The Crescent Moon: Soulbond Series Book 1

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The Crescent Moon: Soulbond Series Book 1 Page 6

by Bella Devine

  "I think he was after Bryn."

  My name flowed freely from Liam's mouth as if he had spoken it a hundred times, yet it was the first time he had used my name. How would it sound coming from his lips in the throes of passion? Whoa! Cool your jets, girl. You just met this man.

  Liam taped the gauze in place then leaned in closer and whispered, "Now, I must kiss it and make it better." He grinned and, before I could respond, placed a feather light kiss on my shoulder.

  "Oh, just gag me." Another man entered the room. This one was younger and leaner than the other two men.

  Connor placed his arm around me and grinned. "Oh, c'mon and join the love, Drew."

  Although Connor was being extremely forward, he seemed a harmless flirt. Our connection was instant and that of friends, not lovers. I trusted his aura. I grinned. Frowning, Liam pulled my stool closer to his. I looked into his crystal blue eyes and a small barrier surrounding my heart cracked.

  "Oh, no, you don't." Liam pushed away Connor's arm. "She's off limits to both of you."

  Ignoring Liam, Connor inhaled my scent.

  "Connor," Liam warned.

  "Sorry, man, she's just so enticing." This time he took a step back.

  I noted his clenched jaw and fists as he retreated. Hmmm...Connor's personable demeanor faded slightly with each step.

  All three men eyed me with varying degrees of interest. I leaned closer to Liam. Hell, I even debated running, but based on the hungry looks in their eyes, I didn't think I'd get far.

  Liam growled. Tension reverberated off him in waves, each splash washing over me like an incoming tide. The testosterone levels in the room rose. Slowly, I placed my hand on his forearm. "Liam," I whispered.

  Although, confused by this turn of events, I was prepared to intervene if needed. The only male not fighting for my direct attention was Drew. The poor boy's brown eyes were wide as he pulled at his spiked red hair.

  "Liam," I tried again, "neither of you have a right to me. I'm — "

  The patio door slammed shut and the clank of heavy hiking boots echoed through the kitchen.

  The tension dissipated.

  "Oh, of course they do."The woman placed her manicured hand on Liam's shoulder. "Liam, I thought this was a males only trip."

  I actually growled. "You!"

  The woman smiled sweetly at me without acknowledging that she had met me the night before at Nadia's house! I sputtered and tried to piece together what the fuck was going on. If she knew I was Liam's mate, why play these games and taunt me?

  Liam shrugged her hand off his shoulder. "Aylin, what are you doing here?"

  "Well, lucky for you, I've been doing some research." She turned to Drew. "Brother, how is the spray working for you?"

  "Ah, hmm... O...kay. I mean, she's definitely hot, but I can mostly control my reaction to her."

  "What the fuck?" Connor shifted his feet. "You've got a defense against the pheromone waves, and you didn't give me or Liam any?"

  "Why would I give Liam any? We need them to complete the bond. As for you — " Aylin stepped closer to Connor and ran her hands from his shoulder down his stomach until her finger slipped inside his waistband. She pulled slightly, forcing him closer to her. "Sexual stimuli will counteract the effects of the unbonded imprint. Want to test that theory?"

  "Don't tease me, Aylin." Connor pushed away her hand. "We need that antidote."

  Liam eyed me with hungry eyes. I wanted to succumb to the attraction between us, but wouldn't. This was a man I just met! Even though our bond was present and the attraction was there, I wasn't ready. End of discussion. Maybe I could convince Aylin to give Liam this antidote.

  Chapter Six


  My heart hammers. I try to remember that there are strangers in the house, but everything fades as Liam's hungry eyes meet mine. He devours the distance between us and sweeps me into his arms. Although our bedroom is isolated from the other pack members, it isn't as secluded as I desire.

  I wanted Liam alone. Away from everyone.

  Where we can explore everything each of us has to offer. Where we can drown in our passion for each other.

  I lean away from him as his hands circle my waist. I place my hands to his chest. His rapid heartbeat races in tune with my own.

  But that soul-crushing connection will come at a price I am not ready to pay. My freedom.

  I don't rely on other people. I had just met him, but he feels right and that scares the hell out of me. I don't like being bonded to a stranger. A sexy one, but a stranger nonetheless. My life will change if I succumb to the power Liam holds over me.

  His magnetism makes me want to believe in love and happily ever after. A wish I discarded long ago. I never dream of fancy weddings, picket fences, or four-legged dogs and two-legged children. No, I dream of witchery and stomping down my power so I will never be a target like my mother.

  But his eyes hold me captive. He pulls me closer until I am flush against his body. My skin heats from his touch.

  I contemplate shoving him away, but losing his touch sends a cold chill of apprehension through me. Will I survive if I lose him? In his arms, in this moment, I have never felt anything so right. So perfect. Is this what people mean when they speak of love? Of the soulbond?

  He clasps his arms around my lower back. The contact sends an electrical pulse through my veins, heating my blood like a simmering pot of water on the verge of a rapid boil. My arms encircle his neck. My stomach flutters. My lips part. He feels so good.

  He slips one hand under the back of my shirt. His feather light touch skims my skin. I shudder and close my eyes. His soft lips whisper against mine. Our breaths mingle. The moan dies in my throat.

  His tongue gently urges my mouth open, intensifying the smoldering sensation. All thought escapes me.

  A power, unlike anything I have ever felt, surges from deep within my soul and tangles with his. It courses beneath my skin coming closer and closer until the tingles of its need for escape electrifies me.

  He pulls away from our kiss and I slowly open my eyes. True unadulterated love reflects in the glassy blue sparkles of his glazed eyes. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, then cups my face. I move my hands from his neck. Blue sparks flare from my fingers. I step back. The flames flicker and disappear. Curious.

  I rub my thumb along each finger, sparking more tiny flames. Narrowing my gaze, I focus on the swarming power. The flames grow, swirling until they blaze into a ball. The lure of the flames captivate me, heighten my senses until the only thing I feel is the power of its heat.

  Liam stares, transfixed by my hands. I tune him out.

  The fireball becomes heavy, the power unnerving. My calm white aura is over shadowed by something darker. My purity sinks low as the dark magic swims with the need to destroy. The craving wants to consume me.

  The fireball grows. The nefarious tendrils of power wraps me in their loving embrace. Calling to me. I want more. More flames... more power. Toxins flood my body. The flame rises from my palms and grows from a bright blue ball into burning orange. Deep red flames hiss, seeping upward to touch the ceiling. Still, the fire blossoms, scorching my fingers. Swallowing the table, the counter, the chairs. Then it encompasses me.

  "Bryn, wake up! C'mon, wake up!"

  I squinted in the direction of the saucy voice. "Huh? Where am I?"

  "Well, sleeping beauty, you're in Liam's cabin." Aylin flipped a strand of hair over her shoulder. "The boys went for a run to check the perimeter and you were in here screaming like someone murdered you."

  "I...I...I'm not sure what just happened."

  She placed the back of her hand to my forehead. "Well, you're flushed, sweating, and disoriented. I would say you've either had the best sexual experience of your life or you've experienced aftereffects of some very powerful magic."

  A force poked my mind. Similar to trying to open a window. Intruder! My mind slammed shut the window and flicked the lock.

  "Have it your wa
y then." Aylin huffed. "I can't help you if I can't see what you were experiencing."

  "That was you?"

  "Of course. Who else would it be?"

  The monster from the dungeon. The lion from the woods. Gosh, maybe even the decrepit woman who hung from chains! How the hell am I supposed to know?

  Dare I let Aylin see what I saw? The fire burning within terrified me. The darkness consumed me. But I didn't want to become that person. The one driven by darkness.

  "Fine, whatever." I sat cross-legged on the bed.

  Aylin's cold fingers outlined a star pattern on her forehead before she stopped dead center. She chanted under her breath. My mind opened and accepted her. The fresh intensity of my dream and fear came flooding back. My fingers tingled.

  Aylin tugged on her shirt. "Wow. You and Liam definitely have sparks flying."

  I scowled and pursed my lips.

  "Okay, okay. Liam's off limits. Gotcha. Now, this fireball thing. Very cool by the way. That power could be sparked from your increased sexual acuity. I haven't seen this in a very long time. Do you think you can recreate it?"

  "I don't know." I shrugged. "It was freaking scary. I had all this power, but it wasn't enough. I craved more." I ran a shaky hand through my hair and exhaled. "I won't become a dark witch. Ever!"

  "What's wrong with a little dark magic here and there? As long as you're doing good." Aylin rose from the bed. "C'mon, let's go to the kitchen, get you something to eat, and try to create another fireball." She clapped her hands together and headed down the hallway.

  I stomped my foot and shouted, "I can't do this!"

  "Yes, you can!"

  I focused on my hands. Imagined the fireball from before and waited.


  Aylin's laughter filtered in from the kitchen.

  I joined her and took a seat on a stool."I'm glad you find this amusing. Do you think the fireball was just a figment of my imagination? A dream?"

  "Nope, you can do it. You just don't have the right motivation. Power, magic, love. They're all fueled by emotion. You aren't revved up enough." She walked over to me, placed her hands on my shoulders, and shook me a little. "You need some of that sexual tension from your dream. Instead of focusing on the fireball, focus on Liam and that kiss. Imagine what it would be like if you never stepped back. Imagine his hands caressing your body, stripping off your clothes."

  "Hmm." I flushed.

  "Oh, don't get shy on me! I'm part of the girls' club. Just try it."

  I brought back the memory of Liam’s kiss, his hands. The heat of his body as he pulled me against him. Then I focused the energy he created inside me to my fingertips. A light blue blaze sizzled, then erupted.

  I'm doing it. It works.

  The power encompassed me. Blue turned to white. A perfect ball formed in my hand. Magnificent!

  "Hey, what're you guys doing?" Connor asked from the patio door.

  My hands flew up and I screeched. The fireball soared straight for him. I gasped and tried to call it back, but it never veered off course.

  "Move!" I shouted.

  Footsteps pounded across the porch. Liam and Drew came running, but Connor stood frozen in the doorway. I raced forward to push him out of the way. The ball gained momentum.

  "God damn it!" Right before the ball collided with Connor, Aylin turned glowing green eyes on the ball, clapped her hands, and chanted in a foreign tongue. The ball vanished, but its heat singed Connor’s t-shirt.

  I stared at the innocent-looking redhead. "How'd you do that?"

  Aylin shrugged. "Next time, don't throw the ball at Connor. I kinda like him."

  "I didn't know it would fly across the room." See! This is why I don't do magic. I could seriously hurt or even kill someone if I didn't have full control. I didn't want such power. Even some of the most disciplined witches fell victim to the dark arts. If this is what magic is like, I don’t want any part of it. No, sir!

  "Well, what in the hell did you expect?"Aylin glared. "You flung it at him. You have no clue how powerful you are, do you?"

  "Why don't we all take a step back?" Liam said. "I have a lot of questions. Aylin, how'd you extinguish the ball? Bryn, how can you conjure flames?"

  Drew took a seat at the far end of the bar and chugged water. "Hmm. I'm not sure if I like the two of you playing around together. One's sour," — he stared at Aylin, then looked at me — "and one's sweet."

  As if coming out of a trance, Connor blinked several times before sitting beside Drew. He grinned sheepishly. "I don't know, man. I definitely felt sparks. And I like sour things." He winked at Aylin, who just shrugged.

  Drew punched him in the shoulder. "That's my sister, man!"

  "Aylin?" Liam asked. Based on his bitter expression, she had some explaining to do.

  She sauntered to the other end of the bar, but rather than pulling out a stool, she hopped onto the countertop. Grabbing an orange, she tossed it from one hand to the other.

  Liam swiped the fruit from her hand and placed it back in the bowl."Aylin, what the fuck was that?"

  "Well, I think that there were definitely some sexual stimuli from the soulbond pheromones."

  I couldn't let Aylin take all the heat. It was, in fact,my fault. I had thrown the fire at Connor, not Aylin. "Hmm..." I blushed as they both faced me. "Ah..." My hand tingled with the remembrance of Liam's sizzling touch.

  "Bryn?" Liam encouraged.

  "Aylin was just trying to help. I took a nap and had this powerful dream."

  "Very powerful.” She winked at me.

  "Shut up!" I turned to Liam. "Anyhow, in the dream, I conjured a fireball. It was so potent and captivating. Aylin was just trying to see if I could also create it in real life."

  "No, honey. I knew you could do it. I wanted to test your power." She jumped off the counter and pointed at me. "But I will say that you need to be careful — very careful — with whom you trust and whom you confide in. I mean, c'mon. Yesterday, you ran right into the fucking arms of an Augur." Aylin froze.

  Augur was a title among my coven to signify a person of guidance, someone who sensed and observed signs and helped others on their journey. They weren't allowed to intervene, but they could guide one to their destiny. Why did Aylin hate them so much?

  "Yesterday?"Liam growled. "You found her and never told me?"

  "Well…" Her cool composure withered. "Last night, I followed her presence. You see, the crescent moon leaves a footprint, if you will. With the right type of power, you can find a generalized location. If you know what to search for."

  "But does that mean others will come looking for me?" I asked. "Will they find me?"

  Since Aylin had found me, so could my previous captors. I didn't want to be permanently imprisoned. If the bond was traceable, then I needed it gone. Could I destroy the imprint between me and Liam or was it too late?

  "I won't let anyone hurt you," Liam promised.

  "Maybe the rebels recognized her and were looking for her before the soulbond. Maybe they already know of her power," Drew said.

  "Impossible. I've been careful not to practice the art for years." I ran a hand through my hair, trying to formulate the probability of someone finding me, capturing me. God, would I ever be safe?

  Liam placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezed. "Bryn and Aylin are our trump cards. No one knows the power Aylin holds, and once Bryn controls hers, I think we will give the rebels a run for their money."

  My stomach fluttered. His close presence heightened my senses. And confirmed that I couldn't destroy our bond even if I wanted to.

  Aylin glanced at me, then returned her gaze to Liam. "You know I'm careful about" — she lowered her voice — "my powers."

  "You have other powers too?" I shuffled my feet. Maybe I wasn't alone in this crazy world of good and evil. I just wasn't sure on which side of the spectrum she fell.

  She waited until Liam nodded. "I can control people through telepathy so to speak. It's not an exact science, b
ut it's why I'm Liam's strongest enforcer. I make it a habit only to utilize my powers in time of need. The other men in the pack either fear me or want to fuck me, while the females hate me. I love the violence of the job, but every now and then, a special touch is needed to control a situation."

  I absorbed her words. Control. Violence. Fear. Those weren't words that I associated with a friend. But dang, if she wasn't quickly becoming one of my favorite people, she could teach me how to control my power. Aylin wasn't in hiding, but practiced her magic secretly, whereas I was just in hiding.


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