In the Billionaires Club

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In the Billionaires Club Page 13

by Burroughs, Anne

  They watched the sun slowly slide down as they stood naked, their sides pressed together and their hands resting on each other’s hip . Gin took a deep breath. She was incredibly turned on. The whole scene was deeply romantic while boiling with erotic potential.

  The sun disappeared, leaving behind a pale yellow that filled the horizon as it slowly dimmed. Before she could even consider what to do next, Rob turned and faced her. She turned, as well, looking up into his intense eyes. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

  Gin happily returned the kiss, and they pulled their bodies together, their hands caressing each other’s naked backs as they kissed. Gin could feel the shaft of Rob’s cock pressing against her body, getting harder as they kissed. Opening his mouth, Rob welcomed Gin’s tongue. As their tongues flicked and caressed each other, Rob’s hands slid down and caressed Gin’s ass.

  She slid her hand to the front of Rob’s body with the idea of stroking his cock, but at the last second she closed her eyes and tensed. This is not what I wanted to do. No sex, she thought. She was yearning for Rob so badly that she tried to convince herself having sex with him on his yacht was a good idea. This is not getting bent over and fucked. We will make love on the ocean under the stars.

  “What’s wrong?” Rob pulled away and looked at Gin. He looked concerned.

  Gin lowered her head. “I guess I’m just nervous.”

  “The person who described to me in luscious detail over dinner how she fucked three guys at one time is nervous?”

  Not knowing how to reply, Gin simply said, “Can we just go back and sit down for a moment?”

  “Sure, sure.” Rob took her hand again, and led her back. He intertwined his fingers with hers again. The fact that he looked concerned made Gin feel miserable. What am I doing? He cares about me. He wants to make love in this incredibly romantic location, and I can’t tell him why I’m saying no.

  They sat down, and Rob looked at her, concern on his face. Gin finally spoke. “I’m sorry. Maybe it’s the ocean. I just feel out-of-sorts.”

  “It’s okay. I wasn't thinking. I’m used to the sway of the boat, and I just assumed it was not a big deal, not realizing that someone else may get sick or feel odd.”

  “No. Please don’t blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. It’s not you. It’s me.”

  There was an awkward silence, and then Rob replied, “I usually hear that when women break up with me.”

  “Women break up with you?” Gin could barely believe it. He was handsome and rich and a good guy.

  Rob paused and then sighed. “Gin, what do you think of me?”

  The question caught her off guard, so Gin stammered, “Y- you’re a really nice guy.”

  “No. Be honest. You know my reputation. We spent a couple hours over a wonderful dinner. You know more about me than most. I laughed at your stories. You listened to mine. We had passionate sex at my apartment.” Rob touched her knee with his finger. “I think you know me better than just ‘you’re a nice guy.’”

  Taking a deep breath, Gin decided to go for broke and be honest. “I’ve seen your pain. How you lost your child, and what your wife did to you after that. You’re smart. You’re sweet. I really like who you are.” Gin paused, but when Rob didn’t say anything, she continued. “And I know your reputation. It doesn’t bother me.”

  Rob’s eyes went wide. “It doesn’t?”

  “No. You’re just looking for some closeness and intimacy in your life. I can’t even blame you after what happened with your wife.”

  “You are more understanding than most women.”

  Rob was being so open and earnest that Gin relaxed. We definitely have a connection where we can be comfortable with what we say. She smiled and added, “You’re rich. That’s also nice.”

  Rob laughed. “That’s another thing that most women don’t admit.”

  Gin grabbed the cover-up and started to pull it over her head. “Well, I just think it’s important to be honest.”

  “I agree, and that’s one of the many things I love about you, Gin.”

  After straightening the cover-up, Gin looked back and smiled wickedly at Rob. “I also adore your cock.” She knew she shouldn’t have said it, but she couldn’t stop herself. She wanted to spend hours just touching and kissing and holding and staring at it. Just making the comment aroused her.

  “Now that I do hear a lot.” Gin smiled at his bravado. What was the saying—“It’s not bragging if it’s true.” Regardless, the comment didn’t surprise her. “Let me ask you something, Gin.”


  “I need someone who really knows me and can accept me for who I am. I’ve been let down way too many times. I’ve heard the ‘It’s not you, it’s me” comment one too many times.”

  Cringing, Gin replied, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  Rob held up his hands. “No, it’s okay. I know you didn’t. But I do need to know: Can you accept me for who I am?”

  Gin took a deep breath. It was the kind of question you asked about or discovered after multiple dates. Yet Rob was asking it now. Why? And then it hit her. He feels the connection I do! There’s no other reason for him to ask that right now. How many women has he told the story of his wife to only to have them not understand the true depth of his pain? And then how many could deal with him sleeping around before he discovered his true feelings? None of them!

  With a renewed confidence, Gin replied, “Yes, Rob. I think you are a wonderful person. I love every moment we spend together. I don’t think there’s anything about you that I don’t find charming and sexy.”

  Rob’s smile lit up the darkening sky. “Thank you. You’re a special person, Gin.”

  Barely able to breathe, Gin could not believe how well everything had come together. She hadn’t even had to wait months. While they had not said “I love you” to each other, their intimate connection was clear enough already.

  Gin stared at Rob and wanted nothing more than to make love to him, to take their newfound connection and just revel in it. But just as she was about to go over and kiss him, Rob lay back on the lounge chair, stretching out his legs. “Let’s relax until we get back to dry land. You need to settle your stomach.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Gin reluctantly agreed. She had lied about her not feeling well, and she didn’t want to have Rob question her at all. Things were too good. So she lay back on the lounge chair and closed her eyes. The trip back to the Paradise Cay was torture for Gin, as she would occasionally glance over at Rob and feel a deep longing as she looked at his naked body.

  The coast appeared in the distance, and they dressed. As Rob buttoned his shirt and Gin slipped the bathing suit straps up over her shoulders, she had to smile. It was like the morning after a night of sex, the two of them getting dressed before leaving. Only this time there was no sex, just the situation she had hoped for—a night of nothing more than being in each other’s presence and the emotional attraction that it created. She couldn’t contain her joy.

  “Something funny?” Rob said, looking at Gin quizzically.

  “Just happy.” Rob took a step and kissed Gin on the lips. It was short and soft, and it made Gin’s heart leap. It was a kiss of affection, even love, not a kiss of pure passion. She always welcomed the latter, but the former meant more at this moment.

  “So when do I get to see you again,” Rob asked.

  A sudden inspiration hit Gin. “Could you give me a card to the Billionaires Club? I used my last one, and I think it would be great for us to meet there some time. Imagine just running into each other. It would be so much fun.” Rob seemed unconvinced and didn’t reply. “Of course, we could just arrange to meet there,” Gin quickly added.

  “I was thinking more of getting together at one of my places.”

  “That works, too. But let’s meet at the Club, too. I love that place. It’s so intimate and relaxing.”

  Rob shook his head. “Too full of self-important jerks. Plus, it’s
a meat market. I’d rather we meet someplace nicer and less… desperate.”

  Gin stared at Rob. Was he actually worried that she’d get hit on from someone else there? She found the idea of Rob being jealous nice, but she still didn’t agree with his attitude toward the Club. “Well, maybe just let me have a card so I can relax there by myself some time.”

  “You don’t need to go there any more.” Gin looked Rob over. His eyes were intense. “I’m not going to give you a card to get into that club. “

  He called it “that club.” Did he know something that she didn’t? Why was he so concerned about the club? It was ultimately a small thing, so Gin dropped the subject.

  The yacht pulled into the marina, and the two of them shared a passionate kiss goodbye. As the driver walked her back to the limousine, Gin took a deep breath. The night could not have gone better. She had shared a special night without sex with a man known for only wanting sex from his women. Not only that, Rob appeared to even be jealous of guys hitting on her at the Club.

  Gin wondered if Rob would even bother going out with another woman again.

  chapter twenty-one

  “Screw that,” Lisa replied when Gin told her that Rob didn’t want her to go to the Club. “I’ll have Bill leave you a card with the bouncer.”

  “The bouncer? Do you mean Dave?”

  “I don’t know his name. The big hulking dude at the door. I’ll leave a card with him.”

  “Geez, Lisa. His name is Dave. Don’t be turning into a trust fund bitch who doesn’t know the help’s name.”

  “Well excuse me, Ms. Judgmental. How about this: I will introduce myself to Dave and give Dave a card so Dave can let you into the Club.”

  “Thank you. So things are good with Bill?”

  “Oh my gosh, they could not be better. We’re talking about moving in together.”

  “Shut up! After a week? That’s crazy! You guys will be married by Fall at this rate.”

  “Shhh. Don’t jinx this.”

  “So you moving to the Valley? Where does he live?”

  There was a pause, and the Lisa said, “Actually, we’re talking about him moving in with me.”

  “In Oakland? He’s rich, Lisa. At the least he should put you up in some swanky apartment in San Francisco. Or have you guys taken some kind of vow of poverty or something?”

  “He’s not rich for a couple months, so he can’t exactly afford to burn money. Plus he spends more time in his San Francisco office than the Silicon Valley one, so it makes sense for him to move in with me. His place is like two hours from here.”

  “Wow, you guys are really planning your life out together. That’s great.” Gin could not have been happier for Lisa. Lisa was the type that would go on one date with a nice guy and then drop him for some asshole with a motorcycle. I guess being rich trumps being dangerous.

  “Hey, we’re still kind of fumbling through where we stand and basic stuff. I mean we argue over the stupidest things. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great, and—” Lisa paused. “—I really love him.”

  “Lisa, I think the last time you used the L word it was after some guy gave you like five orgasms one night.”

  Lisa snorted. “Well, the definition has changed for me.”

  “Wow. You actually sound like an adult.”

  “That makes one of us.”

  Gin had to smile at that. “Anyway, you two are really making it work.”

  “Well, we’re not nearly as stable as you and Rob. I mean, you guys seem to be totally on the same page on everything. I wish it was as easy for me as it is for you.”

  Gin was going to argue but realized she couldn’t. “Yeah, It’s pretty great.”

  “Other than the Billionaires Club thing, that is. Anyway, he’s not the boss of you, so let’s meet at the Club tomorrow. I’ll bring Bill, and we can hang out. Say six o’clock?”

  “That sounds great!”

  “And I’ll leave the card for you with Dave at the door because Dave is the doorman. You know, Dave.”

  Laughing, Gin replied. “Much better.”

  The next night, the first thing Gin was run over to say hello to Vin who was parked in his normal seat at the end of the bar. His face lit up. “Hey! How’d your date with Rob go?”

  “I’ll tell you later. Bill and Lisa are waiting on me. I just wanted to say, ‘hi.’” Vin nodded and turned back to his drink as Gin met up with her friend.

  Bill was a completely different person. He was gregarious and told funny stories, and Gin loved how he would stare at Lisa lovingly as she would talk. Lisa would do the same thing with Bill.

  “Gin, tell Bill about how Rob’s given up other women for you!”

  “Geez, Lisa. I didn’t say that.”

  “Well, you sure made it sound like the two of you had a special connection.”

  As Lisa spoke, Gin realized that she had outlined to her friend an idealized view of her relationship with Rob. “We do have a special connection, but it’s not like we’ve committed to each other or are engaged. It’s just too soon, you know? I think we’re not far from that, though.”

  “Well, that sounds great, Gin,” Bill said. “Rob has a really wild reputation. If you could tame him that would be a real accomplishment.”

  “I’m not taming him. He’s not an animal, Bill!” Gin had to smile. The truth was that she liked the idea of her being the one who tamed the wild playboy Rob Greene. Gin glanced at Lisa, who was staring off into the distance. Waving her hand in front of Lisa’s face, Gin asked, “Hey. What do you think? Is Rob an animal?” Gin loved setting Lisa up with comments that were an opening for Lisa to drop some sexual joke or comment. They did it all the time.

  However, Lisa ignored the comment and leaned forward. Almost in a whisper, she asked, “So you wouldn’t mind if Rob went out with another woman?”

  Gin didn’t hesitate. “Not really. I expect it, actually.”

  Lisa let out a long breath. “Oh, thank God. Because he just walked in with another woman.”

  “What?” Both Gin and Bill looked toward the door. Rob was there, holding hands with a stunning redhead in a very short and tight miniskirt, fuck me stilettos, and a top that looked painted on. Gin couldn’t help but stare. The girl looked like she was about Gin’s age—a few years out of college or maybe a bit younger.

  “Are you going to say ‘Hi?’” Lisa asked. Gin was too stunned by Rob being there with another woman to answer the question. “Might score you some points walking over and letting him know you’re not jealous.”

  “I’m not going to—” Gin stopped. She felt numb all over, but Lisa’s idea actually made sense. She looked at Bill and Lisa. “What do you think he’ll do if I walk over?”

  “I don’t know, Gin. You made it sound like you two had this great connection, like you knew where each other stood. Wouldn’t he be happy to see you?”

  Gin glanced over. Rob and the girl were sitting at one of the raised bar tables. They were sitting very close and smiling and laughing while talking. “I’m going to say ‘hi,” Gin said firmly.

  “Good plan,” Bill said. “Let him know you have no problem with an open relationship.” Gin ignored Bill’s comment and slid out of the booth.

  The table was only about twenty feet away, but by the time she had taken two steps the girl had already started running her hand up between Rob’s legs. He continued to talk like nothing had changed. Gin took a deep breath. Be strong. Rob’s still not ready, but he will be.

  “Hi Rob!” Gin walked up and stood across from Rob and his girlfriend. The look on his face was a combination of shock and terror.

  “Gin—“ Rob looked around. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here with my friend Lisa.” Gin motioned over her shoulder with her head.

  “Oh. That’s nice.” Rob was flustered, and that gave Gin more strength. I can handle this, she thought.

  “Who’s your girlfriend?” Gin turned away from Rob and faced the redhead, holding out her hand. �
�Gin Langdon.”

  The girl hesitantly took Gin’s hand. “Molly O’Connor.”

  “Molly, I have to tell you, Rob is really great company. You are going to have a great time together.” Molly looked unsure of what to say. “Wait, I don’t want to make assumptions. Do you know each other already?”

  “First date,” Rob said. He had recovered his composure but seemed uncertain how to proceed.

  “Oh my. Girlfriend just let me tell you—” Gin leaned close to Molly and whispered, “The rumors are true. You are going to be mighty sore tomorrow morning, but it will be totally worth it.” Molly looked shocked, but when Gin glanced at Rob, he was smiling.

  Before anyone could say anything else, Rob started to get out of his seat. “Nice to see you, Gin, but I think Molly and I should head off to our dinner.” Rob stood up, took Molly’s hand, and helped her do the same.

  “Have fun,” Gin replied, waving as the two retreated.

  She heard Molly mutter, “Who the fuck was that?” before they were out of earshot. Gin walked over and slid back into the booth.

  “Wow, you chased him off.” Lisa said, looking off toward the front door.

  “I wasn’t trying to,” Gin replied. She reached for her drink, but could barely hold it. Her hands were badly shaking.

  “Are you okay?”

  Gin took a long drink of her rum and Coke. She took a few deep breaths and placed her hands on the tabletop. “I think I need to be alone.” She was proud of how she handled herself in front of Rob, but the moment he walked out the front door and she was alone, it felt like she had been mercilessly beaten.

  “Oh honey, don’t mind that asshole,” Lisa said, reaching over and placing her hand on Gin’s arm.

  “No. He’s not an asshole. He is who he is. I just didn’t think this would be quite so hard.” And suddenly Gin felt like she wanted to cry. Not because she was weak, but because she wanted things with Rob to be easier, and they wouldn’t be easier. Why couldn’t he be like Bill—someone where the rough patches were due to stupid misunderstandings, not a redhead who you just knew was going to go down on him. Was Rob even someone she could call a boyfriend?


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