Envoy to Earth

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Envoy to Earth Page 3

by P. S. Power

  "This is Gerent. I've called to demand tribute? I wanted dancing girls and cattle, but I hear that I'll have to settle for food units and ships. Is that right? Hardly my due, but I guess I'll just have to suffer it, this time." He was teasing outrageously, but it got a sudden, far happier sounding laugh.

  "Gerent! There you are. I was literally just about to remember that I'm supposed to think about calling. I think we can work out a trade though. If you'll pass out some things for me, I'll let you have a jump ship and all the food units that you can carry. As amulets. In your own hands, I mean. Not in the jump ship. I can't make that many. Deal?" She sounded actually worried, like he'd say no.

  "We need to work out the details, but tentatively, yes. Tim said I need to get there soon. In a few days. I don't think that the Space Fleet ships can do that. It's a weeklong trip each way, if anything is headed that way." He knew that one for a fact. Living on a ship for four months had taught him a lot, actually.

  Enough to know that, if she was serious, getting a Jump ship was a big deal. It meant taking two minutes to go to the Moon, instead of a week of steady travel. The only downside was that then he wouldn't have an excuse to avoid Patty. Which was probably part of the new Queen's plan. Not that she thought he and his friend needed to get together, just that she figured the best thing for him was to face the woman.

  Tiera sighed.

  "I... Think you can get with Captain Debri on that one. She should be coming here tomorrow. Trying to remind Tor not to be a stupid-head. She loves him, and he still treats her like a sister, half the time. Can you get with Richard first and let him know that we have things in place? He's been hinting at the idea of us sending aid there for a bit. We can't back him militarily against his rebellion, but we can send food and some healing amulets. It's a bit of a bother, since I have Alphonse and Karina both breathing down my neck about it all, daily." She paused, taking a single breath before continuing. "You know Sara, right? I think she's at her mother's house in the Capital right now. Get with her and see about setting things up?"

  Then, like her slightly younger brother had done, she just disconnected. It was rude enough that Collette made a face.

  "It looks like I'm going to have to send along a book on etiquette to them, doesn't it?" She looked at him carefully, her face schooled into a totally blank expression.

  So he shook his head.

  "Nope. You can just take them aside and tell them yourself. Quietly. I'm planning to take you along with me, since otherwise it will look like I'm talking to Boxy far too much. I don't want everyone to know how strange I've gotten. Not that I haven't, mind, just... Well, there are limits." He smiled, and she nodded slowly.

  Still with no expression.

  "All right, if you insist. I've never been to the Moon. I did manage a trip into space. A few actually, and have the newest Tim-shield, as far as that goes."

  Gerent did too. They allowed you to go into space and still breathe. Not forever, but for a long time. Technically you could use them to go from space to the planet, too. He'd done it, but it was terrifying. Really, he preferred using a ship for that kind of thing, if he got a choice in the matter. It was too much like simply falling for his taste. Diving straight toward the planet, the ground rushing at you for minutes until you got close enough to need to slow down.

  Luckily they had flight units too, so you could, but still... it was freaky.

  "Great! It will make it so much more believable when I tell them all about how you're my girlfriend now. I don't want them to think that I've been here the whole time, just stewing in my misery, alone." Off in the desert. Playing with dirt, mud and plants.

  Collette didn't call him on that part of things, smiling instead, pleasantly. "That sounds like a plan. Well, who do we get with first? We can call the palace from the other room. Sara Debri though..."

  He just tapped her name on the device he held. Collette glared at it, as if it had personally betrayed her.

  No one answered, which probably meant she didn't have the thing on her. The light was bright enough to catch attention, if she did. Well, he could try later, or just go and visit.

  "The King first then? Because, you know, I always just go and get in touch with the man himself. Always takes my calls, too." He smiled, since he really doubted that anyone would even take a message for him there. He was only half right however.

  He didn't get King Richard, who was in a private meeting at that moment. No, he got Queen Constance.

  She actually sounded pleased to hear from him, too.

  "Countier Lairdgren! What a pleasant surprise. Is there something with which I can help you? Richard is busy at the moment, but I'm here for you." The words were a bit too solicitous, but Gerent understood a little of it, based on what Tiera had mentioned. There was a rebellion, and he was, if only at a very far remove, a nobleman. After a fashion. One of the very many Countiers Lairdgren. One of the few not on the Moon, come to think of it.

  If the woman wasn't trying to make sure that they didn't give offense, then she was stupid. He'd heard a lot of things about Connie, but never that.

  "Queen Constance! What a surprise. I figured that I'd just talk to whoever takes the messages, and have to beg them to write this down. It's just that I'm supposed to be off to Harmony in the next few days, to collect up some things for distribution. Magics, mainly, I think. King Richard has some interest there, so I was asked to let him know that it was in the works?"

  "Oh? That's wonderful. Would you be available to dine with us tonight? We'd love to have you..."

  Gerent was torn. On the one hand you didn't say no to a King, or his Queen, if you were smart. On the other, he already had things to do.

  "Could we do that tomorrow? I already have plans for the evening." It was true, but Collette looked at him, panicked, as if he'd made the wrong choice.

  Connie however just chuckled politely.

  "We can manage that. Dinner, tomorrow at nine? Something... Private?" There was a lilt to her words that sounded wrong. That last bit especially. He was nearly certain that she didn't mean for him to come for a secret meeting with her alone. Why say it that way, however?

  Blinking he looked over at Collette, who nodded, clearly meaning that he should say yes.

  "That sounds good, thank you. I'll see you then?"

  "I can't wait, Countier Lairdgren. Until then."

  She got off the device far more politely than the others had. It left him feeling better about her, even if he was pretty baffled. Why in the world would she think that he had anything to speak to her, or the King, about in private? After a moment he shrugged.

  "Did... she just invite me to bed?"

  Collette giggled at the words at least and then shook her head.

  "Um, honestly, I don't think so. Not this time. My guess is that she wants to find out if you're the official ambassador from Harmony or not. That, or feel you out as to what side you're coming down on, as far as the rebellion goes. That was risky though, putting her off. Even for a single day. What were you thinking?"

  Smiling, he patted her leg, near the knee, trying to be friendly, without going overboard just then. The fabric of her pink trousers was softer than the canvas he normally used with the same basic design.

  "That I have plans with you already? I haven't really been around anyone in a long time, so it's important that I pay attention to my friends. That's all. I hope I wasn't rude to her." Only now, nearly a minute or two later, did the idea really hit him. He'd been asked to a palace dinner, and declined. No one did that, unless they were really important.

  Which might be why she was wondering about him. Either he thought he was important beyond his known station, or was against her and her King and being standoffish on purpose. Except that neither was the case. He was just a moron.

  It was strange, but after that they didn't have anything in particular to do for a few hours. He was tempted to ask Collette if she wanted to go up to her room with him, but didn't get a chance, because Sara
Debri walked into the communications room, dressed in all black, looking more like a military person than a high level merchant.

  "Collette! Can I borrow your ear for a few moments? I hate to intrude..." She bowed as Gerent stood up, facing her. "Sir. I know that this is horrible of me, but it will only take a moment, I promise."

  The girl watched him carefully, her bow a lot deeper than his own, which was a little off, since he was, functionally, only about in the same place she was, socially. True she was only a merchant, but the second child of the most powerful house. He was a Countier, but one that was off the line of succession, and even at that, a Countier Thirteen. That was about the same really. In fact, if he married her, no one would have even thought twice about the idea.

  Both women were blonde, and attractive. Sara less so than Collette, but in many ways they were similar. Sara had a longer nose, and a slightly more oval face, but the woman next to him was a rare beauty, and known for it, all over the kingdom. That Captain Debri was less than that wasn't a huge disappointment. There were many places where she'd instantly be the best looking person in the room. Better, she didn't seem to care about any of that.

  The Captain smiled at him, looking up, and then shook her head a little.

  "Unless you wish to be bored with our discussion about coin? I've come to attempt a shake down. I want to buy some goods for the Harmony base, but need to have some gold for it. They can make almost anything there, but having samples to work from really helps, so I was thinking to raid the market."

  Gerent nodded, since that made sense.

  "I think we can do that. Um, I don't know if you remember me? Gerent Lairdgren? I grew a little." He'd also invested with her before. Tor's coin, but after a few moments she smiled.

  Then moved in and hugged him, as if they were close friends.

  "I didn't recognize you! You turned into a giant. Did Tor do that? He mentioned that you were just being put back to what you should have been all along-" She went silent, as Collette made a face.

  There was a tight frown to follow it, but she didn't comment.

  "We have some gold. By the way, can you give Gerent and I a ride to Harmony when you go? Tiera suggested it. We have some things to pick up there and possibly intrigue to partake of. You know how it goes with those types of people."

  Sara grinned. "You mean Kings and Queens?"


  "Surprisingly, yes. Tiera bugs me about once a week. King Richard less so, being that he's less pushy. I can do that though. So, Gerent... I haven't seen you around for a while."

  They all stood, and started to follow Collette, who waved for them to both sit.

  "I can get coin from the vault. You two should chat. Catch up."

  Then she left as if there was a lot more meaning to her words than small talk. The woman settled in a nice black chair, that seemed to be covered with velvet, and then regarded him warmly. Waiting for him to explain himself.

  "Planting the Wildlands. We have about a third of it done, if the plants can survive the storms. Afrak seeds, for the most part. We're out now. Until something blooms and goes to seed, later in the year."

  The woman leaned forward.

  "Ah! You're the one doing all that? I know that Count Peterson has some flyers out on it, but it seemed like a lot for part time efforts. It makes sense. Tor holds the land rights there, and in absentia, you have a good claim to it. Even past the hundred years there, I know that Alphonse wants the work done. So, if that's finished for now..." It was leading, but to what he didn't know, so he shook his head a little.

  "Then I just don't know. I teasingly asked Collette to be my girlfriend, and not being a Doretta she didn't scream at me, or yell no. I suppose I could try that with you, too? What do you say? I hear that I can get food that doesn't taste like apples..." He tried to make it cute and it got the laugh that it deserved.

  "Oh, well, that's actually not a horrible idea. I've kind of been being put off by Tor for long enough now that even I'm getting that it will never happen. I wish I knew why. Not that it has anything to do with us. I like Collette even, so it won't be that awkward."

  Gerent wrinkled his nose at her and smiled, but didn't let her out of it. Two girlfriends was a thing that he'd never managed before in life at all. Most nobles did that kind of thing all the time, but even as a joke it hadn't really ever come up for him before. Was it really as simple as asking? If so, then he wondered if collecting a few more would be a good idea? Most of that kind of thing was about making alliances and connections, which strictly speaking he probably didn't need. Still, it was flattering that no one had yelled no, and run away yet.

  "How about you? A space Captain... That's kind of interesting. Oh, hey, you can show me how to pilot a jump ship? Tiera is giving me one. In exchange for some work, not just because I'm so good looking. I don't want you to think I'm letting my new face go to my head."

  She nodded, sagely.

  "Finer work on that, your face, than what Timon did with some of the people he's changed. Better I mean. You look nice, but not fake, like a lot of them do. Noble, but just like you have a face, not makeup on all the time. Tiera's the worst that way. Have you seen her? She doesn't even wear anything most of the time, and she always looks flawless." There was head shaking and she looked at the door, then leaned in, conspiratorially. "I mean that, too. That your look is better. Being too pretty, for a man, well, it isn't that wonderful. You can do that with a disguise amulet, if you want. This way, you can take it off too and blend with the world around you. Though I suppose Tor could use an amulet for that, too, to make himself regular seeming." She made a face and then shook her head.

  After a bit of real blushing she looked back at him, making eye contact.

  "That seems mean, doesn't it? You look good, it's just..."

  "Normal? Symmetrical, but not so much that I look like a painting or sculpture?"

  "Yeah! It's a good thing. There's just almost no way to really say that, is there? I feel stupid now."

  He waved that part away. After all, he wasn't a regular person, was he?

  "Normal is the goal. Tor had said that I'd probably look a bit less than that, so if you think this is better than that, I won't complain. Even if you're just being nice about it, I won't complain. You know what I was like before. This is better. I think. I haven't seen a mirror in half a year."

  There was a rustling at the door, and Collette came back in, being trailed by her own pet box. It was made to look like a sailor's chest, complete with iron banding. It was smaller than Boxy was, but if it was full that was still enough gold to buy small towns. Whole. Including a good rental period on the people inside.

  "Here you go! When do we need to be ready by? Timon mentioned that we should be there inside the next few days. Is that possible?"

  Captain Sara nodded, looking from the attractive blonde woman near the door, back to Gerent.

  "Tomorrow? About noon?"

  Gerent shook his head, pleased at the speed, but having plans.

  "I can't. After dinner? About midnight? I have plans with Queen Constance."

  That got Sara to nod, seriously. Then she smiled at Collette.

  "I hear that he's asked both of us to be his girlfriend? Now he's going after the Queen too? At least I'm in good company!" It was teasing, but the other woman regarded him as if surprised. Her words were a lot more gentle than he expected however.

  "Good. That would be a score, wouldn't it? Constance is a famous beauty, too. We'll want to be careful there however, until after you know what they want, Gerent. It's a lot harder to tell your lover no than it is the Queen. If I were her I'd hit you up for as many promises of aid and help as Harmony can provide. Since Tiera has been holding back as far as military aid goes, you need to be careful there. Really, don't give them anything, just promise to ask about it."

  He could do even that? That was news to him.

  Sara smiled, but after a half second, nodded. "That's about right. If Tiera has you doing
distribution of aid here, then that means she's naming you as an ambassador, of sorts. Her Envoy? So any promises you make could be counted as binding. So it's best to be careful. You can always date Constance later, if you really want to."

  He wanted to roll his eyes, but didn't, because that kind of thing was rude. Instead he stood, and hugged Sara when she moved to leave, moments later, actually being a busy person. It wasn't until after that, by about five minutes, that Collette closed the door to the room tightly.

  "So, after luncheon, I was thinking that we could visit Maria and Marvin? I need to check on them. I know that..."

  They were traitors? Or at least pretending to be. Gerent had been around enough to catch hints that they weren't that, exactly. Mainly from Petra Ward. She was family of theirs, but when he'd met them in the past, they'd seemed nice enough, hadn't they?

  "Well, I'm not really part of politics, myself, being far too short for that, but we can go and visit your family, if you want." Not that he was small anymore, but the idea held up pretty well. He wasn't half as big as he'd need to be to stick his head in that particular noose. Not if he wanted to survive it.

  She clapped, but it wasn't a very happy thing at all. Dismal, in fact.

  Chapter two

  It took a bit over an hour to take off from the Capital and fly to Warden, all the way on the Eastern Ocean side of the land. He'd been there before, so Gerent both knew the way, and what to expect. Or so he thought. When they got there it was still light out, which had him staring in horror.

  It was gone. Or, to be more fair, about a quarter of the buildings had been taken down in the city itself. The coastline was different too. There were fires in the streets, if little ones that signified people cooking dinner, rather than the place burning down.

  "What happened here? The attacks?" The giant waves had hit the Western coast though. All around the world, in all the different lands. The Other Ancients had used giant bombs to change the world, trying to kill them all. To alter the environment, and climate. Even the days were full minutes longer after they were finished, so it wasn't some truly minor thing, but this looked fresh.


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