Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance Page 39

by Bella Winters

  With trembling fingers, I slid open the envelope. A scrap of newsprint fluttered down to the floor, with a note pinned on top of it. My heart was pounding as I squatted down and picked up the piece of paper.

  My jaw dropped. “Oh my god,” I muttered under my breath. “It’s Alessio. I can’t believe this!”

  “Who?” Heather squinted. “Beth, what are you talking out?”

  A low moan escaped my lips. The photo showed Alessio, standing in a homeless shelter and food pantry, with his arms around two homeless people. He was grinning smugly, and the caption read: “Amoruso Gives Back! Local Food Giant Visits Soup Kitchen.”

  The note pinned to the scrap of newsprint read: “Beth – so you think I can’t change? Watch me. Alessio.”

  There was a winky face next to his name. I groaned. My stomach twisted into knots and I sank down on the floor, clutching the piece of paper in my sweaty hand.

  “Wow,” Heather said slowly. “What’s all this about? Beth, what’s going on?”

  I looked up at her and bit my lip. “I slept with Alessio Amoruso,” I said softly. “He’s out of jail.”

  “Obviously,” Heather said. She rolled her eyes. “But what’s really going on?” She squatted down next to me and put her hand against my forehead. “Beth, you can tell me,” she said softly. “I promise – I won’t care.”

  I stared at her. “You…you don’t care that I slept with him? Heather, he’s the man responsible for killing Michael!”

  Heather shrugged. “I mean, it’s weird,” she said slowly. “But whatever, Beth, I don’t judge you. You know that.”

  I sighed. Having told Heather my predicament – or at least, part of it – felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Still, it felt a little odd having acknowledged the truth out loud.

  “I don’t know,” I said helplessly. “He made me promise that if he proves that he can change into a good man, I won’t testify against him in court. He said that his lawyer is almost certain he’s going to be pinned for Michael’s death.”

  “Wow,” Heather said softly. “That’s heavy, girl.”

  “It is,” I said. “I wasn’t even thinking when I agreed – I couldn’t believe that he was serious. Heather, this is all so fucked up. I feel so guilty!” Tears came to my eyes and I wrapped my arms around my knees and hugged them to my body. “I just wish I knew what to do. Everything feels like I’m betraying Michael, and I don’t want to do that, but at the same time, it’s not like I can just turn off how I feel.”

  Heather rubbed my back. “It’s okay,” she said softly. “You’re doing the best you can in the best way you know how.”

  Hot tears splashed over my cheeks and I bit my lip. “I just wish I felt like that,” I said. “I wish I could stop feeling so guilty!” That’s when I started to sob in earnest.

  Heather pulled me into her arms and rubbed my back. “There, there,” she said soothingly. “Everything’s going to be fine, Beth. I promise.”


  I cried in Heather’s arms for hours, until I tired myself out. I must have fallen asleep, because it was getting dark when I opened my eyes. My mouth tasted like stale snot, and my sinuses were still clogged from crying so hard earlier.

  “Heather?” I called. “You here?”

  I yawned, then climbed off the couch and flicked on a light. There was a note from Heather, saying that she was out shopping for groceries and that she’d be back soon. I frowned – I wasn’t exactly looking forward to facing her after my little crying jag, but I still wished that I wasn’t alone.

  The buzzer sounded, making me jump. I frowned and walked over to the buzzer.

  “Hey, Heather, did you forget your key?”

  There was a pause.

  “Beth, it’s Alessio,” Alessio said. “I want to take you to dinner. Please get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten minutes.”

  My heart leapt but my brain said no. “I don’t know…” I trailed off. “I don’t know if this is a good idea, Alessio.”

  Alessio’s voice snickered into the intercom. “Come on, Beth,” he said. “You’ll like it – I promise.”

  I sighed. My stomach did feel empty, even though I knew accepting a date with Alessio was like accepting a deal with the devil.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll be down soon.”

  An hour later, Alessio and I were seated in the dining room of the Russian Tea Room. Despite all my time in New York City that I’d spent hanging out with rich people, I’d never been before. Alessio seemed pleased when I told him, and he wasted no time ordering a lavish spread that included a delicious cold duck appetizer and a full caviar service. He hadn’t even let me look at the menu, but instead ordered almost everything.

  “So you can choose,” Alessio said grandly. His dark eyes shone in his handsome olive face.

  I spooned some caviar and cream onto a blini before folding the delicate pancake and eating the whole thing in one bite.

  “This is incredible,” I said honestly. And it was incredible. I’d never tasted food like this before. Despite his insane fortune, Michael had never developed a taste for dining out. He liked cheap fast food, like Five Guys, but that was about as gourmet as he got. And whenever I’d asked to spend money on a fancy dinner, Michael had always made me feel like a gold-digging criminal.

  Alessio smiled darkly. The look on his face sent a shiver down my spine – even when he looked happy, he was still intense and almost scary. When I felt his hand inching up my bare leg under the table, I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

  “I’m enjoying myself, too,” Alessio said. His voice was hoarse with lust. His dark eyes focused on my breasts and I blushed, suddenly glad that I’d chosen such a revealing dress to wear.

  I licked my lips. “So,” I said casually. “You’re volunteering with the homeless now.”

  Alessio smiled ironically. “I have to prove that I’m a changed man,” he said. He raised one eyebrow and I blushed hotly. “And I believe it’s working.”

  “Not a chance,” I lied. “It just seems like such an obvious attempt, Alessio. You’re going to have to work a lot harder if you want to impress me.”

  “Oh, the lady isn’t so easily impressed,” Alessio said. He snickered, making me feel like a little kid. “Well, be assured, Beth, I’m capable of working very hard.” His hand gripped my thigh and I whimpered softly as his fingers inched towards the crotch of my panties. My pussy was soaked and desperate for Alessio’s touch and my clit was throbbing. I closed my eyes and moaned softly as Alessio stroked his thumb over my pussy, rubbing me gently through the material of my panties.

  “Alessio,” I moaned softly. “We’re in public!”

  “I know,” Alessio said. He smirked. “It isn’t my fault if you can’t help responding to my touch.” He slid a finger inside my panties and into my waiting pussy. It felt so good that my eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned softly, spreading my legs and thrusting my hips forward in my seat.

  The waiter breezed past the table and I jumped in my chair. I cried out and wriggled away from Alessio’s fingers. He licked his lips and watched me, seemingly aware that his dark stare made me both lustful and shy.

  Alessio brought his fingers to his mouth. He sniffed them, then closed his eyes and leisurely sucked the finger he’d slid inside of me. Watching him enjoy the scent of my pussy musk sent a hot thrill through my body and I shivered.

  “Does the lady feel like dessert?” Alessio raised his eyebrow. He looked down at the dessert menu.

  I shook my head. “Get the check,” I whispered. “I need to be alone with you.”

  Alessio’s eyes flashed with dark passion. “Yes ma’am,” he said slowly. “I believe I can do that.”

  I’m falling in love with you, I thought as I searched Alessio’s face for any hint of emotion. And I don’t know how I can stop myself before it’s too late.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Alessio and I had wild, crazy sex in the
back of his limo that left me panting and craving more. By the time he dropped me off at home, I was so tired that I fell into bed still wearing the remains of my dress. Hooking up with Alessio is bad for my wardrobe, I realized with a smile as I drifted off to sleep. He keeps ripping up my clothes…I’m gonna really need to go shopping soon.

  In the morning, I woke up in a better mood than I’d felt in a long time. It was a beautiful day outside – the sun was shining and it was unseasonably warm for the winter. I made myself a big pot of coffee and sat by the window, sipping and just enjoying the morning sun.

  I knew I should feel guilty about being so involved with Alessio. But being around him was like being on an incredibly addictive drug. I couldn’t think straight – I couldn’t even see straight when Alessio’s powerfully hypnotic eyes focused on me.

  My phone buzzed and I smiled. I can’t believe he’s calling me again, I thought as I reached down and grabbed it. It hasn’t even been twelve hours. Maybe men really can change.

  “Hey,” I said. A smile spread across my face. “Didn’t think I’d be hearing from you so soon.”

  There was a cough – a distinct sound that I knew wasn’t coming from Alessio. My heart sank and my cheeks reddened.

  “Beth, this is Detective Aberson. I’m sorry to ask on such short notice, but would you be available to come down to the station? I’d like to speak with you.”

  My cheeks burned flame red and I nodded mechanically. “Of course.” My voice came out as a squeak and I coughed, clearing my throat. “I mean, of course,” I said smoothly. “When?”

  “Today,” Detective Aberson replied. “This afternoon. In about an hour, if you’re free.”

  My eyebrows flew up and I blinked. “That is soon,” I said. “Are you sure this can’t wait?” My heart was pounding and a cold taste of fear seeped into my mouth. “I mean, I can come in later this week, maybe that would be better?”

  “Today, Beth,” Detective Aberson said. For the first time, his voice sounded truly cold. I shivered.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll be there soon.”

  An hour later, Detective Aberson met me at the police station. We shook hands, then he led me into the same room where I’d spoken with him before. I was so nervous that I was shaking.

  Detective Aberson looked deeply into my eyes, like he was searching for something hidden.

  “We’re very close to pinning Amoruso down,” Detective Aberson said. He cleared his throat. “I know this has been a long time to wait for you, Beth, and I wanted you to know that we’re sorry.” He smiled grimly. “The wheels of justice turn slowly, so they say.”

  I nodded. “It’s fine.” There was a lump forming in my throat and no matter how many times I swallowed, it was still there.

  “Do you have anything you’d like to share?”

  “Excuse me?” I squeaked loudly. “What?”

  Detective Aberson frowned. “Have you noticed anything unusual, Beth? Has Amoruso tried to contact you?”

  I shook my head. “No,” I lied. “I don’t know anything about what he’s doing right now.” That, at least, was technically not a lie – Alessio hadn’t mentioned any plans for his day.

  “Okay,” Detective Aberson said. “Well, I get that you’re still working through a lot of grief, Beth. But this is very important to us. I’m counting on you to testify – that’s what’s going to play on the jury and send that scum to prison for the rest of his life.”

  I nodded mechanically. “What if…” I trailed off, biting my lip. “What if the family retaliates against me for speaking up? Couldn’t they come after me, and make my life miserable?”

  Detective Aberson frowned. “Well, that is a possibility, but they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if they were to try anything like that,” he said slowly. “Are you really that worried, Beth? When we spoke before, you were very determined to do this.”

  I nodded. “I know,” I said slowly. “I’m really sorry, Detective. I think I’m just afraid.”

  Detective Aberson nodded. He closed his notebook. But when I started to rise from my chair, he held his hand up.

  “Not just now, Beth, if you don’t mind. I’ve got a few things I’d like to say first.”

  My heart slammed against the walls of my chest and I gaped. “Are you kidding?”

  “No,” Detective Aberson said. He smiled, but it wasn’t entirely happy. “I wanted to speak to you about guilt.”

  I blushed. Oh my god, I thought. A wave of panic crested over me and I shivered. He knows. He knows all about me and Alessio together. He’s going to tell me that I’m in trouble now, that I won’t be able to testify because I’m too close. And then I’ll get in legal trouble for lying! Oh my god, what if I go to jail?

  “Beth,” Detective Aberson said slowly. “Six months is a long time. You may have moved on from Michael…I noticed you’re no longer wearing your ring.”

  “His father asked for it back,” I said sourly. “I couldn’t exactly refuse.”

  “Ah, well, you really shouldn’t feel guilty…you know, if you’ve begun to move on from Michael.” Detective Aberson looked directly in my eyes. “It’s very natural, Beth.”

  I nodded. A numb feeling was spreading through my limbs. I couldn’t tell if Aberson was playing me or not – was he just waiting for me to break down and confess that I’d been sleeping with Alessio? Or was he trying to play good cop, and get me to admit it freely.

  “I have started to move on,” I said slowly. “But no one will ever mean what Michael meant to me.” I cringed – the phrase sounded so cheesy aloud. But I hadn’t exactly meant it in a way that was entirely positive. I knew that I would never feel the same way about anyone that I’d felt about Michael.

  But I already felt stronger about Alessio than I ever had about my former fiancé.

  “Well, that’s natural,” Detective Aberson said. “Just remember, you need to do this, Beth. Try thinking about it as closure.”

  I nodded. “Okay,” I said. I shifted in my seat. “Can I go now?”

  “Yes. Of course. You know the way out?”

  I nodded gratefully. “Thanks,” I said.

  As soon as I was outside on the street, I grabbed my phone from my bag and called Alessio. I didn’t expect him to answer – after all, it was the middle of the day. But I wanted to see him. I wanted to reassure myself that my feelings were real, that Alessio and I had a passionate bond stronger than anything I’d ever thought possible.


  “It’s me,” I said quickly. “Can you pick me up? I need to see you?”

  “Of course, Beth,” Alessio said. His voice was low, and listening to the way he said my name sent shivers of lust down my spine.

  We hung up and I waited on the street for Alessio’s limo.

  It didn’t take him more than ten minute to reach me, which was incredible by New York standards. As soon as the long, sleek, black car rolled up to the curb, I bit my lip and climbed inside.

  Alessio was sitting there with a cigar in one hand and a drink in the other. He looked good in a white cotton shirt that showed off his deep, olive tan. He raised an eyebrow.

  “Doing okay?”

  “Take me to a hotel,” I whispered as I slid onto Alessio’s lap. “I want to be alone with you.”


  Alessio grabbed my body and threw me down onto the big, soft bed of the penthouse suit. We were at the Plaza Hotel – Alessio had called and reserved a room as soon as I’d told him that I wanted to be alone with him. There hadn’t been time for games or chatter, just endless making out that left me with a swollen clit and stiff, throbbing nipples.

  Alessio climbed on top of me and I moaned softly as his muscular body pressed me down into the bed. His mouth covered mine and he kissed me so deeply that I couldn’t breath. I cried out with lust as I wrapped my arms around my neck and pulled our bodies as close together as possible. As Alessio kissed and nibbled his way down the bare skin of my neck, I arched my b
ack and wrapped my legs around his waist. This was the first time that we’d been together outside of his limo, and it felt oddly strange and intimate. Sunlight was filtering through the tall windows of the penthouse suite and I closed my eyes as Alessio made his way down my body.

  “I want you,” I murmured huskily. Alessio trailed his fingers up my denim-coated thighs, then fumbled with the snap of my jeans and pulled them down my hips. I was wearing new panties – a sheer lace thong – and I could feel the crotch was soaked with my arousal juices. A musky scent filled the room and I closed my eyes as Alessio spread my legs and kneeled between my thighs. He lowered his face to my belly, nudging up my shirt with his nose and kissing the exposed skin until I giggled and blushed all over.


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