Smirk: A Stepbrother Romance

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Smirk: A Stepbrother Romance Page 10

by Wilde, Ora

  “No, no, no... please lady... I’m so sorry...” he cawed as he covered his head.

  “Phoebe... let’s just leave him be,” I told her once more. “He wasn’t able to steal anything. No harm done. I’m sure he won’t do it again. Let’s not let this ruin our night.”

  Though it has already ruined my plans. Shit!

  She gave him a dagger look before replying to me.

  “I guess you’re right,” she said, much to my relief. “But if this jerk does something like this again...” she continued with a loud tone as she threatened to kick him once more.

  “No, no... I won’t, I won’t... I promise...” Tommy Body quickly assured her as he cowered in terror.

  “Okay then,” I uttered. “Let’s just... let’s just leave him here and go where we’re supposed to go.”

  She held my arms once more without looking away from her failed attacker.

  “This isn’t even worth two hundred bucks,” the idiot mumbled.

  “What did you say?” she angrily asked as she approached him once again.

  “He didn’t say anything,” I hastily intervened. “He’s probably hallucinating. Come, now, Phoebe. Let’s get out of here.”

  Thankfully, she walked with me towards the other end of Rodeo Drive where my vehicle was parked. She glanced back at Tommy Boy several times until he was out of our sight.

  “You’re too kind,” she spoke when we were halfway towards our destination.

  “What do you mean?” I asked her.

  “He tried to rob us, but you still wanted to let him go just like that.”

  “Well... I guess I may be too benevolent for my own good sometimes,” I fibbed.

  “He wouldn’t have stolen a lot, though,” she said. “I only have like ten dollars in my purse.”

  “What? Why were you so protective of it then? At the risk of your own life at that!”

  “Hello? It’s a Dolce & Gabbana! It’s my only branded piece. And it’s a hand-me-down from my aunt. Sentimental value.”

  “I see... but still...”

  “Heh! Only girls would understand.”

  “I guess so.”

  We reached the parking lot and I assisted her as she entered my Hummer. I went to the driver’s seat and drove away. I was lucky to have escaped that incident without being unraveled. But somehow, a part of me was furious. I wasn’t used to a monkey wrench disrupting my plans. And now, I had to devise a new course of action.

  I drove aimlessly for about five minutes, unsure of where I should take her, thinking about what I should do next. My mind was so clouded with frustration that I couldn’t come up with anything.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she noticed that we were driving around in circles.

  “Uhm... Phoebe... I think I drank a little too much,” I said. “Would it be alright if I bring you back home?”

  “It’s okay,” she replied. I felt the sullenness in her voice.

  I was supposed to make out with her in the parking lot, but Zack’s hired thugs were so incompetent that they ruined what I had in mind.

  It didn’t matter.

  I could drive slowly to give her enough time to cool down. Then, I could make out with her in front of her house.

  I’ve done that last weekend, anyway. And that night ended with me fucking a girl and breaking her heart.

  There’s no reason why it wouldn’t happen again.

  Chapter 20


  He parked on the side of the road in front our house, the same place where he waited for me when he picked me up earlier that evening. The lights at home were off. Mom was, most probably, already asleep. She had to wake up early tomorrow... a couple of clients to meet (her last few ones before she would wrap up her obligations), a resignation letter to submit, and a trip to the doctor for her bi-weekly checkup. Cindy must’ve gone home, as well, as my room was likewise dark.

  He kept the engine running, though, for the AC to cool the air inside his Hummer.

  He wasn’t planning on stepping out of the vehicle, it seemed. He had something else in mind.

  My head was floating. The alcohol’s effects were made even worse by the adrenaline rush I had after we left the restaurant. Those ruffians could’ve stolen my purse... one of my most cherished possessions. I rarely - as in very rarely - used this purse. I saved it for special occasions. And they wanted to steal it? I just couldn’t allow that.

  I noticed my voice slurring the entire ride, a sure sign that I was drunk. I still had full control over my faculties, but I felt that I was spending so much energy just to keep myself composed. I had some lapses, though. A few cuss words here and there, when I ordinarily didn’t curse. Allowing my fingers to caress his thigh just to feel the uncanny texture of his jeans because he told me it was a $700 pair of Evisus, without even thinking about how he’d take that gesture. Engaging him in what I thought was a harmless repartee that, now that I’ve thought about, actually sounded vulgar (“if you’d body bump me, my breasts would make you bounce back,” duh, what was I thinking?).

  His hands didn’t leave the stirring wheel for a minute or so after parking.

  And that made me quite anxious.

  What was he thinking at that moment? How to say goodbye? How to know if I had a good time or not? How to plan our next meeting? All he had to do was ask.

  Or was he pondering on something else?

  How to kiss me?

  No, no, no... that’s not even possible. He wouldn’t want to kiss me. Even with that stupid bet with Cindy’s cousin, he would have a very hard time forcing himself to kiss me. Besides, he gave himself until the weekend to win my heart and to win that gamble. And it was just Wednesday. Surely, he had other things planned before he’d try to make his move... and before I had to reject him. Yes, yes... other things... other fun things... other nice things... more things like tonight... more talks... more of his sweetness... more of his mystifying charm... more of him...

  His next move came without warning.

  He lunged his head towards my mouth, his lips quickly seizing my own.

  And as cornball as it may sound and as improbable as it may have seemed... time stopped. Everything around me froze, and all I could think about and all that I could focus on was the warmth of his tender lips pressing against mine... and the realization that it was something I dearly wanted and something that I didn’t want to end.

  His soft, soft lips traversed the contours of my mouth with a very methodical pace, resulting in a sensually escalating kind of thrill. He started with gentle touches that intensified into small bites. He allowed his tongue to wander, giving me a tease of the many amazing things he could do with it. He tasted me as his lips parted the opening of my mouth. His tongue went in as it tried to find mine.

  It didn’t have to.

  Much to his surprise... and mine, I willingly met his. Our tongues clashed with fervid motions that signified the passion that was brewing between us.

  It should’ve seemed sloppy. It was a thought that previously sickened me. Two mouths exchanging drool? I couldn’t believe that I was once disgusted just by thinking about it.

  But that kiss... his kiss... our kiss... it wasn’t sickening at all. It felt really, really good... and maddeningly addictive. I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want the night to end.

  So that’s what a kiss felt like, I thought to myself in between the pure bliss his lips and his tongue were giving me. No wonder it has been romanticized throughout the ages. It was a satisfying act... a reassurance of wanting and being wanted... a promise without words having to be spoken... a bonding of two souls that were once strangers... a prelude to love... the bridge between lovers...

  Then I felt something strange.

  His hand. His massive, massive hand.

  It was squeezing my breast.

  I opened my eyes and saw that his were still closed. He was so lost in the moment as his fingers slid inside the neckline of my dress and started to reach for my bosoms.
I wanted to stop him. I was so contented with his kiss. It didn’t have to go that far.

  I wanted to stop him, but I was paralyzed with rapture. His kiss... deep and brimming with ardor, forceful but permissive, possessive but liberating, wet and soggy and masterful in every way... I had no recourse but to surrender.

  His hand found my breast. He caressed it with his deft fingers, feeling its outline as if it was the most fragile piece of porcelain he has ever encountered. I felt the heat that emanated from his palm one moment, and the firmness of his knuckles the next. His hand danced inside my dress with the suppleness of a feather floating in the air. Inadvertently - or not, it didn’t really matter - his skin touched my nipple and my body immediately shivered in elation. He gave it a gentle squeeze with his fingers and I had no recourse but to moan. He stayed on it for quite a while, eventually drowning me in an ocean of euphoria.

  I didn’t even notice that his lips have left my mouth and have proceeded to my neck. He was licking his way towards my shoulder, towards the strap of my dress. He flicked the strap with his tongue, drawing it to my arms until it fell off. Down it went towards my elbow, bringing the top part of my dress with it... exposing my breast for his ravenous advances.

  That turned him on, I think, as the gentleness of his approach was replaced by wild, unbridled fervor. He quickly swallowed the entirety of my breast with his mouth, almost gagging as he probably miscalculated its size. He immediately regained his poise and continued to keep my bosom inside his mouth, sucking the air trapped around it, kneading my flesh in the process, his tongue lingering over my nipple... striking it, supping it, licking it, savoring it...

  It was a night of many firsts. Everything he did to me, I have never experienced before. In my heart, I was glad... I was glad that it was him.

  No, Phoebe! Wake up! This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!

  Yes... yes... I was supposed to stop him... I was supposed to deny him... I promised Cindy... I was supposed to teach him a lesson...

  But then, his other hand reached for the hem of my dress, lifting it up and exposing my thong. He longingly caressed my thighs before settling on the lower brim of my underwear. Then, he inserted his fingers and tried to look for my cunt.

  My cunt.

  Never have I used that word to refer to it, not even in my thoughts. But with everything that he was doing to me, with everything that he was making me endure... I started to feel dirty... the good kind of dirty... the I want you so much let’s fuck the entire night kind of dirty.

  My cunt.... how I’d love to have his rod inside my cunt!

  He found it after a second or two... my cunt. His fingers traversed the slit that led to the most sacred part of my womanhood. I felt so ashamed because I was dripping wet. But when he felt my dampness, he became more eager with his movements, as if it turned him on even more. His fingers spread my liquid across my slit, making the entire area slippery for his touch.

  Then he began to rub, and pure ecstasy followed.

  He kept moving his fingers up and down the gap between my legs, and I moaned louder with each and every pass that he made. My body began turning and twitching and stiffening, so much so that he had to press me down just to keep the pleasurable position he previously strived to find.

  Stop Phoebe! Stop right now! The more you allow him to do this, the harder it will be for you to finish the task you have to accomplish!

  “Stop... please stop...” I begged, groaning, my face a mixture of emotions... of yearning and hesitation and fear.

  He didn’t stop. He kept rubbing my cunt, with so much fervency. He kept sucking my breast with so much desirous intent. And he kept nibbling my nipple as if it was ice on a hot and humid day.

  He inserted one finger, and the exhilaration I felt quickly turned to pain... a joyous kind of pain, one that was simply beyond compare. His intrusion was like a knife that punctured a vital organ, though, instead of torment, it caused a terrible wanting for more; and instead of blood, more of my juices flowed from my womanhood.

  He withdrew his head from my breast, something which I found sadly frustrating. Then, his mouth approached my ear.

  “I want fuck you, Phoebe,” he whispered. There was determined craving in his voice. “I want to fuck you right now.”

  I wanted him to fuck me right there and then. But the voice in my head...

  It’s not yet too late, Phoebe! You’re a strong girl! You can overcome this! You can do what needs to be done!

  “W-Wait,” I told him as I struggled to speak.

  “Why?” he asked worryingly, as he stopped everything that he was doing. I whimpered in absolute disappointment.

  Tell him you can’t do it.

  “I... I can’t do this,” I told him with so much reluctance.

  “We’re just having fun,” he answered, as his hand started to caress my inner thigh once more.

  Tell him to stop. More firmly this time.

  “Hayden! I said I can’t do this. Please stop.”

  His hand ceased its adventurous expedition as he pulled his body away from mine. He looked at me quizzically, trying to figure out what was wrong.

  “If you’re going to tell me that you’re a virgin, that’s alright,” he shared his assumption. “I’ll be slow. I’ll be gentle. I just... I just want you so much, I just need you so much right now.”

  He’s spewing his poisonous words. You’ve been warned about this Phoebe. Be strong, girl! Tell him that things won’t work out between you and him.

  “Hayden... I don’t think things will work out between us.” I bit my lips as I uttered those words I knew I was going to deeply regret.

  I saw the look of shock on his face. He seemed like he was bewildered and angry at the same time. Cindy was right. He wasn’t used to being rejected. With how he was, though, I highly doubted if he has ever been rejected before.

  “Why do you say that, Phoebe?” he asked rather impatiently. “We’ve barely just begun. Can’t we give this a chance, at least?”

  Tell him you can’t.

  “We... We can’t, Hayden, I’m sorry...”

  “But why? Aren’t you happy with me?”

  “I am!” I exclaimed with all sincerity. “Oh God! Considering everything that has happened tonight, I still had the best time of my life... and it wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t with you.”

  “Then why?” he repeated his question. “Why can’t we do this? Why can’t we give ourselves the chance to find more happiness together?”

  Now, deliver the killing blow, Phoebe.

  “I...” I began to say, but I found it very difficult to continue.

  Phoebe! Now’s not the time to be weak!

  “I...” I said once more, but the words that I was planning to say next simply refused to leave my mouth.

  For God’s sake, Phoebe! Remember the plan! Remember what this asshole did to your best friend! This is your best chance to get back at him... for Cindy... for all the girls he has played with before. Just say it! Say the damn line!

  I looked at him once again... quite possibly for the very last time in my life. Cindy was right. He was dreamy eyed... his irises were the color of forest green, which I found so appropriate. Wild, untamed, yet possessing distinct serenity that was both enthralling and comforting. Those eyes, though... they seemed different at that moment. They didn’t convey the smugness he has become known for. They didn’t exude with the confidence that I have come to expect from him.

  His eyes... they looked so sad...

  “Why?” he asked again, almost muttering.

  Just tell him, Phoebe! Tell him right now!

  “I... I’m sorry, Hayden... it’s not you... it’s me.”

  It was then when his moroseness dissipated, replaced by terrifying fury that I thought he would unleash on me. He took a deep breath... of frustration and resignation and a pressing need to regain his poise... before starting to speak.

  But he was interru
pted by the sound of a car pulling over behind us.

  “You expecting company?” he questioned with a tone that was so cold and forbidding.

  “No. It must be the neighbor,” I said.

  He looked at the rearview mirror. Then his eyes widened, appalled by what he saw. He turned his head to look at the vehicle behind his Hummer.

  “Oh fuck!” he yelled. “What’s going on here?”

  “What’s the matter?” I asked as panic started to grip me. I turned to look at the car behind us. It was a white Bentley. Then I saw a middle-aged man alight from the passenger’s door at the back of the automobile. He started to approach us, with an authoritative stride that clearly showed the nobility of his heritage.


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