward as he pressed down on the gas pedal and Tessa filled with relief. Keith couldn't drive fast enough for her liking, she wanted Dr. Sullivan to tell her that Parker would be okay, and that Jerry hadn't caused any lasting damage. She wasn't sure what she would do if that wasn't the case.

  Chapter 29

  Tessa stood back as Keith pulled Parker from the car and supported his whole weight into the Sullivan house. Once inside, he called for Dr. Sullivan, who came quickly and pushed himself under Parker's other arm. He showed no sign of surprise, but looked determined to get his son back to the examination room. Tessa followed them into the small room, and watched as the men helped Parker situate himself on the hard looking pallet.

  "Tessa, could you please go find Mrs. Sullivan and let her know what's happened. I want to get started on Park right away, he's already lost a lot of blood, I'll feel much better once that bullet is out and I can get stitches through the wound."

  Tessa felt her stomach lurch, "Me? I don't think I can, it was all my..."

  Dr. Sullivan took a step forward and reached for Tessa's now bloody hands, "Don't you dare say this was your fault sweetheart. Mrs. Sullivan won't think it is either. Just let her know so she can be praying for me and our boy."

  Tessa nodded, agreeing to give the bad news to the woman who had become so special to her. She had no idea how she was going to explain what happened, or how Parker had gotten himself into the middle of it. She couldn't believe that it had happened, and she wished more than anything that she was the one lying inside that room on the operating table. After all, she was the cause of all this trouble; Jerry's bullet should have hit no one but her. Steeling herself for the announcement she would have to make, she walked through the house in search for Parker's mother.

  Mrs. Sullivan was rocking on the back porch, quietly knitting. It was the last place Tessa looked, but now that she found her, she realized it was the only place she would be. When Mrs. Sullivan heard Tessa at the door, she put her work down and looked up. "Oh, Tessa! I'm so glad you're alright, we were so worried." Her yarn and needles clattered to the hard wood of the porch as she rose to hug her. While in her embrace, Tessa couldn't find the words to explain what had happened. "Oh my dear," Mrs. Sullivan exclaimed, pulling backward, "you're all scratched up. And are you bleeding? Your hands..."

  "Mrs. Sullivan," Tessa said, gulping for air as Parker's mother inspected her stained hands. "I have something to tell you."

  "Okay, dear," she said kindly, sitting back down in the rocking chair, keeping Tessa's hand in her grasp. Tessa was grateful that she was sitting, but wished she wasn't smiling at her the way she was. Everything about her expression showed how grateful she was for her safety, but all that would change when Tessa explained who had been sacrificed to keep her as safe as she was currently.

  "I was kidnaped by Jerry Poteck, the man who attacked me before. Parker found me, but Jerry had a gun," she watched as Mrs. Sullivan's face fell. Panic overcame her features, and Tessa rushed to finish, not wanting to leave the woman in uncertainty for long. "Parker was shot."

  "No!" Mrs. Sullivan croaked with a gasp, tightening her grip on Tessa's right hand.

  "He's still alive; your husband is working on him right now. He was hit in the shoulder, but he lost a lot of blood. He was still awake when Keith helped him inside, but he's real pale."

  "Oh...Oh, Park!" her hand went to her mouth.

  Tessa left her own chair and knelt in front of her taking her other hand, watching as the woman silently cried in front of her. "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry," Tessa choked on the words, breaking down into tears.

  Mrs. Sullivan leaned forward and put a hand on Tessa's head, "Oh, honey, it's not your fault. Parker wanted more than anything to see you safe."

  Tessa sniffled and tried to speak through her tears, "I'm terrified; I won't be able to live with myself if he doesn't make it."

  Mrs. Sullivan reached for Tessa with both of her hands, and gestured to the seat beside her. Tessa pulled herself up off of her knees and sat next to Mrs. Sullivan, who pulled her in tightly. Mrs. Sullivan kept both of her arms around her and they both cried together. Tessa knew that Mrs. Sullivan was just as upset, but she stayed beside Tessa silently comforting despite her own grief.
Tessa felt safe in this woman's arms, safe in this household, and safe with Parker. She hoped that she would have the chance to tell Parker that she would stay. Of course, she would have to find a way to pay somehow for all they were doing for her and her family, but she would stay. She didn't have any other choice, and even if she did, there was no where she'd rather be.

  It felt like they sat there for hours. The tears faded after a while, but they remained, cuddled together on the narrow rocking chair, feeding off of each other for the comfort both needed. The screen door on the back porch squealed, which threw Tessa and Mrs. Sullivan straight upward. Dr. Sullivan stepped out of the house, small blood spots spattered on his shirt. His expression was hopeful, "He lost some blood, but the bullet didn't shatter the bone and I was able to get it out easily. I'm sure he'll sleep for quite a while, but I expect him to be just fine."

  Tessa felt Mrs. Sullivan sigh and felt her absence as she rose and fell into her husband's arms. Dr. Sullivan's arms surrounded his wife as she wept into his shoulder, and he just stood, unmoving, willing to be exactly what she needed in that moment. As she watched, a thought crept into her mind that took her by surprise. She realized how badly she wished she could hug Parker. She knew that if he were to hold her the way Dr. Sullivan was holding his wife, she would never want to leave his arms.

  Not wanting to interrupt the Sullivans, but needing to see with her own eyes Dr. Sullivan's good news, Tessa stood, "May I go see him?"

  Dr. Sullivan looked over his wife's head, "Of course, Tessa."

  Tessa gave a weak smile then walked back into the house. She moved quickly to the door of the examination room. She found Parker laying on the exam table, his shirt removed and a large bandage on his shoulder. More color tinted his cheeks which Tessa was sure was a good sign. She pulled the stool up to his left side and took his hand in hers. As she sat, she stroked his hand and watched as his chest rose and fell rhythmically. Sadie, Lucas and Emma came in shortly after and she was pulled from the room with their badgering and questions. Apparently, Julia had kept them upstairs as they waited to hear Parker's prognosis. Tessa made a note to make sure she thanked her friend for that time later. Leaving the examination room proved incredibly difficult, but she promised to return departing with a squeeze that was more for her own reassurance.

  * * *

  Tessa pulled her robe tighter around herself as she snuck down the hallway of the Sullivan home. She had never crept around their house this late at night, but she couldn't manage to fall asleep in her own room, there was far too much on her mind. Carefully counting the doors, making sure she wasn't about to intrude on someone else's sleep, she turned the doorknob of the third room down from hers.

  Praying that the hinges of the door would refrain from squealing as she pushed it open, she stepped into the room, aware of how loud her footfalls were. It wasn't that she was afraid of waking the person in the bed, but more that she didn't want anyone else in the house to know where she was at such a late hour, as it was incredibly improper. As the bed came into view, she felt her legs carry her faster to its side. Parker lay there quietly, the only movement was his chest slowly rising and falling with his breath.

  Dr. Sullivan had assured her that Parker was fine as he and Uncle Quinn struggled to get him upstairs and into his own bed. Parker hadn't stirred as the men bobbled with him up the stairs. She wondered if it had been so difficult to get her upstairs when she was injured, but then she smiled, remembering how easily Parker swept her into his arms to carry her downstairs.

  Taking a deep breath, she entwined her fingers with his open hand, hoping it wouldn't wake him. It felt good to have his hand in hers, reassuring almost. Remaining quiet, she brushed her thumb across the top of it, never letting go. Feeling the need to speak, she brought her other hand and placed it atop the hand she was already holding, leaning on the bed with her elbows.

  "Park, I'm sure you can't hear me, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I say this. I'm so sorry for going to the library today. I didn't even think about the consequences. Of course Jerry knew we went to the library on Thursdays, it was the only day he had to wait for us for dinner. We never missed a week; I thought it was important for the kids to have some kind of schedule, something to look forward to, something to be thinking about. We had a lot of special days throughout the week and I wouldn't doubt that Jerry spent his time stalking each and every one of those places, waiting for us to resurface.

  "What I didn't realize, was that he was so upset by our leaving. I've been naive enough to believe that he would be ashamed of the way he treated me the last time I saw him, now I know that wasn't true. I also know that while Uncle Quinn assures me that Jerry Poteck will spend a great deal of time in jail, that I can never go back to the shanty town. Even if Jerry's not there, it's not safe for me or the children. I guess I've been on my own for so long, that I've forgotten the danger of being a single woman living in such a harsh place. And I've also forgotten how to accept the kindness of those who have my best interest at heart.

  Your request of me was wise, and I know you made it out of concern for our well being. I'm sorry I was so stubborn; I know that I need to work on that part of myself. It's always served me well, kept me distanced from things and people I knew could hurt me. Park, I know you could hurt me," she felt herself blush, even though she knew he wasn't listening. "I don't mean to say that I think you will hurt me, but the feelings I have for you... I've never felt this way about anyone before, not even Lou. I think the realization of that fact also made me realize how badly you could hurt me. Not that I think you would!" she added hastily for emphasis.

  "I suppose I'll never be able to forget the intensity with which my mother loved my father, and I'll also never forget how greatly he disappointed her after losing his earthly possessions. I just thought that if I never let anyone in, if I kept myself closed off, that I'd be keeping myself safe. But you wove your way into my heart without my permission or my help. I'm sorry for causing you so much pain," her hand moved to his shoulder, lingering above the wound she knew was entirely her fault.

  Tessa felt better about getting her thoughts off of her chest, but still didn't feel as though she'd be able to sleep in her own room, away from Parker. Instead, she let her head fall onto his bed, his hand still held tightly in her own. Perhaps after sitting for just a few more minutes she would feel better about his condition. Worry had filled her head all day. She knew she could trust Dr. Sullivan, she also knew he would keep a careful watch over his oldest son, but she couldn't keep her thoughts at bay. She had lost so many already, people that she had loved so desperately, so completely. And now, as she snuggled her head beside Parker, she realized that she loved him just as deeply, and as sleep began to curl in around her thoughts, she prayed that he would not be taken from her, she needed him.

  Chapter 30

  "Tessa?" A voice filtered through her fog of sleep. "Tessa?" She lifted her head to see Mrs. Sullivan leaning over her. Why would she be waking her up? A thought burst into her mind, Parker.

  "Did something happen to Parker?" she asked, the panic in her voice unmistakable.

  Mrs. Sullivan smiled, "No my dear, but perhaps I should be asking you about Parker."

  Tessa sat up, confused, and found herself encumbered by something attached to her hand. Swiftly she looked to find what was holding her hostage, and found Parker's fingers still entwined with her own. A slow blush crawled up her neck and onto her face. Taking a deep breath, she released Parker's fingers, reclaiming her own hand, then turned to face Mrs. Sullivan, who had an entertained sparkle in her eyes.

  "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Sullivan. This is a most inappropriate situation. I promise I did not mean to fall asleep in Parker's room."

  "Holding his hand," Mrs. Sullivan added, nodding her head toward her son as she spoke.

  Tessa felt her blush intensify. She was absolutely mortified. Here she was, staying in this woman's home, who had been nothing but gracious to her, and now here she was actin
g without propriety, with her son! As she forced her eyes to Mrs. Sullivan's, another thought crossed her mind. With her own realization of her love for Parker, she knew that if he asked her to marry him, she would accept, and if she was going to marry him, Mrs. Sullivan would become her mother-in-law. Could she hope that she would ever forget such a humiliating blunder?

  "I don't know how else to apologize. I only wanted to get some things off my chest last night, and I accidentally fell asleep."

  Mrs. Sullivan walked closer, placing a hand to her son's forehead, then returned her gaze to Tessa, who was watching her every move. "I don't want you to feel badly about it, my dear. I'm sure Park didn't even know you were here. And, from your position, I could tell that there was nothing compromising about your intentions."

  "But, I shouldn't have even come in, it's highly inappropriate for me...."

  "Not another word, I actually think it's very sweet," Mrs. Sullivan said with a smile, "I'm glad someone was here with him. I would have stayed up all night myself if it wasn't for my husband reminding me that Parker would need my attention during the day, and to give him my best I'd need to be well rested. Seeing as Parker is doing as well as can be expected, why don't we go get ourselves some breakfast."

  Tessa threw a fleeting look at Parker, who did look a bit better this morning. There was a great deal more color in his cheeks, and his breathing appeared to be as even as it had been the previous night. As she looked at him, she forgot that his mother was in the room, and carefully brushed a fallen hair off his brow. Mrs. Sullivan cleared her throat, and Tessa spun around, again feeling the heat in her face.

  "The sooner we get breakfast, the sooner you can come back and tend to him. I won't have you starving yourself on my watch, it wouldn't serve me well to have two patients to tend to," she said with a laugh.


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