In The Eye Of The Moon

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In The Eye Of The Moon Page 11

by Mara Lee

  Rex advanced and bared his teeth. “So, now you die, Airek.”

  A cool wind rushed through the room and startled its occupants.

  “Two against one, hardly fair, is it?” Sheila stood at the entrance of the room, gloriously naked and bathed in lamplight. She shook her hair out and it cascaded down her naked shoulders like raining fire. She made a motion with her hand and Sira stepped forward. Both women were shimmering as if they had been sprinkled with fairy dust. The Loopin energy grew and moved out from their skin in great waves. The men shied back from the light and force.

  Sheila embraced the growing power and the chills that crawled up her skin. She had done it. She had tapped into the animalistic strength that she had within her and had unleashed a force unlike any she had ever known. Knocking her prison door down had been an easy feat once the power was upon her.

  “My Lupe,” Airek's voice was reverent. His eyes were alight with pleasure and the knowledge that his mate was truly becoming a whole Lupe.

  “This stops now,” Kristoff growled and began to approach the still-glowing women.

  Sheila's mouth curved up into a smile. Her emerald eyes grew dark and stormy and she put a hand up, immediately stopping Kristoff's advance. “I do wish to advise you against this course of action, Kristoff.” Sheila drew Sira to her side and ran her hand down her smooth arm. The energy in the room grew stronger, the pressure more insistent. “I wonder when was the last time you saw a true Lupe bind another's aura to her?” Sheila caressed Sira's breast and the other woman seemed to purr. “I discovered something very interesting, boys. My power is sexual in nature.” Sheila twisted Sira's nipple and smiled. “My energy and raw power grows with Sira's excitement.” Sheila nuzzled Sira's neck and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “This is ridiculous. No Lupe has ever been able to drain another's power before,” Kristoff said. “I know you wanted to fuck this one, Rex, but no lay is worth this aggravation.” Kristoff lunged forward and suddenly found himself pinned to the far wall by an arc of pure crystallized energy. His disbelieving eyes shot to where Sheila was standing. “Not possible,” he grimaced as pain shot through his stomach.

  Sheila clucked her tongue. She held her hand up, effortlessly keeping Kristoff in place. “I told you to reconsider your current plan, Kristoff. But obviously you are rather thick-headed.” Sheila ran her tongue across Sira's lips and they both gasped as static electricity moved between them. Sheila probed Sira's mouth with her tongue and began to passionately kiss the other woman. She dropped her hands and began to run them up and down Sira's arms. Sira gasped and Sheila chuckled. Sheila bit Sira's neck gently and sucked the soft flesh into the warmth of her mouth. She kept her eyes fixed on Rex's stunned form. The rogue Loopin was hard as stone and fairly bursting. Sheila was aware of what she was doing to Rex and she reveled in it. He deserved to be tortured after all the trouble and pain he had inflicted. “Airek, my love, are you all right?”

  Airek nodded. His body shifted slowly into human form. “I am now, Sheila-mine. It seems that you have truly found your inner animal.”

  Sheila nodded and beckoned him forward. “Join us.”

  Airek didn't hesitate. He limped forward and linked his hands with Sheila's and Sira's. He stared Rex down.

  Sheila looked at Rex mockingly. “Now, I believe the odds are fairer.” Sheila reached down and cupped Airek's heavy balls; they were tight in her hands. His cock was hard and hot and ready. She leaned forward and nipped his neck. He tasted of blood and sweat, a heady combination. Sheila watched as the energy swirled and flowed around the three of them. The addition of Airek to the little group had only strengthened the force that had been building. Sheila knew that Rex and Kristoff had no chance. They could not compete with a Lupe's sexual power.

  Sheila whispered into Airek's ear. “Let us be done with this so we can get home and fuck. I need you.”

  Airek laughed heartily. “I've created a monster. Your beast might eat me alive.”

  Sheila growled at him, but her eyes were laughing. “If I eat you, I guarantee it will be a pleasurable experience.”

  Rex stepped forward, claws extended. He howled in anger when he came up against a formidable force field. “You hide behind a woman, Airek? Have you no shame?”

  Airek grinned. “Ah, but that is where you are wrong. Sheila is not just any woman. She is grand Lupe of the Pack, the first Lupe in centuries to call sexually to another Pack member's beast.” He slipped his hand down her thighs and caressed her aroused flesh. “You and I will have this done, Rex. But tonight, tonight Sheila came into her power and it is glorious to behold. I shall grant you leave to fight me another night, if you prefer.” Airek sighed when he saw Rex's expression. “So be it. We finish this now.” Airek kissed Sheila passionately and slapped her backside. “Sheila-mine, now I must go and kill Rex. You will stay out of this, it is between Rex and me.” He saw Sheila's angered face. “If Kristoff makes a move towards us you may take him out. Otherwise leave Rex to me. Do you understand?”

  Sheila nodded, grudgingly. She knew that this was something that Airek had to do himself, she just didn't like it. “I understand. Now go and kick his ass.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Sheila's head lolled to the side and lay comfortably against the car seat of the black BMW that Airek, Sira and she had taken from Rex's garage. It wasn't as if he was going to be using it anymore. Airek had quickly laid Rex low, the rogue Loopin could not compete with Airek once Sheila and Sira had combined their energies to keep the fight fair. The result was that Rex lay dead by Airek's hand and Kristoff had fled into the night. Sheila had begun to sprint off after Kristoff when Airek had stopped her. His eyes were filled with pain and hurt and his words had been heavy. He had bade Sheila not to follow Kristoff. The rogue Loopin had no Pack, and thus he had nothing; he would not get far. There had been too much death already and Airek did not want Kristoff's blood on his hands. He already felt the loss of his cousin's death keenly. He had given Rex a choice, life or death. Rex had chosen death. Airek could not turn back the clock, he could not bring his cousin back, but he could strive to bring the Pack peace from this day on.

  His bonding with Sheila had made them the strongest mated pair of any Pack he knew. There was no alpha male more powerful than he, and no Lupe who was able to combine sexual energy and redirect it to physical power like Sheila. They would, together, bring their Pack peace and happiness in this modern world.

  “We are home, my love.” Airek said quietly.

  Sheila lifted her head up and saw that they were indeed back at the cabins. Airek's cabin was lit up like a tree at Christmas. The Pack members were all gathered on the porch, awaiting their leader.

  Sheila felt an overwhelming sense of calm and rightness as she studied the scene. She was home. She had found her place in this world, she had found her people. “They heard your call, Airek.”

  Airek nodded. He had sent ahead his call, to alert his Pack as to their coming. As a result his entire Pack lay in wait for them. “Come, we have much celebrating to do, Lupe.” Airek led Sheila from the car. He strode up to the cabin and smiled at the gathering crowd. One by one his Pack knelt down. They honored him as their Alpha, and they honored Sheila, they had felt her power. “My people,” Airek's eyes were filled with love and pride.

  “Sira, Sira my darling,” Thane cried. He rushed to Sira's side and swept her up in a giant bear hug, raining kisses all over her face. He looked into her eyes solemnly. “Are you all right my love?” His face had turned stormy. “He didn't hurt you?”

  Sira returned her lover's kisses. She wrapped her good arm around his neck and her legs around his waist and held on. She smiled into his angry eyes. “I am fine. I have endured much worse.” She looked with love and fondness to where Sheila stood with their Alpha. “Sheila saved me. She saved us all.”

  Thane's eyes went wide. “Sheila?”

  Sira laughed. “Yes, Sheila. She came into her power, Thane. It was incredible to behold.

  “But it is not the full moon. She should not have turned.”

  “I know, but her power is such that it could not be restrained. She was able to tap into her Loopin power before the final change.” Sira shivered as she remembered the feel of Sheila's lips upon hers. The pleasure had been so intense, matched only by the feel of Sheila's skin under her own tongue. When Sheila had peaked and found her pleasure Sira was certain she had never seen anything as beautiful as her Alpha's mate, at the moment of her orgasm.

  “You have a peculiar look on your face, my darling.” Thane said, smiling.

  Sira licked her lips. “I shall tell you all about my adventures, later. Now, let us listen to what Airek has to say.”


  Airek was in an extreme state of sexual frustration. He wanted nothing more than to tackle his beloved to the ground and drive into her body, but duty called. He had to address the Pack, and such matters took time—time in which he could be fucking his Lupe senseless. He was not aware that he was scowling until Sheila pinched his arm and gave him a look. He cleared his throat and masked his annoyance. It was not his Pack's fault that he was horny as hell and had no patience.

  “Airek?” Sheila looked at him inquiringly.

  Airek cleared his throat and tore his gaze away from Sheila's chest, her breasts were two perfectly shining globes and he longed to run his tongue down their smooth surface. “My people … I present to you our Lupe, Sheila.” Airek waited until the howls died down to continue. “This eve Sheila came into her power. She is the first Lupe in many centuries to be able to bind and use sexual energy to harness power. She reached her final turn without the moon cycle, such is the strength of her power. Kneel to your new mistress.”

  Sheila smiled. Great waves of satisfaction rolled through her body. There was no discomfort now. There was no feeling of misplacement; she was exactly where she was born to be. Sheila was Lupe of the clan and Airek's bitch. Sheila took her cue from Airek and stepped forward into the waiting throng. “I am honored to take my place amongst you.” Sheila looked back at Airek, who smiled at her encouragingly. “I am honored to be the mate of Airek. Together, Airek and I will bring the Packs closer together. We will rule wisely and prudently.” Sheila smiled brilliantly when the Pack erupted into giant cries and cheers.

  “Tonight we will celebrate with a fire dance.” Airek held up a hand to stop the cheering. “All are welcome. Let us bask in the warmth of the Pack.”

  * * * *

  The bonfire shot sparks of orange and pink to the skies. It crackled and sang with life, producing scorching heat. The Pack took their place around the fire, hands held, heads bowed in a submissive manner. Airek and Sheila approached the fire. Airek's silver hair gleamed brightly in the moonlight and Sheila's naked form was truly resplendent in its natural state. Airek lifted his head and let out a howl that cut through the night. He turned to Sheila, eyes glimmering brightly. “Let's dance.”

  Sheila smiled and nodded. She watched as Airek gave the signal and the Pack began to dance around the bonfire. She found that the movements came easily to her. It didn't matter that she had never participated in a celebratory Pack dance; she knew the steps as truly as she knew her place amongst this wild Loopin clan. Sheila felt a tug on her hand and looked up to see Airek staring intently into her eyes. “Yes?” she asked, impishly.

  Airek's body was screaming and yearning. His heart pounded with the rhythms and beats of the Loopin dance and the desperate need to feel his Lupe against him. With one cursory look at the Pack's dance he pulled Sheila into the dense forest.

  Sheila pulled her hand out of Airek's grasp and quickly dashed further into the forest. She could hear the pulsing of the woods and smell the earth, alive and vibrant all around her. She knew that Airek was close on her tail. His footsteps had turned quiet and muffled and Sheila knew that he had shifted to his wolf form to track her. She quickened her movements and began to run full speed through the wood. Tonight was a night of celebration. If her Alpha wanted her, well then, he would have to catch her first.

  Sheila sensed the clearing before she saw it. She dove behind some thick brush and took several deep breaths. She craned her neck and saw a giant silver wolf break the clearing. She couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her face. Airek was magnificent. He was a superior tracker and had located her in a matter of minutes. She crouched low to the ground and slowed her breathing down. He hadn't caught her yet.

  Airek sniffed the ground and howled. His Lupe was near, he could smell her. Her scent clung to the air and intoxicated him. He had been euphoric when she had dashed away from him. She desired a chase; he was so proud of her. He was also more than happy to fulfill her desires, for he loved the thrill of a good chase.

  Sheila was quick and agile, even more now, since she had completed her full change into Lupe. She had sprinted through the forest like a gazelle and leaped over logs and brush easily. But Airek knew that he was Loopin and that Sheila was his bitch. In the end, nature made sure that the two found one another.

  He was close to his Lupe now. Dodging behind a thicket of trees he scented the dirt to make sure she hadn't tried to trick him. He knew that Sheila was clever; he wouldn't put it past her to try to backtrack on him. Sheila knew that he was a great tracker and perhaps she would try to use that to her advantage. Airek smiled, Sheila wouldn't want to make the chase that difficult, he could smell her lust in the air, and she wanted him. She wanted him to find her.

  Airek lifted his head suddenly. There, there she was. Airek dashed across the clearing and leaped onto a mess of rocks. He walked slowly across their surface and looked down—ah ha.

  Sheila swallowed and flattened herself against the rocks and the brush. She felt the earth, cold and comforting under her cheek and heard her heart thumping loudly. She could also hear Airek, light as he was, scenting for her. He knew that she was near. Then, suddenly, her teeth clenched and her heart stopped; he was here.

  “The chase is over, Lupe,” Airek growled, his voice was muffled and hoarse through his wolf's form.

  Sheila flipped over, so that her back was against the ground and she was looking straight up toward the sky. Airek hovered over her, perched on the large rock formation. “Admit it, I give a great chase.”

  Airek easily jumped the large distance from the rock to the ground and landed gracefully on his feet. He nuzzled Sheila's side. “You give a wonderful chase.” He stepped away and let his body stiffen and morph into human form. He stood gloriously naked in front of his chosen mate. “Now, it is time to reward the hunter.”

  Sheila looked at him arrogantly. “Oh?” She laughed. “What if I wanted to be caught, what then does that say about your famous tracking skills?”

  Airek's eyes widened. She was questioning his tracking skills? No, she was being saucy. He grinned. He liked her this way. He liked when she showed her claws, it excited him. Airek dropped to all fours and began to crawl towards her. He saw her shiver and could smell her anticipation. When he reached her side he drew his hair down her chest and wrapped the strands around her tautened nipples. He followed the path of his hair with his tongue and lapped at her hard buds with his tongue. He knew that she was already hot for him, her moans told him so.

  Sheila loved Airek's rough tongue on her skin. The bit of pain produced waves of sensation and unbelievable pleasure. She could feel the movements of his tongue all the way through her sensitive body and her pussy was already wet with her juices. She moved her hand between her legs and began to stroke the wet folds eagerly. She couldn't wait to feel him inside of her.

  “No, not yet,” Airek growled. He pulled Sheila's hand away and bit her neck. He heard her whimper and laughed. “You don't get off that easily, my love.”

  Sheila swore. He thought this was easy? She dug her hands into his flesh and bit her lip to keep from screaming in frustration. Why wouldn't he touch her? She hitched her hips up toward him and moved them in slow erotic circles. She knew it would excite him.

sp; Airek groaned and stilled her hips with his large hands. “All in good time,” he said.

  “The time is good, now!” Sheila insisted. She gasped when Airek took her nipple into his mouth and began to suck. She wrapped her legs around his hips and urged him forward. She wanted more. “Please, oh Airek, please.”

  Airek straddled Sheila and took her head in his hands. He ground his hips into her supple body and watched as her eyes began to dilate. He was tormenting her, and he loved it. Moving down her body, he nipped the undersides of her full breasts and massaged her hips. He trailed his mouth down to her navel and licked her belly button. Sheila moaned helplessly and Airek smiled against her tender skin. He parted her legs, and gloried in her wet and pink flesh; she was beautiful. Airek licked her slit, slowly. He caught each of her shivers on his tongue and continued to lap at her soft, flowing flesh.

  Sheila tossed her head relentlessly from side to side. She was going crazy. Her movements were frenzied and she needed Airek to plunge deep inside of her. She raked her hands down his back and ground against him. She felt the dirt, moist and fragrant against her back and heard the singing of the forest around her. She had never felt more alive, more apart of the earth and its inhabitants as she did at this moment. Finally she couldn't take it anymore; she needed Airek with every breath in her body. She dug her hands into Airek's luscious hair and pulled at the silky strands, hard. She felt Airek shiver and heard him moan into her pussy. She in turn began to shake. “Oh God, Airek, ohhhhhh,” her cries were lost on him. Airek plunged his tongue deeper into her flesh and squeezed her thighs mercilessly. Sheila whimpered, arched and began to spasm. Her heart was pounding fiercely. Her head was light and sweat poured off of her body. She screamed, long and hard and clenched her legs around Airek's head.

  Airek kissed Sheila, letting her taste her essence on his lips. He gave her no time to recover and drove his cock to the hilt, into her receptive pussy. He caught her scream with his mouth and plunged his tongue past her moist lips to duel with her tongue. He pumped steadily into her, forcing himself not to go hard and fast, as his body was screaming at him to do.


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