His: MMF Bisexual Holiday Romance

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His: MMF Bisexual Holiday Romance Page 9

by Chloe Lynn Ellis

  I glance at the armchair, expecting to see Luke, but he’s not there. I wonder for a split second why I can hear his breathing, but then I feel hot breath on the back of my neck, getting my answer. It comes an instant before he turns my head and kisses me.

  I moan into his mouth, unable to help myself. Ginny’s body tightens around me as she watches us, tugging at my hips to pull me deeper into her.

  “You look so good fucking her, Aiden,” Luke says softly, and I think I’m going to come right there. And then I feel Luke’s fingers tease at the crack of my ass. Oh, fuck.

  I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t dreamed about Luke fucking me—it’s been on my mind almost since our first dinner together. We’ve been fooling around like teenagers, but it’s only ever been hands and mouths, never him inside me. And now, with Ginny wrapped around my cock, Luke is whispering in my ear, telling me how much he wants to fuck me, how much he wants to fill my ass.

  “Beg me for it,” Luke growls into my ear, loud enough for Ginny to hear. She wails, and the sound is so hot my hips jerk forward involuntarily, plunging even deeper into her. The sensation makes me almost dizzy with the pleasure of it, and when Luke slides a lubed finger against my ass, it’s almost more than I can stand. “Say it,” Luke demands as he slips a second finger into my ass, opening me up.

  “Fuck,” I groan. It’s all too much, it’s all too good. “Luke,” I pant as he works his fingers deeper inside me. “Luke, I need you to fuck me,” I manage to grit out. “Fuck me, fuck me now, I’m begging you.”

  Luke’s fingers slide out of me and I bite back a groan of disappointment. But then the fat head of his cock is sliding along the crack of my ass, pressing against my entrance, and I am gone.

  My hands tighten on Ginny’s hips as I feel Luke press into me, slowly filling me up. There’s a blinding, burning sensation as I stretch around him, taking his thick length, and it’s all too much to bear. Ginny is bucking against me, and the feel of her around my cock while Luke slowly fills my ass is… is… there are no words. I feel like I’m on fire, wrapped up in a feedback loop of sensation. And then, when Luke takes hold of Ginny’s legs, pulling her toward him as he thrusts into me, so that I’m trapped between them and the three of us are rocking together in an insane, intense rhythm, all connected, I feel like I’m flying. I’m spiraling up and up, so fast I can hardly believe it, so high that Ginny’s wails mix with Luke’s satisfied grunts, and my own ragged moans to create an orchestra of ecstasy.

  “Come for me,” Luke demands, his voice ragged as his hand rakes down my chest and across Ginny’s thigh. “Both of you, I want to watch both of you come for me.”

  Ginny shudders and tightens around my cock, her face almost too beautiful to look at as she comes, and then Luke brushes up against a place inside of me that makes white light explode behind my eyes. Something in me breaks, and I’m groaning, pistoning into Ginny as I come, waves of pleasure ripping through me over and over as I feel Luke bite down on my shoulder, my body muffling his shout.

  We collapse together onto the couch in a tangle of kisses and sweaty, aching bodies, with barely enough energy in us to dispose of our protection. I lay my head on Ginny’s breast, hearing her heartbeat as Luke wraps his arms around the both of us. I look at my two beautiful lovers, and for the first time in my life, I feel complete.

  I belong here.

  Chapter 9


  A week out from Christmas, and the Prudential Center is packed with shoppers. Christmas decorations spill from every available surface, and the air is full of carols and the scent of the different restaurants. I pull Aiden into the relative quiet of a tea shop near the center court; we’ve been out for hours, and I want a break.

  Aiden sips at his cup of chai as we catch our breath from the whirlwind of shoppers. “We could have done all our shopping online,” he says. “Skipped all the crowds.” He gives me a small smile; he’s not complaining, just concerned about all the people.

  I pull him down into a short, gentle kiss. “I told you,” I say with a smile. “It’s more fun to take you out. Besides,” I tease, “I need your keen gift-selecting powers.”

  Aiden flushes with pleasure, and I mentally congratulate myself on finding him. He truly is beautiful, inside and out: sweet, caring, even if he is an utter brat. I mean it, what I said about enjoying taking him out; he still might have flickers of insecurity about our relationship, but I am utterly delighted with my boyfriend. The word doesn’t really seem to do justice to what we are, both to each other and to Virginia, but it will have to do for now. And speaking of Virginia—

  “There’s a jewelry store I want to check out,” I tell Aiden. “I’d like to get your opinion on something for our lovely lady friend.”

  “Hey, lead the way,” Aiden says with a smile. He drains the last of his tea and tosses the cup into the trash bin, and I slip my hand into his as we make our way toward the jewelry store.

  “I was thinking maybe something rose gold,” I tell Aiden as we walk. “To complement her coloring.”

  “That would be nice,” he says thoughtfully. “You thinking like a necklace?”

  I was originally thinking of a bracelet—something to go along with the minimalist white gold wrist cuff I intend to purchase for Aiden—but now that he mentions it, I like the idea of a necklace better. Something delicate and simple, perhaps a little chain with a pendant. Yes, I like that idea very much. It’s much too early to be thinking of collars, for either of them, but I won’t deny I’ve been daydreaming about it, about claiming these two forever despite a relatively short acquaintance. And I don’t daydream, as a general rule. “That’s a good idea,” I tell Aiden.

  Aiden grins, obviously pleased. The way he basks in praise warms my heart; the idea that he’s heard so little of it in his life that he opens up at the slightest word from me hits me deeply. “Well, shit,” he laughs. “That’ll be a damn sight nicer than what I was planning get her.”

  My curiosity is piqued, a common occurrence with Aiden around. “Oh?”

  Aiden fishes in his pocket for his phone and hands it over to show me a website. It’s a t-shirt, oversized and rosy pink. Virginia is for lovers, it reads in a flowing white script with the state’s image below the legend. I can’t help a chuckle. It’s so simple, and strangely, so perfect. A joke for the three of us, a shared secret.

  I hand the phone back to him. “She’s going to love that,” I tell him. “Not to mention it’s going to look fantastic on her.” My dick twitches at the thought of her in my oversized sweatshirt, the way it barely covered her great ass.

  Aiden grins at me. “Yeah, I was thinking about that,” he says. “Big old t-shirt, pair of panties, and nothing else…” He trails off, his smile turning dreamy, and I clap him on the shoulder.

  “Looks like you’ve found a present for us, as well as for her,” I joke with him.

  He laughs, but the sound turns into a grunt of pain as someone bangs into him from behind, hard enough to drive the wind from him and spill the bag of Christmas lights and garlands of green we purchased for the apartment.

  “Hey, watch where the fuck you’re—” the man snarls, turning over one broad shoulder as he passes. Then he freezes. “Aiden?”

  Aiden’s face has gone white, then red. His mouth is working like a fish. I step slightly in front of him, putting myself between the two men. There’s a family resemblance—a strong one. The same eyes, the same strong jaw and cheekbones, similar height. But this man has none of Aiden’s thoughtful carriage, none of his kindness in those eyes. “Luke Anders,” I say. “You are?”

  The man blinks at me. “You get yourself a bodyguard, Aiden?” His face is an ugly, sneering mask.

  I snap my finger under the man’s nose, shocking him into looking at me. It’s the kind of trick I wouldn’t even use on a dog, but I don’t exactly have high hopes that this man can comport himself like a human being. “You knocked him down,” I say. “I want you to apologize.” I gesture to Aiden
, who is bent down to scoop our decorations back into their bag. He’s keeping his face down toward the ground, but I can see that his ears have gone red.

  “So what?” the man says. He looks away from me, to Aiden. “Talking to you, Aiden,” he says.

  Aiden looks up, meeting my eyes. He shakes his head very slightly. I turn back to the man. “He clearly doesn’t want to talk to you,” I say. “Now apologize.” My tone makes it clear that I’m not asking.

  “He’s my fucking brother,” the man snarls. “I’ll talk to him if I feel like it.”

  I take a step toward him, close enough to touch him if I feel like it, and very subtly crack my knuckles. “He doesn’t want to speak to you,” I repeat, letting my voice drop into the low, commanding register.

  The man sees something on my face and recoils. I advance. “And, given that you and your family disowned him because of your own stupid, misguided bigotry,” I continue, my voice slow and clear, “I think we can agree that you’ve forfeited your right as a sibling.” The man opens his mouth like he’s going to speak, to come back at me with something and I cut him off with a wave of my hand. “I suggest you accept that sooner rather than later, for your own sake.”

  The man—I have a hard time thinking of him as Aiden’s brother—curls his lip at me. “Is this fancy fuck your homo boyfriend, Aiden?” he says.

  I snap my fingers under his nose again and he jumps. “Stop doing that!” he yells.

  “He doesn’t. Want. To talk to you,” I say. “And yes, I’m Aiden’s boyfriend, not that you deserve to know that.”

  He opens his mouth as if to speak, but I cut him off. “Aiden is an incredible person,” I say. My voice is raised, but I don’t care. “He’s intelligent, and kind, and genuinely good. It’s obvious to everyone who loves him. And if you idiots could see past the ends of your own bigoted fucking noses, it would be obvious to you, too.” I turn my back on the man, sure he’s too much of a coward to do anything about it. “Aiden, I’m sorry you had to deal with this—you don’t deserve it.” I glance over my shoulder at the seething other man as I help Aiden to his feet. “But I’m sure we won’t remember this for long. After all, Aiden,” I tell my boyfriend, “he doesn’t matter.”

  Not something I would normally say about family, but as far as I’m concerned, Aiden’s brother doesn’t deserve the title.

  I wrap my arm around Aiden’s shoulder and we walk away, letting the Christmas crowds behind us swallow up his brother, putting him out of my mind so I can focus on what does matter.

  “Are you all right?” I ask Aiden once we’ve been walking for a few minutes. He looks at me, tears in his eyes. “Come here,” I say, pulling him into my arms. “He’s nothing, his shit opinions don’t matter.”

  “I’m not crying because of him,” Aiden says, looking up at the ceiling and blinking back tears. “I’m crying because you stood up for me, Luke.” He looks at me, smiles weakly. “Nobody’s ever done that. You just—just told him off, you didn’t question me, or try to make me apologize, or try to make me compromise who I am… you just went to bat for me. Thank you.” He lays his head on my shoulder as I hold him.

  “Always, Aiden,” I tell him. “We’re in this together, now. Let’s go home.”

  He’s mine. And I always take care of what’s mine.

  Chapter 10


  Less than a week from Christmas, and I realize something that I never expected: I’m happy. Like, actually happy. I mean, as much as I can be—my heart still aches for my parents, but now, I don’t feel the same despair that I did a few days ago. I wish I could see them, tell them about my life: for the first time in a long time, I have something I actually want to share, actual good news for a change.

  Luke, Aiden, and I are so new, I’m probably being stupid, but it just feels… right, somehow. I can’t really explain it. It feels like we cracked some kind of code.

  I left Luke’s apartment way earlier than I wanted to on Sunday; I’d agreed to pick up an early shift to cover Kendra so she could catch a flight home. But far from dragging like I expected to, my shifts lately seem to fly. My mind is wrapped up thinking about Luke, thinking about Aiden; nothing that happens, from the cute but screaming toddler to the couple arguing at one of the window tables, seems to bother me. My smile is bright and easy, a far cry from the weak, ghost of a smile I’ve been forcing onto my face for the past few weeks. And if Tucker is totally avoiding me, refusing even to meet my eyes? That’s just frosting on the cake.

  I get a text about halfway through my shift; it’s Luke, inviting me to come over after I finish up from work. I warn him it’ll be late, since the restaurant is staying open later to accommodate holiday diners, and his response that makes it abundantly clear that he expected that and doesn’t care. Something to look forward to, definitely. I can’t help but feel the wild flutter of butterflies in my stomach, dancing across my nerves.

  Not to mention the totally crazy level of arousal I’m feeling. After what we did this past weekend, I can’t even guess what Luke has planned. I’ve never had sex like that in my entire life—I mean, obviously, I’ve never been with two men at once before, but it’s even more than that. I’ve never been so completely satisfied in bed, never gotten everything I wanted without compromising one way or another. Aiden’s tender, worshipful lovemaking, Luke’s control of both of us… yum. And now that we’ve all gotten tested and are totally clear, the idea of fucking my men without barriers is making me crazy.

  I race home after my shift, rushing through a shower and my hair and makeup before dashing out the door again. On my way, I get another text from Luke. Stop by the management office in my building before you come up. I left something for you. Ooh. Well now, what could that be?

  The envelope I pick up at the property office jingles softly, and I open it to find a key. My heart rate goes into overdrive as I ride the elevator up to the penthouse and fit the new key into Luke’s door.

  I knock, hesitate when I hear nothing, knock once more, and then finally let myself in. The lights are on, and I can hear soft voices coming from the master bedroom. I return the key to the drawer I’ve seen him keep it in, ditching my coat and shoes, and then pad down the hallway softly. Maybe I can surprise them. The thought makes me smile as I gently push open the bedroom door.

  I freeze in my tracks. There, on the huge bed, is Aiden, naked and tied down at wrists and ankles with padded cuffs. A black silk blindfold covers his eyes. Luke is standing next to the bed, shirtless and bent over Aiden, talking softly into his ear. His voice is so low that I can barely make out any words, but judging by Aiden’s squirming I can imagine how filthy they are. Whoa.

  I watch, silent and transfixed, as Luke begins to slowly stroke Aiden’s hard, gorgeous cock. I didn’t have much time to admire Aiden’s naked body last weekend before he was inside me, but I’m definitely enjoying the view now. Heat floods between my thighs, an electric, tingling ache that I can’t resist.

  And yet, at the same time, it’s not just desire that I feel. Those butterflies in my belly are back in force, flitting around inside my chest. I feel like fireworks are going off, little bright explosions of joy. I thought maybe I’d feel jealous watching them together, but all I feel is this wonderful warmth.

  The realization hits me like a cartoon anvil. Oh my God—I’m actually falling for them, for both of them. And as weird as it is, it makes so much sense when I think about it. Luke is the sexy, dominant protector I crave; Aiden is the sweet, strong man I ache for. Together, they’re everything I need; they’re perfect for me. And I… I’m perfect for them.

  Almost holding my breath, I slide my hand down my body, slip it under the waistband of my cute skinny jeans and into my black lace panties. I bite back a hiss as my fingertips reach my throbbing clit. I know I should let them know I’m here, that I’m watching, but it’s just so hot having my own private show like this. As Luke’s hand speeds up, so does mine, until I’m sure the wet sound of my fingers working is lo
ud enough to give away my presence. I’m so close, faster than I ever thought would have been possible; when Aiden’s hips start to buck—thrusting up into Luke’s hand—and Luke responds by tightening the straps, I can’t stifle a moan.

  It’s what gives me away. Luke’s hand stops, and Aiden groans in frustration. Luke turns to me slowly, a wicked smile spreading across his gorgeous face. “I thought you’d be able to keep quiet longer than that, Virginia,” he says.

  I feel my cheeks heat; I thought I was being so sneaky, but he must have known that I was there the whole time. Somehow that makes it even hotter, that he would play a game like that. Luke’s blue eyes are hungry, and I realize that he loves the fact that I was watching.

  “Aiden,” Luke says, “our lovely lady has arrived.”

  Aiden turns his blindfolded face toward me, smiling. His cheeks are flushed, and his lips look bruised, like he’s been kissed with punishing force. Small hickeys are starting to rise on his neck… his chest… even one on his hipbone. “Hey,” he whispers, and my heart flutters at the sweetness in his voice even as my body thrills to the way his cock twitches when he realizes I’m here.

  “Come take over here, Virginia,” Luke instructs me with a smile, pointing to a spot on the bed next to Aiden. I move toward him obediently, but before I get there, Luke raises an eyebrow, his eyes raking down my body appreciatively, and adds, “Naked, please.”

  Aiden, still blindfolded, moans at Luke’s words, his deliciously hard cock jerking against his stomach, and I catch my breath, flooded with excitement. I can’t wait to do whatever it is Luke has in mind for me—for us—and I strip for him as quickly as I can, and then join Aiden on the bed.


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